GEOL0026: Session C; Equations of State
I am indebted to my colleague Prof. Lidunka Vočadlo, from whom I have “borrowed”
much of this material which used to form part of the module “C365: Physics of
Planetary Interiors”. I have, however, made some minor corrections and amendments to
the text, added some additional material in italics and also added 3 short sections at the
end of the notes.
Equations of State
An equation of state, EOS, describes how the volume, V, or density , of a material
system varies as a function of pressure, P, and temperature, T; it therefore allows us to
determine a mineral property ( or V) at depth (P and T).
The simplest example of an EOS, the EOS for an ideal gas, is given by:
Eq. 75
where R is a constant, the gas constant; R = 8.31451 J K-1 mol-1. In other words, for a
molar volume of ideal gas, V, experiencing an external pressure, P, there will be an
associated temperature of the gas given by PV / R.
More complex EOS are vital to planetary scientists, because in order to interpret seismic
data to give Earth structure, or to rationalise planetary densities from moments of inertia
and mass data, it is necessary to either:
(a) "compress and heat" mineral data to the PT state of a planetary interior, or
(b) "decompress and cool" planetary data to ambient conditions.
The simplest isothermal EOS for a solid is just the definition for incompressibility (also
called the bulk modulus), K:
Eq. 76
The simplest isobaric EOS for a solid is just the definition for the thermal expansion
coefficient, :
Eq. 77
For most materials, the effect of pressure within planetary interiors is far greater than
that of temperature; it is therefore easier to consider initially an isothermal EOS and
then add on a thermal expansion correction. To this end, we shall first concentrate only
on the effect of pressure, i.e., on isothermal equations of state.
Isothermal Equations of State
We shall consider two types of isothermal EOS: infinitesimal EOS and finite
strain EOS. The first treats volume expansion in terms of infinitesimally
increasing increments in V, i.e., integrating over a volume or pressure range; the
second treats volume expansion in term of finite differences in strain, i.e.,
considering the subsequent volume change as the original volume plus a little
bit. Although the mathematics gets a bit tricky, especially for finite strain theory,
the essential points of both methods are outlined below.
Infinitesimal Equations of State:
Isothermal EOS begin in their simplest form with the incompressibility, K. If we
assume K is a constant (which is only true for small P), then integration of Eq.
76 gives:
Eq. 78
Eq. 79
Eq. 80
and similarly
Eq. 81
where K0 = K (0,T) is the incompressibility at P = 0, T = constant.
However, if K was a constant, remaining unchanged with increasing pressure,
then as P → , → , which we know is impossible; indeed, both seismology
and atomistic analysis show us that K increases with P, i.e., dK/dP > 0. In other
words, the more you squash something, the harder it is to squash it further. At an
atomic level, the more squashed a material becomes, the larger the repulsive
forces, holding the atoms apart, become to resist the pressure.
If we decide that it is not valid to assume that K in Eq. 76 is a constant, we can
repeat the whole integration process again, but at the next level of
approximation; writing dK/dP = K0′, we can put
Eq. 82
i.e., K increases linearly with pressure. After integration, this gives:
Eq. 83
Eq. 84
This is the Murnaghan Integrated Linear Equation of State, MILEOS.
However, this equation is also still approximate since K' itself is also a function
of P, i.e., K' constant, especially at very high pressures, or for “squashy”
materials with a small K. In principle, we could just repeat the above integration
procedure with:
Eq. 85
But this is by no means a simple calculation, and, for minerals, K" is very
difficult to measure experimentally, and may, or may not, itself vary with P.
Consequently, this led to the development of finite strain theory, which more
readily takes into account the variation of K with pressure.
Finite Strain Equations of State:
Finite strain theory is quite complex in detail and is based on the analysis of a
deformed body undergoing strain.
We can illustrate the essence of the difference between “infinitesimal strain
methods” and “finite strain methods” by considering a simple 2-dimensional
Suppose we take a square of material of unit side, and then deform it so that it
changes into a rectangle (1 + ε1) by (1 + ε2), as shown below.
Following the method used in Session A, we can write the strain tensor as
2 1 0 0
The area of the square before it was
deformed was 1 unit squared.
After deformation the area is
(1 + ε1) x (1 + ε2) = 1 + ε1 + ε2 + ε1ε2
In infinitesimal stain theory, we ignore all terms in ε1ε2, i.e. we ignore the
shaded part of the diagram. The relative change in area, ΔA/A, is then equal to
ε1 + ε2 = the sum of the diagonal terms (this is called “the trace”) of the strain
matrix. Clearly as the strains become larger this approximation becomes worse.
