程序代写案例-II 1 /

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Binomial Regression II
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Reminder: questions from Challenger disaster
Forecast probability of an O-ring being damaged wh
en the launch
temperature is 29 oF .
How good is our forecast? Can we provide a confidence interval?
Is temperature useful to predict the O-ring failing?
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Is temperature useful to predict the O-ring failing?
Yi , the number of damaged O-rings on the i-th launch, has distribution
Yi ∼ bin(6, pi )
log pi/(1− pi ) = ηi = β0 + β1ti .
Test for association between the number of damaged O-rings and
H0 : β1 = 0 Ha : β1 6= 0
Wald Test
Likelihood Ratio Test
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Wald Test
Reminder: asymptotic normality of MLE
θˆi ∼ asy . N(θ∗i , [I(θˆ)−1]i ,i ).
Test for association between the number of damaged O-rings and
H0 : β1 = 0 Ha : β1 6= 0
Wald test statistic:
z∗ =
∼ asy . N(0, 1) under H0.
Challenger disaster
See R script and result in “Wald Test” of Challenger.pdf
|z∗| = 4.07 > 1.96 (critical value N(0, 1) at α = 0.05) ⇒ reject H0.
p-value = 0.0000476.
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Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)
Test for association between the number of damaged O-rings and
H0 : β1 = 0 Ha : β1 6= 0
Full model (F):
ηi = β0 + β1ti
Maximum log likelihood: logL(βˆF )
: MLE of the parameters in the full model.
Reduced model (R):
ηi = β0
Maximum log likelihood: logL(βˆR)
: MLE of the parameters in the reduced model.
Compare two models.
Likelihood ratio test statistic:
LR∗ = −2
logL(βˆR)− logL(βˆF )
∼ asy . χ21 under H0.
LR∗ > critical value from χ21 at α ⇒ reject H0.
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Wald test vs Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT)
Wald test and LRT are asymptotically equivalent.
[z∗]2 =
∼ asy . χ21
Precisely speaking, two tests are asymptotically equivalent in the
sense that under H0 they reach the same decision with probability
approaching 1 as n goes to infinite.
However, the chi-squared approximation to the log likelihood ratio is
generally better than the normal approximation to the MLE.
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Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT): Challenger disaster
See R script and result in “Likelihood Ratio test” and “Wald Test vs
Likelihood Ratio test” of Challenger.pdf
LR∗ = 21.98 > 3.84 (critical value from χ21 at α = 0.05) ⇒ reject H0.
p-value = 0.0000027.
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Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) for model selection
In general, likelihood ratio test is used to select between two nested
models (one model can be obtained by constraining parameters of another
Full model (F):
Maximum log likelihood: logL(θˆF )
Reduced model (R):
Maximum log likelihood: logL(θˆR)
Let k indicate the difference in the number of parameters between two
Compare two nested models.
Under the reduced model
LR∗ = −2
logL(θˆR)− logL(θˆF )
∼ asy . χ2k .
LR∗ > critical value from χ2k at α ⇒ select the full model.
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(Scaled) Deviance
The scaled deviance is used to judge model adequacy.
For the binomial regression model the deviance is the same as the scaled
deviance, which is defined as the log likelihood ratio for the fitted model
compared to the saturated model.
Full model (F):
The saturated model has the same number of parameters and the
Maximum log likelihood: logL(θˆF )
Reduced model (R):
The fitted model.
Maximum log likelihood: logL(θˆR)
The scaled deviance:
D = −2
logL(θˆR)− logL(θˆF )
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(Scaled) Deviance
Warning: the number of parameters in the saturated model is n, which is
not fixed, so the theory of maximum likelihood does not apply, and D may
not converge to a chi-squared distribution.
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(Scaled) Deviance for binomial regression model
The saturated model allows for one parameter for each observation. For
binomial regression the saturated model has p1, p2, . . . , pn as parameters.
Clearly, for this model we estimate pi by yi/mi . Let pˆi = g
−1(xTi βˆ) be our
(not saturated) model estimate of pi , then the scaled deviance is
D = −2
yi (log pˆi − log yi
+(mi − yi )(log(1− pˆi )− log(1− yi
= −2
yi log
+ (mi − yi ) log mi − yˆi
mi − yi
where yˆi = mi pˆi is the i-th fitted value.
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(Scaled) Deviance for binomial regression model for testing
model adequacy
It just happens: if mipi and mi (1− pi ) are large enough (≥ 5 is a
common rule of thumb), then for a binomial regression model, if the
model is adequate then D ≈ χ2n−k , where k is the number of parameters
in the fitted model (including β0).
In this case the (scaled) deviance can be used as a test for model
adequacy. If D is too large (as compared to a χ2n−k), then the model is
missing something.
For a binomial model with small mi we can’t use the (scaled) deviance
directly to test model adequacy, but we can still use it for model selection.
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Use the scaled deviance for model selection (LRT)
If model A is nested within model B, and model A has (scaled) deviance
DA and model B has (scaled) deviance DB , then
DA − DB = −2
logL(θˆA)− logL(θˆB)
where θˆ
and θˆ
are MLEs for the models A and B, respectively.
That is, the log likelihood for the saturated model cancels, and we are left
with the log likelihood ratio.
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Use the scaled deviance for model selection (AIC)
The Akaike Information Criterion is used for model selection:
AIC = 2k − 2 logL(θˆ)
where k is the number of parameters in the model. Given a choice, we
prefer that model with the smaller AIC.
If model B has s more parameters than model A (not necessarily nested
within B), then
AICB − AICA = 2s − 2 logL(θˆB) + 2 logL(θˆA)
= 2s − DA + DB .
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(Scaled) deviance: Challenger disaster
See R script and result in “Deviance” of Challenger.pdf
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Reminder: questions from Challenger disaster
Forecast probability of an O-ring being damaged when the launch
temperature is 29 oF .
How good is our forecast? Can we provide a confidence interval?
Is temperature useful to predict the O-ring failing?
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Learning goals
Understand binomial regression
know when you should use binormal regression.
be able to write binomial regression model and its likelihood.
be able to obtain estimators of parameters or function of parameters
using R script.
be able to quantify uncertainty of the estimators (e.g., computing CI).
be able to test hypothesis.
be able to do model selection.
Understand asymptotic properties of MLEs (maximum likelihood
use asymptotic normality of MLEs to quantify uncertainty of the
estimators (e.g., Wald CI).
Undertand Wald test and likelihood ratio test (LRT)
use them to test hypothesis in binomial regression
Understand (scaled) deviance
use it to test model adequacy or perform LRT and model comparison.
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