代写辅导接单-FIT4005 / FIT5125 Research Methods for IT Semester 1 2024 Assignment 1

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Faculty of Information Technology

FIT4005 / FIT5125 Research Methods for IT

Semester 1 2024 Assignment 1: Weeks 2 & 3

Post-studio Exercises for Weeks 2 and 3


This assignment is worth 20% of the total marks for FIT4005 / FIT5125

Assignment due date

Thursday, 21-March-2024 at 11.55pm (Week 4)

Submission method

Submit to Moodle:

a separate PDF for the exercise for Week 2 and 3.

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 Assignment Criteria This assignment comprises the post-workshop exercises for Weeks 2 to 3.

Week 2 Research Ethics

Weighting: 20 marks See page 3.

Week 3 Research Literature

Weighting: 20 marks See Page 4.

    This is an individual assignment; it must be your own work and expressed in your own words.

⚐ Marking guides to help you position your work are available on Moodle.

⚐ There are specific requirements for file names on your submission (see the instructions for each


Assessment criteria:

1. The following criteria will be used to determine the score for the assignment:

Content and completeness of tasks

Clarity and relevance of content

Level of critical analysis

Logical structure and organization of ideas Use of references (where appropriate) Format, grammar, spelling etc.

2. Note that plagiarism detection procedures may be applied to each submission. See the University rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and resulting penalties. Any case of plagiarism detected will mean automatic failure of the entire assignment.

3. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 5% per day.

4. Submissions (Word and PDF) should include:

Student's name and student ID number Tutor's name and studio name

5. Monash policy on Special Consideration is available at


6. In line with Monash policy we aim to mark and return work within 10 working days of submission where possible.

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 Assessed Exercise (Week 2) “Planning for ethical research”

Being able to plan an ethical sound piece of research is a key skill as a researcher in both industry and academia. Consider the following scenario:

You work for a company that produces learning apps on tablet computers for children that are 3-6 years-old. You've been tasked with the job of conducting an evaluation of a prototype product that is aimed at children in kindergarten (also called preschool) in Australia. To do this you are going to visit different kindergarterns, jave the kindergarten staff get children there to use the product, and collect data (system logs, video and interviews) from the the staff and children. Audio recordings will be transcribed with a cloud-based transcription platform. The analysis of the data will be out-sourced to a local compnany. Their findings will then be directly quoted in a marketing campaign produced by the company communications team to advertise the resultant product when it gets launched.

There are 4 main stages of a research pipeline involving human participants: (1) Recruitment; (2) Data Collection; (3) Data Analysis; and (4) Dissemination.

It is standard practice in your company for a high-level research plan to be shared with a colleague for ethical critique, to manage potential risk. You are tasked with creating a single A3 poster that illustrates the potential ethical issues and any mitigation strategies that you would advise be put in place within this research project at each stage of the research plan. The poster is to be presented to the exec team during an away-day, and must be easy to interpret, favouring graphics over long-form text to communicate.

    What to Submit

1. A PDF document, named "STUDENT-ID-Week2.pdf", containing your report.

  How Much to Write

Your report should be submitted as an A3 image or PDF, and should include no paragraphs of text.

  What to Know

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash University’s policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing the exercise, but they will help clarify your understanding of the question.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities and this should be of help to you in completing the exercise.

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your understanding of research ethics, and your ability to assess your ability to apply this research to the evaluation of research designs.

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Assessed Exercise (Week 3) “Citing papers: Relevance Evaluation”

Consider the following conference paper:

Ellis, K., De Vent, R., Kirkham, R. and Olivier, P., 2020, October. Bespoke Reflections: Creating a one- handed braille keyboard. In Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (pp. 1-13).


Use Google Scholar the find works that have cited this paper since it was published.

Based on your reading of the abstracts of these works ONLY (i.e. you must not consider any other content in the paper) your task is to identify the 5 works most likely to be relevant when considering the following research question:

"How can we design assistive technologies in a way that empowers people with disabilities?"

List these 5 works (using the APA citation format) in order of likely relevance (1= most relevant, etc.) taking into account relevant indicators of quality (e.g. venue of publication, citations, people) and your reading of the abstracts. Write a justification for your inclusion and ranking of each paper.

  ⚐ Format you answer as a table as follows:


1. APA reference for paper 1 here 2. APA reference for paper 2 here 3. APA reference for paper 3 here 4. APA reference for paper 4 here 5. APA reference for paper 5 here


justification for paper 1 here justification for paper 2 here justification for paper 3 here justification for paper 4 here justification for paper 5 here

            What to Submit

1. A PDF document, named "STUDENT-ID-Week3.pdf", containing a table in the above format, filled in with your response.

  How Much to Write

There is a strict word limit of 600 words for the total text in the justification column. Only the first 600 words of answers will be awarded marks.

 What to Know

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash University’s policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

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  Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing the exercise, but they will help clarify your understanding of the question.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities and this should be of help to you in completing the exercise.

The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your ability to identify potentially relevant literature sources by reviewing abstracts of citations of a key paper.

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