In 3-dimensions a similar argument applies to the ways in which we model the
volume change as pressure is applied to the material.
Consider a solid body undergoing such strain as a result of some applied
pressure; if the initial co-ordinates (or state) defining its volume are xi, and after
deformation the final co-ordinates are Xi, then there is some displacement vector
associated with this strain, ui. The deformation itself may be defined in two ways
as follows:
1) The Lagrangian scheme, where the final co-ordinates are written in
terms of the initial co-ordinates and the displacement vector thus:
Eq. 86
and therefore
Eq. 87
where = l / l, i.e., the fractional change in length, l, in each of three
co-ordinate components.
2) the Eulerian scheme, where the initial co-ordinates are written in
terms of the final co-ordinates and the displacement vector:
Eq. 88
and therefore
Eq. 89
where, for compression, = - l / l (or = −V/V, with = 3)
When considering infinitesimal strain, the above two schemes are equivalent,
i.e., for infinitesimally small volume changes, the associated strain may be
defined from either the starting or finishing co-ordinates; but for finite strain, the
above two schemes give differing results, and we therefore have to state which
scheme is being used in any subsequent analysis. In this instance we shall be
considering the Eulerian scheme which is more meaningful for finite strain
conditions, since every quantity is expressed in terms of the coordinates of the
points in the strained solid, which are the experimentally accessible ones.
Using the Eulerian scheme, and a lot of mathematical manipulation involving an
expansion of the Helmholtz free energy, F, about a factor f, called the
compression of the solid, to second order, i.e., F af2, where f = -(/3 – ½ 2/9)
-/3 -3/3 (where “≈” applies to infinitesimal strains), and after appropriate
substitutions for K and P we get the following:
Eq. 90
This is the 2nd order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, BMEOS.
We can now substitute this into the definition of K (Eq. 91)
Eq. 91
which gives
Eq. 92
Eq. 93
so for f → 0, i.e., very small strains, K'0 = 4, as observed in many experiments.
Intuitively, we would expect the result from finite strain theory for finite strains
approaching zero to compare well with infinitesimal strain theory; indeed when
we put K' = 4 in the MILEOS and set f = 0 in the 2nd order BMEOS, we see that
the MILEOS overestimates the predicted pressure by about 3% for a / 0 ~
1.25 (the ratio inferred at the core-mantle boundary).
This approach can be extended to include an expansion of the Helmholtz free
energy about the strain factor to third order (i.e., F af2 + bf3) which, after
tedious calculation, leads to:
Eq. 94
This is the 3rd order Birch-Murnaghan equation of State.
If K0' = 4, then this equation reduces to the 2 nd order BMEOS, but the 3rd order
BMEOS must be used when dealing with very high pressures where dK/dP
varies significantly with pressure.
Finally, there is also a 4th order BMEOS (F af2 + bf3 + cf4), which allows for
K" to vary as a function of pressure, and is therefore appropriate when dealing
with extremely condensed materials (possibly relevant in the deep interiors of
the gas giant planets), although such a variation in K" is rarely measured
experimentally. This very complex EOS takes the form:
Eq. 95
)24/143()7()8/3()8/3( 0000 +−+= KKKK
The 4th order BMEOS reduces to the 3rd order BMEOS if is set to zero;
however, for this to be the case, K" 0 since rearranging Eq. 95 gives:
Eq. 96
Therefore, the use of the 3rd order BMEOS implicitly assumes a non-zero value
for K", even if it is not measured.
Logarithmic Equations of State
It has been known for some time that the convergence of the polynomial
expansion for Eulerian strains is poor at very large strain values when K' 0. In
other words, the Birch-Murnaghan formalism breaks down at high pressures.
Poirier and Tarantola (1998) used the Hencky logarithmic strain to derive a new
equation of state. The Hencky strain is the same as the Eulerian strain for small
strains and exhibits better convergence behaviour at large strains. Thus an
equation of state derived in this way should offer better performance at high
pressure than the BMEOS.
The Hencky strain, H, is defined as,
Eq. 97
where dl / l is the fractional change in length under uniaxial compression.
Hence, for deformation under hydrostatic pressure,
Eq. 98
As with the derivation of the Birch-Murnaghan EOS, the pressure is written in
terms of the free energy derivative with respect to the strain,
Eq. 99
and the free energy is expanded as a series in powers of n,
Eq. 100
leading to a logarithmic equation of state:
Eq. 101
When this expansion is truncated at N = 2, we find;
Eq. 102
and so
Eq. 103
This is the 2nd order Logarithmic Equation of State
For N = 3,
Eq. 104
This is the 3rd order Logarithmic Equation of State
The 3rd order LNEOS is equivalent to the 3rd order BMEOS for small strains, but
diverges from it at large strains. BMEOS3 can give negative pressures for large
strains with K' < 4, whereas the logarithmic formulation avoids this.
