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CS547 - Advanced Topics in Software
Software Project Economics -
Cost Estimation and Genetic Programming
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Cost estimation is a challenging problem
Given a project with various parameters (estimates of size,
domain, programming languages, expertise of development team
etc. etc.) how much is it going to cost?
Many different approaches to making predictions:
Algorithmic (COCOMO etc.)
Historical data (Expert Judgement, Statistics and Machine
Numerous approaches but no agreement over which one to use
This topic looks at the use of genetic programming for cost
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Cost Estimation - Using Historical Data
Typical dataset example:
@attribute Input numeric
@attribute Output numeric
@attribute Inquiry numeric
@attribute File numeric
@attribute FPAdj numeric
@attribute RawFPcounts numeric
@attribute AdjFP numeric
@attribute Effort numeric
25 150 75 60 1 1750 1750 102.4
193 98 70 36 1 1902 1902 105.2
70 27 0 12 0.8 535 428 11.1
40 60 20 12 1.15 660 759 21.1
10 69 1 9 0.9 478.89 431 28.8
13 19 0 23 0.75 377.33 283 10
34 14 0 5 0.8 256.25 205 8
A project may have several parameters
which capture various characteristics
Will vary between projects and
Interested in deriving the most
accurate prediction for the Effort
Given a new project we can use this
to make an estimate for the
development effort
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Genetic Programming
Application of evolutionary computation to programs or functions
Genetically breeds a population of programs to solve a problem
Uses the same principles of genetic operators: sexual
recombination, mutation etc.
Aim (in this case) is to evolve a function which makes an accurate
prediction of cost given a project’s characteristics
GP is also widely used for a range of other problems such as code
optimisation or automated repair
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Program Representation
Programs expressed as syntax
trees rather than lines of code
e.g. max(x+x, x+3*y)
Internally represented as trees or
prefix expressions:-
(max(+ x x) (+ x (* 3 y)))
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GP - Key Components
Need to specify:
Terminal set
Function Set
Fitness Measure
Run Parameters
Termination Criterion
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Terminal Set
Identify the possible leaves that constitute the program.
May consist of:
External inputs (x, y etc.)
Numerical constants (0, 42, 3.14159 etc.)
0-arity functions (rand() etc.)
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Function Set
Identify the possible non-terminal elements of the program.
May consist of simple arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *, /) and a
range of additional functions:
Mathematical (sin, abs etc.)
Boolean (and, or, not)
Conditional (if-then-else)
Looping (for, repeat)
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Other Key Components
Need to specify:
Fitness Measure
Captures goal of search. Same as for other search-based
Cost estimation: distance between predicted and known effort
Run Parameters
Genetic operator probabilities
Maximum size of programs
Termination Criterion
Number of generations or fitness-based success criterion
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Steps in a Run
Identical to other search-based approaches
1 Randomly create an initial population of programs from available
2 While the termination criteria remains unsatisfied, do:
1 Execute each program to determine its fitness
2 Select programs to contribute to the next generation
3 Create new individual programs by applying genetic operators
3 Return best individual
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Initialising the Population
Programs in initial population built by recursively generating a tree
composed of random choices of functions and terminals
Individuals generated subject to a defined maximum size
Three standard approaches
Full initialisation
Grow initialisation
Ramped half-and-half (combination of full and grow)
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Full Initialisation
Nodes taken from function set until a maximum tree depth is
reached, after which only terminals may be chosen
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Grow Initialisation
Like full but allows nodes to be taken from the full function set until
a maximum tree depth is reached
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Genetic Operators - Crossover
Given copies of two selected parents, crossover randomly selects a
crossover point in each parent tree and swaps the sub-trees rooted at
the crossover points
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Genetic Operators - Mutation
Mutation randomly selects a mutation point in a tree and replaces
the sub-tree rooted there with a randomly generated sub-tree
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Example using tiny gp.java
1 1
2 4
3 9
4 16
5 25
45 2025
46 2116
47 2209
48 2304
49 2401
50 2500
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Cost Estimation - Determining Prediction Accuracy
Various standard measures to assess how good a prediction is:
MMRE - Mean Magnitude of Relative Error:-
MRE = (abs(actual effort - estimated effort))/actual effort
Pred(n) - Proportion of estimates within n% of the actual
MAE - Mean Absolute Error :-
abs(actual effort - estimated effort)
These measures are used to evaluate the performance of a model and
may also form the basis of a fitness function
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How Good is The Evolved Program?
One approach is to use a train/test split:
Train the model on 80% of the data, and hold back 20% for
Alternatively, especially if the data set is small, use k-fold
Evolve a program using k-1 partitions and compare the program’s
output with the remaining partition
Repeat and average over the whole dataset
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Comparing Against Other Estimation Techniques
Large number in use, e.g.
Linear Regression
Decision Trees
KNN (K Nearest Neighbours)
Plus many many other more sophisticated machine learning
Most implemented in Weka (machine learning and data mining
toolkit) – installed in labs and uses same format as cost estimation
data files you will be working from, or R (more powerful language and
set of libraries), or within Python libraries.
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Assessed Task
Using GP to build software project cost estimation functions
Read section 8.4 in the ‘Techniques Taxonomy, Tutorial’ paper
Collection of effort datasets on myplace - try at least two of
these (more if you wish)
Several frameworks/libraries to support this (e.g. JGAP for Java
or DEAP for Python)
Evaluate the effectiveness of your approach
Compare with one other basic technique and also baseline (e.g.
mean Effort)
Produce a short report
More details on myplace
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