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Sample Exam 1

Note: this sample exam is designed for an exam of duration 3 hours, to get a realistic representation
of t
he final exam, you could attempt two thirds of the questions within 2 hours or try sample exam

We encourage you only to look at these after you have considered the
guidance. You will learn very little from memorising the solutions to
these and the exam questions will be different. You will also learn far
more by discussing your answers with another person than you will
from reading our solutions. These solutions are not the best or only
solution, please contact your lecturer if you are uncertain (as your
solution may still be correct even if it does not match the given

For Questions 1-6 circle only one letter for each question corresponding
to the correct response.

Question 1 [1 mark]

What is printed by the following code?

def anon(n):
if n % 2 == 1:
return 0
return 1 + anon(n//2)


(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1

Question 2 [1 mark]

Suppose you have the following function:

def secret(aList):
val = 0
for i in range(0, len(aList)//2):
val += aList[i]*aList[len(aList)-i-1]
return val

What is printed by the following code?

myList = [4, 3, 2, 1, 5]

(a) 7
(b) 23
(c) 25
(d) 27

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Question 3 [1 mark]

The base case for Merge sort is a list of size?

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) Both 0 and 1 <- note that while 0 could be a valid base case, it is not a useful one
(d) None of the above.

Question 4 [1 mark]

A function g(n) is said to be O(f(n)) if there exists constants k and L such that.

(a) g(n) > k*f(n) for all n < L
(b) g(n) < k*f(n) for all n > L
(c) g(n) < k*f(n) for all n < L
(d) g(n) > k*f(n) for all n > L

Question 5 [1 mark]

How many solutions are there for the 3 Queens problem?

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) None of these.

Question 6 [1 mark]

An O(nlog(n)) algorithm always runs faster than an O(n2) algorithm. True or False? Why?

(a) False. For small n, constant factors may dominate the running time.
(b) True. O(nlog(n)) complexity is better than O(n2).
(c) True, but only if the input given to both algorithms is the same.
(d) False. O(n2) complexity is better than O(nlog(n)).

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Question 7 [2 + 2 + 2 = 6 marks]

(a) Give a definition of a process.

Your answer to this should cover the definition of a process (see lectures in week 12)
Sequence of steps, effectiveness, input, output, definiteness

(b) Give a definition of a Hamiltonian cycle in a connected graph G.

A Hamiltonian cycle is a walk that visits every single vertex in a graph precisely once and
returns back to the start, for example consider this graph
vertices here are numbered based
on the order they may be visited in a hamiltonian cycle
(c) How many cliques of each size less than 5 are there in the following graph?

There are two of size 3, 10 of size 2 which gives 12 useful cliques; cliques of size
1 are basically useless as they tell you nothing about the graph itself
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Question 8 [1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 marks]

This question is about time complexity. For each of the given Python functions, state the
time complexity in big O notation and provide a brief explanation.


def total_func(n):
total = 0
for k in range(n):
for j in range(n-k, 0, -1):
total + k*j
return total

the outer loop is n dependent, the inner loop is dependent on the variable of the outer loop making in n*k or O(n*n)


def fraction_func(n):
fraction = 1
for k in range(100):
for j in range(k):
fraction = k + j + 1/fraction
return fraction

the outer loop is constant (not dependent on n) and the inner loop is dependent on the outer loop’s
variable, this makes it 100*k and given k is at most 100 this is at most 100*100 which is still O(1)


def another_total_func(n):
total = 0
for k in range(n):
total += k
for k in range(10*n):
total += num
return total
the first loop is n dependent as is the second loop. They collectively give n + 10n = 11n which in
big O notation is O(n) as the constants are irrelevent


def mid_func(n):
low = 0
high = n
while low <= high:
mid = (low + high)//2
low = mid + 1
return mid
each iteration reduces the number of remaining items by half, a constant amount of work is
done each iteration hence it is simply how many times can you halve n which is logn
making the complexity O(logn)

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Question 9 [5 marks]

Write a Python function, unique, which takes as input a sorted list of strings, and returns
True if the all the items in the list are unique. Otherwise the function should return False.
• Correct function definition (1)
• Iterates over each item in the list (1)
• Either iterates over every other item in the list (or only considers adjacent ones) (1)
• For any pair of strings checks equality (1)
• returns true where unique (0.5)
• returns false where not unique (0.5)

one possible answer

def unique(aList):
pos = 0
while pos < len(aList):
if (pos+1) < len(aList):
if aList[pos] == aList[pos+1]:
return false
return true

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Question 10 [1 + 3 + 2 = 6 marks]

The number comparisons for a version of Quick sort, C(n), is defined by the following

C(0) = 1 and C(n) = C(n//2) + n + 1,

(a) Give the value of C(3).

C(3) = C(3//2) + 3 + 1
C(3) = C(1) + 3 + 1
C(1) = C(0) + 1 + 1
C(0) = 1
C(3) = ((1) + 1 + 1) + 3 + 1 = 7

(b) Write a recursive Python function which has as input a non-negative integer, n, and
returns C(n).