As with the BMEOS, the expansion can be continued, yielding for N = 4, the 4th
order LNEOS:
Eq. 105
See Vocadlo et al. (2000) for a comparison of the 4th order LNEOS with BM
Equations of State.
However, it has recently been recognised (e.g., Stacey, 2000) that the finite
strain approach to equations of state is fundamentally flawed. Holzapfel
observed that K' should tend to K' = 5 / 3 (the value for a free-electron Fermi
Gas) under high compression. Few equations of state satisfy this condition,
although Shanker (1999) offers a 'universal' equation of state derived with this
condition in mind.
In Summary:
The simplest isothermal EOS is the definition for incompressibility (bulk
modulus). Using infinitesimal strain theory, integration of K yields an EOS
which implies that material is infinitely compressible, which we know is not the
case. Therefore, K must vary with P (as the more compressed matter is, the
harder it is to squash), and under this next level of approximation we arrive at
the MILEOS which therefore has a non-zero value for K', but K" = 0. An
advantage of the MILEOS is that it is mathematically more tractable than the
BMEOS, so it is easy to obtain either P from a given V, or V from a given P.
However, K' itself is known to vary with P, especially at high pressures, and
therefore we turn to finite strain theory to account for this pressure dependence
of K'. Under the Eulerian scheme, where the initial volume is given in terms of a
fraction of the strained volume, and expanding the Helmholtz free energy to
second order in the strain factor, we arrive at the 2nd order BMEOS. This gives
P, K and K0' as functions of / 0. If the strain factor is vanishingly small, then
K' --> 4, i.e., approaching the no strain P = 0 case. For / 0 = 1.25, the pre- dicted pressure differs from that derived from the MILEOS by only 3%. K" = 0.
When dealing with very high pressures, expanding the Helmholtz free energy to
third order in the strain factor results in the 3rd order BMEOS. This is equivalent
to the 2nd order BMEOS when K'= 4, and to the 2nd order BMEOS plus terms in
K" when K 4; the 3rd order BMEOS implicitly assumes a non-zero value of K".
At extremely high pressures, when K" is known for the system under
investigation, expanding the Helmholtz free energy to fourth order in the strain
results in the 4th order BMEOS. When = 0, 4th order BMEOS = 3rd order
BMEOS; but setting = 0 implies a non-zero value for K".
Problems with the formulation of the BM equations of state can be dealt with by
employing the Hencky strain to yield high-order logarithmic equations of state,
which are better suited to the compressive regime at the base of the mantle and
in the Earth's core. Be aware, though, when choosing an equation of state, that
most finite-strain equations of state are thermodynamically flawed at very high
compressions (of order teraPascals). When considering the behaviour of material
inside gas giants (Jupiter's core pressure is ~5 TPa), brown dwarfs and stars,
then relativistic nuclear equations of state (e.g., the Thomas-Fermi EOS) are
more appropriate.
The summary in summary: If K' = 4, then use the MILEOS or the 2nd order
BMEOS; if K' 4, use MILEOS or 3rd order BMEOS; if K" 0, use 4th order
BMEOS. However, the higher order the EOS that is used, the more complicated
the calculation. The 4th order LNEOS is favoured for studies of the deep mantle
and core.
Thermal Equations of State:
Thermal EOS describe how a solid reacts to changes in temperature. When a
solid is heated, the associated change in thermal pressure of the system results in
thermal expansion. The thermal pressure is the increase in internal pressure
caused by heating at constant volume, e.g., the pressure you would feel if
someone was heating up a balloon, and you were trying to hold the balloon at
constant volume; this given by:
Eq. 106
where γ is the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter. Integrating at constant V
and gives us:
Eq. 107
Eq. 108
where U is the change in internal energy (1st law thermodynamics).
This is the Mie-Grüneisen equation of state.
In real systems such changes in thermal pressure would cause thermal
The change in internal energy is difficult to measure, but by substituting Eq. 106
into Eq. 107 we get:
Eq. 109
At high T, KT ~ constant, but = (P), i.e., it varies with pressure; this
variation of with P is directly related to the variation of K with T, and is given
Eq. 110
These effects are more readily expressed via the Anderson-Grüneisen
parameter, which takes both an isothermal and adiabatic form.
a) The isothermal Anderson-Grüneisen parameter, T, is defined by:
Eq. 111
and since:
Eq. 112
Eq. 113
Eq. 114
i.e., this shows us how thermal expansion varies with relative volume change
and, therefore, with pressure.
