Table 1 Project draft Exemplary (A1 Outstanding-A2 Excellent) Accomplished (B1/B2 Very good, B3 Good) Developing (C1/ C2/C3 Satisfactory) Unsatisfactory (D) LO Topic identification and research objectives Identifies a highly relevant topic or case study that is engaging and thought provoking. Effectively and convincingly outlines a clear aim/objective of the study. Identifies a relevant research topic and outlines a clear aim/ objective for the project with some degree of interest for the reader. Identifies a research topic but may be too broad in scope. The aim/objective is somewhat unclear and needs to be developed further. Fails to identify a relevant research topic or aim/ objective is not clearly defined. Feasibility Careful reflection and thought has been given to the feasibility of the project. Student demonstrate effective time management for the case to be studied. The student has thought and reflected about the feasibility of the study in the available time. The student is vague about the feasibility of the study. Fails to reflect on the feasibility of the study. 1 Table 1 Overall Excellent review, Impressive ability to make effective judgements. Sound ability to make effective judgements by critical analysis and evaluation. Some ability to make judgements by analysis and evaluation. Weaknesses in ability to make judgements by analysis and evaluation. Identifying both positive and negative aspects Excellent ability to give constructive feedback on what worked and what could be improved. Very appropriate and sensitive language use. Very good constructive feedback about what worked well and what could be improved. Appropriate language used. Good review with limited feedback about what worked well and what could be improved. Brief review, no useful feedback about what worked well and what could be improved. Inappropriate language. Suggestions (if applicable) Provides excellent ideas Provides useful ideas 1 Table 1 Forum activity Exemplary (A1 Outstanding-A2 Excellent) Accomplished (B1/B2 Very good, B3 Good) Developing (C1/ C2/C3 Satisfactory) Unsatisfactory (D) LOs Response to feedback Has read and given consideration to all the points raised by the peer. Very effectively responds to and discusses all issues and other feedback raised by peers. Gives clear reasons and a plan of action for (not) making changes to the project. Has read all the feedback. Gives consideration to most of the points raised by the peer. Responds and discusses most of the issues and feedback raised. Outlines if, how and why changes are being made to the project. Response to the feedback could be more detailed. Unclear and vague plans for implementing the feedback. No response to feedback and no plans presented for implementing the feedback. Link with research and lecture concepts Excellent discussion of existing research (at least 2 articles). Excellent understanding of relevant concepts covered in the lecture. Effectively explains how the articles and concepts are linked to their own project. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate and reliable and add to the strength of the proposal. Sources are effectively referenced and cited throughout the proposal. Good discussion of existing research (at least 2 articles). Demonstrates understanding of central lecture concepts. Links the articles and concepts to their own research idea. Selects research sources that are mostly relevant, accurate and reliable. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part. Some, albeit vague uncritical or incomplete, discussion of the chosen articles and concepts. Contains some factual mistakes or oversimplifications. Link to own idea could be clearer. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited. Lacks sufficient grasp of the meaning and/or significance of some concepts. If included, (some of) the chosen concepts and articles are generally not relevant, accurate or reliable. Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included are not properly referenced and cited. Research design and methodology Well written and detailed description of the research methodology. The chosen methods are highly appropriate for this type of project and are directly linked to the purpose/ objectives of the project. Plans for data collection and analysis is highly appropriate for the research and needs little or no refinement. Clear research situation, space and time period. Moderately well written and mostly complete description of the research methodology. The chosen methods appear appropriate and related to the purpose of the project. Plans for data collection and analysis are appropriate for the research but need some refinement, maybe a reduction of the studied time frame and amount of data. Partial description of methods which appear to be related to objectives of the project. Plans for data collection and analysis appear appropriate for the research but need significant refinement, maybe a reduction fo the studied time period and amount of data to be collected and analysed. Incomplete and little description of methods. Methods appear inappropriate or unrelated to objectives of the project. Plans for data collection and analysis are incomplete and inappropriate. 