辅导案例-2INFO1110-Assignment 2

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Assignment 2INFO1110 / COMP9001
Goosechasers: A Titled Goose Game
Milestone Deadline: 11:59 PM Monday, 28th October 2019 AEST (Week 12)
Final Deadline: 11:59 PM Monday, 4th November 2019 AEST (Week 13)
Weighting: 10% of the final assessment mark.
You are a goose. Beautiful. Majestic. Unstoppable. In the wake of your majesty, even the most
intense of human passions are but fleeting whispers in comparison - for not only are you a
goose, you are the Goose: Her Excellency, Duchess Hilda von Goosensmirch the Red, Countess of
Loch Lanore and Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Leek. There are those, however, that
claim to see you for what you truly are: a terror to society; an agent of chaos - an avatar of
The Goosechasers, as they call themselves, belong to a nefarious order of humans (and human-
adjacent creatures) dedicated to your capture and suppression. Thanks to an unfortunate series
of events, you, Duchess Hilda von Goosensmirch the Red, Countess of Loch Lanore and
Grandmaster of the Order of the Silver Leek, have been cornered by one or more of these
Goosechasers - a scenario most sub-optimal for you and yours.
You are, of course, a goose, and in all your wisdom and majesty, are privy to many a means of
response to this situation. Perhaps you are feeling merciful, and simply wish to evade the
Goosechasers until they are no longer a problem - or perhaps you have suffered their existence
long enough, and must remind them that they have no right to encroach upon your domain.
Picture Credits: Pixabay, Uploaded by Alexas_Fotos on June 20th, 2018.
For this assignment, you will write a game that simulates a wild goose chase. The player will
control a goose - a creature - that moves from one location to another, while avoiding other
creatures that wish to harm it. The goose may attempt to frighten other creatures into running
away (permanently) by honking at them, though some creatures will be more difficult to frighten
than others. If the goose is caught by another creature that it cannot frighten, the player loses. If
the goose successfully navigates to a location that allows it to flee from the other creatures, or
successfully frightens away all other creatures on the map, the player wins.
Implementation details
Your program will be written in Python 3. The only Python module that you are allowed to import
is sys . To help you begin, a scaffold has been provided. This scaffold consists of the following
game.py , which should contain the main body of your program.
creature_test.py (only relevant to final submission; see page 29 for details)
Your entire program must be contained in these files. It is recommended that you implement the
functions in these files to the best of your ability, and use them to help you complete the
assignment. You may create new functions as you see fit.
Additionally, a few sample configuration files have been given to help you start up your program.
Help and feedback
You are encouraged to ask questions about the assignment on the discussion board, on Ed.
Please ensure your code is comprehensible before requesting feedback. We recommend that
your code adheres to the PEP 8 style guide, and is commented appropriately.
Staff may make announcements on Ed regarding any updates or clarifications to the assignment.
You can ask questions on Ed using the assignments category. Please read this assignment
description carefully before asking questions. Please ensure that your work is your own and you
do not share any code or solutions with other students.
You will submit your code on two separate assignment pages on Edstem - one for your Milestone
submission and one for your Final submission. You are encouraged to submit multiple times. After
each submission, the marking system will automatically check your code against public test
These public tests do not cover all parts of the specification and your code. The complete test
suite contains both public and hidden test cases, and your code will not be run through this suite
until after the assignment deadline.
Please ensure you carefully follow the assignment specification. Your program output must
exactly match the output shown in the examples.
Warning: Any attempts to deceive or disrupt the marking system will result in an immediate zero
for the entire assignment. Negative marks can be assigned if you do not properly follow the
assignment specifications, or your code is unnecessarily or deliberately obfuscated.
To ensure you are making regular progress on this assignment, you must have achieved a
minimum level of functionality in your submission by October 28th, 11:59 PM AEST (Week 12
Monday) to receive a portion of the marks. See the Milestone Submission section at the end of this
document for further details.
Configuration Files
The program will be given 4 extra command line arguments when it is run:
These arguments (let's call them configuration files) will be used to generate Location , Item ,
and Creature objects that you will need to run your program. The Location , Item , and
Creature classes are to be defined in the location.py , item.py , and creature.py files,
respectively, and the specification for these are available in the Classes section on page 6
Examples of these configuration files are available in the provided scaffold; check for the files
sample_paths.txt , sample_items.txt , sample_chasers.txt , and sample_exits.txt Empty
lines encountered in any configuration file can be safely skipped and ignored.