At low pressures T is approximately constant, although structure dependent, but
at very high pressures, T varies with P also, via:
Eq. 115
where is an empirically derived constant, = V / V0, and the subscript T0
represents the value of the isothermal measured at P = 0.
Measuring the Anderson-Grüneisen parameter is quite difficult; if it is to be done by
diffraction methods it requires a lot of accurate data to be collected as a function of both
P and T; a recent example of such work at UCL, in which we attempted to measure this
quantity for (Mg,Fe)O, is given in the Electronic Supplement (file MgFeO.pdf).
b) When dealing with adiabatic systems, e.g., seismic structure and EOS, the
Anderson-Grüneisen parameter is defined thus:
Eq. 116
and is related to the isothermal parameter via:
Eq. 117
where is the Grüneisen parameter.
Equations of State at P and T
An all-encompassing EOS at pressure and temperature, giving V(P,T), may be
obtained by first using an isothermal EOS to calculate V(P,0); the Anderson- Grüneisen parameter may then be used to calculate (P) from (0). Thus, finally
we may calculate V(P,T) from V(P,0) and (P).
Shock Equations of State
An alternative way to the methods described above of obtaining EOS is to use
shock experiment data. A shock experiment can be performed by firing a gun at
a target in a controlled manner and analysing the resulting particle and shock
wave velocities. In this way, instantaneous short-lived high pressures may be
simulated (P > 350 GPa), and the effects on the material observed.
A projectile is fired at a target and sends shock waves through it with velocity us.
The large macroscopic particles within the target move with velocity u (u < us).
The compressive wave travels through the target, hits the rear and is reflected as
a dilation, which then blows the sample to bits.
Using suitable methods (electric counting, optical path changes, etc.) u and us
can be measured. Using the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and
energy, gives:
Eq. 118
Eq. 119
Eq. 120
therefore the change in internal energy is given by:
Eq. 121
The shock event is neither adiabatic nor isothermal; it is not adiabatic because it
is non-reversible, since the sample gains kinetic energy as well as potential
energy, and it is not isothermal because the sample heats up.
The locus of the P vs. points produced by a series of shock experiments is
called the Hugoniot.
The 'mixed phase' region is interpreted as being due to 'phase changes'. The
pressure and resulting microstructures bear no relation to equilibrium phase
changes, as the kinetics are too sluggish, but are often due to the production of a
high density glass phase.
Once the Hugoniot data has been obtained, it must be reduced to either an
isothermal or adiabatic EOS for it to be useful. The increase in internal energy
caused by shocking the sample gives rise to a temperature increase and therefore
a thermal pressure. To convert Hugoniot data to an adiabatic EOS, the thermal
pressure must be removed. This is done via the Mie-Grüneisen equation (seen
Eq. 108
This is often large, so an accurate value of is essential for this EOS to be
To obtain an isothermal EOS, the adiabatic EOS is converted via
thermodynamic identities.
Jackson. I., and S.M. Rigden (1996) Analysis of P-V-T data: Constraints on the
thermoelastic properties of high-pressure minerals. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 96,
Poirier. J.-P., and A. Tarantola (1998) A logarithmic equation of state. Phys.
Earth. Planet. Int. 109, 1-8.
Shanker. et al. (1999) On the universality of phenomenological isothermal
equations of state for solids. Physica B 271, 158-164.
Stacey. F.D. (1995) Theory of thermal and elastic properties of the lower mantle
and core. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 89, 219-245.
Stacey. F.D. (2000) The K-primed approach to high-pressure equations of state.
Geophys. J. Int. 143, 621-628.
Stacey. F.D., and D.G. Isaak (2001) Compositional constraints on the equation
of state and thermal properties of the lower mantle. Geophys. J. Int. 146, 143- 154.
Vocadlo. L., J.-P. Poirier, and G.D. Price (2000) Grüneisen parameters and
isothermal equations of state. Am. Min. 85.
Williams. Q., and E. Knittle (1997) Constraints on core chemistry from the
pressure dependence of the bulk modulus. Phys. Earth. Planet. Int. 100, 49-59.
