辅导案例-EE 512

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EE 512 - Project
Due: 13-Dec-2019 Solve the following two simulation problems in any computational language of your choice. Then submit: - A report discussing your finding including all relevant figures (captioned). - Your code
[MCMC for Optimization]
The n-dimensional Scwefel function () = 418.9829 −/03|0|5067 0 ∈ [−500,500]
is a very bumpy surface with many local critical points and one global minimum. We will explore the
surface for the case n=2 dimensions.
i. Plot a contour plot of the surface for the 2-D surface
ii. Implement a simulated annealing procedure to find the global minimum of this surface
iii. Explore the behavior of the procedure starting from the origin with an exponential, a polynomial,
and a logarithmic cooling schedule. Run the procedure for t={20, 50, 100, 1000} iterations for k=100
runs each. Plot a histogram of the function minima your procedure converges to.
iv. Choose your best run and overlay your 2-D sample path on the contour plot of the Schwefel function
to visualize the locations your optimization routine explored.

[Optimal Paths]
The famous Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is an NP-hard routing problem. The time to find optimal
solutions to TSPs grows exponentially with the size of the problem (number of cities). A statement of
the TSP goes thus:
“A salesman needs to visit each of N cities exactly once and in any order. Each city is connected to
other cities via an air transportation network. Find a minimum length path on the network that goes
through all N cities exactly once (an optimal Hamiltonian cycle).”
A TSP solution = ?7,. . . @A is just an ordered list of the N cities with minimum path length. We will
be exploring MCMC solutions to small and larger scale versions of the problem.
i. Pick N=10 2-D points in the [0,1000]x[0,1000] rectangle. These 2-D samples will represent the
locations of N=10 cities.
1. Write a function to capture the objective function of the TSP problem: () = /‖0D7 − 0‖@E7067
2. Start with a random path through all N cities FGGG⃗ (a random permutation of the cities), an
initial high temperature F, and a cooling schedule I = (F, ).
3. Randomly pick any two cities in your current path. Swap them. Use the difference between
the new and old path length to calculate a Gibbs acceptance probability. Update the path
4. Update your annealing temperature and repeat the previous city swap step. Run the
simulated annealing procedure “to convergence.”
5. Plot the values of your objective function from each step. Plot your final TSP city tour.
ii. Run the Simulated Annealing TSP solver you just developed for N = {40, 400, 1000} cities.
Explore the speed and convergence properties at these different problem sizes. You might want
to play with the cooling schedules.



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