If fewer than 4 arguments are supplied, print: "Usage: python3 game.py
" and exit the program.
Of the given arguments, you can expect that they will all be paths to a file (and/or the name of a
file). If any one of the files specified by the arguments do not exist, print: "You have
specified an invalid configuration file." and exit the program.

The first argument, , should be the name of a file containing a list of all connections
between Locations in the program. You can use this file to generate Location objects as
defined on page 6. Each line is of the form:
Where START and DESTINATION are the names of Location objects, and DIRECTION indicates a
direction on the compass (northwest, north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west)
that a creature must travel towards in order to move between START and DESTINATION . For
$ python3 game.py
Lake > northeast > Trail
Trail > SOUTH > Gazebo
If a Creature is currently at the Lake , it can move NORTHEAST to arrive at the Trail . Similarly,
if a Creature is currently on the Trail , it can travel SOUTH in order to arrive at the Gazebo .
Paths do not need to be reflective - going north in location A and immediately going back south
does not have to lead you back to location A. This is a game, so some paths might not make
sense, and that's ok! For example:
Location names are case sensitive, but DIRECTION s are not.
When the program starts, the player will begin in the FIRST room specified by this file. If an
empty file is given, print: "The game cannot run without any rooms :(" and exit
the program.
You can reasonably expect that any file we will give you will contain valid input (i.e. no
weird lines like "Grass > Fence > More Grass" or "Not enough > arrows" .)

The second argument, , should be the name of a file defining all the Item objects that
are available in-game. Each line is of the form:
Most of these are explained in the description of the Item class on page 9.
full_desc is a long description of the item which is written to a Location 's description if
the item exists at that location, but has not been picked up by a Creature . More
information on this in can be found in the Location description on page 6.
location - as it implies - specifies the name of a Location that the Item object will
appear in when the game begins. You can expect that this is name will also appear
somewhere in the configuration file.
For example:
It is possible for the game to start and end with no items, so it is possible that the file specified by
is empty. Should this be the case, the game should run as normal.
Lake > NORTH > Gazebo
Gazebo > South > Gazebo
short_name | item_name | full_desc | terror_rating | location
rake | battered, old rake | A battered, old rake lies here, dreaming of lakes. |
2 | Garden

The third argument, , should be the name of a file defining all Creature objects in
the game that are not controlled by the player. Each line of this file is of the form:
The name of a Creature is a unique name that the program (and the user) can use to refer
to the Creature object.
A description of the Creature will be written to a Location 's description if the
Creature is in the same Location as the player.
terror_rating describes the terror_rating that a Creature begins with at the start of the
game. This number represents how terrifying something is - or how difficult a Creature is
to frighten. More details about this can be found in the Creature description on page 10.
location - as it implies - specifies the name of a Location that the Creature object will
appear in when the game begins. You can expect that this is name will also appear
somewhere in the configuration file.
direction describes a movement pattern that a Creature will engage in if it is not
controlled by the player. More on this on pages 10-12.
An example:
As the premise of the game is not possible without any creatures to chase the player, the
file cannot be empty! If an empty file is provided, print: "There is
nothing chasing you!" and exit the program.

The fourth argument, , should be the name of a file that contains a list of Location
names. Each of these Location objects will allow the player to use the FLEE command (page
16) to win the game. If a line specifies a name that does not correspond to a Location , ignore it
and move on to the next one.
It is possible for the configuration file to be empty - in that case, the player has no
choice but to scare off all other Creatures to win!
name | description | terror_rating | location | direction
dog | A dog is barking at you! | 4 | Park | North
Each location in the game is represented by an object of the Location class, which you can
define in the given location.py scaffold. A Location object is characterised by:
A name attribute - this is unique to each Location ; no two Location objects should have
the same name !
The ability to store Item objects. When the game begins, a Location may already contain
one or more Item objects (as dictated by the configuration file.)
The player may also choose to DROP an object at their current location.
For each Location loc , you will also want to:
Store all other locations that a Creature can reach by moving in a compass direction away
from loc . (These are defined by the configuration file, written on page 3.)
