FINS3650 International Banking TERM 3, 2020 TAKE-HOME EXAM (INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) Marking criteria Maximum marks (%) Executive summary, introduction to the research topic including providing its background and arguing its relevance 10 Effective use of research evidence to support arguments in the following areas of analysis: Justification of the need for stress testing of banks including key lessons from Global Financial Crisis (GFC) relevant to stress testing 15 Review of post-GFC approaches/frameworks for stress testing 15 Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-GFC stress testing approaches/frameworks discussed in (ii) above 15 Well-justified recommendations for improving stress testing of banks 15 Clear conclusions which are integrated with the content of the report including discussion of key issues and their implications 10 Logical development of the content and arguments 10 Clarity in writing, correct grammar and spelling, correct referencing 10 100 This assignment contributes 50 marks to the final course marks. A penalty of 10% of the assignment marks will apply for late submissions. For example, if an assignment is late by one day, the penalty will be 10%x50 marks = 5 marks.