Assignment details:
Assume the role of an architect and design the software system architecture for the system that your group selected. Provide the details that form the foundation of this final architecture in a detailed report outlining the various aspects of software architecture development for your selected system by following the below guidelines. The report should articulate the process in a coherent manner.
System Selection: Select a specific software system (except the DRMS system) to be designed by your group. It could be a web application, mobile app, or any existing software system of your choice such as Canvas. The selected system should have adequate complexity to demonstrate your architectural design skills as a group.
Report guidelines:
Your introduction should provide the objectives and purpose of the system for someone who may be unfamiliar with the system. This should include:
• The context in which the system operates. This will include identifying the stakeholders and their needs and expectations, and defining the broader environment in which the system will function.
• The overall outcomes that the system is designed to achieve. This should include a description of how the system aligns with the broader organisational goals and requirements.
• The key processes that the system will facilitate, including where relevant how data will be collected, processes and transformed within the system.
Include the following components in the report.
• User Stories:
1. In the early stages of the assignment, groups must conduct thorough user research and analysis to identify different stakeholders, their needs and the system requirements that emerge from these insights.
2. Each group should develop a set of user stories that represent different user interactions with the system. User stories should be concise, actionable, and reflect the users' perspectives.
3. The user stories should adequately cover the stakeholders' requirements. A minimum of 10 user stories is recommended, with a maximum limit of 15 for this assignment.
• Quality Attributes:
1. Identify and define a comprehensive set of quality attributes that the software system should exhibit. Quality attributes may include performance, security, usability, maintainability, scalability, and others.
2. Cover all the important quality attributes. Prioritize the 7 key quality attributes to cover in detail, which have been covered in detail during the semester, and aim to develop at least two quality attribute scenarios for each. The maximum limit for quality attribute scenarios for the overall system is set at 15.
3. Each group must prioritize the quality attributes based on the system's requirements and stakeholders' needs. Present them as a utility tree to visually represent their significance.
4. Clearly articulate the preferred tactics used in the software system architecture, providing strong justifications based on the system's requirements and quality attributes.
• System Architecture:
1. Groups should design the software system architecture based on the identified user stories and quality attributes. Provide clear justification for the selected solution in addressing the quality attributes within the architecture. Discuss the potential architecture patterns you considered, and your reasoning for the selected architecture.
2. The architecture should include high-level components/modules, their interactions, and data flows. You should consider architectural styles (e.g., client-server, layered, MVC, microservices) and suitable patterns that align with your system requirements.
• Documentation and Presentation:
1. Each group should prepare a comprehensive documentation package describing the system architecture, including diagrams, explanations, and justifications for your design choices.
2. In your report, while presenting the architecture, emphasise the key design decisions, trade-offs made during the architectural process, and how your design aligns with user stories and quality attributes.
Formatting guidelines:
The report should have a cover page with details of the group members (name and uni id) and their individual contributions.
The report should be well-organized with clear headings and subheadings.
Use a consistent and professional writing style throughout the report.
Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure to ensure clarity and coherence.
Include relevant diagrams, charts, or illustrations to support the explanations and enhance understanding.
Acknowledge all the relevant sources of information used in creating the report.
The report should follow 20 page/7500 words limit (excluding references and appendices).