Know whether or not using the FLEE command when the player is at Location loc will end
the game. (These are defined by the configuration file, written on page 5.)
At the start of the game, and whenever the player enters a new Location or whenever the
LOOK command is invoked, a display representing their current Location is printed to standard
output. Such a display consists of:
A visualisation of the room and its possible exits. This visualisation is always 5 lines long,
and is populated by boxes [ ] to indicate locations reachable from the player's position.
There are nine possible boxes total: one for each point of the compass, and one for the
player's current location. The rstrip() method may be useful here.
The current location, [x] , is always in the middle of the third line (about four
spaces/character widths from the left edge).
You are now at: A Room With No Paths.
There is nothing here.
If it is possible for the player to reach another Location by moving northwest of their
current position, another box [ ] will appear on the top left corner of the display, with a
line leading to it from the current location [x] - like so:
Likewise, if it is possible for the player to reach another Location by moving north of their
current position, another box will appear in the middle of the top row of the display - also
with a line leading from the current location.
Similarly for the northeast/top right corner:
... and so on for all the points of the compass. Be aware that a Location can have
multiple paths!
[ ]
You are now at: A Room With One Path.
There is nothing here.
[ ]
You are now at: A Different Room.
There is nothing here.
  [ ]
You are now at: New Room.
There is nothing here.
[ ]
[x]-[ ]
[ ]
You are now at: A Room With Three Paths.
There is nothing here.
So a room with all possible paths leading out will look as follows:
Additionally, adjacent Locations that have one or more non-player Creature s inside of
them will be represented with [C] instead.
A line indicating the name of the player's current location. It follows the form: "You are now
at: ."
A paragraph of variable length, derived from the full_desc attributes of all Item objects in
the current Location , followed by the description attributes of all Creature objects in
the current Location that are not controlled by the player (such Creatures will be
described in more detail on page 10.)
[ ]     [ ]
  \   /
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: A Room With Many Paths.
There is nothing here.
[ ] [ ] [ ]
  \ | /
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
  / | \
[ ] [ ] [ ]
You are now at: A Crossroads.
There is nothing here.
[C] [C] [ ]
  \ | /
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
  / | \
[C] [ ] [C]
You are now at: A Crossroads.
There is nothing here.
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned hot dog here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you
down by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet.
If there are multiple Item objects at a Location , the full_desc of the first item to be
present in the Location will be printed first.
e.g. If the Garden contains a knife, then the player drops a donut in the Garden , the
full_desc of the knife will be printed first, then the donut.
If there is no way to tell which Item arrived at the location first (i.e. they both
started in the same room), this priority instead goes to the first Item to be
defined in the configuration file.
If two or more Creature s not controlled by the player are in the same Location when
this happens, the first Creature to appear in the configuration file will
have its description printed first.
If no Items or non-player Creatures are at the player's current Location , this line
will instead say, "There is nothing here."
If it is possible for the player to successfully use the FLEE command at a location (this is a
win condition! Check the FLEE command on page 16 for more details), the following line is
added to the end of the display: "The path to freedom is clear. You can FLEE this
Every item in the game is represented by an object of the Item class, which you can define in the
given item.py scaffold. An Item object has the following attributes:
A short_name is an abbreviation of the item's full name, which the user can use to refer to
the item when entering commands. To avoid confusion, short_name s are unique and case-
item_name is the item's name in full, usually a short description of what it is. item_name s
are also unique and case-insensitive.
full_desc is a long description of the item which is written to a Location 's description if
the Item exists at that location but has not been picked up by a Creature .
terror_rating describes how much more terrifying a Creature will look if it is carrying an
item. This should be a number, and can be negative or positive. Whenever a creature picks
up an item, the item's terror_rating is immediately added to the creature's. Whenever a
creature drops an item, the item's terror_rating is immediately subtracted from the
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned hot dog here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you
down by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet.
The path to freedom is clear. You can FLEE this place.
An object of the Creature class represents an entity in your game - you can define this class in
the given creature.py scaffold. It could represent the goose that the player is trying to lead to
safety, or any number of Goosechasers that are attempting to corner it. All non-player Creature
objects should be defined in the configuration file (page 5). Creatures are
characterised by the following properties:
A name - a unique and case-insensitive name that the program (and the user) can use to
refer to the Creature object.
