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Page 2 ECS707P (2018)
Question 1: Transfer functions of digital systems [25 marks]
(a) A linear digital filter is described by the following difference equation:
y(n) = 2x(n) + 4 exp(j⇡/2)x(n 1) + y(n 1) + 0.75y(n 2) (1)
Find all poles and zeros of this filter in the form a+ jb and plot them in a fully labelled
pole-zero diagram. [7 marks]
(b) A second filter is described by the following difference equation:
y(n) = 2x(n) + 3x(n 1) + y(n 1) + 0.75y(n 2) (2)
Calculate the impulse response h(n) for this digital filter for all integer values of n,
and plot its values for n 2 {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. [4 marks]
(c) Define BIBO stability, in words and by giving a mathematical expression to define it.
Is the system defined by equation (2) stable in a BIBO sense? Show your work and
reasoning as part of your answer. [4 marks]
(d) Draw a block diagram of the system defined by equation (2). [4 marks]
(e) Find the region of convergence of the transfer function specified by equation (2).
Discuss whether it shows the system to be stable or unstable. [3 marks]
(f) Find the expression for the frequency response of the phase for a filter having the
following transfer function,
H(z) =
z(z 2)
z2 1 , |z| > 1.
(You do not need to plot it nor calculate values at specific points.) [3 marks]
ECS07P (2018) Page 3
Question 2: DFT, convolution and system properties [25 marks]
(a) Calculate the inverse DFT of X(k) = {1,3, 2, 2}.
[8 marks]
(b) (i) Predict the length and (ii) calculate the values of the following linear convolution
product, using the “convolution machine” technique as covered in the lectures:
{2,1, 1} ⇤ {1,3, 2, 2}.
[7 marks]
(c) Define and explain the following system properties, with reference to the impulse
response h(n) of a digital signal processor:
1. causality
2. memory
3. stability
4. time invariance
[4 marks]
(d) An N -point DFT needs to be designed that calculates the spectrum of a signal with a
sampling rate fs = 15 kHz, such that the minimum guaranteed frequency resolution
is f = 1.5 Hz. Determine:
1. the number of points that is needed by a general DFT algorithm to achieve this;
2. the actual resolution achieved by an FFT-type implementation of the DFT;
3. the maximum frequency in the spectrum of a baseband signal that can be
represented by the sampled signal.
(Hint: An FFT algorithm is a DFT with a power-of-two number of frequency samples.)
[6 marks]
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Page 4 ECS707P (2018)
Question 3: Digital filtering [25 marks]
Consider two digital brickwall LTI filters, identified with letters A and B.
• Filter A is a linear phase lowpass filter with a normalised cutoff frequency of 0.5⇡
radians/sample. Its gain is 1.
• Filter B is a linear phase highpass filter with a normalised cutoff frequency of 0.4⇡
radians/sample. Its gain is 1.
(a) Sketch the shape of the magnitude response of each filter over the normalised
frequency range [⇡, ⇡]. [4 marks]
(b) Draw the magnitude response of the filter that results from a cascade of filter A
followed by B, assuming their phase delays are equal. [3 marks]
(c) Draw the magnitude response of the filter that results from a cascade of filter B
followed by A followed by B, assuming their phase delays are equal. [3 marks]
(d) Consider uniformly sampling a real continuous white noise signal x(t) at a sampling
rate of 1 kHz. You then pass the sampled signal through filter A followed by filter B,
and finally reconstruct the output by ideal (sinc) interpolation, creating the continuous
real signal xAB(t). In what frequency bands of (1000, 1000) Hz will xAB(t) have no
energy? [10 marks]
(e) Denote the frequency response of filters A and B by HA(ej!) and HB(ej!). Find the
phase response of filter B such that the magnitude response of the filter that results
from A and B in parallel is zero everywhere. (Hint: Recall that sending a phasor of
frequency ! through filter A will produce the output |HA(ej!)|ej![n\HA(ej!)].)
