PA7: BSTs and Range Queries
Part I: Ordered Queries in OrderedDefaultMap Part II: A New Kind of Query
As a Console Interface As Methods
rangeSearch topN generateDatabase
Comparator for Instantiating BSTMap (and more!)
Te sting Limitations README
Asking for Help Rubric Extensions
Other Query Outputs
In this assignment youŇll finish an implementation of a a Map interface that makes use of ordering, and use its special properties to perform new kinds of queries.
This PA is closed to collaboration. You can get the starter code here:
Part I: Ordered Queries in
WeŇve provided an incomplete implementations of OrderedDefaultMap for you, implemented with a binary search tree, in It already supports several methods, which we have or will discuss in lecture. You will fill in the methods listed below.
keys, entries, and values, which are specified to return elements according to the order of the keys. You must implement these in O(n) time, where n is the number of elements in the tree.
floor and ceiling, which query keys based on
ordering. You must implement these in O(h) time, where h is the height of the tree.
range, which selects a subset of the keys in the map in
an ordered range. You must implement this in O(m + h) time, where h is the height of the tree, and m is the number of elements in the tree between low (inclusive) and high (exclusive). The important thing to note here is that you should not visit all the elements in the tree in order to implement this method.
These are all based on methods provided by JavaŇs TreeMap class. More information and references are provided in the Javadoc for OrderedDefaultMap. You should implement and test these thoroughly.
You can also refer to the slides from discussion for some examples of range queries.
Part II: A New Kind of Query
In PA6, you implemented comparison queries where you could provide two n-grams and visualize a graph comparing them. In this PA, you will build a query that takes two strings, and finds all the n-grams between the strings. This is particularly useful because it lets us query for all the n-grams that start with some string. For example, we could search for all the strings from "has a " to "has a!" to get all the 3- grams that start with has a. This is broken out in detail below.
As a Console Interface
You will use this method to implement a new kind of query at the console. This query, instead of producing a graph, simply prints out a list of the top 10 n-grams that are in range of the query:
Enter query: is a --is a! is a good: 41
is a very: 40 is a lot: 16
is a prosperous: 15 is a great: 14
is a big: 11
is a little: 11 is a new: 10
is a major: 9 is a matter: 8
The -- is a separator that distinguishes the low and
high parts of the query.
The space after is a is intentional and meaningful. It makes sure the string is a (with no space) is not included in the range.
! is the first character after the space character in ASCII, so this range includes all strings that start with is a (with a space after the a).
The console interface should print only the top 10 results, as ordered by the total sum of times the n-gram appears across all years in the dataset. This should be implemented in the main method of
You are free to re-use code and ideas from your PA6 submission for this. ItŇs interesting (though not required) to keep the other query interface with graph drawing working at the same time as this one. For PA7 youŇre only required to make this interface work.
As Methods
You will implement several methods to help build out this interface.
OrderedDefaultMap<String, Integer> rangeSearch( OrderedDefaultMap<Integer,
OrderedDefaultMap<String, Integer>> db, String low,
String high)
This will return a new map that has keys from across all the years of db, where the key is between low (inclusive) and high (exclusive). The value of the key in the returned map should be the sum of the number of times that key appeared across all the years.
Some details and hints about the implementation:
The range method you implement in the BSTMap class will be particularly effective here.
You can refer to the slides from discussion for some examples of range queries and this methodŇs behavior. Realistically, this method will be best at searching for relatively small ranges proportional to the overall dataset. Queries with low = "a" and high = "z" could reasonably hit limits like the stack overflowing or taking a long time to complete. You can check out the extensions section below for ideas about how to make these cases better.
List<Entry<String, Integer>> topN( OrderedDefaultMap<Integer,
OrderedDefaultMap<String, Integer>> db, String low, String high, int n)
This will return a list of (up to) the top n entries in descending order by value, where the key is an n-gram and the value is the number of times it appears across the whole dataset. You will probably want to implement this method by making use of rangeSearch first, then extracting entries with .entries, and finally performing the sort and choosing the top n elements.
Some details and hints about the implementation:
If there are fewer than n words in the specified range, the returned list should only include those words.
If there are more than n words in the specified range,
the returned list should include only the n most frequently appearing words.
You may find these methods particularly useful:
Collections.sort List.subList
Integer.compareTo and String.compareTo
You can test the methods above by constructing inputs by hand. You must also read the sample data into a database as in PA6, but this time with an OrderedDefaultMap instead of a DefaultMap. We are not providing an implementation, you should make sure you understand this part of PA6 and adapt it to work with the OrderedDefaultMap you complete in PA7.
OrderedDefaultMap<Integer, OrderedDefaultMap<String, Integer>> generateDatabase(Path path)
Other than the change in type, the behavior of the method should be the same as in PA6. For PA7, you should be using a BSTMap rather than the DefaultMapImpl you built in PA6 for the actual storage.
Comparator for Instantiating BSTMap
(and more!)
One important requirement of a binary search tree is to compare the keys. Since the tree type itself is generic in the key type K, we canŇt guarantee that the keys are integers or doubles (which are comparable with <), and we canŇt even guarantee that they have a compareTo method (like String). Instead, the user of the tree needs to provide an implementation of comparison when creating the map.
