程序代写案例-ECS 140A

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ECS 140A – Programming Languages
Due: Sunday, May 29, 2022, 11:59pm PT
This project specification is subject to change at any time for clari
1 Overview
This is a group project. Each group may have up to 2 people. Instructions for submission is at the end of
the file.
For this project you will be writing a program in Rust to parse language X. Language X is similar to
the C language, but is simpler and slightly different. If a program written in language X is syntactically
correct, your parser should convert it to a syntax highlighted XHTML version. Otherwise, your parser
should report an error.
There are several stages of the project. Try to follow them to maximize your grade in case you couldn’t
get it to to work completely.
2 X Programming Language
The following EBNF describes the X language. The EBNF is a little different from what we have been
using in class. The non-terminals on the right are identified by italics. Literal values, i.e., terminals, are
specified in bold. The operators not in bold or italics describe the special options of the EBNF: {} for
repetition, [ ] for optional, () for grouping, and | for or. And the rule definition symbol is := instead of
The token rules specify what a valid identifier, integer constant or float constant is. For example, _ab and
a2 are valid identifiers, but 2x is not.
Note that the X language allows for nested function declarations, which is not allowed in C or Rust. And
the grammar will not pass the disjoitness test for FIRST sets, which means your parser will sometimes
need to look ahead more than one lexeme to be able to decide which option to take.
3 Instruction
3.1 Stage 1: Read in the File
1. Define a CStream struct that is able to read the input file character by character.
• Unlike C++, Rust does not have a convenient way of reading a file character by character
using FileInputStream. For simplicity, you may read the whole file at once and store it in a
string or a vector of strings. Then you may read the stored string or vector of strings character
by character.
• But keep in mind that this is not how modern scanner works because the input program may
be too large to be stored as a second copy.
• Do NOT modify the input program in any way. If it has an extra newline that makes it ugly,
that leave it be.
2. Read the input file from command line.
3. Print the stored file to the screen.
• Stage 1 is worth 10 points.
3.2 Stage 2: Writing the Scanner (Lexical Analyzer)
1. Define an enumerated type called TokenType with the following elements: IntConstant, FloatConstant,
Keyword, Operator, Identifier, and Invalid.
• The keywords of language X are: unsigned, char, short, int, long, float, double, while, if,
return, void, and main.
• The operators of language X are: (, ,, ), {, }, =, ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=, +, -, *, /, and ;.
• Invalid is for lexemes that don’t follow the token rules, e.g., 2x.
• You can add extras for empty spaces, new lines, etc but it’s not required.
2. Define a struct called Token
• The Token struct must have at least the following attributes:
– text: of type String; the text of the token
– token_type: of type TokenType; the token type of the token
– line_num: of type i32; the line number of the token; the first line is numbered 0
– char_pos: of type i32; the character position of the first character in the token text; starting
at 0 for each new line
3. Write a struct called Scanner that will tokenize the file read from Stage 1 into the token types defined
in TokenType.
• The Scanner struct probably needs a function named get_next_token() that when called, will
return the next token as read from the .x file. The return type is Token.
4. Store all the tokens in the input program in order as a vector of tokens.
• Name the vector all_tokens and create it in the main function.
• Make some comments around it so TAs can easliy find.
• You may implement a function in the Scanner struct that will get all the tokens by repeatedly
calling get_next_token(), or outside the Scanner struct. No particular requirement.
• We will grade this stage by comparing the vector of tokens you returned. We will consider two to-
kens being equal if they have the same text, same token type, same line number and same character
position. So make sure you do NOT delete any empty spaces from the input file.
• Stage 2 is worth 10 points.
3.3 Stage 3: Writing the Parser (Syntax Analyzer)
• Write a recursive descent parser struct called Parser that will parse the .x file.
– The Parser struct should implement one method per EBNF rule.
– It should also be able to validate that the .x file does conform to the grammar specified. If
an error is found in the .x file, the line number and character position of the error and the
grammar rule where the error was found should be printed with an appropriate message.
Then the parser terminates. (Also keep in mind that this is not how modern parsers work.
But for simplicity, you do not need to find as many syntactic errors as possible.)
– You’ll need to use the custom_error to return an error with the customized error message. The
error message writes something like this:
Error at Line 2 Character 10. The syntax should be: DeclarationType := DataType Identifier.
– The line number and character position is for the token that violated the grammar rule.
– Depending on how you implement the functions for the grammar rules, the exact first token
that is detected for violating the grammar rules might differ slightly, e.g., by 1 or 2, but not
– If the .x file has no syntax error, print "Input program is syntactacilly correct."
• Stage 3 is worth 55 points.
3.4 Stage 4: Output XHTML File
• If the input .x file is syntactically correct, outputs a .xhtml file, i.e., a syntax highlighted file.
– The background color is navy, default font color is orange, and font is Courier New.
– The colos and styles of tokens in the .xhtml file are:
Token type Font color style
Identifier yellow
Float constant aqua bold
Int constant aqua bold
Operator white bold
Keyword white bold
– Each nested block should be indented another level.
– The .xhtml file should be a valid .html file that can be loaded into any web browser and
viewed. You will probably need to begin your .xhtml file with:
You may also need to have attributes in your html element. So it should look like:

– You may get rid of extra empty spaces or lines in the .xhtml file.
– Examples of valid input file .x and the output .xhtml file can be found on Canvas.
• Stage 4 is worth 20 points.
4 Submission
You must submit a zipped folder that includes your entire project cargo (named parser) and a README
file. The cargo should include the example .x files as well. Each group MUST only submit one copy.
The README file is worth 5 points.
The README file should include:
• The names, emails and student IDs of the members in your group.
• What stages you are able to finish. This will help TAs speed up the grading process.
• Instructions on how to run your code. It should simply be something like cargo run parser ex.x but
just in case.
• Any sources of code that you have viewed to help you complete this project.
You should avoid using existing source code as a primer that is currently available on the Internet (except
for your own code or my version from previous homework). You are also not allowed to use the parser
tools found on the Internet.
All class projects will be submitted to MOSS to determine if students have excessively collaborated.
Excessive collaboration, or failure to list external code sources will result in the matter being referred to
Student Judicial Affairs.




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