代写辅导接单-AcF351b Project: IPO 4

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 Choose a case company and analyst report

• Mustchooseoneofthefollowingcasecompanies:

 • Thenchooseoneofanalystreportsinthe“Analyst Reports” folder on Moodle

– Must choose one of the reports on Moodle

AcF351b Project: IPO 4


 Deliverable - final report

• Strict maximum of 3,500 words (excludes tables, bibliography, and appendices)

• Due at 12pm on 15 January 2024 (UK time) 1. Overview of the case company’s IPO (15%) 2. IPO literature review (20%)

3. Evaluation of an analyst report (50%)

4. Presentation and writing (15%)

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 Section 1. Overview (15%)

• Purpose: provide overview of the case company and IPO

• Compulsory topics

– Organisationalstructure(divisionswithinafirm)

– Keystakeholders(shareholders,managers,customers,etc.)

– Businessmodel(howthecompanymakesmoney)

– Corporatestrategy(costleadervs.differentiator)

– Industryenvironment(competitors)

– Recentfinancialperformance(leadinguptotheIPO)

– Stockmarketconditions(aroundthetimeoftheIPO)

– IPOcharacteristics:

• listing stock exchange, capital raising size, percentage of total shares sold, offering share

price, first day close share price, lead underwriters, and share allocation

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 Section 1. Overview (15%) cont...

• IngradingthissectionI’llbelookingfor:

– Concise and informative overview

– Make sure you cover all the topics but parts of it can be brief

• Othertips

– Only use information from around the time of the IPO (i.e., only use information that was available at the analyst report publication date)

– Don’t spend too much time discussing the company’s business model and organisational structure at the cost of omitting other important details about the company or IPO

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 Section 1. Overview (15%) cont...

• Usefulinformationsources:

– Your case company’s IPO prospectus

• Click on your IPO case company at end of course outline – You case company’s analyst reports shortly after IPO

• Three different analyst reports on Moodle

– Media reports around the time of your case company IPO

• News archives available on Library website

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 Section 2. Literature review (20%)

• Picktwotopicsforpart2ofyourfinalreport

– Topic 2A: Why do firms go public?

– Topic 2B: IPOs over time

– Topic 3A: Underpricing

– Topic 3B: Long run performance

Students can strategically choose topics that can be strongly linked to their case company

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 Section 2. Literature review

(20%) cont...

• Foreachtopic,splityourreviewintotwoparts:

1. Discuss academic theories and empirical evidence relating to those theories

• You should review academic articles (without mentioning your case company)

• A potential way to organise this section is to first talk about the theory and then the empirical evidence

• Comment on common or conflicting issues

• Be concise and logical

• This part may make up around 60-80% of your words for the given topic

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 Section 2. Literature review (20%) cont...

2. Tieyourdiscussionfrompart(a)toyourcasecompany

• Where possible, provide discussion about which academic theories and evidence seem to be consistent with your case company’s situation

– Ask yourself, do the assumptions of a theory match my case company’s situation?

– Does the theory help us to understand what happened for my case company?

• This part may make up around 20-40% of your words for the given topic

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 Section 2. Literature review (20%) cont...

You must cover at least four articles / books

• At least one article must be selected by yourself (i.e., not listed on

course outline)

• Articles must be from academic journals and not newspapers or

business magazines

Reputable academic journals (non-exhaustive list)

• The Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Review of Finance, Journal of Corporate Finance

• Financial Analysts Journal (practitioner journal)

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 Tips for reading papers

Recommended information sources:

• Start with the reading lists on Moodle (plus the associated lectures)

• Another good starting point is Lowry et al. (2017)

• Use Google Scholar to follow up on references and subsequent citations and use as a shortcut for writing out references in your bibliography

When reading academic papers:

• Start with the abstract and introduction (provides summary of paper)

• If you require additional information, browse the main body of text and

read any relevant sections

• Don’t be discouraged – academic paper are often difficult to read

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 Section 3. Evaluate the analyst report (50%)

Strategically choose two forecasts in your chosen analyst report

• Forecasts must be from the pro forma financial statements in your analyst report

• Forecasts must be either:

– anaccountingitem(e.g.,revenue,EBITDA,netprofit,etc.);

– aratiocalculatedfromaccountingitems(e.g.,netprofitmargin,ROE,


– orgrowthratesofanaccountingitem(e.g.,revenuegrowth,profit

growth, etc.).

