ACCT1002: Business Simulation and Report (40%)
No. Details Allocated
1. Business Simulation (5%)
Completion of the simulation game (i.e., making all
decisions, without leaving any decisions incomplete).
Profit/loss will have no impact on marks.
• Your spreadsheet must to be completed and submitted
in Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx format only).
Submitting your spreadsheet in any other format
(such as pdf or screenshot) will result in a mark of
zero (0) for both the Business Simulation (5%) and
Ratio Calculation (15%) as we will not be able to
mark your submission;
• Your submission must be made on Blackboard under
“Business Simulation Excel Submission” folder which
you will find on Blackboard under “Assessment 3 –
Business Simulation and report” (scroll all the way to
the bottom to see the submission link).
2. Ratio Calculation (15%)
• Correct calculations of all ratios from both tabs of the
business simulation spreadsheet (i.e., 2019 Ratio
Analysis and 2020 Ratio Analysis)
• Please also show your final answer (Do not show
• Please use a calculator to calculate your ratios (do
not type in excel formula as will show as working
as will be marked incorrect)
• Ratios are to be rounded to 4 decimal places
• Please use the formula provided next to each ratio in the
• Each ratio calculation carries 0.5 marks (30 ratios in total
to calculate)
3. Report (20%) – Please use template provided on
Blackboard under “Assessment > Assessment 3 >
Business Simulation Spreadsheet and Template”.
Please note that for this assessment, you are not allowed
to make use of an AI tool to assist you to write your
report. This is not required and the use of AI tool will not
only result in a low score but also be deemed as an
academic misconduct. The content of the report is an
analysis, in your own words, of your own company and
based on your own decisions.
Your submission must be made in Microsoft word and
uploaded to Turnitin upload to Turnitin using the “Business
Simulation Report Submission” folder which you will find on
Blackboard under “Assessment 3 – Business Simulation and
report” (scroll all the way to the bottom to see the submission
• Please provide a brief introduction outlining the purpose
of this report. Your introduction must contain:
o A brief overview of your company;
o Strategies implemented;
o Introduce the purpose of this report;
o Summarize key performance figure and trend
from the analysis.
• Write a report to compare the movement of each ratio;
• You will be required to write a short paragraph analyzing
the ratio from 2019 to 2020;
• You will also need to provide potential (logical and
feasible) explanations to explain the movement;
• Please see exemplar below:
Profitability Ratios – Net Profit Margin
As seen from our ratio analysis, the 2019 net profit margin was
0.5 (222,222/444,444) and the 2020 net profit margin was
calculated as 0.38 (150,000/400,000). This demonstrates a drop
of 24%. This movement can be explained by a decline in both the
Net Profit (from $222,222 in 2019 to $150,000 in 2020) and
decline in Net Sales (from $444,444 in 2019 to $400,000 in
2020). However, the reduction in Net Profit was proportionately
higher than the reduction in Net Sales. This decline can be
explained by the reduction in sales volume and selling price for
pizzas (as a result of offering combo deals) due to COVID 19.
{Numbers used in this example are assumed figures). The %
movement is calculated as (2020 figure-2019 figure)/2019 figure
(i.e. [(0.38 – 0.5)/0.5}.
Please note that the above is a very brief example only – Do Not
Copy and Paste from the above (your analysis needs to have
significantly more detail in explaining the movements. When
doing so, you may consider the following:
• Describe the overall trend and evaluate (positive or
negative change) - include the figures generated from
the simulation and percentage that you calculated;
• Describe the changes in each of the variables used to
calculate the respective ratio (i.e., the numerator and
• Comment of the relative changes in the numerator and
denominator (provide percentage change, which change
was more significant, which change had the highest
impact on the ratio etc);
• Provide qualitative comments to explain the movements
(both in nominator and denominator and overall ratio) –
Simply stating “COVID-19 is insufficient; your
explanations need to relate to your decision(s) made.
In your conclusion, please provide the following (please
remember that this part is worth the most marks; therefore, this
part needs to be quite significant in quantity as compared to other
• The overall performance of your company from the
simulation (i.e., profit or loss). Then, please break your
analysis further into the three ratio categories
(profitability, liquidity, and financial stability). Please
state the profit / loss amount along with other key figures
that you deem important;
• Possible explanation explaining the movements in your
profit / loss and other key ratios;
• Possible recommendations
• If you had a loss, what do you think is the major
decision that caused the loss?
• What could you have done to result to a profit
• If you had a profit, what major decisions made
caused the profit?
• What could you have done to improve the profit?
• What is the future direction of your business?
Grammar and Structure of the Report / Rounding Marks 1
Additional Comments:
Once you have completed all three milestones described above, you will be required to upload both your
completed Business Simulation spreadsheet and word document report as follows (Please refer to the
video posted on Blackboard under “Assessment > Assessment 3 – Business Simulation and Report >
“How to submit your Business Simulation and Report” for a walk-through on how to submit your report
and spreadsheet):
a) Your completed Simulation (the full spreadsheet) – please label the file as
“studentno.lastname.campus.xlsx” (i.e., “12345678.Smith.Bentley.xlsx”) and upload to
“Business Simulation Excel Submission” folder which you will find on Blackboard under
“Assessment 3 – Business Simulation and report; and
b) Your report (ensuring that you follow the structure as outlined in section 3 above) in word
version – please label the file as “studentno.lastname.campus.doc” (i.e.,
“12345678.Smith.Bentley.docx”) and upload to Turnitin using the “Business Simulation Report
Submission” folder which you will find on Blackboard under “Assessment 3 – Business
Simulation and report.