1 Table 1 Project website Exemplary (A1 Outstanding-A2 Excellent) Accomplished (B1/B2 Very good, B3 Good) Developing (C1/ C2/C3 Satisfactory) Unsatisfactory (D) LOs Introduction and research objectives The aim of the project is consistently the focal point throughout the website. The aim is the focal point of the website for the most part. Focal point is not consistently maintained throughout the website. Website lacks focus throughout. Implementation of research methodology (design and implementation, including appropriateness, methods in alignment with objectives) Impressive implement of the research plan. Analysis is highly appropriate for the research and needs little or no refinement Good implementation of the research plan. Data analysis is appropriate for the research but needs some refinement. Data analysis appears appropriate for the research but needs significant refinement. Incomplete and little description of methods. Methods appear inappropriate or unrelated to objectives of the project. Data analysis is incomplete and inappropriate. Findings, discussion and conclusion Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding and careful, critical analysis of the research topic/case study in alignment with the objective fo the project. Excellent selection of examples and impressive ability to make effective judgements by critical analysis and evaluation of examples based on application of knowledge from the lecture and own reading. Compares/ contrasts perspectives, considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and draw original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications. Demonstrates an understanding and some critical analysis of the research topic in alignment with the objective, applies knowledge dean from the lecture and own reading. Adequately compares/contrasts perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions but broader connections and/or implications are not as thoroughly explored. Demonstrates general understanding with limited critical analysis of the research topic. Summarises perspectives, counter-arguments, or opposing positions. Contains some over- simplification and/ or sweeping generalising and unsupported statements about the case/topic which tell of a limited application of knowledge drawn from the lecture and reading. Demonstrates a lack of understanding and inadequate analysis of the research topic. Analysis is superficial based on opinions and preferences rather than critical analysis. Contains a lot of over- simplification and/ or sweeping generalising and unsupported statements about the case/topic. Link with research and lecture concepts Excellent linking of examples with existing research. Excellent understanding or and linking to concepts covered in the lecture. Provides compelling and accurate evidence to support in-depth the central position or situation of the case/topic. Research sources are highly relevant, accurate and reliable and add to the strength of the paper. Sources are effectively referenced and cited throughout the paper. Provides essential, accurate evidence to support the central position and situation of the project, with research sources that are mostly relevant, accurate and reliable. Demonstrates understanding of central lecture concepts. Sources are referenced and cited appropriately throughout the paper for the most part. Provides some evidence to support the central position or situation of the case/topic with only a few research sources and references to key concepts. Some sources may not be relevant, accurate and reliable and/or appropriately referenced and cited. Lacks sufficient research sources to support the central position or situation of the case/topic. If included, they are generally not relevant, accurate or reliable. Contains numerous factual mistakes, omissions, or oversimplifications. Sources, if included are not properly referenced and cited. 1 Structure, organisation and creativity Website is effectively organised and highly creative. Ideas are arranged logically, flow smoothly, with a strong progression of thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central objective. Includes all required components (Introduction, methodology, examples and analysis, conclusion, reference list) Website is adequately organised and creative. Ideas are arranged reasonably with a progression fo thought from paragraph to paragraph connecting to the central objective. Includes required components for the most part. Paper is somewhat organised, although occasionally ideas from paragraph to paragraph may not flow well and/or connect to the central objectives and/or be clear as a whole. May be missing a required component and/or components may be less than complete. Paper lacks logical organisation and impedes readers’ comprehension of ideas. Central objective gets lost or is rarely evident from paragraph to paragraph and/or the website is missing multiple required components. Writing style and presentation Website is well written and clear using standard English characterised by elements of a strong writing style, free from grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage or formatting errors. Paper shows above average writing style and clarity in writing. Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, usage or formatting. Paper shows an average and/or casual writing style. Some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, usage, and/or formatting. Paper shows a below average/poor writing style. Frequent errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, spelling, usage and/or formatting. Exemplary (A1 Outstanding-A2 Excellent) Accomplished (B1/B2 Very good, B3 Good) Developing (C1/ C2/C3 Satisfactory) Unsatisfactory (D) LOsProject website 2