APSY-UE 1271: Final Exam: Formative Quiz
Prompt: The following multiple-choice questions are designed to provide you with a very select sample (not direct all-inclusive covering) of content covered chapters 9 – 19 of the Revel textbook. For best preparation for the final exam, use these formative questions along with the study guide and condensed lecture key topics list provided on Brightspace.
1. Based on Mary Ainsworth’s studies, __________ children did not care if the parent left the room, made little effort to seek contact with the parent on her or his return, and treated a stranger in about the same way as the parent.
a. avoidant
b. securely attached
c. anxious
d. ambivalent
2. Babies recognize key vowel and consonant sounds of their native language by __________.
a. 2 to 3 months
b. 4 to 6 months
c. 6 to 8 months
d. 8 to 12 months
3. Which of the following is one of the three kinds of problems that are more common during adolescence than during other developmental stages?
a. conflicts with parents
b. physical inactivity and passivity
c. overinflated self-esteem
d. too-little self-esteem
4. Fluid intelligence consists of __________.
a. the kind of intelligence that gives one the ability to do arithmetic and define words
b. intellectual abilities that develop from one’s environment
c. specific knowledge learned through education and life experiences
d. the ability to use new information to solve problem
5. According to Jean Piaget, at what developmental stage would a child come to understand conservation and cause and effect?
a. sensorimotor
b. preoperational
c. concrete operations
d. formal operations
6. A person experiences too strong a sense of guilt over his fantasies. According to Erik Erikson’s theory, he had difficulty resolving the inevitable crisis that occurred when he was __________.
a. an infant
b. a preschooler
c. a young adult
d. in his middle years
7. Which of the following is generally true for people in their old age?
a. The frequency of intense negative emotions is highest at the age of 65.
b. As people get older, most become better able to regulate negative feelings and
emphasize the positive.
c. People who have challenging occupations lose their cognitive abilities.
d. Cognitive enrichment can prevent most cases of serious cognitive decline and
8. In Piaget’s theory, the process of absorbing new information into existing cognitive structures is called __________.
a. operations
b. accommodation
c. conservation d. assimilation
9. In Piaget’s theory, the process of changing existing cognitive structures in response to experience and new information is called __________.
a. operations
b. accommodation
c. conservation d. assimilation
10. According to Jean Piaget, at what developmental stage would a child come to understand conservation and cause and effect?
a. sensorimotor
b. preoperational
c. concrete operations
d. formal operations
11. According to Piaget, children develop abstract reasoning at the __________ stage of cognitive development.
a. preoperational
b. sensorimotor
c. concrete operations
d. formal operations
12. Rolley was kept locked in a basement for most of his childhood. During this period, he almost never heard a human voice. Finally, he was rescued from this abusive situation. It is likely that Rolley will __________.
a. very quickly acquire the ability to speak normally
b. learn to speak normally after many years
c. eventually understand speech, but will never be able to talk
d. never learn to speak normally
13. Ramona’s parents frequently slap her when she misbehaves. They also bully her into doing what they want instead of asking her nicely. Ramona is most likely to __________.
a. develop a strong sense responsibility
b. be impulsive, unmotivated, and irresponsible
c. confess rather than lie when she misbehaves
d. have reduced empathy for others and behave more aggressively
14. Fernandita’s parents require her to follow the rules of the home without any conversation about why those rules are important. Fernandita’s parents use a(n) __________ style of parenting.
a. authoritarian
b. authoritative
c. permissive
d. neglectful
15. An
a. the onset of menstruation has occurred
b. facial and chest hair have begun to appear
c. breasts have begun to develop and pubic hair has appeared
d. the testes have begun to mature and to produce sperm
16. Heather has a history of behavior problems and conflicts with her parents. Now, she is in sixth grade and is
the first girl in her class to attain sexual maturity. When compared to later-maturing girls, Heather is more likely to __________.
a. develop positive communication patterns with her parents
b. have a positive body image and gain prestige for athletic skills
c. drop out of school and have emotional problems
d. be socially unpopular for being “off-time” in maturation
17. Adolescent boys who are lonely, depressed, worried, or angry are more likely than girls
to __________.
a. externalize their emotional problems in acts of aggression and other antisocial behavior
b. develop eating disorders
c. blame themselves for whatever goes wrong
d. internalize their feelings and become withdrawn
adolescent has just experienced menarche. This means that __________.
