辅导代写接单- ISYS 1106 /1108 SE Project Management

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 ISYS 1106 /1108 SE Project Management

A2: Individual work (on-demand interview) – Scenario

The extract from Product Backlog at the end of Sprint 0 is presented below. The team, Product Owner and Scrum Master agreed to the following Definition of Done:

• Unit testing completed (code coverage 80%)

• Code peer reviewed

• Functional testing based on ACs passed

• Regression testing passed

• Approved by the Product Owner

As a customer, I want to view a general menu, so that I can choose the items I’d like to order

As a customer, I want to view cup sizes in the menu, so that I can choose the size of my drink

As a customer I want to add a menu item to my cart, so that I can by it

As a customer I want to remove an item from my cart, so that I can adjust my selection

As a customer I want to increase the quantity of an item in my cart, so that I can adjust my selection

As a customer I want to decrease the quantity of an item in my cart, so that I can adjust my selection

As a customer I want to change the size of a drink item in my cart, so that I can adjust my selection

As a customer I want to select the sort of my tea, so that I have my favourite drink

As a customer I want to change the sort of my tea, so that I can adjust my selection

As a customer, I want to pay for my order with a credit card

As a customer, I want to pay for my order with Paypal

As a customer I want to get a confirmation on submitted order, so that I know for sure that my order was successfully submitted

As a barista, I want to see a list of current requests, so that I can select my next order to work on

Dr Maria Spichkova

School of Computing Technologies

Product High 8 Owner

Product High 5 Owner

Product High 8 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 5 Owner

Product High 3 Owner

Product High 1 Owner

Product High 5 Owner

In DoD1 Progress

In DoD1 Progress

In DoD1 Progress

To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1

To-Do DoD1

To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1

To-Do DoD2

                     PBI ID

User Story



































        As a barista, I want to see details of a request, so that I know what exactly I need to prepare

As a staff member, I want to label an order as ready, so that it is visually different from to-do orders in the list

As a customer I want to get notification on completed order, so that I know that my order is ready to pick-up

As a staff I want to close an order, so that it’s visually different from ready-to-pick-up orders

As a staff manager, I want to create staff member accounts, so that new staff members have access to our system

As a staff manager, I want to manage accounts of staff members, so that information there is up-to- date

As a staff member I want to login, so that I can use functionality of the system

As a customer, I want to register in the system, so that I can login

As a customer I want to login so that I can use history and re-ordering functionalities

As a customer, I want to see history of my orders, so that I can quickly re-order them

As a customer, I want to re-order my previous order, so that I can save time on ordering

As a customer, I want to login using Google / Facebook, so that I don’t need to register

As a customer, I want to post to my Instagram page on my recent order, so that I share this information with my friends

As a customer, I want to post to my Twitter page on my recent order, so that I share this information with my friends

As a customer, I want to post to my Facebook page on my recent order, so that I share this information with my friends

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

Product Owner

High 3 High 2

High 2

High 2 High 5

Medium 5

Medium 1 Medium 2 Low 1 Low 13 Low 8 Low 8 Low 3

Low 3 Low 5

To-Do DoD2 To-Do DoD2

To-Do DoD1

To-Do DoD2 To-Do DoD2

To-Do DoD2

To-Do DoD2 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1

To-Do DoD1 To-Do DoD1

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Team Performance:

The team is working on a Scrum project in fortnightly sprints, the project is planned for 4 sprints. The Sprint 1 was planned to start on 1 May (fortnightly sprint with a sprint planning meeting on 1 May). In your analysis, please take into account that 25 April and 12 June are public holidays.

At the sprint planning meeting for sprint 2, the Product Owner requested to add to the Product Backlog two low priority items: PBI 29 and PBI 30. The team and Scrum Master agreed to this change, the team estimated the efforts for them as 8 story points each.

At the review meeting for Sprint 2, the Product Owner decided to remove PBI 24, 25 and 26 from the Product Backlog (the team and Scrum Master agreed to this change as well).

The team had the following progress over Sprint 1 and Sprint 2:






    Sprint 1, Week 1

 Design and Implementation tasks for PBI 1

 Public holiday

All QA tasks for PBI 1 (all tasks for PBI 1 now fully completed), Design tasks and implementation tasks for PBI 28

  Design and Implementation tasks for PBI 28

 All QA tasks for PBI 28 (all tasks for PBI 28 now fully completed)

   Sprint 1, Week 2

  Design and Implementation tasks for PBI 2.

  Regression testing revealed issues in PBI 1

 PBI 1 fixed and re- tested as per DoD

   PBI 2 fully implemented and tested as per DoD,

  PBI 8 and 9 fully implemented and tested as per DoD

   Sprint 2, Week 1

   PBI 10 fully implemented and tested as per DoD.

