辅导案例-CMDA 3634

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CMDA 3634 Fall 2019 HW 11
An example of a completed MPI-based cluster-centroid project is available in the class
repository at code.vt.edu/tcew/cmda3634, which you can pull with Git. The example
project is in the HW10/ directory. If your code from Task 2 of HW 10 did not work, you
can use the example in this assignment. Even if your code did work, you might want to take
a look at the provided code, including the makefile.
Task 1
Perform a compiler optimization study on your MPI-based cluster-centroid program from
HW 10.
Q1.1 (5pts) Use the MPI wall time function MPI Wtime in your MPI-based cluster-centroid
code to measure and print the amount of time that it takes to complete the centroid
calculation (excluding FILE input/output operations). Compile your project without
special compiler options and run your program with one process and mpiClusters.dat
as input. Record the runtime.
Q1.2 (5pts) Recompile the project with each of the different compiler optimization flags
demonstrated in class (-O1, -O2, and -O3). Run each program with one process and
mpiClusters.dat as input. Record the runtime for the program produced by each
compiler optimization. For each optimization, compute the speedup ratio compared to
the un-optimized program. Use the timings for your test cases to make a completed
version of Table 1, which is like Table 23.1 in the lecture notes.
Optimization Compiler Runtime (seconds) Speedup
None mpicc 1
-O1 mpicc
-O2 mpicc
-O3 mpicc
Table 1: An incomplete optimization study table. Runtimes need to be measured and speedup
ratios need to be calculated calculated.
Q1.3 (5 points extra credit) Repeat Q1.2 using the Intel icpc compiler (available on Cas-
cades) instead of the GNU compilers. Remember to use module purge and load the
Intel compiler module before loading a MPI module. You will need to load the correct
module on the compute node, as demonstrated in the profiling and optimization lecture.
Use the runtimes of the Intel-compiled programs to expand your version of Table 1 with
new rows as shown in Table 2.
None icpc
-O1 icpc
-O2 icpc
-O3 icpc
Table 2: An example continuation of Table 1 for the extra credit Intel compiler optimization
Task 2
Perform a strong scaling study on the MPI-based cluster-centroid program without compiler
This task should sound familiar since it is almost the same as the in-class assignment
after Lecture 21 on November 6.
Q2.1 (15pts) Use the Cascades cluster to run the un-optimized MPI-based cluster-centroid
program with 1, 2, . . . , 28 processes and mpiClusters.dat as input. Record each run-
I previously asked you not to add the large data file HW10/data/mpiClusters.dat to
your Git repository, but Git is a convenient way to transfer the data file to Cascades.
If you haven’t already, go ahead and commit the data file to your repository and pull
it to your directory on Cascades. Remember you’ll need to do this before starting a
computing session.
As a reminder, you can request an interactive session with the command
salloc --partition=dev_q --nodes=1 --tasks-per-node=28 -A cmda3634
Don’t forget to load the right modules with
module purge
module load gcc openmpi
You should be able to perform all 28 runs with one terminal command. If your compiled
executable is called go, the following loop (in the Linux terminal) will run the executable
28 times, once with each number of processes.
for P in `seq 1 28`;
mpiexec -n $P ./go data/mpiClusters.dat
Of course, the above loop assumes that the data file that you want to analyze is
Q2.2 (5pts) For each number of processes, compute the speedup ratio. Use any system you
prefer to make a graph of (the number of processes, P ) vs (the speedup ratio, T1/TP ).
For reference, include the straight line P = T1/TP You plot should resemble Figure 1.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of MPI processes (P)
Figure 1: Example of a strong scaling study graph. The red line shows the theoretical perfect
speedup rate P = T1/TP .
Q2.3 (5pts extra credit) Repeat the above scaling study three more times but on the program
with optimized compilation. Each of the three compiler flags (-O1, -O2, -O3) should be
used in one study.
Task 3
Modify your k-means project to run in parallel via MPI. If you are not satisfied with your
own k-means project, you may use the example k-means project that was provided for HW
9 and the reference code provided for HW10.
Q3.1 (10pts) Parallelize the cluster centroid calculation using MPI. You may use your work
from HW 10 or the example solution explained at the top of this assignment.
Q3.2 (15pts) Parallelize the calculation of the nearest cluster centroid assignment using MPI.
Q3.3 (15pts extra credit) Perform optimization and strong scaling studies on your k-means
code. In other words, repeat Tasks 1 and 2 with your k-means code in place of the
cluster-centroid code.
While testing your code, you can use any of the data provided for HW 7, 9, or 10.
Q4.1 (5pts) Submit your work as follows.
– Write a report on your results and use LATEX to typeset it.
∗ Your report should include
· All of the C source files you used, including any that you borrowed from
the instructor’s example. In your report, source files should be nicely
formatted with the minted environment.
· The table explained in Task 1.
· The graphs explained in Task 2.
∗ Upload the PDF and tex files of your report to Canvas.
– Submit the C source files of ALL tasks by pushing them to your Git repository on
code.vt.edu You may not receive any credit if your code is not in your repository.
Please imitate the directory structure in the instructor’s example, shown below.
[any other source files]
[any other data files]
[any other header files]



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