辅导案例-CS5011-Assignment 4

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School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, CS5011, 2019-20
CS5011: A4 - Artificial Neural Networks - A ticketing routing agent
Assignment: A4 - Assignment 4
Deadline: 20 December 2019
Weighting: 25% of module mark
Please note that MMS is the definitive source for deadline and credit details. You are
expected to have read and understood all the information in this specification and any
accompanying documents at least a week before the deadline. You must contact the
lecturer regarding any queries well in advance of the deadline.
1 Objective
This practical aims to construct and use an artificial neural network applied in a help desk
ticketing system.
2 Competencies
• Design, implement, and document an artificial neural network system for multiclass clas-
sification problems
• Understand, use and adapt a neural network within an AI system.
3 Practical Requirements
3.1 Introduction
IT Services intends to develop a new in-house Help Desk System1 to manage an increasingly
large amount of requests logged through their online service desk. Requests from users are
of a very diverse nature, and within IT Services responses are handled by a variety of teams
(eg networking, data warehouse, web services, equipment, credentials, emergencies, etc... )2.
As part of this system, you are tasked with developing a ticket routing agent in charge of the
ticketing service; i.e., a service that routes requests (or tickets) to the most appropriate team
for faster response. The agent should act as described below.
Assume that the user has to tag the request by responding to a variety of yes/no questions
about the nature of the request (e.g., is this about an incident? is this about a request? is
this about logging-in? etc). Finally the user will enter the request. The agent has to log the
answers to the questions and identify the most appropriate team to which it will then route the
request. In addition, the agent should be able to improve its knowledge by interacting with
those customers.
2The data provided in this practical is entirely fictitious. Some ideas have been drawn from the CS ticketing ser-
vice https://systems.wiki.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/index.php/CS_ticketing_system and University IT services
3.2 The task
For this practical, the ticket routing agent is to be developed using a neural system. A small
set of team roles and ticket features is provided in the file tickets.csv as a starting point for this
task. We assume that this dataset has been created by collecting previously routed tickets,
where each line corresponds to a set of tags given by a user and its corresponding response
team has been identified by IT Services. An example row in the dataset is shown below, where
we notice that the request has been forwarded to the emergency team.
Input – Tags Output
Request Incident WebServices Login Wireless Printing IdCards Staff Students Response Team
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Emergencies
3.3 Basic Agent
The aim of this agent is to train a neural network to learn the classification patterns for the given
dataset. The steps for this task are as follows:
1. Decide how to encode inputs and outputs for the given dataset.
2. Construct a training table with the chosen encoding for input/output of the dataset pro-
vided. This step can be done as part of your code or with an external tool (e.g., a spread-
sheet editor).
3. Construct a multilayer feedforward neural network, with one hidden layer, and appropriate
activation function according to the encoding used. The network should have a fixed
number of input units representing the coded tags. A fixed number of output units is to
be designed to identify the response team. The single layer of hidden units is to provide
hyperplanes that partition the input space into various regions for the identification of the
response team. Decide how many hidden units should be included in the hidden layer.
4. Train the network using backpropagation, setting appropriate parameters such as learning
rate, momentum, etc and evaluate its output.
5. Save the trained network on a file.
6. Now consider the current neural network, is the number of hidden units appropriate? Try
with different numbers of hidden units, and analyse the results, then select one of the
saved networks and add it in your submission. (If you attempt the intermediate agent,
please use this chosen network for the next tasks).
3.4 Intermediate Agent
In this part, you are required to develop a proof of concept system to show the use of the ticket
routing agent. You are required to use the network constructed and saved in the previous step.
Your system should be generic enough to be able to handle tags and related questions in a
similar way. The agent should be able to identify the response team given the tags provided
by the user, and in addition the user should be able to log new assigned tickets and learn from
users preferences. The steps to be followed are described in order below.
1. Develop a basic text-based interface for the user to log a new ticket.
2. The agent should ask the user whether a tag applies to the new ticket, repeating the
question for all the tags of the dataset (e.g. Incident? Yes/No, Request? Yes/No, etc)
3. The agent should accept yes/no answers to the questions from the user.
4. The agent should use the saved network from the basic agent to compute the output of
the given input pattern. Note that the output from the network for a given input might
need to be mapped to a response team. In particular, consider the case in which the user
enters a pattern that does not exist in the training set.
5. The agent should communicate where this new ticket will be directed to. Please note that
there is no need to ask or log the content of the ticket.
6. The system should then be ready to handle a new ticket.
When all the above steps are completed, we focus on making this process more dynamic,
such that the agent can identify early allocations, and learn new allocations from the users,
as follows:
7. The user might get tired of having to give an answer for each of the tags. Design a method
for the agent to make an early prediction. Discuss and implement this feature.
