APPROVED_L6_COMP6011_2023-24_sub_brief Sep 2023 - v4 - preEE **
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Assessment Title: Application of Human Factors approaches to a complex systems problem
Unit Level: 6
Credit Value of Unit: 20
Unit Leader: Huseyin Dogan
Other Marker(s): Paul Whittington
Quality Assessor (QA): Benjamin Gorman
Assessment Number: 1 of 1
Date Issued: 25/09/2023 Submission Due Date: 12/01/2024
Submission Location: Turnitin Feedback Method: Turnitin
Time: 12:30 PM
This is an individual assignment which carries 100% of the final unit mark.
You are required to identify and contextualise a problem space and use appropriate Human Factors approaches to solve this problem for an organisation that has a complex systems problem or a case study of your choice. This coursework is made up of a final project report and the details are below. A one-page proposal justifying your selected problem or case study can be submitted to the unit leader during one of the dedicated assignment support sessions to receive feedback.
Project Report – application, review and appraisal of Human Factors approaches
You are required to apply at least two but no more than three Human Factors approaches to an organisation that has a complex systems problem or a case study of your choice.
You need to include at least all of the following four points in your report:
1. Contextualisation of the problem space using a Rich Picture; a rationale for the selection of the case study; and a
set of objectives.
2. Application of at least two but no more than three types of Human Factors approaches.
3. Appraisal of appropriate analysis and judgement in application of Human Factors and solving the problem.
4. Evaluation of process and lessons learned.
Following are example of Human Factors approaches that you can apply to your case study:
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) including stages such as building a rich picture, formulating root definitions, developing conceptual models.
System Usability Scale (SuS).
Usability enquiry techniques such as contextual inquiry, field observation, focus group, interviews, questionnaires, surveys, user logging.
Usability inspection techniques such as heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, pluralistic walkthrough, formal usability inspection, ontology sketch modelling, standards inspection, feature inspection, guideline checklists. Usability evaluation techniques such as hierarchical task analysis, thinking aloud, personas, card sorting, eye tracking, accessibility testing.
Situational Awareness measurement techniques e.g. true/false probes, verbal protocol analysis, self/peer/observer ratings, crew awareness rating scale (CARS).
Workload measurement e.g. NASA TLX.
Interactive Management including Idea Writing (IW), Nominal Group Technique (NGT), Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM).
Human Factors Integration (HFI).
Accessibility test such as validation check, compatibility test, colour test.
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You can also use other approaches/techniques that you have used before e.g. thematic maps, UML use cases. Some usability enquiry techniques can also be considered as evaluation techniques and vice versa.
You only need to apply two to three approaches/techniques and following are example combinations from previous submissions. These techniques will be discussed in more detail during the labs.
Hierachical Tasks Analysis, Cognitive Walkthrough, Focus Group. Interviews, Interactive Management.
Heuristic Evaluation, Think Aloud, Cognitive Walkthrough.
APPROVED_L6_COMP6011_2023-24_sub_brief Sep 2023 - v4 - preEE **
Situational Awareness measurement through probes, workload measurement by using NASA TLX. Hierarchical Tasks Analysis, Accessibility Validation, Heuristic Evaluation.
Soft Systems Methodology and Interactive Management.
The following originality requirements will apply to this assignment:
You are allowed to use any Generative AI or other AI powered tools, such as ChatGPT, for specific aspects as directed by the Unit Leader. Where any part of your assessment is sourced, or partially sourced from a generative AI tool, this requires a reference in the BU Harvard style.
A single document in PDF (.pdf) format. The word count limit for this document is 2,500 words, including images, diagrams, tables, and appendices but excluding cover page and references. The page count limit for this document is 10 pages including all.
The assignment report should be submitted on Brightspace by the deadline.
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The following criteria will be used to assess the assignment:
Available Marks (/100)
Problem space
Contextualisation of the problem through a rich picture; project objectives and rationale.
Proposed approach
Investigation of approaches and hence methods; justification of proposed approach.
Application of the approach
Application of approach; presentation of results; quality of Human Factors solutions. Novelty/difficulty of Human Factors solutions; traceability of Human Factors decisions.
