Module Code: MGT650 | Coursework Code: 1 |
Module Title: Managing People in Organisations |
Date Available: Monday 9th October 2023 |
Submission details: Monday 15th January 2024 12pm (noon) Electronic submission only through Blackboard You will submit your coursework assignments into Turnitin via your module Blackboard site. Turnitin is software the University of Sheffield uses to help you develop good academic practice. The submission link will be open for you to submit work one week in advance. You can submit your assignment multiple times to this link. Each time you submit you will receive a Similarity Report. You can check this and improve your referencing before the final deadline. The University of Sheffield has guidance on Interpreting your Turnitin Similarity Report After 3 submissions you will need to wait 24hrs before you receive a new report. Please note: each new submission replaces any previous submission. It is not possible to retrieve a previous submission. Your final submission must be made before the deadline to avoid late penalties. Further guidance is available on theTEL Student Resource Hub If you have any questions about the Turnitin requirements for your specific assignment, contact your lecturers first. They are responsible for setting up the assignment and will know more about your assignment than anyone else. You should note that the time of submission is taken from once the document has been successfully uploaded and confirmed – this may take more than five minutes during busy periods. Late penalties will be applied to any work submitted from 12.01pm on 15th January onwards. Details of how to calculate a late penalty can be found in your programme Handbook. It is your responsibility to ensure the correct document/file has uploaded successfully. When submitting you must: 1. Include a completed cover sheet (available from Blackboard) 2. Use ‘Student Number, MGT650-1’ (e.g. 190011001 MGT650-1) as the document’s file name and also as the Assignment Title in Turnitin. |
Contribution to Final Mark for Module: 100% |
Maximum Word Length: 3000 The word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the reference list and appendices. If you exceed the word length you will be penalised (marks will be deducted). For details see the Management School Handbooks. Please note that SUMS does not have a word count tolerance - it is a stated maximum as outlined above. |
Requirements: Drawing on the required and recommended reading answer any ONE of the following questions: 1) Motivational theorists claim that their theories can be used by managers in the workplace to motivate their employees. Critically evaluate at least two theories of motivation, providing a discussion on how managers can implement elements of these theories in practice. 2) There are many different types of teams that can be found in the workplace, however, increasingly teams are having to work remotely and/or virtually. Critically evaluate both the advantages and disadvantages of virtual/remote teams, for both team members and organisations. 3) Some theorists claim that organisational culture should be treated as something that can be controlled and, therefore, managed. Whereas others believe that culture is a root metaphor, which managers may have little influence over. Compare and contrast these two approaches, providing a discussion on their advantages and disadvantages with regard to HRM.In answering the question you need to draw on the required and recommended reading to develop your arguments and any references used outside of this need to be accompanied with a brief explanation of how they were found e.g. which search terms were used and on which scholarly database. In answering the question you need to draw on the required and recommended reading to develop your arguments and any references used outside of this need to be accompanied with a brief explanation of how they were found e.g. which search terms were used and on which scholarly database. Assessment criteria for this assignment is in the table below. This matrix will be used to mark your essay. |
Assessment criteria | Hard Fail (0-39) | Soft Fail (40-49) | Pass (50-59) | Merit (60-69) | Distinction (70-79) | Distinction (80+) |
Use of Knowledge | No understanding or use of appropriate concepts, theories and frameworks. | Sketchy understanding and limited use of appropriate concepts, theories and frameworks. | Sound understanding and/or use of some appropriate concepts, theories and frameworks but includes some errors and omissions. | Good use of appropriate concepts, theories and frameworks. Some use of evidence in analysis and to support discussion. | Very good use of a well-judged selection of appropriate conceptual and theoretical frameworks. Goes beyond core module materials. Very strong use of evidence in analysis, and to support discussions. | Fully comprehensive and deep understanding of key concepts, theories and knowledge. Goes well beyond core module materials. Comprehensive use of evidence to support analysis and discussions. |
Critical Analysis | No or very little understanding of the issues raised by the essay title. No or little application of narrative to the issues raised by the title. | Some understanding of the issues raised by the essay title, but superficial and/or confused analysis. | A clear structure which deals with some of the issues raised by the essay title, but lacks awareness of nuances and complexities. | A clear awareness of the nuances and complexities posed by the essay title which cogently deal with the issues raised. | Critical and reflexive awareness of the nuances and complexities posed by the essay title which cogently deals with the issues raised. | Outstanding in-depth consideration of key issues with skilful interpretation and use of an extensive range of evidence |
Management Praxis | No implications established for managers and management praxis. | A few implications established for managers and management praxis with superficial justification. | A few implications established for managers and management praxis with systematic justification. | A good analysis of several implications for managers and management praxis with systematic justification. | A comprehensive analysis of implications for managers and management praxis with systematic justification linked to contemporary issues. | Superb analysis of implications for managers and management praxis with systematic justification which includes authoritative articulation of contemporary issues. |
Essay Construction | Poor/confused English with no attention to appropriate referencing of authoritative sources or empirical data. Poor understanding of lecture notes. | Clear but unsophisticated English. Haphazard referencing. Much reliance on non-peer reviewed, web-based resources. | Clear prose with systematic referencing. Some evidence of independent research but much reliance upon material covered in lectures. | Sophisticated prose with consistent evidence of independent research that synthesizes and evaluates systematically referenced source material. | Sophisticated prose with substantial evidence of independent research that reflexively synthesizes and evaluates systematically referenced source material. | Outstanding ability to integrate material from a variety of sources, to deploy accurately and imaginatively established techniques of analysis and enquiry and (where applicable) to demonstrate an understanding of approaches and methods at the frontier of research. |
Referencing: you must reference your work correctly using the Harvard method. Failure to do so will result in the deduction of marks and possible proceedings under the University's Regulations as to the Use of Unfair Means |
Independence of working: You are reminded of the University's Regulations on the Use of Unfair Means and academic integrity which are outlined in the School's Handbooks. If there is a suspicion that your work is not your own and that you have used unfair means or there is suspicion of a breach of academic integrity in writing this assessment, then you may be referred to our unfair means officers to consider your work. Therefore, you are advised to ensure that you undertake the relevant guidance on the module site or programme level sites that you have access too. If you cannot access these, please contact the Student Experience Office. |
Other Submission Details: Use the standard Management School cover sheet ● Have the word count of your essay on the cover sheet ● Be presented with 2.5cm margins all round ● Use Times New Roman or Arial, 11 or 12 point for the main body text ● Use 1.5 line spacing ● Have all pages numbered ● Be properly spell checked ● Be properly referenced to the Management School version of Harvard referencing |
Resit Requirements: Drawing on the required and recommended reading answer any ONE of the following questions: 1. It has been proposed that groupthink can have a negative impact on the decision-making of groups/teams. Critically evaluate how groupthink can influence teams, with a specific regard to its influence on decision-making. 2. Financial rewards such as salary have been proposed as strong motivators in the workplace. Critically evaluate the evidence for and against the use of financial rewards as a motivating factor for employees 3. Interviews remain a popular selection method, however, critics claim that interviews are inherently unfair and advantage some candidates. Critically evaluate the evidence for and against interviews as an effective and fair selection method. In answering the question you need to draw on the required and recommended reading to develop your arguments and any references used outside of this need to be accompanied with a brief explanation of how they were found e.g. which search terms were used and on which scholarly database. |
Other matters: |