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31272 Project Management and the Professional

Assignment 2 Autumn 2024

Event Management System (EMS) Project

Marks: See Subject outline

Submission Components (one per group):

• Report

• Project Responsibilities spreadsheet – will be used when marking the report

Final Report Submission Due (via Canvas): See Subject outline

Length of report: See subject outline

Group work: The report and presentation will be marked on an individual basis. It is expected that a

group report will be submitted with individual work clearly identified (see section 3 below).

1 Background

See the separate case study

2 Tasks

This assignment is based upon the separate case study detailing the project scenario and consists of

a report. The workshop briefing reports form a basis for your report.

2.1 Project Briefing Paper (Report)

This assignment is based upon the project scenario on below and information from the tutorial


This task is composed of one major deliverable: a project planning/briefing report; This must both

be submitted to the PMP CEO (or member of his executive team) by the time/date nominated.

Failure to meet deadline means your CEO will not be able to, in turn, deliver them at SMR’s

December Board meeting where he has been invited to speak. This would be highly embarrassing

for him – and with possible ‘career-limiting’ repercussions for the PMP team members involved!

2.1.1 Team roles

The following roles are needed and should be defined in your team charter

• Team Lead (coordinates the team, lodges final document in Canvas)

• Quality assurance Controller (checks for consistency across sections of the document)

• All team members (research and answer allocated questions, advise other team

members of any dependencies, assumptions etc)

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The whole group is responsible for team performance and meeting deliverables (Defined and

monitored in your team charter and weekly updates.)

Allocated roles and responsibilities should have been agreed in the team charter. If you have trouble

with group organisation or colleagues within the group (including members not contributing) referring

to the charter or agreed updates should help.

If differences or behaviour are not resolved, (it is important you settle these issues early) and conflicts

persist, then arrange to meet with your tutor (ideally as a whole group) as soon as possible.

2.1.2 Report

The project planning document must contain the following sections (although others can be added):

Section 1 – Business Overview

• Document introduction, purpose and background

• Objectives of the Event Management System (EMS) and key success criteria

• Short discussion of the project’s Measurable Organisational Value (MOV) and potential


• Outline of project scope (including requirements traceability, identification of out-of-scope


• Project assumptions and potential constraints

Section 2 – Key Project Management Planning and Control Strategies to Adopt

• Stakeholder management and communication plan (including stakeholder registers)

• Discussion of system development approaches for creating the EMS (Waterfall, Agile or

Hybrid) and respective advantages/disadvantages of each for this project. A development

approach is chosen (with reasoning for your choice).

• Risk management strategy and initial planning (including an initial project risk register with a

minimum of 15 risks)

• Project progress monitoring, scope management and change control strategy

• Quality management strategy and initial planning for same

• Hint: refer to lecture notes and tutorial workshop activities for guidance in this section

Section 3 – Major Project Management Activities and Estimates

• High-level work breakdown structure of the EMS project (a minimum of 100 tasks)

• Task sequencing using activity-on-node (AON) network dependency diagram. If needed,

place a high-level summary NDD in the report body with more detailed AON PERT in an

appendix. A link to an external diagram can be provided for clarity, however the report

should be able to be read and understood without accessing an external links.

• Task scheduling on a Gantt chart (must reflect both the WBS and the detailed PERT)

• Identification and discussion of key project milestones (should be at least 8 but more are OK)

• Discussion of identified critical path dependencies

• Best estimate of time (with reasoning) needed to complete the project from start to final


• Validation of the proposed budget: (a) an initial ‘top-down’ budget must be realistically

allocated to key project phases/activities/deliverables; (b) a ‘bottom up’ estimate must be

undertaken for the same tasks; (c) Outcomes of the cross-validation are to be discussed and

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recommendations made (e.g. are there differences? Is initial budget too high/low? Should a

formal request for budget increase/decrease be made? Should a contingency fund be

established? Etc.)

• Human resourcing estimate for the project (i.e. Roles needed? How many people? For how

long? Daily charge rate?)

Section 4 – Conclusion

• Summary of major points and relevant approvals required for key project areas.

• Recommendations suggested next steps to get the project underway plus concluding


Section 5 – Additional Criteria – Professionalism, Presentation and Accountability

• Report is well-presented and looks professional – suitable for submission to senior

executives. Appropriate title page (with student names/numbers plus tutor name), table of

contents, heading and page numbers, grammar, punctuation and conforming to the UTS

Style Guide (page 2 of the FEIT cover sheet)

• Communicates well - concise/good executive summary, structure, and language flow, etc.

