1 UCL INSTITUTE FOR MATERIALS DISCOVERY Literature Project NSCI0016 1. Timetable for NSCI0016 Project duration: Friday 13th November 2020 to Monday 18th January 2021 Deadline for submission of literature review: You are required to upload an electronic copy of your literature project onto Moodle by 16:00, Monday 18th January 2021. Late submissions will be penalised according to Chapter 4, Section 3.12 of the UCL Academic Manual. 2. Literature project specification The Literature Review should be a logical, comprehensive, comprehensible, correct, and readable account of the background to the field of your research project. It should contain an account of published work related to your project and a description of the objectives and the roadmaps of the project (e.g. Gantt chart, potential experimental/modelling procedures) in the light of this published work. Your first source of guidance on writing your report is your project supervisor. 3. Learning outcomes On successful completion of this coursework students will be able to: a. Define their research topic; b. Conduct a search for relevant scientific literature related to their topic; c. Organise, manage, and extract the key messages/outcomes of the literature sources; d. Apply critical thinking to evaluate literature sources offering valuable perspectives to the field; e. Use scientific evidence to formulate a research question; and f. Design, structure and produce a literature review. 4. Structure The Literature Review report must be written in one column, left-aligned, 11 or 12-point font, have 1.5 line spacing and be between 2000 and 3000 words in length. A penalty will be applied, according to UCL regulations if it fails behind or exceeds the word limit. The report should be structured as indicated below: 2 a. Title Page: Containing module code, review title, student CANDIDATE CODE (no student name/number), supervisor’s name and year (downloadable from the module Moodle page). b. Table of Contents c. Abstract – this section should provide a concise summary of the whole literature report with the projected directions for the research project. A graphical abstract is encouraged as well. d. Keywords – Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 10 keywords. e. Introduction – this section should provide a clear, concise, and coherent description of the following: (i) Definition of your topic. (ii) An appropriate context for reviewing the literature including motivations. (iii) Aims and objectives of the research topic. f. Review/discussion – this is the main body of the literature project and should include: (i) The state-of-the-art of the research area, related to the objectives of the research topic, all supported by relevant literature. (ii) It should move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research, showing evidence of understanding conveyed, intellectual input, critical analysis, and independent thinking. (iii) Preference will be given to original figures and tables of comparison produced by students, which are adapted from references. (iv) A proposal for an experimental design, either laboratory based and/or modelling (mentioning methodology, analysis and equipment/software used), dependent on the research project route taken. (v) Exploration and discussion of potential applications and socio-economic impact of the research project. g. Conclusions – this should summarise the important aspects of the existing literature: (i) Evaluation of the current state of the literature review. (ii) Identification of possible gaps in existing knowledge. (iii) Strengths and limitations of the topic. (iv) Challenges encountered. h. Future work – outline areas for future study with original thoughts shaping the objectives of the research project. This may include a summary of the proposed research with a realistic evaluation of what can be explored with a practical project plan in the form of Gantt chart and/or flow chart. 3 i. Word count – Acknowledgement of the precise word count that needs to be between 2000 and 3000 words. The title page, table of contents, footnotes, figures, tables, and references are NOT included in the word limit. j. References – the student can select the format for the references, but they must be written in a consistent style. Authors, titles, journal, year, volume number, beginning and end page numbers must be included. Using reference management software such as Mendeley or EndNote is encouraged. k. Appendices – when applicable. Note: (i) Latest research and advances in materials science can be found in a variety of journals, reference books etc. and your supervisor(s) can guide you on these. For example, journal on Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science can provide a snapshot of the latest research and advances in materials science. Your literature review report style can be based on the Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Sciences series of reviews. (ii) Students are required to provide clear referencing of all materials sourced in the reports and presentations, whether they are from published journals, books, reliable internet search sources, personal communication, etc. In the case where the work is not the student’s original idea or findings, this would need to be properly referenced or quoted. Failing to do so may be construed as plagiarism and UCL has a firm regulation on plagiarism. If you have any questions, please refer to UCL Plagiarism Guidelines, the UCL booklet on References, Citation and Avoiding Plagiarism, also discuss with your project supervisor, who will be able to assist. 5. Assessment The literature report will be read by two examiners, who will assess the Literature Project based primarily on the science presented, the indications given of the scientific knowledge, critical evaluation of the published reports in the field and research capabilities of the student. The quality of English and presentation will also be considered. This will be assessed in the format of Literature Review report (100%) as follows: a. Comprehensive and logical review of the literature in the field (25 marks). b. Depth and accuracy of understanding of the background of the research project (25 marks). c. Critical analysis, original thinking of the proposed research directions, project plan and conclusions (30 marks). 4 d. Quality of presentation (layout, figures/schemes, ordering, clarity, conciseness and quality of English, uniform style) (20 marks). Student feedback, in the form of a grade and written comments, will be provided by individual project supervisors. Guide to Standards Module marks are reported to UCL following the Numerical Marking Scale. For Masters-level courses the Pass mark is 50%. The marks are classified into the following bands, with guidelines used to interpret these grades and to relate raw marks to their scale: Grade Marks (%) Assessment Criteria Distinction 90-100 A remarkably outstanding work that precisely addresses and justify the research topic, approaching publication quality. The report has a clear and coherent structure with evidence of high levels of novelty and originality at forefront of field based on exceptionally strong evidence of knowledge, mastery and understanding. The work is of publishable quality and would likely receive that judgement if submitted to a peer- reviewed journal of a reasonable impact factor. 80-89.5 An outstanding work that precisely addresses and justify the research topic, approaching publication quality. The report is well structured with evidence of high level of originality based on strong evidence of knowledge, substantial critical thoughts and understanding of the subject of study. With only minor amendments, the work is also of publishable quality and would likely receive that judgement if submitted to a peer-reviewed journal of a reasonable impact factor. 70-79.5 An excellent work of exceptional standard reflecting understanding. The report is well structured with points logically and clearly made, with good level of originality and critical thoughts based on evidence of knowledge and understanding of the subject of study. The report deals with issues systematically and creatively, making excellent judgements. Merit 60-69.5 A very good work that has demonstrated good grasp of basic principles, some critical thought, and creativity. The report is well structured with points clearly made and adequate details. However, the report is somehow lacking in originality, critical analysis and imagination expected of a distinction report. No significant misconceptions will be apparent. Pass 50-59.5 A satisfactory work that has demonstrated a grasp of basic principles, however, the report lacks sufficient details and contains a few mistakes. Report structure and presentation could be improved. Fail 40-49.5 A substandard work that has not demonstrated a grasp of basic principles. The report has insufficient details, contains many errors, may be difficult to follow, little or no sign of creativity and the presentation has little thought. It may offer some appropriate analysis but with significant inconsistencies which affects the argument and conclusions ≤40% A very substandard work that has shown little or no understanding of the basic principles, the report contains serious errors, confusing and difficult to follow. Limited analysis, no independent thought or creativity.