Some further notes (by IGW)
1/. Equations of State at P & T
The derivatives of the isothermal incompressibility, KT, and the isobaric volume
coefficient of thermal expansion, αP, are linked via the relationship
P T TT P T K KP = 2 1
(e.g. Bina and Helffrich, Annual Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 20, 527-552, 1992) and thus
only one of these two derivatives need be measured. As mentioned above (pages 57 &
58), the temperature dependence of KT is commonly expressed in terms of the
isothermal Anderson-Grüneisen parameter, δT ; this dimensionless quantity may be
written in a number of ways, possibly the most useful being
δT = -(∂lnKT/∂lnV) = -(1/αPKT)(∂KT /∂T)
δT = (∂lnαP/∂lnV) = -(KT/αP)(∂α/∂P)
(see e.g. Bina and Helffrich, 1992; Poirier, Introduction to the Physics of the Earth’s
Interior). Knowledge of the first derivatives of K and α through δ is, therefore, an
essential minimum requirement if we wish to extrapolate accurately data obtained at
modest P/T to the conditions existing in the Earth’s lower mantle.
We often have experimental data that are scattered in P and T, as shown in the diagram.
The procedure that we can use to fit such PVT values is outlined below.
We choose a suitable reference
temperature, To.
This then allows us to find Vo(T) by
thermally expanding up the vertical
axis at zero pressure, using, e.g. from
Vo(T) = Vo(To)[1 + αo(T-To)]
We can then calculate the equations of the different P-V isobars, for example using the
BM-3. To do this, however, we need to know how Ko and Ko' vary with temperature, i.e.
we need values of (dKo/dT) (and, ideally, of dKo'/dT). If we have enough P-V data
points, we can use non-linear, least-squares fitting to adjust all six parameters
Vo(To), αo, Ko(To), Ko'(To), (dKo/dT) and (dKo'/dT)
to get the best fit to the data.
This provides us with a method by which to determine δT, the isothermal Anderson- Grüneisen parameter. Note that unless the data are very precise, covering a wide PT
range, it may well be necessary, for example, to assume (dKo'/dT) = 0.
2/. Simple Isobaric Equations of State
At e.g. P = 0, the simplest equation of state is obtained by integrating the expression for
the thermal expansion coefficient. From
dT dV V 1 =
we obtain
= dTV dV
CdTV += )ln(
If we now choose a reference temperature, To, at which V = Vo, we obtain
CdTV T To += )ln(
and hence C = ln(Vo)
= T To o dT V V ln
We cannot go any further unless we know how α varies with T. If α is temperature
independent, i.e. α = αo, then
)(ln oo o TT V V −=
)( oo TTo eVV −=
If the temperature difference is not too large, then )(1 )( oo TT TTe oo −+=− , and so
)(1 ooo TTVV −+=
an expression with which you are doubtless familiar.
If α cannot be assumed to be independent of T, then an expression such as
α = ao + a1(T-To) + ……
must be used instead on the right-hand side of equation (2.1).
Often, however, for practical purposes, one can dispense with this treatment and simply
fit the V(T) data directly to a polynomial such as
V = Vo + b1(T) + b2(T
2) + b3(T
3) + ……
However, if you do this you, should be very cautious if you extrapolate the data
beyond the range of measurement – polynomials can go “haywire” very easily!
3/. More Physically Meaningful Isobaric Equations of State
More physically meaningful interpretations of V(T) data may be obtained using Grüneisen
approximations for the zero pressure equation of state (see Wallace, Thermodynamics of
Crystals, pub Dover, 1998; a truly awesome book!) in which the effects of thermal
expansion are considered to be equivalent to elastic strain induced by thermal pressure.
It has been found empirically that the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter, γ, given by
γ = αKV/CV
(where α is the thermal expansion coefficient; K, the incompressibility (bulk modulus);
V, the volume and CV, the specific heat at constant volume) is reasonably constant.
Rearranging this equation and integrating with respect to T, taking γ as constant, we obtain
dT dV V 1 =
and so
= = KdVVdT dT dV V KdTCV 1
But, the left-hand side of this equation = )T(EdTCV
and so, if we assume that K is independent of temperature (which is a bit iffy!), we then
find that
0 0 V K )T(E )T(V +=
Wallace, gives a better expression for V(T) “to second order”:
0 0 )( )( )( V TbEQ TEV TV + − =
where Q=V0K0/ and b=(K0'-1)/2; is a Grüneisen parameter (assumed constant), K0 and
K0' are the incompressibility and its first derivative with respect to pressure respectively
at T = 0 and V0 is the volume at T = 0. The internal energy, E(T), may be calculated using
the Debye approximation (Session B notes, or Cochran’s book) from:
− = T x D B D e dxxT TnkTE 0 3 3 1 9)(
where n is the number of atoms in the unit cell, kB is Boltzmann's constant, and D is the
Debye temperature.
