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Week 3 - The Relational Database Model
Workshop 2022 S2
FIT2094 Databases
Once we have a
conceptual model, it is time to move to the
second stage and map this to a logical model
For our unit this will involve mapping to the Relational Model in
preparation for implementation in a RDBMS. First before we
consider this mapping it is necessary to have a clear
understanding of the Relation Model and its use:
▪ Relational Model
▪ Relational Algebra
Early Database Models
▪ Hierarchical (1970's eg. IBM Information Management System (IMS))
– 1:M relationships, a tree of linked records, child has only one parent
▪ Network (1970's eg. Integrated Data Store IDS, basis for the CODASYL
– child may have multiple parents
▪ Both Navigational - move around in data via embedded links (pointers)
The Relational Model
▪ Introduced by CODD in 1970 - the fundamental basis for the relational DBMS
▪ Basic structure is the mathematical concept of a RELATION mapped to the
'concept' of a table (tabular representation of relation)
– Relation - abstract object
– Table - pictorial representation
– Storage structure - "real thing" - eg. isam file of 1's and 0's
▪ Relational Model Terminology
– DOMAIN - set of atomic (indivisible) values
– Examples (name, data type, data format):
• customer_number domain - 5 character string of the form xxxdd
• name domain - 20 character string
• address domain - 30 character string containing street, town & postcode
• credit_limit domain - money in the range $1,000 to $99,999
A Relation
▪ A relation consists of two parts
– heading
– body
▪ Relation Heading
– Also called Relational Schema consists of a fixed set of attributes
• R (A1,A2,.......An)
– R = relation name, Ai = attribute i
– Each attribute corresponds to one underlying domain:
• Customer relation heading:
– CUSTOMER (custno, custname, custadd, custcredlimit)
» dom(custno) = customer_number
» dom(custname) = name
» dom(custadd) = address
» dom(custcredlimit) = credit_limit
Relation Body
▪ Relation Body
– Also called Relation Instance (state of the relation at any point in time)
• r(R) = {t1, t2, t3, ...., tm}
• consists of a time-varying set of n-tuples
– Relation R consists of tuples t1, t2, t3 .. tm
– m = number of tuples = relation cardinality
• each n-tuple is an ordered list of n values
• t = < v1, v2, ....., vn>
– n = number of values in tuple (no of attributes) = relation degree
– In the tabular representation:
• Relation heading ⇨ column headings
• Relation body ⇨ set of data rows
SMITHSMI13 Wide Rd, Clayton, 3168 2000
JON44 JONES Narrow St, Clayton, 3168 10000
BRO23 BROWN Here Rd, Clayton, 3168 10000
Relation Properties
▪ No duplicate tuples
– by definition sets do not contain duplicate elements
• hence tuples must be unique
▪ Tuples are unordered within a relation
– by definition sets are not ordered
• hence tuples can only be accessed by content
▪ No ordering of attributes within a tuple
– by definition sets are not ordered
Relation Properties cont'd
▪ Tuple values are atomic - cannot be divided
• EMPLOYEE (eid, ename, departno, dependants)
– not allowed: dependants (depname, depage) multivalued
– hence no multivalued (repeating) attributes allowed, called the first
normal form rule
▪ COMPARE with tabular representation
• normally nothing to prevent duplicate rows
• rows are ordered
• columns are ordered
– tables and relations are not the same 'thing'
Q1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according the
characteristics of the relational model?
A. All values in an attribute need to be from the same
B. Each attribute needs to have a distinct name.
C. The order of attributes and tuples matters.
D. Each intersection of an attribute and a tuple
represents a single value.
E. More than one statement is TRUE
▪ Functional Dependency:
– A set of attributes A functionally determines an attribute B if, and only if, for
each A value, there is exactly one value of B in the relation. It is denoted as A
→ B (A determines B, or B depends on A)
• orderno → orderdate
• prodno → proddesc
• orderno, prodno → qtyordered
Functional Dependency
Relational Model Keys
▪ A superkey of a relation R is an attribute or set of attributes which exhibits only
the uniqueness property
– No two tuples of R have the same value for the superkey (Uniqueness
– t1[superkey] ≠ t2[superkey]
▪ A candidate key CK of a relation R is an attribute or set of attributes which
exhibits the following properties:
– Uniqueness property (as above), and
– No proper subset of CK has the uniqueness property
(Minimality or Irreducibility property) ie. a minimal superkey
▪ One candidate key is chosen to be the primary key (PK) of a relation. Remaining
candidate keys are termed alternate keys (AK).
Many possible superkeys
Potentially many possible
candidate keys
Only ONE primary key (may be
composed of many attributes - a
composite primary key) 11
Q2. Given the following relation:
EMPLOYEE (empno, empname, empsalary, emptaxfileno)
empno - employee number
empname - employee name
empsalary - employee salary
emptaxfileno - employee tax file number
Possible superkey(s) are:
A. empno, empname, empsalary, emptaxfilenno
B. empno
C. emptaxfileno, empname
D. empname
E. B and C
F. A, B and C
G. A, B, C and D
Q3. Given the following relation:
EMPLOYEE (empno, empname, empsalary, emptaxfileno)
empno - employee number
empname - employee name
empsalary - employee salary
emptaxfileno - employee tax file number
How many candidates keys exist:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Q4. Given the following relation:
EMPLOYEE (empno, empname, empsalary, emptaxfileno)
empno - employee number
empname - employee name
empsalary - employee salary
emptaxfileno - employee tax file number
How many primary keys exist:
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Q5. List all the super keys, candidate keys, and
primary key for:
ENROLMENT (unitcode, student_id, enrol_sem,
enrol_year, enrol_mark, enrol_grade)
▪ A primary key must be chosen considering the data that may be added to
the table in the future
– Names, dates of birth etc are rarely unique and as such are not a good
– PK should be free of 'extra' semantic meaning and security compliant,
preferably a single attribute, preferably numeric (see Table 5.3 Coronel &
– Natural vs Surrogate primary key
• ENROLMENT (unitcode, student_id, enrol_sem, enrol_year,
enrol_mark, enrol_grade)
– Superkey
– CK
– PK
– Issues with PK?
Selection of a Primary key