A terror_rating . This number represents how terrifying something is - or how difficult a
Creature is to frighten.
At the start of the game, the player's (goose's) terror_rating is 5.
Every other Creature object's initial terror_rating is defined by the file.
ALL Creatures , including those not controlled by the player, can obtain and carry
Item objects that can modify its terror_rating .
Some way of keeping track of the Item objects being carried by the Creature .
Some way of keeping track of where the creature is - possibly by tying it to a Location . Be
aware that all Creature objects should be able to move from one Location to another -
and that more than one Creature can exist at the same Location at a time.
Goosechasers (Non-Player Creatures)
On top of the above, non-player Creatures (let's call them Goosechasers) might have a
description - a short description of this entity that is written to a Location 's display when the
player is in the same room as the Creature .
Goosechasers are also special because of how they move and interact with the rest of the game!
Each Goosechaser has a direction property that tells them what direction they'll attempt to
move in if they have to move. This property is defined for each Goosechaser in the
configuration file.
Every time the player moves to a new location, uses the WAIT or HONK commands, drops an
item, or picks up an item, all Goosechasers in the game will "take their turn" - starting with the
Goosechaser that appears first in the configuration file, then the one that appears
second, and so on. The player's (goose's) action - moving, waiting, or interacting with items - will
always resolve before any Goosechasers can take their turn. A diagram has been provided on the
next page to better illustrate how Goosechasers react to specific commands.
Player's "Turn"
Player enters commands.
Free Actions
Free Actions do not cause
Goosechasers to act.
Costly Actions
[ Any movement
commands ]
Costly Actions will cause
Goosechasers to act if they
are successful.
Costly Action fails
Costly Action
When all Goosechasers have acted,
control is passed back to the player.
Goosechasers' "Turn"
Goosechasers act in order of their
appearance in the file.
Alarming Actions
Alarming Actions will
always cause Goosechasers
to act.
On their respective turns, a Goosechaser will perform one of the following actions, in order of
If a Goosechaser and the player are in the same Location , the Goosechaser will try to catch
the goose (player).
If the player's terror_rating is not greater than that of the Goosechaser attempting
to catch them, they are caught, and the game ends:
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
  [x]-[ ]
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
Goosechaser Bob is here!
You drop the ball.
Bob is trying to catch you!
Oh no, you've been caught!
========= GAME OVER =========
However, if the player's terror_rating is higher than that of the Goosechaser
attempting to catch them, it will take the Goosechaser two attempts to catch the player.
If a Goosechaser moves to a different room, the number of attempts required for
a Goosechaser to catch the player will reset. (i.e. Goosechasers that are frightened
of the player must attempt to catch the player twice in the same room before
If a Goosechaser is able to reach the player's current Location by moving in a specific
direction D , it will set its direction attribute to D and move that way (where D is one of
the compass directions).
If a Goosechaser arrives at a Location while the player is still in it, the following
message is printed: " has arrived at ."
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
  [x]-[ ]
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
Goosechaser Bob is here!
You drop the ball.
Bob is trying to catch you!
But your presence still terrifies them...
You drop the knife.
Bob is trying to catch you!
Oh no, you've been caught!
========= GAME OVER =========
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
There is nothing here.
You drop the ball.
Catherine has arrived at The Danger Zone.
If a Goosechaser is in a Location that contains one or more Item objects, it will pick up
one Item .
If there is more than one Item object at a Location , the Goosechaser will take the
Item whose full_desc would be printed first in the Location 's display.
If two or more Goosechasers are in the same Location when this happens, the first
Goosechaser to appear in the configuration file will act first.
The Goosechaser will attempt to leave its current location through the path specified by its
direction (e.g. if Goosechaser Bob's direction attribute is "north" , they will try to
access the location to the north.)
If the direction it is trying to leave in is not an available path (i.e. it does not lead to
another Location ), then it will go to the next direction that is clockwise from its original
direction. An example:
Goosechaser Delila's direction attribute says to go east , but their current location
only has an exit to the south and north .
Goosechaser Delila looks for the eastern path. There is no eastern path.
Goosechaser Delila changes their direction to southeast . There is no southeast path.