18. Diana is in her twenties and has successfully resolved each life crisis as it has occurred throughout her development. According to Erik Erikson, Diana now must resolve the crisis of __________.
a. trust versus mistrust
b. intimacy versus isolation
c. initiative versus guilt
d. ego integrity versus despair
19. Will you sink into complacency and selfishness, or will you experience the pleasure of creativity and renewal? According to Erik Erikson, this is the crisis of __________.
a. initiative versus guilt
b. ego integrity versus despair
c. identity versus role confusion
d. generativity versus stagnation
20. As healthy, older adults age, what generally happens to their intelligence?
a. Fluid intelligence declines but crystallized intelligence does not.
b. Crystallized intelligence declines but fluid intelligence does not.
c. Both fluid and crystallized intelligence decline.
d. Neither fluid nor crystallized intelligence decline.
21. Which of the following is generally true for people in their old age?
a. The frequency of intense negative emotions is highest at the age of 65.
b. As people get older, most become better able to regulate negative feelings and
emphasize the positive.
c. People who have challenging occupations lose their cognitive abilities.
d. Cognitive enrichment can prevent most cases of serious cognitive decline and
22. What does the evidence suggest about the middle years of adulthood, between the ages of approximately 35 and 65?
b. c.
For most people this is a period of good health, well-being, productivity, and general reflection on life.
For most people this is a time of turbulence and harsh reexamination of missed opportunities or failed endeavors.
For most people this is a time of radical changes in attitudes, behaviors, and
For most men, this is a time when feelings of inadequacy and lack of fulfillment rise to the surface of consciousness.
According to Erikson's stage model of development across the lifespan, the challenge faced during young adulthood is __________.
a. intimacy versus isolation
b. identity versus role confusion c. generativity versus stagnation d. competence versus inferiority
Adolescent boys who are lonely, anxious, or depressed tend to __________ these problems, whereas adolescent girls who feel the same way tend to __________ these problems.
a. externalize; internalize
b. communicate; write about c. internalize; externalize
d. write about; verbalize
Short answer study reflection: The following short answer items may be used to enhance theory and concept understanding in preparation for the multiple-choice final exam. Keep in mind that the following contain only a select sample of topics that could be addressed on the multiple-choice final exam. For best preparation for the multiple-choice final exam, use this formative question practice guide, the study guide, and condensed lecture key topis list provided on Brightspace.
25. What differences did Jean Piaget observe in children’s thinking between the preoperational stage and the concrete operations stage?
26. What differences did Jean Piaget observe in children’s thinking between the stages of concrete operations and formal operations?
27. What are the three kinds of problems that, according to your textbook, are more common during adolescence than during childhood or adulthood?
28. How is the brain influenced by physical exercise and mental stimulation during old age?
29. Children’s gender development is influenced by the behavior of the adults around them. Give examples of behaviors that may influence a child’s gender development and describe the potential consequences of those behaviors.
30. Distinguish between the stages of development according to Erikson. Identify the conflict that must be resolved for each stage and the approximate ages of individuals in each stage. Then describe the challenge as it occurs in each stage.
31. Your grandmother has helped raise you and you are very close. As she continues to age, she notices that her thinking and problem solving has slowed, that she cannot recall names as well, and that it seems that it takes longer to learn something new. She has been searching the internet too much and has convinced herself that she has Alzheimer’s. Given what you have learned in your text, describe what changes your grandmother will likely experience as she becomes older. In educating her, distinguish between fluid and crystallized intelligence and how they change with aging.