Null in the Relational Model Implementation
▪ NULL is a concept created and implemented by SQL, does not exist in classical
relational algebra
▪ NULL is NOT a value - is a representation of the fact that there is NO VALUE
▪ Reasons for a NULL:
• EMP relation - empno, deptno, salary, commission
– commission only applies to staff in sales dept
• Joe's salary is NULL, Joe’s salary is currently unknown
• Tax File Number - is applicable to all employees but Joe may not have a number at
this time
• Certain items explicitly undefined eg. divide by zero
– Columns Number_of_payments, Total_payments
– Column Average_payment_made
– If Number_of_payments = 0 => Average undefined

Writing Relations
▪ Relations may be represented using the following notation:
– RELATION_NAME (attribute1, attribute2,…)
▪ Relation_name must not be pluralised (is a set name)
▪ The primary key is underlined
▪ Example:
– STAFF (staff_id, staff_surname, staff_initials,
staff_address, staff_phone)
A. No redundant data
B. Minimal redundant data
C. A large amount of redundant data
D. A level of redundancy based on the vendors
Q6. A well designed relational database ( a database based on the
relational model) has:
Relational Database
▪ A relational database is a collection of normalised relations.
▪ Normalisation is part of the design phase of the database
and will be discussed in a later lecture.
Example relational database:
ORDER (order_id, order_date)
ORDER_LINE (order_id, prod_id, ol_quantity)
PRODUCT (prod_id, prod_desc, prod_unitprice)
Foreign Key (FK) - Implementation
▪ FK: An attribute/s in a relation that exists in the same, or another relation
as a Primary Key.
▪ Referential Integrity
– A Foreign Key value must either match the full primary key in
a relation or be NULL.
▪ The pairing of PK and FK creates relationships (logical connections)
between tables when implemented in a RDBMS. Hence the abstraction
away from the underlying storage model.
A. team_leader in TEAM
B. team_id in TEAM
C. runner_id in RUNNER
D. team_id in RUNNER
Q7. Business rules:
Runners may form a team, the runner who registers the team is
recorded as the team leader. Each team can have up to 5 members
Identify the FK(s):
TEAM(team_id, team_name, team_leader)
RUNNER(runner_id, runner_name, team_id)
Data Integrity - Implementation
▪ Entity integrity
– Primary key value must not be NULL.
• No duplicate tuple property then ensures that each primary key
must be unique
• Implemented in the RDBMS via a unique index on the PK
▪ Referential integrity
– The values of FK must either match a value of a full PK in the
related relation or be NULL.
▪ Column/Domain integrity
– All values in a given column must come from the same domain
(the same data type and range).
A. have no integrity issues
B. violate entity integrity
C. violate referential integrity
D. violate column/domain integrity
Q8. The following set of relations:
HOSPITAL (hosp_id, hosp_name, hosp_phone)
DOCTOR (hosp_id, dr_id, dr_name, dr_mobile)
PATIENT (pat_id, pat_name, pat_dob, dr_id)
Multiple responses allowed
Relational DMLs
▪ Relational Calculus
▪ Relational Algebra
▪ Transform Oriented Languages (e.g. SQL)
▪ Graphical Languages
▪ Exhibit the “closure” property - queries on relations produce
Relational Calculus
▪ Based on mathematical logic.
▪ Non-procedural.
▪ Primarily of theoretical importance.
▪ May be used as a yardstick for measuring the power of
other relational languages (“relational completeness”).
▪ Operators may be applied to any number of relations.
Manipulation of relational data
Relational Algebra
▪ Relationally complete.
▪ Procedural.
▪ Operators only apply to at most two relations at a time.
▪ 8 basic operations:
– single relation: selection, projection
– two relations:
• cartesian product, join
• union
• intersection
• difference
• division
▪ Standard RA/pure form has no concept of NULL (Databases units use standard RA)
Relational Operation PROJECT

