辅导案例-COMP 2772 /-Assignment 2

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COMP 2772 / COMP 8772 Assignment 2
Due Date: 1st of November
Weighting (COMP2772): 35%
Weighting (COMP8772): 25%
Late penalty: 5% per day late, or part thereof
For this assignment you are tasked with creating a web page in Single Page Application (SPA) format.
As with the course labs you will be creating a blogging style website where users can input posts and
have those posts appear, serialised, on the main page.
The assignment is comprised of two primary components:
 A Brief document acting as a style guide and readme
 The SPA, running in a Node.JS environment
Your submission should be a single .zip file containing the contents of your SPA as well as your style
guide document in PDF format. The zip should contain the full SPA structure including node libraries
and folders. If additional libraries beyond those provided in the default project are used, these should
be noted in your readme/style guide.
Assignment Specification
As stated there are two primary components to the assignment. The first is a style guide that details
the layout, contents and style elements chosen for your page. The second is the actual implementation
including any HTML, templates, style sheets, scripts and modifications to the original structure made.
Style Guide / Specification document
This document should contain a brief overview of the structures used and the styles implemented
within the application, as well as the functional behaviour of the various SPA elements.
1. Project structure
The document should clearly lay out the project structure including folders used and communication
structures utilised within the application. This includes the location of templates, scripts and style
sheets within the project. It should also include details of any routes employed and deep linking
solutions utilised to preserve state.

2. Style guidelines
The document should contain the details of styles chosen. This should include elements like font
selection, colour pallet and iconography. The style guide portion should also include details of the
various view / template elements of the page and their purpose. This should include layout choices
and other design details. Any responsive functionality included in the application should also be
detailed here, along with the trigger parameters for such features. Any alternate/advanced style
implementations should be detailed in this section including animation flex and effect behaviour.
Lastly the content described in this section should appear within your page, it should not contain
details of style and outline that you wanted or considered using, rather what you did use.
3. SPA Functionality
Lastly the document should contain the functional details for the app including element
communication, back end functionality and any additional modules employed. This should include the
purpose of any of your own script files, JavaScript / AngularJS implementations and structure.
If any additional work has been done on the back end server, or additional Node.JS modules used
these should be detailed along with the functionality they provide to the SPA. Lastly this should detail
the Node.JS run specification and port used in the final result; this will usually be localhost:8000 or
localhost:3000 but should be clarified here.
A note for 8772 Students
It is imperative that you take significant notes on your decisions regarding style, implementation
and structure for the assignment. A key component of the Comp8772 research assignment will
involve reflections on these choices in a more comprehensive manner than is to be presented here.
Single Page Application
The primary component of the assignment is the development of a single page application that meets
the specifications laid out below. This page must run within a Node.JS on the localhost or localhost
equivalent. Implementations that do not run in a server environment will be awarded zero marks.
The implementation style and layout are up to you and should be outlined in the style guide. Note
that you are not being marked on your graphical design skills. While the tools implemented in the
solution will be awarded marks (e.g. the use of CSS animations classes) the physical appearance of art
assets will not.
The following guidelines outline the minimum views required to meet the specification. In the case of
all pages’ sufficient lorem ipsum content can be generated for https://lipsum.com/ and used to
provide mock text content.
Required Pages
Your solution should make use of the following pages
 Content / News page
 Content creation page
 About page
 FAQ page
Note that these are the minimum required pages, if you wish to add more for additional functionality
that is fine.
1. Content / News page
This page should act as the landing pad for your application as well as the page responsible for
displaying news posts. News posts should be clearly styled and marked up including at a minimum:
 Post Title
 Author
 Date Created
 Tags
Styling should make each element easily identifiably and clear with all three primary elements
(header/content/footer) of the template defined.
2. Content creation page
This page should act as the primary point for post creation. The page should make use of the form
element and attributes to allow users to create content. The form should make use of suitable CSS
styling and pseudo classes to make it clear to the user when elements are focused or selected as well
as to draw the user to the creation elements of the page. Sufficient input fields should be provided to
meet the requirements of the news page layout.
3. About page
This page represents generic about content and should be structured and laid out to draw focus to
and highlight this content. Textual content can be filled in with lorem ipsum text of sufficient length
to demonstrate the styling and structure choices.
4. FAQ page
The FAQ page should present the intended layout of a hypothetical Frequently Asked Questions page.
Key elements of this page are 10 question entries. The body and title content of the questions should
use Placeholder / Lorem Ipsum text.
However, the page should include a content section that provides links to each question on the page,
and functionality to navigate to that question when clicked.
Additional information
In addition to these 4 pages your SPA should include ancillary views for navigating and partitioning
your page. This should be in the form of top or side navigation options, header and footer elements
and any other elements needed to create a cohesive SPA environment.
The final page structure should be resilient to simple shape changes (unless responsive design has
been incorporated into your page as an additional feature). This means that content should stay within
the confines of defined spaces and elements should style without unnecessary overflow or visual

