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CSE30, Fall 2019
A4: Life
Check Point Due: Fri Nov 1, 2019 @ 11:59PM
Final Assignment Due: Wed Nov 6, 2019 @ 11:59PM

Please read over the entire assignment before starting to get a sense of what you will need to
get done in the next week. REMEMBER: Everyone procrastinates but it is important to know
what you are procrastinating and still leave yourself enough time to finish.

This assignment must be run on ieng6. We are using custom libraries that are only
available on ieng6 for this assignment. ​Go to the lab or ssh: You will not be
able to compile or run the assignment otherwise.
Table of Contents
1. Getting Started
2. The Game of Life
3. How the Program Works
a. Arguments
b. Interactive Commands
c. The Input Files
d. The boards_t Struct
4. Part 1: Checkpoint [Due Fri Nov 31 @ 11:59pm]
5. Part 2: Final Submission [Due Wed Nov 6 @11:59pm]
6. Submission, Style, and Grading
Learning Goals
● Dynamic memory allocation and deallocation
● Array processing
● Structs and Pointers
● File I/O

CSE30, Fall 2019
1. Getting Started
We’ve provided you with a ​Makefile ​ and starter code at ​this repo​. You can either clone the
repo or download the zip. (if you are sshing into ieng6, you can git clone in ssh.)

1. Clone or download the repo to get the starter code and ​README
2. Fill out the fields in the ​README ​ before turning in
3. If you plan on using the Graphics mode while working remotely:
○ Windows - install ​MobaXterm​ and then ssh into ieng6.
○ Mac - Install ​XQuartz​ from a terminal window, ​ssh -X ​ into ieng6. 1
○ Linux - You already have it!! ​ssh -X ​ into ieng6.

Makefile​: The ​Makefile provided will create a ​swlife executable from the source files
provided. Compile it by typing ​make into the terminal. By default, it will run with warnings turned
on. To compile without warnings, run ​make no_warnings instead. Run ​make clean to
remove files generated by ​make ​.

Starter Code​: We have provided you with some starter code. There are a few initial config files
that you can load into the program. The main function that handles optional/interactive
commands is provided. You’ll notice that main calls many ​extern functions that are not
defined in any of your .c files. We’ve included those functions as a library on ieng6.

Solution Executable​: We have also provided you with ​swLife_sol executable. You may run
this executable to see what the expected output is.

gdb​: To run with gdb, the command is ​gdb [executable] ​ to start gdb with your executable.
r [arguments] ​ will run your executable with ​[arguments]

valgrind​: to run with valgrind, the command is ​valgrind ./[executable] [arguments]

1 We have found that the X11 tunneling doesn’t always stay active so you might need to log out and log
back in. For example, we have found that ​swLife -g​ will work and then fail to open the display
sometime later. If you see this, log out and log back in to reestablish the X11 connection.
CSE30, Fall 2019
2. The Game of Life
Developed by John Conway, the Game of Life is a mathematical simulation of a simplified
evolution process. The simulation occurs on a two-dimensional grid of cells over a series of
discrete timesteps. At any given timestep, each cell will either be “alive” or “dead” (encoded as 1
and 0 respectively), and each cell’s value for the next timestep will be computed based on the
current values of its 8 direct neighbors. The next-state rules are defined as follows:

For an alive cell:
If 0 or 1 neighbors are alive, it will die in the next timestep from loneliness.
If 2 or 3 neighbors are alive, it will remain​ ​alive in the next timestep.
If 4+ neighbors are alive, it will die in the next timestep from overpopulation.
For a dead cell:
If exactly 3 neighbors are alive, it will become alive in the next timestep.
Otherwise, it will remain dead in the next timestep.

See this ​site for an interactive example of the Game of Life. See the ​Wikipedia page on
Example Patterns to see moving gifs of common patterns (toad, glider, etc).

The original life algorithm assumes an infinite plane of cells. However, we are working with
limited memory and will simplify the game by working with a finite board and assuming that all
the board edges can never sustain life. For example, for a board of 100 x 200 cells, only the
inner 98 x 198 active cells could potentially support life. Thus the boards you implement will
schematically look like the figure below:

CSE30, Fall 2019
3. How the Program Works
● This program loads an input file, defining the initial board layout of dead/alive cells.
● You are able to interactively step through the program to see how the board evolves
through each timestep.
● It can also be run in both ASCII and graphical mode.
● All argument processing is handled by the provided ​main.c ​. Please do not edit ​main.c
as we will be testing with our own copy of the file. See arguments and interactive
commands below for details.
Format for calling this executable with arguments: ./life filename [-g#]
Arguments Description
filename ​(required) The name of the input file to initialize the dead/alive cells
of the array. See below for details on the format.
-g# ​(optional) -g specifies the graphics option with a ​# scale factor. If
-g is not specified, the game will print ASCII output to the
terminal. If ​-g is specified, the game will show in a pop up
Note: Graphics mode requires ssh-ing with ​ssh -X
Interactive Commands
After running the executable in ​either​ mode, interact with it by entering the following commands:
Command Description
s N Simulate ​N ​ steps, displaying the intermediate results.
Note: use of ​-g recommended as intermediate steps may
display too quickly to be visible in ascii mode.
n N Simulate ​N ​ steps without displaying intermediate results.
d filename Dump the current state of the board to ​filename ​. The
file can then be as input when running the executable.
q Quit the program.

