代写辅导接单-Async. Speech Annotation:

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Index of Assignments





% final grade

Due date


Async. Speech Annotation:

10 @ 5 points each:

Complete Before Class (3)

Participate in class (2)






Speech Days: See Schedule


RESEARCH PAPER: Rhetorical Criticism of Public Address (50%)

Speech Proposal



February 14, 2024

Descriptive Analysis



March 13, 2024

Context Analysis



April 10, 2024

Final Paper



May 3, 2024






















Where I have indicated page length requirements, these do notinclude the bibliography or works cited page. Please select a citation style and follow the guidelines accordingly. My preferred citation styles include APA, Chicago, and MLA.


All written work composed in Microsoft Word or Google Docs should follow these standard formatting guidelines. These are often the default settings of these programs. Please do not submit papers by sharing google docs with me. Please download and deposit into the appropriate Canvas dropbox:

● 11-12 pt. Font

● Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial

● Either 1.5 or double spaced

● 1 inch margins?


Asynchronous Daily Speech Annotations

5 points, Daily.

I automatically take your top 10 annotations and any completed beyond that become an automatic half point of extra credit--you can earn up to 3 extra points (3% of your overall course grade--like a B+ to A-!)


It pays to work hard and try every day!


Purpose of Assignment: I can steer the ship but everyone needs to help paddle. In order to prepare for daily class discussion, you will be expected to read and take notes on the speeches. Using the descriptive elements as your analytic lenses (purpose, persona, audience, supporting material, structure, strategies, tone, ect) you will identify key places in the speech text where you see the elements functioning and to what extent.  


How to Complete this assignment: Note: These comments are time-stamped in google docs and must be completed by 9:00 am before any class meeting. Due to the multiple opportunities to reach 10, no late annotations will be accepted for any reason.


1. Go to your group’s folder (please let me know ASAP after add/drop if a folder has not been shared with you). These are shared with your UMN email accounts.

2. Select and read the speech of the day and the supplemental reading.

3. Determine which descriptive elements seem most salient to the speech and trace how they are presenting in the speech.

4. Make 3-4 substantive comments in the google doc (please do not delete any speech text or your peers’ comments). This should go beyond simply identifying and labeling “persona” or “strategies.” Think: what kind of persona? What kind of strategies? Why does it matter? You should be using the descriptive elements to think about what is happening in the speech and why it is significant.

a. Make sure that you are highlighting just enough text to serve as your evidence. Think of it as the 3 bears: if you highlight EVERYTHING, we don’t know what exactly you are drawing upon as evidence and why. If you highlight next to nothing, the same thing goes.

5. While at least one comment must be original to the text, other comments can substantively engage with others in your group--I encourage you to be in conversation with each other! More than simply saying, “I agree”--see if you can extend their idea by perhaps engaging that descriptive element with another part of the speech or even the context.











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