Thus, if we fit equations (3.1) or (3.2) to V(T) data obtained from diffraction experiments,
we are able not only to model the expansion curve over a very wide temperature range,
but also to determine useful material parameters such as D and K0'.
An example of this work is shown below, taken from a study of ε-FeSi in which we first
used this approach (Vočadlo, Knight, Price and Wood; Phys. Chem. Minerals, 29, 132- 139, 2002). Note that if you read this paper, you will find that some of the symbols used
in the equations are different from those given above (I have changed them here so that
they are consistent with those used in Session B).
A further example of this type of interpretation of thermal expansion data, in which the
analysis is extended to the axial expansions, as well as the volumetric expansion, can be
found in the paper on post-perovskite structured CaIrO3 by Lindsay-Scott et al. (file
CaIrO3.pdf in the Electronic. Supplement).
1/. Show that
d dP dV dP V =−
2/. Assuming that the incompressibility is given by K = Ko + Ko 'P, derive the
Murnaghan Integrated Linear Equation of State, expressing the equation in terms of P
and V rather than P and ρ.
3/. If Ko = 200 GPa and Ko ' = 4, what is the difference in pressure predicted by the
Murnaghan Integrated Linear EoS and the Birch-Murnaghan 3rd order EoS for
compactions V/Vo = 0.9, 0.8, and 0.7?
4/. Calculate the thermal expansion coefficient of a material that has been compressed to
80% of its original volume, assuming that the ambient pressure value of α is 3 x 10-5 K-1
and that the Anderson-Grüneisen parameter, δT =1.47.
5/. (i) The thermal expansion coefficient, α, is defined as
dT dV V 1 =
The table on the right shows experimental data
for the change in V with T for ε-FeSi, between
275 K and 607 K.
Using Excel (or equivalent) plot a graph of
V vs T, fit a straight line to the data, and hence
find the value of α at 300 K (assuming that α
is independent of temperature).
(ii) The incompressibility (bulk modulus), K, of a material is defined by
dV dP VK −=
The table on the right shows experimental data
for the change in V with P for ε-FeSi, between
0 GPa and 3.006 GPa.
Plot a graph of V vs P, fit a straight line to the data,
and hence find the value of K at 0 GPa (assuming
that K is independent of Pressure).
(iii) The thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter, γ, is given by
γ = αKV/CV
(see Lecture notes for definitions of the symbols used).
The heat capacity of ε-FeSi at 300 K and 0 GPa is 48.11 J mol-1 K-1, and there are 4
formula units in each unit cell.
Calculate the molar volume of ε-FeSi (Avogadro’s number = 6.022 x 1023 per mole) and
hence find the value of the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter at 300 K and 0 GPa.
(iv) Explain briefly the additional factors that would have to be taken into consideration
when applying the analysis used in parts (i) and (ii) to materials in planetary interiors.
How might these affect the value of the thermodynamic Grüneisen parameter?
6/. Mineralogical Models
In this final exercise, taken from Dr Vočadlo’s course (C365, Physics of the Earth &
Planetary Interiors, we shall investigate whether the PREM seismological model
Preliminary Reference Earth Model) is consistent with an upper mantle mineralogical
model of predominantly olivine and garnet, assuming a given geotherm.
We need to find to show how a) density and b) seismic velocities of olivine and pyrope- rich garnet vary as a function of pressure and temperature, and therefore, for a given
geotherm, how they will vary as a function of depth. We can then compare our
calculations with PREM to test the validity of this mineralogical model.
Mineralogical Data (Remember, if necessary, to change the units!)
Olivine Garnet
ρ0,300 /g cm-3 3.353 3.705
K0,300 /GPa 128 169.4
K' 4 4
α0,300 /x10-5 K-1 2.66 2.36
δt 6.59 6.27
dK/dT /GPa K-1 0.0223 0.02513
γ 1.25 1.5
dKs/dT /GPa K-1 0.018 0.0195
μ0,300 /GPa 78.1 92.6
dμ/dP 1.71 1.56
dμ/dT /GPa K-1 0.0136 0.0102
Geotherm Data (Stacey, 1977)
Depth /km P /GPa T /K
0 0 300
72 2.2 1035
122 3.5 1266
172 5.4 1480
222 7.1 1670
272 8.5 1823
322 10.5 1945
372 11 2025
422 14 2085
472 16 2130
522 18 2165
572 20 2197
622 21.6 2225
670 23.8 2250
771 28.3 2290
871 32.8 2335
971 37.3 2372
1071 41.9 2407
1171 46.5 2445
1271 51.2 2483
a) Calculating the density profile as a function of depth:
Using the MILEOS, a density-depth profile may be obtained in two ways: (i) by
calculating density as a function of pressure at constant temperature, then as a function
of temperature at this pressure; (ii) by calculating density as a function of temperature at
zero pressure, and then as a function of pressure at this temperature.