PRDETAIL (project_code, project_manager, project_bid_price)
Show all project manager: How many tuples?How many attributes?
Relational Operation SELECT

PRDETAIL (project_code, project_manager, project_bid_price)
Show details of project 25-5A:
How many tuples?
How many attributes?
Relational Operation Multiple Actions
PRDETAIL (project_code, project_manager, project_bid_price)
Show the project manager of project 25-5A
How many tuples?
How many attributes?
SQL vs Relational Algebra in the Database
Q9. Relational Algebra select and project
The following relations represent a karate dojo member training attendance:
SENSEI (sensei_id, sensei_name)
TRAINING_SCHEDULE (training_day, training_time, group_id, sensei_id)
ATTENDANCE (training_day, training_time, member_id, attendance_date)
MEMBER (member_id, member_name, member_dob, member_belt, group_id)
GROUP (group_id, group_name, group_age_range)
A. Primary keys are underlined
B. A karate member falls into one of the age level groups: Tiny Tiger (for 4-7 year old), Young Dragon
(for 8-14 years old), or Adult (for 14+ years old) and owns a certain color of belt (e.g. white, green,
brown or black)
C. Sensei (Karate teachers) are scheduled to train an age level group of karate members in a particular
day and time (e.g. Sensei Luke Nakamura trains Tiny Tiger members every Tuesday 5pm)
D. A karate member may attend more than one training schedule of their age level group in a given

Write the relational algebra for the following query (your answer must show an understanding of query
(1) Show the name and dob of all black belt members.
▪ Join operator used to combine data from two or more
relations, based on a common attribute or attributes.
▪ Different types:
– theta-join
– equi-join
– natural join
THETA JOIN (Generalised join)
(Relation_1) ⨝F (Relation_2)
– F is a predicate (i.e. truth-valued function) which is of the
form Relation_1.ai θ Relation2.bi
• CUSTOMER.cust_no θ ORDER.cust_no
– θ is one of the standard arithmetic comparison operators,
<, ≤, =, ≥, >
– Most commonly, θ is equals (=), but can be any of the
• EMPLOYEE.emp_sal > SALARYSCALE.step_5
studid studname
1 Alice
2 Bob
studid unitcode mark
1 1004 95
2 1045 55
1 1045 90
STUDENT.studid studname MARK.studid unitcode mark
1 Alice 1 1004 95
1 Alice 2 1045 55
1 Alice 1 1045 90
2 Bob 1 1004 95
2 Bob 2 1045 55
2 Bob 1 1045 90
Step 2: delete rows where IDs do not match (select =)
Result at Step 2 is an Equijoin (STUDENT ⨝(STUDENT.studid = MARK.studid) MARK)
STUDENT.studid studname MARK.studid unitcode mark
1 Alice 1 1004 95
1 Alice 1 1045 90
2 Bob 2 1045 55
Step 2: delete rows where IDs do not match (select =)
Step 3: delete duplicate columns (project away)
Result at Step 3 is a Natural Join
studid studname
1 Alice
2 Bob
studid unitcode mark
1 1004 95
2 1045 55
1 1045 90
studid studname unitcode mark
1 Alice 1004 95
1 Alice 1045 90
2 Bob 1045 55
A natural join of STUDENT and MARK
Step 2: delete rows where IDs do not match (select =)
Step 3: delete duplicate columns (project away)
studid studname
1 Alice
2 Bob
studid unitcode mark
1 1004 95
2 1045 55
1 1045 90