Goosechaser Delila changes their direction to south . There is a southern path.
Goosechaser Delila leaves to the south.
If their current Location has no paths leading away from it, the Goosechaser will do
Be aware that it is possible for Goosechasers to be scared away permanently (see: the HONK
command on page 16). This removes the Creature - and any Item s that it is carrying - from the
game entirely. Goosechasers that have been scared away by a HONK will no longer appear in the
game: they no longer appear in location displays, do not appear in location descriptions, can no
longer be LOOK ed at, and have no interest in hunting down the goose (player).
Unless stated otherwise, all commands are case-insensitive.
At any point, the player can end the game.
The game will list all valid commands and their usage.
On each line of this output, the left side before the dash is always padded so that it is 16
characters in width.
Game terminated.
HELP           - Shows some available commands.
INV             - Lists all the items in your inventory.
TAKE     - Takes an item from your current location.
DROP     - Drops an item at your current location.
LOOK or L       - Lets you see the map/location again.
LOOK     - Lets you see an item in more detail.
LOOK ME         - Sometimes, you just have to admire the feathers.
LOOK - Sizes up a nearby creature.
LOOK HERE       - Shows a list of all items in the room.
NORTHWEST or NW - Moves you to the northwest.
NORTH or N     - Moves you to the north.
NORTHEAST or NE - Moves you to the northeast.
EAST or E       - Moves you to the east.
SOUTHEAST or SE - Moves you to the southeast.
SOUTH or S     - Moves you to the south.
SOUTHWEST or SW - Moves you to the southwest.
WEST or W       - Moves you to the west.
FLEE           - Attempt to flee from your current location.
HONK or Y   - Attempt to scare off all creatures in the same location.
WAIT           - Do nothing. All other creatures will move around you.
QUIT           - Ends the game. No questions asked.
Prints the goose (player)'s inventory. Each item's item_name is printed, like so:
If the goose is carrying exactly one item, it instead prints:
If the user is carrying nothing, it instead says:
Takes the specified item from the player's current location, and adds it to their inventory. This
action can change the player's terror_rating .
If the user attempts to take something that doesn't exist, however, it prints:
>> INV
You, a goose, are carrying the following items:
- big knife
- reflective sunglasses
- prescription glasses

>> INV
You, a goose, are carrying the following item:
- big knife

>> INV
You are carrying nothing.
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
      [ ]
You are now at: Old Road.
Someone has stabbed a knife into the ground here. It looks rusty.
You pick up the rusty old knife.
>> INV
You, a goose, are carrying the following item:
- rusty old knife

You don't see anything like that here.
Removes the specified item from the player's inventory, and places it at their current location.
This action can change the player's terror_rating .
If you attempt to drop something that doesn't exist in your inventory, however, the program will
produce the following:
If the player invokes this command at one of the locations specified by the
configuration file, the game is won.
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
      [ ]
You are now at: Old Road.
There is nothing here.
>> DROP knife
You drop the rusty old knife.
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
      [ ]
You are now at: Old Road.
Someone has stabbed a knife into the ground here. It looks rusty.
You don't have that in your inventory.
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned burrito here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you down
by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet.
The path to freedom is clear. You can FLEE this place.
You slip past the dastardly Goosechasers and run off into the wilderness!
Freedom at last!
========= F R E E D O M =========
If the player attempts to FLEE at a Location that is not specified by the configuration
file, however, the attempt fails.
Attempts to scare off every other creature at the player's location using the player's
terror_rating . If the player's terror_rating is higher than that of a target creature's, they are
scared away permanently!
If you successfully scare away ALL the creatures in the game, you win (as illustrated on the next
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
      [ ]
You are now at: Old Road.
Someone has stabbed a knife into the ground here. It looks rusty.
There's nowhere you can run or hide! Find somewhere else to FLEE.
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned burrito here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you down
by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet. A dog is minding its own business here.
You sneak up behind your quarry and honk with all the force of a really angry
airhorn! HONK!
Alice is spooked! They flee immediately!
Dog is spooked! They flee immediately!
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned burrito here.
If your terror_rating is less than or equal to that of a creature you honked at, the creature is
not frightened - and will probably try to catch you.
If you HONK when no other creatures are in the room with you:
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned burrito here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you down
by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet. A dog is minding its own business here.
