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RMIT Classification: Trusted
Course code and name: ISYS1118 Software Engineering Fundamentals Assessment name: Software Requirements and Development Process Assessment Type: Individual
Submission Type: Written report
Report Length: Less than or equal to 7 pages (but not more than 7 pages) Grading Rubric: Included (added at the end of the specification document)
Learning Objectives Assessed
This assessment evaluates the following CLOs:
• CLO 1: explain and apply the main aspects of software engineering.
• CLO 2: evaluate requirements for a software system.
• CLO 5: communicate effectively with others, especially regarding the progress of the
system development and the content of the design by means of reports and presentations. Use appropriate design, version control and collaboration tools to work effectively as a team.
• CLO 6: recognise and describe current trends in the area of software engineering.
Assessment Details
You are given an interview scenario (given below) using which you have to generate requirements for developing a system for “Melbourne Language Teaching School”. After reading the expectation and needs of the potential user, you will address activities 1-3. The aim is to generate specific requirements for developing a system for the language school.
Stakeholder Interview
Scenario: After the COVID-19 outbreak, “Melbourne Language Teaching School” needs to transform face-to-face teaching into an online training system. Following are the transcripts of an interview with a few stakeholders about what they expect from the system (don’t worry about any gaps in the information – just model the information you have).
Marketing Manager:
• Only enrolled students can join the class, but everyone interested in the school should be able to see the information about the different languages that are taught at the school.
• The enrolment of a student depends on what language and level of training they are interested in.
This is the way I envision a person can enrol in the class.
o The person will first select which language he/she is interested in.
o There are multiple learning courses the school offer, like a 3 or 6 months duration courses. He/she should select the course. The fee of the course should be visible
to the person to make a decision.
o There are multiple levels of training, beginners (with no knowledge at all) or
intermediate (with some knowledge). The person should select one option to proceed.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
o We offer different teaching methods, as a group/class or private tuition. The fee is different for the two methods, so depending on the interest/need of the person, he/she can select an option.
o The final fee should be shown to the person, so the person can proceed with enrolment. At any point, it should be easy for the user to go back and make any changes.
o After the person is satisfied with the option, the person can pay the fee to successfully enrol in the course.
o We want to offer multiple modes of payments like credit card, paypal, afterpay etc. We want to ensure that the transaction is secure.
o When a student is successfully enrolled, they will receive a username, student id and password so they can connect to the classes and use the school’s resources.
• We also want to collect their personal information like name, date of birth, address, contact number, emergency contact, email id.
• Usually, we have classes on different days so students can attend the one they are interested in. For our course, the students are supposed to attend 2 classes, part A and B, each week.
• If any student wants to drop the course, they can do it by lodging a request. The fee could be returned if they drop the course in the first week of the course.
• It also should be ensured that a student shouldn’t attend the same class let’s say part A multiple times. We have multiple sessions of the same class in a week, so it is easier for the students to enrol in a session that they find convenient. But it shouldn’t allow them to attend multiple part A sessions in a week.
• Generally, it is very easy to go see a person at a help desk who can add you to a course, but for online enrolment, many websites require filling out long application forms. So I would expect that enrolling in online school should be easy and quick.
• I should be able to select the timeslot in which I am interested in attending the class. And if in case I miss one session, I can attend an alternate session.
• As with face-to-face classes, it is very easy to talk to other students. So I would expect that apart from the classes, I should be able to talk to other students virtually.
• My test results or presentation marks shouldn’t be visible to anyone else except me.
• I should be able to access the system from my mobile too, not just laptop or computer
• We have 60 minutes class sessions. These sessions are generally scheduled and students can select the one they are interested in. Apart from these scheduled sessions, the personal tuition option is also available to the students.
• For the personal tuition option, students can only select a timeslot when the instructor is available. Students cannot provide a time personal for tuition. It’s more like booking an appointment with the instructor based on his/her availability.
• For the online system, I would expect that I can record videos and these videos are available to authorized students. These videos shouldn’t be available to everyone
• We expect that setting up assignments or group creation during online sessions will be easier. These things are transparent in face-to-face interaction. So we expect something similar to break students into groups and have interactive discussion sessions and task easily.
• We would also want that the students upload their assignments securely to the system instead of emailing them directly to us.
Accounts Advisor:
RMIT Classification: Trusted
• I’ll need to be able to generate weekly reports – such as weekly enrolments, weekly attendance of the students and weekly classes
• For the learning fee, the payment is charged in advance but for personal tuition, the payment is charged weekly based on their appointments
• For each payment, we need to know the amount, the date, and assign a receipt number
• We have a separate system to pay the employees of the school, so we don’t need to manage
our employees through this system
Human Resource Officer:
• Students can be unhappy and we are open to hearing them out. In an online environment, they should be able to share their opinion or lodge any complaints that could be about anything, classes, instructors, schools admin or other students.
• The online system should provide an easy way to create classes schedule/plans so there is no conflict of classes (if let’s say if a student can take two courses together or an instructor is teaching two courses/classes).
