代写辅导接单-Homework 2 - INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, Section A - NYU

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10/16/23, 12:42 AM Homework 2 - INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, Section A - NYU



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Homework 2

The goal of this homework is to get you familiar with interactive visual data exploration. We will use JavaScript, D3, and Observable to import, transform, visualize and interactively analyze a dataset. Tasks

You are allowed to select any appropriate domain and datasets including the dataset in Homework 1. If you are unsure of what data to use, here are some examples:

1. Cosmetics datasets https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/kingabzpro/cosmetics-datasets

2. Sex Orientation Laws https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/mpwolke/cusersmarildownloadsomophobiacsv

3. Women Rights Statistics


4. Cars https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/tawfikelmetwally/automobile-dataset

5. Genshin https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/sophiahealy/genshin-impact-character-data

Task 0: Questions & data

In this task, you will need to identify a problem and formulate domain and data questions, following the practice you did in class. Make sure that you have at least three data questions, with at least two of them covering three (or more) data attributes. The markdown documentation should cover the reasoning behind the questions and why you decided to select the attributes.

Task 1: Data transformation

Load the data using ObservableHQ (if the data is too large, select a subset of the data using Pandas). Transform the data in a way that enables you to answer the data questions previously identified. In other words, if you have a derived attributed (e.g., spatial aggregation, binning), make sure you are able to compute it. Just like Homework 1, make sure to remove data rows with NaN or missing values.

Task 2: Visual encoding

Based on the attributes identified in the previous task, create the most appropriate charts, following the steps shown in class and labs. For each question you identified, create at least one chart that helps you answer the question. Make sure your plots avoid common problems, such as overplotting.

Task 3: Interaction techniques

Create at least one interactive visualizations -- using multiple linked views. Your visualization must be interactive

       -- for example, if selecting / brushing one (or multiple) data points, the other plots that compose the visualization shouSludbbmeitupdated, hCigahnlcigehl ting the appropriate linked data points. Hint: Different interaction mechanisms (i.e.,

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 10/16/23, 12:42 AM Homework 2 - INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, Section A - NYU

manipulating the data, manipulating the visual mapping, manipulating the view) and methods (i.e., aggregation, filtering, change mapping, selection, navigation, spatial arrangement) can be used.

 Task 4: Deliverables

In this homework, there will be three deliverables:

1) A markdown document (.md), with a clear description of the dataset, summarizing the most important points, questions, data transformations, encodings, interactions and initial findings. Make sure you explain each design choice, particularly the interaction ones. The document should have 500-800 words.

2) One or more Observable Notebooks, with each step of your exploratory process. Make sure it is easily reproducible and well-documented, including both comments and plots.


Your submission will be graded according to the quality and coverage of the results and presentation. You need to make sure that both your deliverables (presentation and documentation) and notebooks clearly show your findings. Visualizations need to be well constructed, with good color and font choices and proper labeling.

Due on Oct 22, 2023 11:59 PM

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