• Include, in an Appendix, a completed copy of the table in section 3. This is needed to allow

PMP management visibility of individual work effort.

Note that the product for this engagement is a professional-level Project Briefing Report for Board-

level consumption. PMP is, as yet only contracted to provide this one deliverable. Arrangements for

more in-depth planning and development of the actual EMS are still pending (although PMP hopes

to be involved and a good impression with this initial report will be central to that happening).

3 Report Assessment Scheme

Remember, this is a professional document for senior management and should look and read as such.

The marks will be allocated as follows:

• Each team member will take responsibility for multiple sections in the assignment.

• Each section will be assigned to one and only one team member.

• Unless a team member drops out, each section will be covered once.

• All team members will be responsible for the document’s professionalism and consistency of

content and layout.

• Each team member will be responsible for at least one 20 mark section

• It is expected that each team member will be responsible for more or less the same number

of marks.

• A team member’s total mark will be multiplied by the appropriate factor to gain a mark out

of 40.

Please discuss any problems with your tutor and document any decisions in your reflection document.

The sections and marks are available in the assignment 2 rubric spreadsheet.

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4 Submission Requirements

Assignments are to be submitted online via 'Assignments' tab of Canvas by time due.

Only one copy of the report should be uploaded per team (i.e. one group member submits on behalf

of a team with all participating student names/ids noted on report title page). Make sure to confirm

upload has been successful and keep submission receipt in case later verification is required.

If the report needs to be submitted as separate sections (for example one student has not

completed their work before the assignment deadline) please inform your tutor and the subject co-

ordinator via email.

5 Assignment Marking and Feedback

Assignment feedback sheets will normally be uploaded for each report in Canvas by completion of the

end-of-term Exam period.

6 Expected Standard of the Work

You are expected to conceptualise the problem or issue, find relevant references for context, facts,

theory and examples, come up with a point of view and support that point of view with discussion

and citation where appropriate. Your submitted report should be written as a business document

submitted to a business audience (and not simply attempting to satisfy an academic course


Also, students are reminded of the principles laid down in the "Statement of Good Practice and Ethics

in Informal Assessment" (in the Faculty Handbook). Unless otherwise stated in a specific handout, all

assessment tasks in this subject should be your own original work. Any collaboration with another

student (or group) should be limited to those matters described in "Acceptable Behaviour" section of

the Handbook. Students should pay particular attention to the recognition of "Plagiarism" as described

in that section of the Handbook. Any infringement by a student will be considered a breach of

discipline and will be dealt with in accordance with Rules and By-Laws of the University. Penalties such

as zero marks for assignments or subjects may be imposed.

7 Late Penalty

Overdue assignments will attract a late penalty per the Subject Outline. If the complete assignment is

submitted late then every student will be given the late penalty.

Any special consideration for late submission must be arranged with the Subject Co-ordinator well

before the deadline. NOTE: even though this assignment is marked on an individual basis, it requires

teamwork to complete. It will take exceptional circumstances for an extension to be granted.

8 Referencing Standards

All material derived from other works must be acknowledged and referenced accordingly using the

APA/UTS referencing Style. The following link will help:


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9 Use of AI technologies

For this assignment:

You are permitted to use AI technologies in an ethical and transparent manner to generate

materials for background research and self-study. Only assistive use is permitted. Content

generated by AI technologies or other sources and presented as your own work is academic

misconduct as per the UTS Student Rules on misconduct.

1. Any use of generative AI tools must be acknowledged by citing their use through referencing

in the assignment

2. Students must provide all interactions with the generative AI tool, including prompts and

responses as part of the Reflection notes submission

It is your responsibility to check and verify the accuracy and integrity of the information used,

and to rewrite any text provided by AI or other sources in your own words.

GenAI guidelines can be found at


10 Additional

Improve Your Academic and English Language Skills

HELPS (Higher Education Language and Presentation Support) Service provides assistance with English

proficiency and academic language. Students needing to develop their written and/or spoken English

can make use of the free services offered by HELPS, including academic language workshops, vacation

courses, drop-in consultations, and individual appointments (https://www.uts.edu.au/current-

students/support/helps). HELPS is located in Building 1, Level 5, Room 25.

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