CSE30, Fall 2019
The Input File
The input file for generating a board has the following format:
[row col] ← only lists row-col coordinates of alive cells
[row col]

Ex: A file that contains the following
0 1
2 0
produces a 2 x 3 game board with the cells at (1,0) and (0,2) starting out alive. Note: Remember
row ​ is the y coordinate and ​col ​ is the x coordinate and by convention (0,0) is upper left corner.

See stater code ​config.small ​, ​config.big ​, ​config.fancy ​ to see examples of input
The boards_t Struct
You will be using a ​boards_t ​ struct, defined in ​boards.h ​. Read the following carefully:

1. belem - Each cell is represented with a custom ​belem type, which we have defined to
be an unsigned char.

2. bufferA / ​bufferB - Pointers to contiguous blocks of memory that we will treat as
arrays of ​belem ​’s. These buffers represent the board state. You will need to allocate
memory for these on the heap using either ​malloc() ​ or ​calloc() ​.
CSE30, Fall 2019

Hint​: Dynamically allocating memory returns a 1D contiguous block, yet we think of
game boards as 2D grids. We can index into a 1D array using 2D row-column notation.

Notice that for any 2-dimensional position on the board given a 2D location as (row,
column). you can access it in the 1D array at . (For more ndex row numCols oli = * + c
details, refer to this ​link​.)

3. currentBuffer ​ - A pointer to the buffer representing the “current” board state

nextBuffer ​ ​- A pointer to the buffer representing the “next” board state

Hint​: We want to store a cell’s next value separately from its current value so the cell’s
neighbors can be computed correctly. So you will need two game buffers and a way to
differentiate between the “current” and “next” board. (Why do you think this is? What
would happen if we updated each cell as we went only using one buffer?) After
computing the “next” buffer, you only need to swap the currentBuffer and nextBuffer
pointers to “advance” to the next generation.

4. numRows ​/​numCols ​/​gen - the number of rows, number of columns, and current
generation (timestep) respectively [ stored as 32-bit unsigned integer type ​uint32_t ​]

CSE30, Fall 2019
4. Part 1: Checkpoint ​[Due Fri, Nov 1, 2019]
This checkpoint is meant to encourage you to keep making progress on the assignment. Please
implement the functions below. We will be testing functions individually. ​Do not change the
function headers.​ In addition, we ask that you fill out this bi-weekly ​survey​ for the checkpoint.
Part 1 Board.c Functions

void clearBoard(boards_t *self)

clearBoard() ​ takes a pointer to a ​boards_t ​ struct and zeroes-out both buffers in the struct.


int getIndex(boards_t *self, int row, int col)

The 2D game board is represented using a 1D array buffer. ​getIndex() ​ takes in a particular
row and column. It then calculates and returns the index value of that row-col in the 1D array.
Remember: . (For more details, refer to ​link​.)ndex row numCols oli = * + c


boards_t * createBoard(char *initFileName)

createBoard() allocates memory for a ​boards_t ​ struct on the heap (malloc) and initializes the
struct elements. It returns a ​boards_t ​ struct pointer. See ​boards.h ​ for details on the struct.
To initialize the struct, ​createBoard() ​ must do the following:
● Allocate memory for the ​boards_t ​ struct on the heap. What size should the struct be?
● Read in the number of columns and number of rows from the input file ​initFileName
and populate the struct values. Hint: use ​fopen()​ and ​fscanf() ​ to open the file. See
example below.
● Allocate memory for and initialize the struct’s ​bufferA ​ and ​bufferB ​. What size should
the buffers be?
● Initialize struct’s ​currentBuffer ​ and ​nextBuffer ​ and clear the buffers
● Read in each line of the input file and initialize the appropriate cells in ​currentBuffer
to be alive. [​Hint​: Use ​fscanf() ​see example below]
● Set ​gen ​ the generation number to 0

CSE30, Fall 2019


void deleteBoard(boards_t **bptr)

deleteBoard() takes a pointer to a pointer to a ​boards_t struct and deallocates (frees) all
the memory associated with the struct. Then it sets the pointer to the ​boards_t ​ struct to null.

Testing Checkpoint
To test that your checkpoint works as expected, try running the executable with an input file A. If
it runs, try dumping the contents of the board to a seperate file B. The contents of A and B
should be identical. We have provided a few initial files for you to test with.