>> Y
You sneak up behind your quarry and honk with all the force of a really angry
airhorn! HONK!
Alice is spooked! They flee immediately!
Dog is spooked! They flee immediately!
None can stand against the power of the goose!
========= V I C T O R Y =========
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned burrito here. Goosechaser Alice is trying to slow you down
by scattering breadcrumbs at your feet. A dog is minding its own business here.
>> Y
You sneak up behind your quarry and honk with all the force of a really angry
airhorn! HONK!
Alice is not spooked :(
Dog is spooked! They flee immediately!
Alice is trying to catch you!
Oh no, you've been caught!
========= GAME OVER =========
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
  [x]-[ ]
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
There is nothing here.
>> Y
All shall quiver before the might of the goose! HONK!
This causes all Creature s that are not controlled by the player (i.e. Goosechasers) to "take their
turn" (pick up an item, move one room, attempt to catch the goose, etc.)
LOOK and L
Displays the location you are currently in.
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
There is nothing here.
You lie in wait.
Catherine has arrived at The Danger Zone.
[ ] [ ]
  \ |
  [x]-[ ]
You are now at: The Danger Zone.
Goosechaser Catherine is brandishing a net at you, threateningly.
[ ]-[x]
      [ ]
You are now at: The Shallows.
There is nothing here.
>> L
[ ]-[x]
      [ ]
You are now at: The Shallows.
There is nothing here.
Allows the player to examine items in their inventory or at their current location. The item's
short_name will work for this. The output for this command follows this format: " -
Terror Rating: " , as shown below.
If no such item exists, print the following; note that the item name given is converted to lower
Displays your current stats.
>> INV
You, a goose, are carrying the following items:
- big knife
- reflective sunglasses
- prescription glasses

big knife - Terror Rating: 5
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: The Den.
There is an abandoned taco here.
really sad taco - Terror Rating: 1
You don't see anything like that here.
You are a goose. You are probably quite terrifying.
In fact, you have a terror rating of: 5
Assesses a creature and how frightened it seems of the goose (player). Uses the creature's name
as the argument. The creature must be in the same location as the player. Measures the player's
terror_rating against target creature's. If the player's terror_rating exceeds the target
creature's by 5 or more, then the result looks like this:
If the player's terror_rating is exceeded by the target creature's by 5 or more, then the result
instead looks like this:
In all other cases, print the following:
      [ ]
[ ]-[x]
  /   \
[ ]     [ ]
You are now at: The Burrows.
Dog is here, for some reason.
Dog looks a little on-edge around you.
      [ ]
[ ]-[x]
  /   \
[ ]     [ ]
You are now at: The Burrows.
Dog is here, for some reason.
Dog doesn't seem very afraid of you.
      [ ]
[ ]-[x]
  /   \
[ ]     [ ]
You are now at: The Burrows.
Cat is here, for some reason.
Hmm. Cat is a bit hard to read.
If there is no such Creature present at the player's Location , this action fails.
Lists the short_name s and item_name s of all Item objects at the player's current Location .
The short_name of each item is always displayed in upper-case letters. The left side is also
padded so that it is always 16 characters in width.
If there are no Item objects at the player's Location , it instead prints:
[ ]-[x]-[ ]
  [ ]
You are now at: Under the Moonlight.
There is nothing here.
You don't see anything like that here.
[ ]
[x]-[ ]
[ ]
You are now at: a Big Tree.
There is a rake on the ground, dreaming of lakes. Red and unblemished, a
freshly-fallen apple rests on the ground here. A weird blue rock minds its own
business in the corner, unmoving. There is a bucket of gold paint here. It is
dangerously full.
RAKE           | ordinary rake
APPLE           | freshly-fallen apple
ROCK           | blue rock
BUCKET         | bucket of paint
There is nothing here.
Movement Commands
Moves the user to a connecting location in that specified direction.
If there is no room that can be accessed by moving in the specified direction, the program will
instead print:
Invalid Commands
If the user enters an invalid command, print You can't do that. and ask for another
      [ ]
[ ]-[x]
  /   \
[ ]     [ ]
You are now at: The Burrows.
Cat is here, for some reason.
>> SW
You move southwest, to The Granary.
