代写接单- May 2019 (Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes) DEGREES OF MSci, MEng, BEng, BSc, MA and MA (Social Sciences) System Programming H Mock Exam

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 May 2019 (Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes)

DEGREES OF MSci, MEng, BEng, BSc, MA and MA (Social Sciences)

System Programming H Mock Exam

(Answer all 3 questions.)

This examination paper is worth a total of 60 marks

The use of a calculator is not permitted in this examination


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1. C Programming and Data Types

(a) Describe how strings are represented in C. How much bytes of memory do the

string literal “Hello World” require in a C program? [2]

(b) ImplementabinarysearchtreeofstringsintheCprogramminglanguage.

Sketch the implementation based on the following interface. Minor syntax errors will not be penalised. Make sure that you handle pointers correctly and that you do not leak memory. Provide comments explaining your implementation.

 // a node in the tree should store a string label

typedef struct node Node;

// create a Node with the given label. Returns NULL if unsuccessful

Node* node_create(const char* label);

// destroys the node and connected nodes in the tree

void node_destroy(Node* n);

// inserts a node in the right place to maintain the order of the tree

void insert(Node* n, const char* label);

// lookup a node in the tree. Returns NULL if the label is not present

Node* lookup(Node* n, const char* label);

You should use these string handling functions:

int strcmp(const char* s1, const char* s2);

returns 0 is s1 and s2 are equal, a value <0 if s1 is smaller than s2, >0 if s1 is bigger than s2

 int strlen(const char* s);

returns the number of printable characters in the string

char* strcpy(char* destination, const char* source); copies the string at source to the destination

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- Define the struct. A Node should store a string label. [2] - Implement node_create and node_destroy.

Be careful to handle all allocations and pointers properly. [5]

- Implement insert_node. Ensure that the node is inserted at the right place to maintain the search order of the tree. If a node with the given label exists already in the tree no node should be added. [4]

- Implement lookup. [3]

- Implement a main function that uses the provided interface to create a binary search tree with three nodes with the labels “Systems”, “Programming”, “2019”. Write a function that prints all values in the tree and show how it is used. The tree should be destroyed at the end of the program and there should be no memory leaks.

Systems Programming Mock Exam /END


[4] TOTAL MARKS [20]


2. Memory and Resource Management & Ownership

(a) Explain the purpose of a void-pointer in C. Give an example use case. [2]

(b) Explainthedifferencebetweenthetwomemoryregionsstackandheap.

Explain briefly how the programmer manages memory on the heap in C. [2]

(c) Values are passed to function via call-by-value. Explain briefly what this means. Explain how arrays are treated when passed to a function and how this relates to pointers. [3]

(d) Explainwhatasegmentationfaultisanddescribeastrategyforfindingout which part of a C program triggered this error. Give a common cause for a segmentation fault. [3]

(e) Explain the concept of Ownership for memory management. Describe the benefits over the direct use of malloc and free. Explain how in C++ the RAII technique works and how this relates to the lifetime of variables and what role the special constructor and destructor functions play in this context. [4]

(f) C++ provides two main smart pointers: std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr. Explain the difference between the two and discuss in which situation which one should be used. [2]

(g) Give the definition of a struct for a Node with a string label in a directed acyclic graph (DAG) [a graph with directed edges and without cycles] that uses C++ containers and C++ smart pointers to model and manage the graph data structure. Explain your solution briefly.

Would a similar implementation be possible for a graph with cycles? Justify your answer.

Describe (but do not implement) what implementation would be required in C to achieve a correct and leak free implementation. [4]

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3. Concurrent Systems Programming

(a) Describe the term Thread and distinguish it from the term Process. [2]

(b) Giveanexampleshowingtheneedformutualexclusiontoensurethe correctness of the results of a computation. [2]

(c) C++ provides futures and promises as higher-level synchronisation abstractions. Describe how they work together to simplify writing multi-threaded code. [2]

(d) LookatthefollowingAPIdefinitionofthets_setclass.

 struct ts_set { private:

std::set<int> set; std::mutex m;


std::set<int>::iterator find(int i) {

std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

return set.find(); }

std::set<int>::iterator begin() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

return set.begin(); }

std::set<int>::iterator end() { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

return set.end(); }

void insert(int i) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

set.insert(i); }

void erase(std::set<int>::iterator pos) { std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m);

set.erase(pos); }


The provided interface and implementation is not safe to use in multithreaded code despite using a mutex. Explain why and give an example describing a problematic scenario using the API with multiple threads.

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(e) Design a thread safe interface for a stack of int values with a limited size and implement it in C++ or PThreads.

The stack should allow to push new elements onto the stack and to pop (i.e. remove) elements from the stack.

When the stack is full push should block and wait until there is again space, similarly pop should block when the stack is empty until there are elements to be removed.

Use condition variables in your solution to avoid busy waiting. [6]

Implement try_push and try_pop that will not block but instead immediately return when the stack is full/empty. Both functions should indicate if the operation was performed successfully or not.

Systems Programming Mock Exam /END


[4] TOTAL MARKS [20]






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