EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
Ques���on 1
(2 marks)
This is a question about Business Management Systems (BMS).
From the following options, choose the subject of the ISO 9001 Business Management Standard
(Note: List removed)
Ques���on 2
(2 marks)
This is a ques���on about Business Management Systems (BMS).
From the following options, choose the subject of the ISO 14001 Business Management Standard
(Note: List removed)
Ques���on 3
(2 marks)
This is a question about Business Management Systems (BMS).
From the following options, choose the subject of the ISO 27001 Business Management Standard
(Note: List removed)
Ques���on 4
(2 marks)
This is a question about Business Management Systems (BMS).
From the following options, choose the subject of the ISO 45001 Business Management Standard
(Note: List removed)
EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
Ques���on 5
(12 marks)
This is a question about Business Management Systems (BMS).
Outline 3 key features of a Business Management System, very briefly discuss the anticipated benefits arising from the adoption of such systems:
Ques���on 6
(10 marks)
This is a question about ethics.
An engineer starts a job at a new company designing and manufacturing electronic components. Whilst working with chemicals as part of this role, they see that chemicals are being disposed of improperly by some of the staff members and they suspect this may have caused OR could potentially cause environmental damage. Please answer the following:
a. Thinking about ethical behaviour, should the engineer report this practice ? For full marks, please justify your answer. (3 marks)
b. If the engineer does report this behaviour, give 2 examples of who they might report it to.
(These might depend upon the structure of the company and the severity of the
situation.) (2 marks)
c. Describe 3 types of pressures this engineer might experience if they decide to report
this? (3 marks)
d. Provide 2 examples of what protections exist/what can be done to protect them
from such pressures? (2 marks)
EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
Ques���on 7 (30 marks)
This is a question about project scheduling. It requires you to identify key project milestones, to SKETCH a Gantt chart for the project, and to use the Gantt chart to estimate how long it will take to complete the project.
A project has been created to produce a simple motorised buggy for sale.
Before being sold, the buggy must be built and tested.
The buggy has three components:
· a chassis (including wheels)
· a gearbox
· a motor
Each component must be designed, assembled, and tested, before being built into the complete buggy.
Component assembly cannot start before the appropriate design has been completed. Component testing cannot start before the appropriate assembly has been completed. The motor and gearbox cannot be designed until the chassis has been assembled. Assembling the motor and the gearbox require the same resources to be used, and these resources cannot be duplicated.
There are no other resourcing constraints.
Each component design activity takes 1 working-day, each component assembly activity takes 1 working-day, each component test activity takes 1 working-day, all other activities also take 1 working-day each.
a. Identify 10 appropriate milestones to help manage the project. (10 marks)
b. (Using the answer booklet supplied) Sketch a Gantt chart showing the milestones and
include the activities needed to deliver the project. (15 marks)
c. Ignoring weekends (so only counting working days) use your Gantt chart to determine the minimum time needed to have the buggy ready for sale. 8 working days (5 marks)
Ques���on 8 (40 marks)
EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
This is a question about project resourcing. It requires you to assess the amount of resource need to complete a project on time, to determine the cheapest budget for the project, to consider the level of risk associated with meeting the time and cost targets, as well as finally presenting ideas to mitigate the risks.
You have newly been appointed as project manager for two projects (A and B).
Project A must be completed within 6 weeks. Project B must be completed within a further 6 weeks (that means it must be finished within 12 weeks of Project A starting).
In addition to yourself, you have the following resources available:
· One Systems Analyst (SA) costed at £450 per day,
· One Engineer (E) costed at £240 per day,
· One Technician (T) costed at £100 per day.
Note that the project manager’s time is not charged to the project and that these are the only human resources available to you.
The SA can do any work that the E can do.
The E can do any work that the T can do.
For any task that can be done be either the SA, the E, or the T, the relative performances would be SA:E:T = 5:4:3. (For example, a task that the SA could do in 3 days, would take the T 5 days to do, and would take the E (15/4 = 3.75) days to do.
There are 5 working days in a week and the SA could complete the Project A by themselves in
9 weeks (45 days total). The same resource would require 15 weeks (75 days total) to complete Project B.
a. Using the information provided, demonstrate whether the projects could be completed within the specified timeframes using just the available resources. Note that you need to demonstrate whether it is possible to complete both projects together in the overall timeframe AS WELL AS whether it is possible to complete first project in the shorter given timeframe demanded. (10 marks)
b. Determine the cheapest budget required to complete both projects on schedule. You may specify the use of additional resources if you consider them necessary to deliver to schedule. £36,600 (10 marks)
EEEN20051 Summary Examina���on Script + Numerical Answers
c. Based on the information given, comment on the level of risk borne by the assignment, and hence the likelihood of you succeeding. (10 marks)
d. Outline a strategy that you might deploy to reduce the level risk and describe the anticipated consequences of that deployment. (10 marks)