• We should be able to prepare reports for their instructors about student's enrolments and maintain student's records efficiently
Assessment Activities
Activity 1
For the given scenario, create a use case diagram of the selected project. Assume the role of the client to clarify or extend a requirement if you find it ambiguous or unclear. Be careful not to create new requirements or modify the given requirements in a way that the real scenario does not apply anymore. For example, “students can create a result report” is a requirement that is never mentioned in the given scenario. Such requirements or solutions will not be considered for evaluation).
Activity 2
For the given system, write 5 use-case descriptions using the use-case diagram generated in activity 1. Specifically, the descriptions should address 5 functional and at least 2 non-functional requirements. Two templates of the use-case description are provided in this specification document (at the end). Note: You can use any other template but it should address the criteria discussed in the lectures (template 1)
Activity 3
Which software development process would you recommend for the selected project? Please provide a reason behind your recommendation
Late work:
Unless special consideration has been granted, the late penalty is 10% of the total mark for the assessment per day late for up to 5 days late (so the maximum late penalty is 50%). Submissions more than 5 days late are not accepted.
RMIT Classification: Trusted
Template 1*:
*Taken from the lecture slides
Template 2+:
+ figure outsourced from https://argondigital.com/blog/product-management/use-cases-101-lets-take-an-uber/
6 pts
Activity 1
Activity 2
6 to >5 Pts
The presented use-case diagram is
logical, self-explanatory and covers
the concepts explained in the
implies that the concept of the use-
case diagram is clear. The formatting
of the diagram is clear and
10 to >8 Pts
The report covers entirely 5 functional
and 2 non-functional requirements
5 to >4 Pts
The presented use-case
diagram is logical, self-
explanatory and covers
requirements presented
the use-case diagram is
largely error-free, which implies that the concept
of the use-case diagram
8 to >7.0 Pts
RMIT Classification: Trusted
4 to >3.5 Pts
diagram is largely logical,
covers all the
in the scenario. Overall,
the use-case diagram
implies that the concept
7 to >6.0 Pts
3.5 to >2.5 Pts
logical, self-explanatory
errors). Few of the
from the use-case
2.5 to >0 Pts
The presented use-case
The presented use-case
diagram is somewhat
The presented use-case
diagram has major errors
self-explanatory and
and does not cover the
lectures. It covers all the requirements presented in the scenario. Overall, the
the concepts explained in
largely covers the
and somewhat covers the
use-case diagram is error-free, which
the lectures. It largely
covers all the
concepts explained in the
lectures. It somewhat
concepts explained in the
lectures. The use-case
lectures (with minor
diagram is not reported,
in the scenario. Overall,
requirements presented
requirements given in the
which implies that the
scenario are missing
concept is not clear.
has minor errors, which
diagram. Overall, the
use-case diagram has a
the diagram is clear and
professional, with
is largely clear (needs
improvement). The
that the concept of the
use-case diagram is not
is somewhat appropriate
with a few formatting
6 to >5.0 Pts
Majority of the
scenario are missing
is clear. The formatting of
of the use-case diagram
few errors, which implies
from the use-case
diagram Formatting of
the diagram is
somewhat minor
formatting issues
formatting of the diagram
is clear and professional,
with minor formatting
entirely clear (needs
improvement). The
formatting of the diagram
inappropriate with major
formatting issues
5 to >0 Pts
10 pts
The report largely covers
The report somewhat
The report partially
The report does not
5 functional and 2 non-
covers 5 functional and 2
covers 5 functional and 2
cover 5 functional and 2
requested in this activity. Reported requirements are logical, accurate,
correct and complete. The response
is easy to follow. The formatting of the
response is professional and error-
functional requirements
are logical, largely correct
and complete. The
in this activity. Reported
in this activity. Reported
requirements have minor
requested in this activity.
requirements requested
requirements requested
requirements requested
Reported requirements
in this activity. Reported
requirements are
requirements are not
somewhat logical, correct
errors. It is a bit difficult to
logical, are incorrect or
response is easy to
follow. The formatting of
the response is
professional and largely
and complete. The
response is largely easy
to follow. The formatting
of the response is
professional and
somewhat error-free
understand the response.
The formatting of the
response is somewhat
professional with many
concepts explained in th
incomplete or not logical
requirements given in th
incomplete. The
response is difficult to
understand. The
formatting of the
response is
RMIT Classification: Trusted
unprofessional with major
4 pts
Activity 3
4 to >3.5 Pts
The reason for software process
selection is entirely logical and
complete. The response is easy to
professional and error-free
3.5 to >3 Pts
process selection is
largely logical and
explained in detail. The
formatting of the
response is professional
and largely error-free
3 to >2.5 Pts
process selection is
somewhat logical and
been explained in more
detail. The formatting of
the response is
professional and
somewhat error-free
2.5 to >1.5 Pts
process selection has
minor logical errors. It is
The explanation could
1.5 to >0 Pts
The reason for software
The reason for software
The reason for software
The reason for software
process selection is
incorrect, incomplete or
follow and explained in detail. The
formatting of the response is
complete. The response
is easy to follow and
complete. The
explanation could have
a bit difficult to
understand the response.
not explained. The
response is difficult to
understand. The
have been explained in
more detail. The formatting of the
response is somewhat
professional with a few
formatting of the
response is
unprofessional with major




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