[5 marks]
ECS707P (2018) Page 5
Question 4: Digital filtering, part two [25 marks]
For some of the following questions, consider the digital structure shown below.
(a) Show your work as you find the transfer function of this filter. Specify its region of
convergence! [5 marks]
(b) For what values of k1 will this filter be stable? [2 marks]
(c) Choose a value k1 6= 0 for which the filter will be stable, and find and plot the poles
and zeros of the filter. [4 marks]
(d) What kind of filter is this, e.g., lowpass and FIR, lowpass and IIR, etc. Explain your
answer. [4 marks]
(e) Devise a different digital filter structure that has the same transfer function.
[4 marks]
(f) Describe any two methods for FIR digital filter design. [6 marks]
End of questions
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Page 6 ECS707P (2018)
Appendix: Useful formulae
linear convolution of two sequences x[n], h[n] : (x ? h)[n] =
Z-transform of sequence x[n] : X(z) =
DTFT of sequence x[n] : X(ej!) =
DFT of length-N sequence x[n] : X[k] =
inverse DFT of length-N sequence X[k] : x[n] =
Bilinear transformation : s =
1 z1
1 + z1
sum of the first N -terms of a geometric series of ↵ : SN =
↵n =
1 ↵N
1 ↵
Appendix: Useful signals
Kroneker delta sequence [n] =
8<:1, n = 00, else
Step function µ[n] =
8<:1, n 00, else
Table 3: Properties of the z-Transform
Property Sequence Transform ROC
x[n] X(z) R
x1[n] X1(z) R1
x2[n] X2(z) R2
Linearity ax1[n] + bx2[n] aX1(z) + bX2(z) At least the intersection
of R1 and R2
Time shifting x[n− n0] z−n0X(z) R except for the
possible addition or
deletion of the origin
Scaling in the ejω0nx[n] X(e−jω0z) R
z-Domain zn0x[n] X
anx[n] X(a−1z) Scaled version of R
(i.e., |a|R = the
set of points {|a|z}
for z in R)
Time reversal x[−n] X(z−1) Inverted R (i.e., R−1
= the set of points
z−1 where z is in R)
Time expansion x(k)[n] =
x[r], n = rk
0, n "= rk
X(zk) R1/k
for some integer r (i.e., the set of points z1/k
where z is in R)
Conjugation x∗[n] X∗(z∗) R
Convolution x1[n] ∗ x2[n] X1(z)X2(z) At least the intersection
of R1 and R2
First difference x[n]− x[n− 1] (1− z−1)X(z) At least the
intersection of R and |z| > 0
k=−∞ x[k]
1−z−1X(z) At least the
intersection of R and |z| > 1
Differentiation nx[n] −z dX(z)dz R
in the z-Domain
Initial Value Theorem
If x[n] = 0 for n < 0, then
x[0] = limz→∞X(z)
Table 4: Some Common z-Transform Pairs
Signal Transform ROC
1. δ[n] 1 All z
2. u[n] 11−z−1 |z| > 1
3. −u[−n− 1] 11−z−1 |z| < 1
4. δ[n−m] z−m All z except
0 (if m > 0) or
∞ (if m < 0)
5. αnu[n] 11−αz−1 |z| > |α|
6. −αnu[−n− 1] 11−αz−1 |z| < |α|
7. nαnu[n] αz
(1−αz−1)2 |z| > |α|
8. −nαnu[−n− 1] αz
(1−αz−1)2 |z| < |α|
9. [cosω0n]u[n]
1−[2 cosω0]z−1+z−2
|z| > 1
10. [sinω0n]u[n]
1−[2 cosω0]z−1+z−2
|z| > 1
11. [rn cosω0n]u[n]
1−[r cosω0]z−1
1−[2r cos ω0]z−1+r2z−2
|z| > r
12. [rn sinω0n]u[n]
[r sinω0]z−1
1−[2r cos ω0]z−1+r2z−2
|z| > r



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