(i) Going up in pressure first, and then temperature.
a) Obtain the density as a function of pressure at 300K via the MILEOS:
P K K +1
0 K 1 0,300P,300
b) Calculate the Thermal expansion coefficient as a function of pressure via the
Anderson-Grüneisen parameter:
P,300 0,300 0,300P,300 T
c) Finally, calculate the density as a function of pressure and temperature via the
thermal expansion coefficient:
(ii) Going up in temperature first, and then in pressure.
a) Obtain the density as a function of temperature via the zero pressure thermal
expansion coefficient:
b) Then find the incompressibility as a function of temperature from:
T dT dK -K
K 0,300T0,
(we assume that K' does not vary)
c) Finally, calculate density as a function of temperature and pressure via the MILEOS.
P K K +1
T0 K 1 T0,TP, ,
Calculate the density profile with depth using both methods and compare the results;
by how much do they differ?
In general, the first method is probably considered to be
the more reliable – why?
b) Calculating the seismic velocity profiles:
Seismic velocities may be expressed in terms of the adiabatic incompressibility, the
shear modulus, and the density. The adiabatic incompressibility, KS, may be obtained
from the isothermal incompressibility, KT, as a function of pressure and temperature;
this may then be put into the Vp and Vs equations, along with the density profile
calculated previously. The stages in this process are as follows:
a) Get KT at 300 K as a function of pressure, i.e. find KT (P,300):
There are a variety of ways in which you can do this.
The basic assumption of the
MILEOS is that:
K TT 0,300300P +,
As an alternative, you should also evaluate KT (P,300) from the 2 nd-order Birch- Murnaghan EOS, by putting your calculated density profile into the equation below.
])/(5)/(7)[2/( 3/50 3/7 0, −K
K TT 0,300300P
b) KS may now be calculated as a function of pressure, using the Grüneisen parameter,
K P0,300Ts P,300P,300
We have not covered this conversion from isothermal (constant temperature) to
adiabatic (no heat flows in or out of the body) parameters in the lectures – it is one of
the many uses of the Grüneisen parameter; you will find it discussed in, for example,
Poirier: Introduction to the Physics of the Earth’s Interior.
c) KS may now be calculated also as a function of temperature, via dKS/dT.
T dT dK -K = K s ss P,TP 300,
d) The shear modulus as a function of pressure may be found from dμ/dP:
P dP d +
e) and the shear modulus as a function of temperature may be found from dμ/dT:
T dT d -
P,300TP ,
f) Finally (!) we can put KS, μ and ρ, all as a function of pressure and temperature, into
the expressions for VP and VS:
TP TPs p 3 4 +K
V TP , ,,
V , ,
c) Comparison with PREM
Having obtained the density and seismic velocity profile within the given geotherm for
both olivine and garnet, these may now be plotted as a function of depth together with
the PREM model for comparison.
The PREM data are given in the table below. They may also be obtained electronically
as an Excel spreadsheet from the GEOL0026 Moodle site or the Electronic Supplement
In the light of your calculations, comment on the possible mineral phases in the
upper mantle. Discuss briefly how the iron content of the minerals might affect
your results, and also the shortcomings in this type of calculation using the
Poirier, J. 1991 Introduction to the Physics of the Earth's interior.
Weidner, D.J. 1986 Mantle Model Based on Measured Physical Properties of Minerals.
In Chemistry and Physics of Terrestrial Planets, ed. S.K. Saxena.
Duffy, T.S. and Anderson, D.L. 1989 Seismic Velocities in Mantle Minerals and the
Mineralogy of the Upper Mantle. J. Geophys. Res. 94 1895-912.