Q10. Which of the following statements returns a natural join of
the two relations on the agent code (agent_cd and agent_code)?
A. σ agent_cd = agent_code (CUSTOMER X AGENT)
B. π cus_code, cus_lname, cus_zip, agent_code, agent_phone (σ agent_cd = agent_code (CUSTOMER X AGENT))
C. σ agent_cd = agent_code (π cus_code, cus_lname, cus_zip, agent_code, agent_phone (CUSTOMER X AGENT))
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
product_id product_name
1 LG Nano91 75" 4K
2 TCL P725 65" 4K UHD
3 Sony X85J 75" Bravia
product_id product_name
1 LG Nano91 75" 4K
2 TCL P725 65" 4K UHD
33 LG C1 48" Self Lit OLED 4K
product_id product_name
1 LG Nano91 75" 4K
2 TCL P725 65" 4K UHD
3 Sony X85J 75" Bravia
33 LG C1 48" Self Lit OLED 4K
product_id product_name
1 LG Nano91 75" 4K
2 TCL P725 65" 4K UHD
product_id product_name
3 Sony X85J 75" Bravia
Union compatible relations required
Q11. Relational Algebra
The following relations represent a karate dojo member training attendance:
SENSEI (sensei_id, sensei_name)
TRAINING_SCHEDULE (training_day, training_time, group_id, sensei_id)
ATTENDANCE (training_day, training_time, member_id, attendance_date)
MEMBER (member_id, member_name, member_dob, member_belt, group_id)
GROUP (group_id, group_name, group_age_range)
A. Primary keys are underlined
B. A karate member falls into one of the age level groups: Tiny Tiger (for 4-7 year old), Young Dragon (for
8-14 years old), or Adult (for 14+ years old) and owns a certain color of belt (e.g. white, green, brown or
C. Sensei (Karate teachers) are scheduled to train an age level group of karate members in a particular day
and time (e.g. Sensei Luke Nakamura trains Tiny Tiger members every Tuesday 5pm)
D. A karate member may attend more than one training schedule of their age level group in a given week.

Write the relational algebra for the following query (your answer must show an understanding of query
(2) Show the name, belt colour and attendance dates of the member with an id of 12345
R2 = member_name, member_belt, attendance_date ( member_id =
- this is the CANONICAL QUERY - not technically incorrect, but very inefficient, say member 12345 has only attended once in say 1000 tuples in
ATTENDANCE. The join between MEMBER and ATTENDANCE yields, in such a scenario, 1000 tuples, 999 of which are unnecessary.
Your solution must demonstrate an understanding of efficiency:
A2a = member_id, attendance_date ( member_id = 12345
A2b = member_id, member_name, member_belt ( member_id =
12345 MEMBER)
R2 = member_name, member_belt, attendance_date ( A2a ⨝ A2b)
(2) Show the name, belt colour and attendance dates of the member with an id of 12345
Relational Algebra POST WORKSHOP TASK - answer available Sunday 5PM
The following relations represent a karate dojo member training attendance:
SENSEI (sensei_id, sensei_name)
TRAINING_SCHEDULE (training_day, training_time, group_id, sensei_id)
ATTENDANCE (training_day, training_time, member_id, attendance_date)
MEMBER (member_id, member_name, member_dob, member_belt, group_id)
GROUP (group_id, group_name, group_age_range)
A. Primary keys are underlined
B. A karate member falls into one of the age level groups: Tiny Tiger (for 4-7 year old), Young Dragon (for 8-14
years old), or Adult (for 14+ years old) and owns a certain color of belt (e.g. white, green, brown or black)
C. Sensei (Karate teachers) are scheduled to train an age level group of karate members in a particular day
and time (e.g. Sensei Luke Nakamura trains Tiny Tiger members every Tuesday 5pm)
D. A karate member may attend more than one training schedule of their age level group in a given week.

Write the relational algebra for the following query (your answer must show an understanding of query
(3) Show the id, name and age level group name of members who were absent (did not attend any
training) between 01-03-2021 and 31-03-2021 (inclusive).




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