代写辅导接单-Instructions Submission

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On clicking the exam link a new repository has been created for you in the exam classroom. You should now clone this repository into a new RStudio project then commit and push to GitHub as usual.


GitHub takes a snapshot of your local git repository at the deadline so commit and push often, as you should do in all spatial data science projects. The deadline is based on your last commit, but we expect the repository to be pushed to GitHub very soon after.


Before you begin:


Go to the top of the exam_response.Rmd RMarkdown document and edit the name and student number fields (at the top of the .Rmd).


Complete the originality declaration




You have six hours to complete this open book exam. You must select and undertake only one of the research questions below. Links to the data for each question have been provided and you are free to source additional data for extension analysis, but everything you need is provided.


You must write your response in the exam_response.Rmd, under the originality declaration.


You may use any resource to assist you but the work must be your own and you are required to sign a originality statement within the exam.


Questions about the exam must be asked on the open Slack GIS channel.


You can use RStudio visual markdown editor if you wish.


If you copy a section of code from an online source please provide a relevant link or acknowledgment.


Marks are awarded as per the marking scheme. It's important to note there is no 'right' answer, even if your findings are inconclusive or not as expected, you are awarded marks for how you approach the problem.


Within your work you must:


Provide an initial project scope in bullet point form. Your project scope should include:


If you intend to propose a variation of the original question (e.g. selecting a specific year of data to analyse), this must be based on appropriate reasoning and clearly stated.

A brief evaluation of your main research dataset(s) as well as an assessment of any data processing tasks that will be required or additional data that might be required to complete your analysis.

A brief explanation of the data wangling and analysis you intend to undertake, prior to starting the analysis. This may include research questions or hypotheses you identify as relevant.

You may also wish to identify any constraints (around the data you have been instructed to analyse) or obvious omissions from the set task that could limit what will be produced in this short project. These could relate to spatial or temporal limitations in the dataset, what you decide is reasonable to analyse or anything else that is relevant.

Produce a well commented and fully explained RMarkdown document that attempts to answer the research question.


Create at least one graphical output and at least one mapped output.


Critically reflect on the results you have produced.






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