• Forecasts relating to the same accounting item (e.g., revenue and revenue growth) only count as one forecast

 AcF351 Project: IPO


 Section 3. Evaluate the analyst report (50%) cont...

Strategically choose two forecasts in your chosen analyst report cont...

• You can examine forecasts over several years for the same forecast item, but multiple years of the same forecast item only counts as one forecast.

• You cannot choose the forecasted discount rate, the forecasted share price, or forecasted valuation mulitples as your forecasts

• Strategically choose forecasts that the analyst discusses a lot (a good starting point is often revenue). What you read from the front page of

the analyst report may give you a good idea about which forecasts are key

  AcF351 Project: IPO


 Section 3. Evaluate the analyst report (50%) cont...

• Onceyouhaveselectedyourtwoforecasts,your section 3 must contain the following three subparts:

a) Background information on your analyst report and two chosen forecasts (20%)

b) Evaluation of two forecasts (20%)

c) Revision of two forecasts (10%)

AcF351 Project: IPO


 Section 3 part (a) – background information (20%)

• Background information must contain:

i. The analyst’s overall investment recommendation and the strengths

and weaknesses of the investment case.

ii. A justification for why you selected your two forecasts

• I.e., why are these forecasts important to consider in general and for your case company

iii. Theanalyst’sassumptions,reasoningandevidenceusedtosupport the two forecasts that you selected.

• You will be effectively summarising and analysing how and why the analyst made the forecasts they did.

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 Section 3 part (a) – background information (20%) cont...

• Other tips:

• Given word limit constraints, you should cover point (i) briefly and

spend more time on points (ii) and (iii).

• For points (i) and (iii), it is important that you summarise and analyse in your own words and do not copy and paste from the analyst report.

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 Section 3 part (b) - evaluation of two key forecasts (20%)

• Evaluationshouldcontain:

• Adetailedevaluationofthesetwoforecastsusingquantitative

and qualitative information to substantiate your evaluation

• Evaluationquestionstoaskyourself:

• Are the analysts’ assumptions, reasons and evidence reasonable? – Alsoseethesubsequentslideforothercriticalthinkingtips

• Are these forecasts reasonable, too optimistic or too pessimistic?

• Under what circumstances may the forecasts (not) materialize?

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 Other critical thinking tips that may help with your evaluation

ü Gainknowledgeonforecastbeforebeginningevaluation(proformaandpart3 (a) (iii) helps here)

• Identify underlying assumptions of forecasts

• Look for the reasons and evidence the analyst uses to support these assumptions

ü Arethereasonsrelevant?Arethereasonswellsupportedbyevidence?

ü Istheevidenceaccurate,precise,sufficient,representative,andauthoritative?

ü Youcanalsocommentonmissingreasonsorevidencethatshouldbepresent

ü Areconflictsofinterestlikelytoleadtobiasedforecasts?

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 Section 3 part (b) - evaluation of two key forecasts (20%) cont...

If you use a wide range of information sources, you will more likely score a higher mark on this subpart.

To make the evaluation convincing, you may use as a comparison:

• The case company’s own past performance and disclosures (before the analyst report date);

• Forecasts by other analysts on same company (see Analysts Reports folder on Moodle plus can download others from Eikon);

• Analyst reports of the case companies competitors or industry surveys (need to be published on or before case company analyst report publication date);

• BUT NOT the benefit of seeing the future (ex-ante evaluation rather than ex- post) - do not compare the forecast numbers to the actual numbers that occurred in the future

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 Section 3 part (b) – final tips

In grading this section I’ll be looking for:

– Careful evaluations of the analyst’s assumptions, reasoning, and evidence

– Clear logic and information from sources other than chosen analyst report

– Evaluations of the analyst's forecasts that indicate your familiarity of the case company

– DO NOT simply restate the analyst’s arguments for their forecasts (this should have been done in part 3 (a) already)



 Section 3 part (c) - revision of your chosen forecasts (10%)

• Revisionshouldcontaintwoparts:

A. Revised forecasts for you two chosen forecasts from section 3

part (b)

• Themostbasicrevisionisdirectional(i.e.,muchhigher,slightly higher, about the same, slightly lower, or much lower than the one made by the analyst) (minimum project requirement)

– E.g., “I expect revenue to grow much slower than what the analyst forecasts.”