[ ] [ ]
| /
[x]-[ ]
[ ]
You are now at: The Granary.
There is nothing here.
You can't go that way.
You can't do that.
Sample Output
Here is a sample output of the program, which has been run using the sample configuration files
given to you in the scaffold. Note that the program begins by printing a display and description of
the first location to appear in the configuration file, then by prompting the user for a
[ ]     [C]
  \   /
[ ]-[x]
  [ ]
You are now at: Fountain.
A grimy copper coin is stuck fast to the ground here. A weird blue rock minds
its own business in the corner, unmoving.
>> look here
COIN           | strange copper coin
ROCK           | blue rock
>> LOOK coin
strange copper coin - Terror Rating: 2
>> look ME
You are a goose. You are probably quite terrifying.
In fact, you have a terror rating of: 5
>> east
You can't go that way.
>> cry
You can't do that.
>> take coin
You pick up the strange copper coin.
Dog has arrived at Fountain.
>> look dog
Hmm. Dog is a bit hard to read.
>> northwest
You move northwest, to Phone Booth.
Dog has arrived at Phone Booth.
      [ ]
  /   \
[C]     [ ]
You are now at: Phone Booth.
Bright red and striking, a ribbon adds a bit of colour to the ground here. A dog
is barking at you!
>> ne
You move northeast, to Painted Fences.
Dog has arrived at Painted Fences.
  [ ] [ ]
    | /
  [x]-[ ]
[ ]
You are now at: Painted Fences.
There is a bucket of green paint here. It is dangerously full. A dog is barking
at you!
>> wait
You lie in wait.
Dog is trying to catch you!
But your presence still terrifies them...
>> n
You move north, to Windmill.
Dog has arrived at Windmill.
  [x]-[ ]
  [ ]
You are now at: Windmill.
Someone has stabbed a knife into the ground here. It looks rusty. A dog is
barking at you!
The path to freedom is clear. You can FLEE this place.
>> take knife
You pick up the rusty old knife.
Dog is trying to catch you!
But your presence still terrifies them...
>> look me
You are a goose. You are probably quite terrifying.
In fact, you have a terror rating of: 12
>> look dog
Dog looks a little on-edge around you.
You sneak up behind your quarry and honk with all the force of a really angry
airhorn! HONK!
Dog is spooked! They flee immediately!
Greg has arrived at Windmill.
>> INV
You, a goose, are carrying the following items:
- strange copper coin
- rusty old knife
 Submission and Mark Breakdown
Submit your assignment on Ed in the Assignments section of the Assessments tab. Your final
submission is due on Monday, November 4th 2019 AEST (Week 13 Monday). The marking
breakdown of the assignment is as follows (10 marks):
3 marks will be awarded as a progress mark, as described in the Milestone Submission
section below.
2 marks will be awarded for code correctness, assessed by automatic test cases on Ed.
Some test cases will be hidden and will not be available before the deadline.
3 marks will be awarded through manual marking. Your tutors will check your code for:
Code style and readability
Appropriateness of code comments
Code and logical structures
A further 2 marks will be awarded for the submission of a test driver program (this is
separate from the test cases submitted as part of your milestone submission). Such a
program will be described in further detail on page 29.
1 mark will be awarded for the presence and correctness of test cases submitted.
1 mark will be awarded for the justification of these test cases.
Milestone Submission
2 marks can be awarded for the code submitted in a milestone submission (here) before
Monday, October 28th 2019 AEST (Week 12 Monday). These marks will be awarded based on
the number of automatic test cases passed, which will generally test for the following:
The completion (and correctness) of the functions in preprocessing.py
For the purposes of this milestone submission, please complete the functions in
preprocessing.py as accurately to the scaffold as you can; down to appropriate
return values (where applicable).
Handling missing arguments
Handling missing files
Program start-up (first display + input loop)
Working input loop
Handling invalid commands
The following commands:
LOOK ME when no items are carried
INV when no items are carried
Additionally, 1 mark will be awarded for submitting a suite of four test cases. These test cases
must be available in a separate tests directory that is included in your last submission to the
milestone assessment, alongside your actual program.
You slip past the dastardly Goosechasers and run off into the wilderness!
Freedom at last!