   PBI 5 and 6 fully implemented and tested as per DoD

  PBI 7 fully implemented and tested as per DoD.

    PBI 4 fully implemented and tested as per DoD.

   PBI 3 fully implemented and tested as per DoD.

   Sprint 2, Week 2

  PBI 27 fully implemented and tested as per DoD

  Design tasks for PBI 11 and 12.

 PBI 11 fully implemented and tested as per DoD

   PBI 12 fully implemented. Regression testing revealed issues in PBI 11.

  PBI 11 fixed and re-tested as per DoD

 Interview tasks for the video on burn-down chart:

You need to record video on how you created corresponding classical burndown chart. Please make sure that you

1. demonstrate and explain how you created the ideal burndown and how the ideal burndown was evolving over Sprints 1 and 2,

2. demonstrate how your real burndown was evolving day by day over the duration of Sprint 1 and Sprint 2,

3. analyse the chances of the team to complete the project successfully, if they continue with the same real velocity and capacity.

Please note that the video should contain both, screen capture and camera capture of you.

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Quality Assurance:

The team decided to have general sprint task approach to save time on specification of development tasks, as all team members agreed to have relatively small user stories. The below screenshot of a part of a Trello card, presenting sprint tasks they specified.

When preparing to the Sprint 1 planning meeting, the team also created Acceptance Criteria (ACs) for a number of PBIs. The ACs for

PBI 21. As a customer, I want to see history of my orders, so that I can quickly re-order them.

have been specified as follows:


Given the customer is on the main page of the app,

When the customer clicks the “History“ button,

Then the customer is redirected to the History-page presenting a table containing the information on the orders made in the last 90 days.

Note: this information should include the date and time of the order, as well as list of ordered items

Interview tasks for the video on QA analysis:

1. You need to analyse the sprint tasks, explain what issues you identified and how you will fix them.

2. You need to analyse the specified Acceptance criteria, explain what issues you identified and how you will fix them.

Please note that the video should contain both, screen capture and camera capture of you.

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Product backlog analysis.

Interview tasks for the video on QA analysis:

You need to analyse the provided product backlog with respect to the below notes (please note that they might differ from provided for Assignment 1). Explain what issues you identified and how exactly you will fix them.

Please note that the video should contain both, screen capture and camera capture of you.

Notes made during the initial requirements elicitation interviews:

Implementation - from scratch, no connection to any other system is needed on this stage: responsive web-application for staff (to manage orders and staff) and for customers. No preferences for implementation languages and


Options for drinks (we don’t expect any no changes in these options): cappuccino, long black, hot chocolate, latte, espresso, and tee. Tee options: Earl Grey, Assam, Green, and Mint. They serve drinks in small, medium, and large cups. Espresso and double espresso can be served only as a small cup. Latte can be served only in a large cup. Cappuccino, long black, hot chocolate and tee can be served as medium and large cups. The coffee shop also serves cakes and sandwiches, the range of them changes periodically – the staff will update the list.

Typical scenario:

1. A customer submits their order.

2. The order is visible to the staff as a new request. The system should be able to display to the

baristas the list of all current requests – with most recent on the bottom of the list.

3. When the order is ready, the barista is indicating this in the system (ticking a box or clicking a

button, whatever will look better in the design) – the ready-to-pickup orders should be

visually different in the system from the to-be-served orders;

4. The customer’s application presents on its screen the corresponding message with the order

number, prompting the customer to pick-up;

5. The customer comes to the counter and demonstrates to a barista the message (the order

number should be displayed in a large font, as barista needs to check quickly);

6. Barista provides the order and indicates in the system that the order is closed – then the

order disappears from the list of the current requests, and appears in the list of fully completed requests.

Nice to have, if all other functionalities already implemented: Connection to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook with pre-filled messages on just made orders. Important, but can be implemented towards the end of the project: Customers need to know how many orders are already in the queue and how long (approx.) they might wait if they order.

Login functionality required only for staff users (baristas and staff manager). Staff should be able to use the system only after login. The login functionality should be implemented towards the end of the project, Coffe4U would like to see other important functionalities first. New staff accounts can be crated only by staff manager, no self-registration is possible. The manager should be able to add new staff members to the system and revoke access if a staff member is no longer working at the coffee shop.

Customers should be able to submit their requests without login. Login functionality for customers is nice to have, only if time allows also to implement functionalities on saving the order history and re-ordering resent orders. New customer accounts should be then created by customers (use email address as login). If time allows, would be good to have login using Google and Facebook authentication.

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    Coffee4U coffee shop would like to automate the ordering process and to have a cashless

 payment only (will accept PayPal and credit card payments).






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