To support this, Java has a built-in interface called Comparator that expresses this idea of user-defined comparisons. An implementatation of Comparator provides a
single method, called compare, that takes two elements of a particular type and returns a negative number if the first is ʼnsmallerŊ than the second, 0 if they are equal, and a positive number if the first is ʼnlargerŊ than the second.
For Integers and Strings, you can use method references to create instances of Comparable using built-in methods. The tests file provides an example:
This is an example test that shows using a method reference as a Comparator.
The use of String::compareTo accomplishes the same thing as writing out a
whole interface implementation like below and using `new StringComparator()`.
It is highly recommended that you use method references like these to make
testing easier. Note that Integer::compareTo is a method that can be
referenced this way as well!
class StringComparator implements Comparator<String> {
public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return s1.compareTo(s2); }
* }
public void testSetAndGet() {
BSTMap<String, Integer> bst = new BSTMap<> (String::compareTo);
bst.set("a", 1);
assertEquals(1, (int) bst.get("a"));
Using these method references is sufficient for the Integer
and String keys used to build the map for the database.
Comparators can be particularly useful when we may want to compare items by different criteria. For example, we may have a class defining a person:
class Person { String name; int age; }
And sometimes we want to order People by name, and other times by age. We could define a Comparator for each of those cases:
class AgeComparator implements Comparator<Person> { public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return
p1.age - p2.age; }
class NameComparator implements Comparator<Person> { public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) { return; }
You may find this idea useful when sorting Entry lists by value in topN.
There are two files provided for you for testing, and Both have some helpful hints about getting started testing including some tests you may want to try yourself once you get far enough.
In addition, weŇve provided a directory called ./test-data that contains some files useful for testing against as sample text thatŇs smaller than the full dataset but still interesting. shows some examples of using this data to test the database generation method and some others.
Range queries on the large dataset may fail if they span very large ranges, and will perform best on short ranges. For example, if you query from a to z, you should expect to wait a very long time or get a stack overflow. The best ranges focus on prefix-style queries, and you should focus on handling queries like those at
the end of the writeup
In lecture, we discuss that adding keys in sorted order is the worst case for this BST data structure. Keep that in mind as you use this structure; are there ways you may find yourself running into this worst case? Can you work around it?
Note that these problems are addressed explicitly by data structures you will implement in CSE 100!
Respond to the following prompts in your README:
_. Copy the output of 2 range queries on the large dataset that you found interesting and explain why you find them interesting
`. Measure the time to load the database with your BSTMap. Is loading the database faster in terms of real time in milliseconds with BSTMap or with the DefaultMapImpl from PA6? Why?
Speculate – would doing a range query with the DefaultMapImpl be faster or slower in terms of milliseconds than with the BSTMap. Why?
c. Justify the runtime bounds for the methods you wrote in
Asking for Help
This is a closed PA. That said, there are many ways to ask for related help:
Ask anything as a private Piazza question (though you are not guaranteed a detailed answer)
PA6 is still open, and you can learn a lot by completing PA6 fully. You can do all of the BSTMap methods without thinking about PA6, but itŇs a great idea to get detailed help on PA6 before tackling the Loader methods in PA7 if you donŇt have a complete PA6
You can always ask for clarification about built-in Java libraries
You can always ask for clarification and help with the BST implementations we work through in class
Total 50 points
BSTMap methods: 20 points >automatic@
Loader methods other than main: 14 points >automatic@ Loader main and query interface: 4 points >manual@ README: 8 points >manual@
Style: 4 points >manual@
These are not for credit, but you may find them interesting to explore.
Extend the interface (and the query input) to give responses in a year range AND a range of keys Extend the interface (and the query input) to allow filtering on the category of the source of the string (fiction, news, etc), in addition to the year and a word range
The trees we implemented have bad performance if we insert all the keys in sorted order. Come up with a way to improve the performance of the tree in this case. We used range queries to construct a kind of prefix query, where we found all strings that started with a certain substring. Can you come up with a specialized kind of tree that might be particularly good at prefix queries on strings (it doesnŇt need to support all possible key types).
Other Query Outputs
Here are some other query outputs from our implementation. Since we have a different filtering process than you might, your answers may differ slightly, but they should be similar.
Enter query: has a --has a! has a lot: 15
has a new: 9 has a chance: 7
has a different: 5 has a good: 4
has a great: 4 has a number: 4 has a plan: 4 has a very: 4 has a big: 3
Enter query: computer--computer! computer: 139
computer screen: 7
computer and: 5
computer animation: 5
computer industry: 5
computer science: 5
computer model: 4
computer to: 4
computer for: 3
computer literacy: 3
Enter query: undergraduate --undergraduate! undergraduate students: 9
undergraduate education: 5 undergraduate students (: 5 undergraduate courses: 2
undergraduate degree: 2
undergraduate English: 1 undergraduate English major: 1 undergraduate I: 1 undergraduate I spent: 1 undergraduate a: 1