– If in section 3 part (b) you think the analyst’s forecasts are reasonable, you can instead offer a sensitivity analysis and explain why such an analysis is important



 Section 3 part (c) - revision of

your chosen forecasts (10%) cont...

• Useyournewassumptionsandcalculationstoprovidenew numerical forecasts and revise any other item(s) that may be affected by these new forecasts - do for at least two years (optional but likely to gain higher marks)

– Show any calculations in a revised pro forma statement (Appendix C)

B. Explain why your new forecasts are more appropriate than those of the analysts

• Makesuretosupportanynewforecastswithreasonsandevidence where possible (e.g., how exactly did you derive the new growth rate assumption of X% - rather than pulling numbers out of the air).



 Presentation and writing (15%)

• Writing needs to be in English and in full sentences

– Claritywillberewarded(alsoproof-readmultipletimes) – Sentencestructuretip:subject,verb,object

– Avoidfillerwordsandrepetition

• Format neatly and professionally

– Fontsize12,1.5spacing,Microsoftword

• Use tables and figures sparingly

– Theyshouldservetoillustratepointsandsubstantiateargumentsrather

than substitute proper discussion and exposition in the main text – Alltablesandfiguresshouldbenumberedandhavecaptions

• All long calculations and other quantitative details should be placed in appendices

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 Other components of the report

• Missing any of the following “required” sections will result in a loss of marks

• Bibliography (Required)

– Includeallarticles,books,andotheroutsidesourcescitedinyourreport

– Orderreferencesalphabeticallybytheauthor’slastname

– Pleaseuseoneofthestandardreferencingstyles(e.g.,APA,Harvard,Chicago, etc.) – more details can be found here: https://portal.lancaster.ac.uk/ask/referencing/ (also Google Scholar can save lots of time here)

• Appendix A (Required): a screenshot of the front page of your chosen analyst report

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 Other components of the report cont...

• Appendix B (Required): Pro forma financial statements

– Replicateyourchosenanalystreport’sproformaincomestatement (compulsory) and balance sheet and cashflow statement (both optional but may help with scoring higher marks in section 3 part (c))

• Useatleastoneactualyearandtwoforecastedyears.

• Ifyouevaluateratios(includinggrowthrates)inSection3part(b)

show the calculation of those ratios

– Forthetwoforecastedyears,whenpossiblepleaseusecalculations

rather than copy and paste

• Caveat:calculationswillnotalwaysbepossiblegivenalackof information in the analyst report so copy and paste in these instances is fine – mark such instances clearly)

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 Other components of the report cont...

• Appendix B (Required): Pro forma financial statements cont...

– Use“template_appendix_b.xlsx”onMoodleasastartingpointonly

• Thistemplatewillneedtobemodifiedtomatchthelayoutof financial statements from the analyst report.

– Theobjectiveisnottoperfectlyreplicatetheanalyst'sproforma statements but rather to give you a deeper understanding of the assumptions and reasoning behind your chosen forecasts.

• Hence,pleasedonotspendtoomuchtimeondiscrepancies between your replicated numbers and those of the analyst; rather focus most of your efforts on writing your report.

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 Other components of the report cont...

• Appendix C (Optional): Revised forecasts (also in form of pro forma financial statements)

– Update the pro forma financial statements with your new forecasts, and revise any other item(s) that may be affected by these new forecasts. Do for at least two years.

– Make sure new assumptions or calculations are clearly highlighted

• Excel Appendices B and C should be submitted as a single workbook electronically

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