8. After a prediction has been made, the user might be still be unhappy with the choice of
response team where their ticket will be directed to. If this is the case, the user may wish
to suggest which response team (from a list of available ones) they think should handle
the ticket. Modify the system to handle this option: the agent should log the new entry in
the training table, retrain the network and be ready to accept new tickets.
3.5 Additional Advanced Learning Agent
It is strongly recommended that you ensure you have completed the requirements for the ba-
sic and intermediate agent before attempting any of these additional requirements. You may
consider one or two (max) additional functionalities:
1. Use, compare and evaluate different training algorithms. Please ensure that a brief ex-
planation of the algorithms used is given in the report.
2. The IT services might wish to introduce a new team that deals with a specific subset
of tickets tagged in a certain way. They may also introduce new tags to better identify
the new type of tickets. Modify the system with a new view for the IT admin to include
additional response teams and tags on the fly. The network should be retrained to be
ready for additional interactions.
3. Consider another agent that, given similar inputs, is able to identify the number of days
needed for the ticket to be dealt with. Construct a new dataset for this scenario, train a
new network, and extend your implementation such that the agent is able to inform the
user of the waiting time, as well as the team likely to deal with the ticket.
4. Suggest and implement your own advanced requirements: for a significant advancement,
you may apply the process developed in the basic/intermediate agent to a different sce-
nario, or identify some additional components of the current problem to show how neural
networks can be applied in more complex settings of the given scenario.
4 Code and Report Specifications
In this assignment, you have the choice of using Java or Python. You may only use Python
if you are already familiar with this programming language. Your implementation must
run on the School lab Machines without the use of an IDE. For development in Java, you are
required to use the library Encog3. For development in Python you are required to use the
library scikit-learn4. Please do not use other libraries that are core to the assignment, but other
libraries that are secondary to the objectives of the practical can be used.
4.1 Code Submission and Running
Your source code should be placed in a directory called A4src/ and should include all non-
standard external libraries. Your code should run using the following commands:
java A4main [any param]
python/python3 A4main [any param]
where: Bas indicates the basic agent, Int indicates the intermediate agent, Adv indicates the
advanced agent. If any additional parameters are to be used, ensure that these are specified in
the report. Please include compiling instructions or specific environment settings in the report if
required. Please note that code that does not adhere to these instructions will not be accepted.
4.2 Report
You are required to submit a report describing your submission in PDF with the structure and
requirements presented in the additional document CS5011_A_Reports. The core sections
(Design, Implementation and Evaluation) have a limit of 1500 words in total. In the report,
include a description of the structure of the network chosen with motivation on how the structure
was selected and the encoding used, in addition to the general requirements.
5 Deliverables
A single ZIP file must be submitted electronically via MMS by the deadline. Submissions in any
other format will be rejected.
Your ZIP file should contain:
1. A PDF report as discussed in Section 4.2
2. Your code as discussed in Section 4.1
3. A file containing your saved neural network from the basic agent in Section 3.3
6 Assessment Criteria
Marking will follow the guidelines given in the school student handbook. The following issues
will be considered:
• Achieved requirements
• Quality of the solution provided
• Examples and testing
• Insights and analysis demonstrated in the report
Some guideline descriptors for this assignment are given below:
• For a mark of 8 or higher: the submission implements part of the basic agent, printing
the current agent knowledge and is able to probe the cells in some order, adequately
documented or reported.
• For a mark of 11 or higher: the submission implements fully the basic agent. The code
submitted is of an acceptable standard, and the report describes clearly what was done,
with good style.
• For a mark of 14 or higher: the submission implements fully the basic agent, and some
good attempt to the intermediate agent. It contains clear and well-structured code and a
clear report showing a good level of understanding of design and evaluation of learning
• For a mark of 17: the submission implements fully the basic and intermediate agent. It
contains clear, well-designed code, together with a clear, insightful and well-written report,
showing in-depth understanding of design and evaluation of logic agents.
• Above 17: the submission implements fully the basic and intermediate agent, and one or
two (max) advanced agent functionalities. The submission should demonstrate unusual
clarity of implementation, together with an excellent and well-written report showing evi-
dence of extensive understanding of design and evaluation of learning agents.
7 Policies and Guidelines
Marking: See the standard mark descriptors in the School Student Handbook
Lateness Penalty: The standard penalty for late submission applies (Scheme B: 1 mark per
8 hour period, or part thereof):
Good Academic Practice: The University policy on Good Academic Practice applies:
Alice Toniolo
([email protected])
November 19, 2019



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