Appraisal of the process and lessons learned
Appraisal of output relative to other work; appraisal of achievement of objectives; quality of conclusions and lessons learned.
Project report quality
Document structure and coherence.
Scholarship, clarity and appropriate use of English.
To achieve a Pass:
At least two relevant Human Factors approaches are applied to the organisation problem or case study defined. Some attempt is made to contextualise the problem space, with evidence of some investigation of other approaches. Some attempt may be made to apply the Human Factors approach to the problem space to present some adequate solutions. Basic level of traceability and little evidence of transparency of decisions are provided. The appraisal of the process and lessons learned are briefly addressed. The structure and wording of the report may contain some errors but most of the report can be readily understood. Referencing is sufficient to identify the sources cited in the report.
To achieve a higher mark:
At least three relevant Human Factors approaches are applied to the organisation problem or case study that is comprehensively defined. The benefits of each approach are clearly explained and fully supported by citations. The traceability and transparency of decisions demonstrate an outstanding knowledge and understanding of the problem and solution space. There is evidence of traceability and transparency of the Human Factors decisions and hence the novelty of the solutions. The appraisal of the process and lessons learned are critical and comprehensive. The submission is original work with little use of quotations. It is presented well with some minor errors and is so clear that it is a pleasure to read. Citations and references conform to BU Guidelines.
This unit assesses your ability to:
1. Critically review the benefits of adopting Human Factors approaches in addressing socio-technical problems.
2. Align HCI design processes, standards and guidelines with the systems development processes.
3. Apply user experience (UX) techniques – design and conduct usability and accessibility tests to evaluate interactive systems.
4. Conduct situational awareness and workload measurements in trials, experiments or exercises.
5. Apply soft systems methodology to analyse real world situations.
6. Reflect on industrial case studies to demonstrate the use of Human Factors in addressing technical and organisational complexity.
Sample assignment submissions and case study titles from previous years will be provided on Brightspace.
Unit Leader Signature Huseyin Dogan
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If a piece of coursework is not submitted by the required deadline, the following will apply:
1. If coursework is submitted within 72 hours after the deadline, the maximum mark that can be awarded is 40%. If the
assessment achieves a pass mark and subject to the overall performance of the unit and the student's profile for the level, it will be accepted by the Assessment Board as the reassessment piece. This ruling will apply to written coursework and artefacts only; This ruling will apply to the first attempt only (including any subsequent attempt taken as a first attempt due to exceptional circumstances).
2. If a first attempt coursework is submitted more than 72 hours after the deadline, a mark of zero (0%) will be awarded.
3. Failure to submit/complete any other types of coursework (which includes resubmission coursework without exceptional circumstances) by the required deadline will result in a mark of zero (0%) being awarded.
The Standard Assessment Regulations can be found on Brightspace or via
Exceptional Circumstances
If you have any valid exceptional circumstances which mean that you cannot meet an assignment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to complete and submit the online Exceptional Circumstances Form together with appropriate supporting evidence (e.g. GP note) normally before the coursework deadline. Further details on the procedure and links to the exceptional circumstances forms can be found on Brightspace or via
You must acknowledge your source every time you refer to others' work, using the BU Harvard Referencing system (Author Date Method). Failure to do so amounts to plagiarism which is against University regulations. Please refer to
Additional Learning Support
Students with Additional Learning Needs may contact the Additional Learning Support Team. Details can be found here:
Primary Research (Undergraduate Levels)
You should not be conducting any primary research (i.e. carrying out an investigation to acquire data first-hand, for example, where it involves approaching participants to ask questions or to participate in surveys, questionnaires, interviews, observations, focus groups, etc.) unless otherwise specified in the brief. However, if there is a genuine requirement to collect primary research data you will require ethical approval before doing so. In the first instance, please discuss with the Unit Leader. The collection of primary data without appropriate ethical approval is a serious breach of Bournemouth University's Research Ethics Code of Practice and will be treated as Research Misconduct.
IT Support
If you have any problems submitting your assessment please contact the IT Service Desk - +44 (0)1202 965515 - immediately and before the deadline.
The information provided in this assignment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated clearly via e-mail and Brightspace and a new version of this assignment brief will be circulated.
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