Run valgrind to check for memory leaks.

Bi-Weekly Survey
Take this bi-weekly ​survey​ as part of your checkpoint.
CSE30, Fall 2019
5. Part 2: Final Submission [Due Wed Nov 6, 2019]
Please implement the functions below. We will be testing functions individually. ​Do not change
the function header.
Board.c Functions

void swapBuffers(boards_t *self)

swapBuffers() ​ takes a ​boards_t ​ struct pointer and swaps the current buffer with the next

Sim.c Functions:

static void doRow(belem *dest, belem *srcStart, belem *srcEnd, uint32_t cols)

- belem *dest ​ - pointer to the first destination cell in the next buffer
- belem *srcStart ​ - pointer to the first cell to process in the current buffer
- belem *srcEnd ​ - pointer to the last cell to process in the current buffer
- uint32_t cols ​ - number of columns in the board

doRow() ​ processes one row of a board. At a high level the algorithm is as follows:
For each cell in the row, calculate whether that cell is going to be dead or alive in the next time
step based on the rules outlined above in Section 2: The Game of Life. Put the value that the
cell will be in the next iteration into ​nextBuffer ​. A 0 value indicates “dead” and a 1 value
indicates “alive”.

Note: doRow can be completed without calling any other functions. We recommend not
using any other functions within doRow() since the next assignment will involve
translating this C code into assembly. However we will not be enforcing this.

CSE30, Fall 2019

void simLoop(boards_t *self, uint32_t steps)

- boards_t *self ​ - pointer to the ​boards_t ​ struct for processing
- uint32_t steps ​ - the number of steps to take

simLoop() performs the simulation for running the game boards through each “step.” It should
advance the board through ​steps number of generations. At each step, it should call ​doRow()
enough times to process all rows in the board and calculate cells of the next generation.
(Remember that the edges of the board are always dead!) Then it should call ​swapBuffer()
to swap the current and next buffers and finally increment the generation count in the
boards_t ​ struct.
Hints and Tips
● This assignment deals with malloc and frees so there is the potential for memory leaks.
It’s highly recommended for you to run valgrind to check for memory leaks.
● We have provided a library for some of the boilerplate code. You can see their function
headers in ​cse30life.h ​.
● To test, we recommend that you write a small example input file, and step through it to
see if it functions as expected.

CSE30, Fall 2019
6. Submission, Style, and Grading
Style Guidelines
No points are given for style, but teaching staff won't be able to provide assistance or regrades
unless code is readable. Please take a look at the following ​Style Guidelines​.
Submitting: Checkpoint [6 points]
1. Make sure to fill out the ​survey​ [1 point]
2. Submit your files to Gradescope under the assignment titled
Assignment 4: Life - Checkpoint.​ You will submit the following files:

● board.c

To upload multiple files to Gradescope, zip all of the files and upload the zip to
the assignment, or you can multi-select all files and drag and drop. Ensure that the files
you submit are not in a nested folder..

3. After submitting, the autograder will run a few tests [5 points]:
a. Checks that all required files were submitted
b. Checks that your source code compiles
c. Runs test input on your program and compares your output to ours
d. Runs valgrind to check for memory leaks

Note: The checkpoint is worth a total of 6 points. 5 points for the code, 1 for the survey.
However, we will also run additional tests on the checkpoint code at the final submission (not
necessarily the exact same tests). These tests are worth an additional 5 points. So if you
receive 0/5 on the checkpoint for your code, you can still earn 5/10 points for the checkpoint
code by turning in a correct implementation for the final submission.

CSE30, Fall 2019
Submitting: Final Submission
1. Submit your files to Gradescope under the assignment titled
Assignment 4: Life - Final​. You will submit the following files:

● sim.c
● board.c

To upload multiple files to Gradescope, zip all of the files and upload the zip to the
assignment, or you can multi-select all files and drag and drop. Ensure that the files you
submit are not in a nested folder.

2. After submitting, the autograder will run a few tests [15 points]:
e. Checks that all required files were submitted
f. Checks that your source code compiles
g. Runs test input on your program and compares your output to ours
h. Runs valgrind to check for memory leaks
Grading Breakdown
Make sure to check the autograder output after submitting! We will be running additional
tests after the deadline passes to determine your final grade.

Checkpoint : 6 Points
● getIndex ​ - 1 point
● createBoard ​ - 2 points
● Correct memory allocation/deallocation - 2 points
● Survey - 1 point

Final submission: 15 Points
● Checkpoint Tests - 5 points (we retest checkpoint functions, but not necessarily the
same tests)
● doRow ​ - 5 points
● simLoop ​ - 5 points

Make sure your assignment compiles correctly through the provided ​Makefile on the ieng6
machines. ​Any assignment that does not compile will receive 0 credit.



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