The PREM Model
PREM data (from Poirier), units are as follows:
Depth in km
Density in Mg per cubic
Incompressibility, K, in kbar (10 kbar = 1GPa)
Shear modulus, μ, in GPa
Seismic velocities, Vp and Vs in km/s
Density K μ Vp Vs
24.4 3.38 1315 68.2 8.112255 4.491939
40 3.38 1311 68 8.100089 4.485348
60 3.38 1307 67.7 8.085466 4.475443
90 3.37 1303 67.4 8.082781 4.472136
115 3.37 1287 66.5 8.03122 4.442177
185 3.36 1278 66 8.014124 4.432026
220 3.36 1270 65.6 7.989328 4.418576
220 3.44 1529 74.1 8.553865 4.641196
265 3.42 1579 75.7 8.699555 4.704732
310 3.49 1630 77.3 8.731373 4.706272
355 3.52 1682 79 8.815233 4.737424
400 3.54 1735 80.6 8.908935 4.77162
400 3.72 1899 90.6 9.13901 4.935062
450 3.79 2037 97.7 9.387111 5.07724
500 3.85 2181 105.1 9.646119 5.224816
550 3.91 2332 112.8 9.904919 5.371136
600 3.98 2489 121 10.15252 5.513802
635 3.98 2523 122.4 10.21748 5.545608
670 3.99 2556 123.9 10.26955 5.572489
670 4.38 2999 154.8 10.75145 5.944953
721 4.41 3067 163.9 10.91332 6.096354
771 4.44 3133 173 11.06865 6.242112
871 4.5 3303 179.4 11.24969 6.314006
971 4.56 3471 185.6 11.41873 6.379793
1071 4.62 3638 191.8 11.58007 6.443225
1171 4.68 3803 197.9 11.73211 6.502794
1271 4.73 3966 203.9 11.88801 6.565655
1371 4.79 4128 209.8 12.0241 6.618125
1471 4.84 4288 215.7 12.1662 6.675786
1571 4.9 4448 221.5 12.29014 6.723398
1671 4.95 4607 227.3 12.42161 6.77637
1771 5 4766 233.1 12.5491 6.827884
1871 5.05 4925 238.8 12.67179 6.876564
1971 5.11 5085 244.5 12.77917 6.917178
2071 5.16 5246 250.2 12.89643 6.963359
2171 5.21 5409 255.9 13.01188 7.008358
2271 5.26 5575 261.7 13.12729 7.05357
2371 5.31 5744 267.5 13.24168 7.097651
2471 5.36 5917 273.4 13.35671 7.141951
2571 5.41 6095 279.4 13.47301 7.186453
2671 5.46 6279 285.5 13.59114 7.231139
2771 5.51 6440 290.7 13.68295 7.263513
2871 5.56 6537 293.3 13.70794 7.263043
2891 5.57 6556 293.8 13.71244 7.262703
2891 9.9 6441 0.00E+00 8.066016 0
2971 10.02 6743 0.00E+00 8.203378 0
3071 10.18 7116 0.00E+00 8.360728 0
3171 10.33 7484 0.00E+00 8.511708 0
3271 10.47 7846 0.00E+00 8.656669 0
3371 10.6 8202 0.00E+00 8.79644 0
3471 10.73 8550 0.00E+00 8.926541 0
3571 10.85 8889 0.00E+00 9.051313 0
3671 10.97 9220 0.00E+00 9.167737 0
3771 11.08 9542 0.00E+00 9.28004 0
3871 11.19 9855 0.00E+00 9.384546 0
3971 11.29 10158 0.00E+00 9.485432 0
4071 11.39 10451 0.00E+00 9.578931 0
4171 11.48 10735 0.00E+00 9.67008 0
4271 11.57 11009 0.00E+00 9.75455 0
4371 11.65 11273 0.00E+00 9.836867 0
4471 11.73 11529 0.00E+00 9.913952 0
4571 11.81 11775 0.00E+00 9.985171 0
4671 11.88 12013 0.00E+00 10.05582 0
4771 11.95 12242 0.00E+00 10.12144 0
4871 12.01 12464 0.00E+00 10.18726 0
4971 12.07 12679 0.00E+00 10.24917 0
5071 12.13 12888 0.00E+00 10.30771 0
5150 12.17 13047 0.00E+00 10.35404 0
5150 12.76 13434 156.7 11.02979 3.504364
5171 12.77 13462 157.4 11.03872 3.510807
5271 12.83 13586 160.3 11.07029 3.534707
5371 12.87 13701 163 11.10602 3.558808
5471 12.91 13805 165.4 11.1362 3.579354
5571 12.95 13898 167.6 11.16139 3.597511
5671 12.98 13981 169.6 11.18631 3.614728
5771 13.01 14053 171.3 11.20592 3.628608
5871 13.03 14114 172.7 11.22458 3.640608
5971 13.05 14164 173.9 11.2385 3.650434
6071 13.07 14203 174.9 11.24772 3.658113
6171 13.08 14231 175.5 11.25565 3.662981
6271 13.09 14248 175.9 11.25893 3.665752
6371 13.09 14253 176.1 11.26153 3.667836