========= F R E E D O M =========
We will describe a scenario for each of these test cases. Your task is to provide the relevant
configuration files for each test case, and the expected output of the program. All of the test
cases described will have the following Location structure:
Goose Heaven
FLEE can be used here.The Goose begins the
game here.
Scenario 1: No Goosechasers
Configuration Files: [ 1_paths.txt , 1_items.txt , 1_chasers.txt , 1_exits.txt ]
The expected output of your program should be written in another file, labelled
1_expected.txt .
In this scenario, no creatures are chasing after the goose (player). No inputs will be given to your
Scenario 2: One Goosechaser, Goose Flees
Configuration Files: [ 2_paths.txt , 2_items.txt , 2_chasers.txt , 2_exits.txt ]
The expected output of your program should be written in another file, labelled
2_expected.txt .
In this scenario, there is one Goosechaser that begins the game at the exit Location , Goose
Heaven. Upon execution, the program will receive the following inputs:
The goose (player)'s attempt to flee will be successful.
Scenario 3: One Goosechaser, Goose Caught
Configuration Files: [ 3_paths.txt , 3_items.txt , 3_chasers.txt , 3_exits.txt ]
The expected output of your program should be written in another file, labelled
3_expected.txt .
In this scenario, there is one Goosechaser that begins the game at the exit Location , Goose
Heaven. Upon execution, the program will receive the following inputs:
The goose will be caught, and the game will end.
Scenario 4: One Goosechaser, Goose Indomitable
Configuration Files: [ 4_paths.txt , 4_items.txt , 4_chasers.txt , 4_exits.txt ]
The expected output of your program should be written in another file, labelled
4_expected.txt .
In this scenario, there is one Goosechaser that begins the game at the exit Location , Goose
Heaven. Upon execution, the program will receive the following inputs:
The goose will succeed in scaring away the Goosechaser, and the game will end.
Uploading Your Test Cases
Remember to upload all your correctly-labelled test case files in a separate tests directory
alongside your milestone submission. It is not sufficient to simply upload the test cases to your
workspace: for your tutor to be able to access these files, you need to click the Mark button as
well - even if you've already received all the green ticks to confirm that you've passed the
automatic test cases.
Final Submission: Test Cases
As previously described, 2 marks will be awarded for the submission of a test driver program -
which is basically just a program that runs some unit tests for you. Alongside your final
submission, you will submit an additional Python program, titled creature_test.py . This will be
a test driver program for the Creature class defined on page 10 of this document.
The program creature_test.py will define and run at least 5 different unit tests for the
Creature class.
Each test must include the creation of a Creature object, and use any combination of the
constructor ( __init__ ) and the methods take() , drop() , and get_terror_rating() .
Each test will be assigned some number X . Whenever a test fails, it prints the message:
"Test X failed." , where X is the number it has been assigned.
The description and data for each test case must be written as comments within
creature_test.py . No other files should be required for unit testing.
The mark awarded for the justification of your test cases will be assessed through this
component of your submission.
A template for this creature_test.py has been included as part of your scaffold. If you're
unsure of where to start on this, reviewing components of the course that touch on the concept
of testing is a good idea.
Academic declaration
By submitting this assignment, you declare the following:
I declare that I have read and understood the University of Sydney Student Plagiarism: Coursework
Policy and Procedure, and except where specifically acknowledged, the work contained in this
assignment/project is my own work, and has not been copied from other sources or been previously
submitted for award or assessment.
I understand that failure to comply with the Student Plagiarism: Coursework Policy and Procedure can
lead to severe penalties as outlined under Chapter 8 of the University of Sydney By-Law 1999 (as
amended). These penalties may be imposed in cases where any significant portion of my submitted
work has been copied without proper acknowledgment from other sources, including published works,
the Internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other
awards or assessments.
I realise that I may be asked to identify those portions of the work contributed by me and required to
demonstrate my knowledge of the relevant material by answering oral questions or by undertaking
supplementary work, either written or in the laboratory, in order to arrive at the final assessment
I acknowledge that the School of Computer Science, in assessing this assignment, may reproduce it
entirely, may provide a copy to another member of faculty, and/or communicate a copy of this
assignment to a plagiarism checking service or in-house computer program, and that a copy of the
assignment may be maintained by the service or the School of Computer Science for the purpose of
future plagiarism checking.



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