Marking Specification
Due to the number of possible variations available with both the content and technologies that can
be employed in the assignment please take the time to familiarise yourself with the marking
guidelines to properly understand the requirements of each rubric tier.
Coding Style (5 Marks)
Description Mark
 Code is jagged and makes no effective
use of white space.
 Elements are not indented.
 Variable names are meaningless and
arbitrary. File structure is singular and
poorly structured. Files contain no
 Code is correctly formatted and makes
acceptable use of whitespace.
 Elements are clearly aligned and
 Variable names and object construction
is clear, logical and meaningful.
 File structure is logical, clear and
 Code is clearly commented to explain
function behaviour


Style \ Specification Document \ Project structure (15 Marks)
Note that a key component of the marks awarded for the Style\Specification document is that the SPA
follows the outlines provided. As such the overall structure of the project is included in these marks
and should follow the design laid out.
Description Mark
 Project structure is not laid out or not
 Project contains little to no templating
 Functional structures are incorrectly
defined or detailed
 Style is either not defined or not
 Functional elements are not defined

 Project structure is laid out and mostly
 Project contains Templates for most
major sections
 Functional structures are noted but not
 Routes are mentioned but not
 Style is detailed and mostly followed
 Functional elements are noted but not
clearly explained
 Project structure is clearly laid out and
 Template design is encapsulated and
 Functional structures (e.g. controllers)
are correctly applied at the appropriate
 Routing structure is clearly explained
and justified.
 Style is detailed (including any
advanced style features) and followed
in the SPA.
 Functional elements of the SPA are
clearly detailed, including technologies
used (JavaScript \AngularJS \ Express)

SPA Implementation (50 Marks)
The marks awarded for the SPA implementation are defined heavily by the technologies and
implementations chosen. For maximum marks in this portion the student will need to extend the SPA
in some manner, either through additional code, style or HTML functionality. Some examples of
possible routes for extension are provided below
Description Mark
Implement a version of the SPA that uses no
backend functionality. All style and HTML
elements are structured and linked correctly.
Static content is used to replicate potential
dynamic content in the News section.
Utilise AngularJS to create a basic SPA. HTML
content is defined by Angular variables and
scripts control SPA communication and
functionality. Content can be added through
the Create page and is displayed on the News
The SPA uses simple templating to create a
page out of multiple partial views. Angular
controllers are utilised to control each
templates operation. Ng-Include is the primary
method of constructing the templated
ngRoute is employed to provide deep linking to
the SPA. Routes and controllers are correctly
established and utilised to allow for
communication between different views
Use AJAX calls through the provided RESTful
server structure to the SPA. Establish http calls
to the necessary controllers to store data when
a post Is made, and to read data when a user
returns to the site.

SPA Extension (30 marks)
30 marks of the Assignment are awarded for additional implementation. This should be a significant
stylistic or programmatic addition to the SPA. These additions should be clearly noted and detailed in
documentation. You may use multiple smaller additions (e.g. markdown, animated menus) or a large
singular addition (login database functionality).
You may use this opportunity to focus on either design or code enhancements to provide a superior
viewing experience, or additional back end functionality. Some examples that you might consider
 Route statefulness (remember the post content etc)
 Recent posts to nav / detail elements
 Post comment chains
 Flexbox and responsive elements
 Personalisation (individual style or alternative style options)
 Animations and collapsing menus
 Markup / Markdown on text content
 Proper database for posts
 Session control and user login (Express / DB modification)
 Image attachment to files (Express / DB modification)
 Sort by tags / author / filtering
Note that these are not the only possible options, they are simply a small list of possible choices. If
you employ additional libraries (either Node.JS modules or other libraries like jQuery / Bootstrap) in
your solution they should again be included in any documentation.
Description Mark
Implement 1 simple extension to your SPA
implementation. This includes things like mark
up for text entry, simple comments on posts,
more robust style and responsive interactions
Implement 2 simple, or one complex extension
to your SPA implementation. Complex
extensions include complete visual overhauls,
robust responsive design elements, database or
login integration.




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