• Correct base case (0.5)
• Correctly returns results (0.5)
• Correct recursive call (1)
• Correctly adds to determine result for particular value of n (0.5)
• Correct function definition (0.5)

Most likely implementation:
def C(n):
if n==0:
return 1
return C(n//2) + n + 1

(c) State and explain the time complexity for your function.

Each call to C(n) results in a call with half the input. The input can be halved as many
times as what power of 2 n is which is logn. The amount of work being done with each call
is constant (addition)

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Question 11 [5 + 5 = 10 marks]

Consider the 4 Queen problem. Suppose we use the representation of a list of numbers
where the kth number represents the row which the kth Queen, Qk , is in, e.g., [2, 1, 3, 0]
would represent the following board.

(a) Write a Python function, lastQueenOk, which has as input a list of numbers
representing the positions of the Queens on 4x4 board. This function should return True if
no Queen is attacking the Queen represented by the last number in the list, otherwise it
should return False.

Possible implementation
def lastQueenOk(partial):
Queen = partial[-1] #the last queen in the solution so far
for colNum in range(len(partial)-1): #-1 because want to not compare with self
if sameRow(colNum,-1,partial):
return false
if sameDiag(colNum,-1,partial)
return false
return true

def sameRow(col1,col2,partial):
return partial[col1] == partial[col2]

def sameDiag(col1,col2,partial):
return abs(col1-col2)==abs(partial[col1]-partial[col2])

• Considers each prior queen (1)
• Compares against the very last queen (0.5)
• Considers whether they share a row (1)
• Considers whether they share a column (1)
• Correct function definition (0.5)
• Correctly returns results true where none can attack last queen (0.5)
• Correctly returns false where any can attack last queen (0.5)

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Row 0

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

(b) Using the function, lastQueenOk, write a Python function, isSolution, which has
as input a list of numbers representing the positions of the Queens on 4x4 board. This
function should return True if no Queen is attacking any other Queen, otherwise it should
return False.

Possible implementation:
def isSolution(board):
for length in range(len(board)):
if not lastQueenOk(board[:length-1]):
return False
return True

• Correct function definition (0.5)
• Correctly iterates over all subsets of the list of numbers (2)
• Correctly runs their lastQueenOk function (1)
• If at any point this gives false isSolution also gives false (1)
• If all combintations give true then isSolution gives true (0.5)

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Question 12 [5 marks]

Suppose you have a collection of n items. All the items have the same weight, w, and you
can choose at most one of each item. Write a Python function which is given as input, the
capacity of the knapsack, capacity, a list (sorted in ascending order) of values, values, of
each item, and the weight, w, and returns the maximum value that the knapsack can hold.

Possible implementation:
def knapsack(values,capacity,w):
remain = capacity
current = len(w)-1
totalValue = 0
while remain > 0 and current >= 0:
if (remain - w[current]) >= 0:
remain -= w[current]
return totalValue

• Correct function definition (0.5)
• Starts with the largest value (0.5)
• Ensures choosing this does not exceed capacity (1)
• Somehow updates capacity remaining or used up so far (0.5)
• Updates cost (0.5)
• Restricts to only one of each (0.5)
• Handles the case of having used up all the items (0.5)
• Moves along to choose the next biggest value (0.5)
• Returns the result (0.5)

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Question 13 [5 marks]

Write a Python function, duplicate, which takes two lists sorted in ascending order as
input and returns a list of items that appear in both lists.

Possible implementation:
def duplicate(listA,listB):
aPos = 0
bPos = 0
dupes = []
while aPos < len(listA) and bPos < len(listB):
aVal = listA[aPos]
bVal = listB[bPos]
if aVal == bVal:
elif aVal < bVal:
aPos +=1
bPos +=1
return dupes

• Correct function definition (0.5)
• Considers each element of list 1 (1)
• Considers each element of list 2 (1)
• Compares elements in list one against elements in list 2 (1)
• Where items match these are added to a list for later returning (1)
• Returns results (0.5)

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Question 14 [6 marks]

Insert the following numbers, in the order they appear, into a Heap. You are allowed to
choose whether the Heap is a min-Heap or a max-Heap.

10 6 11 -6 13 2

Show the Heap after each number has been inserted. The answer should consist of 6

In red squares are what would be assigned marks, consequential marks
awarded based on whether correct choices are made afterwards

Question 15 [2 marks]

Insert the following numbers, in the order they appear, into Binary Search Tree.

10 6 11 -6 13 2

Show the Binary Search Tree after all the numbers have been inserted.

See next page:
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Question 16 [2 + 6 = 8 marks]

Consider the problem of finding all the permutations of N different items.

a) Describe how a partial solution can be represented as list of numbers.

So long as the partial solution can represent the numbers that are currently included and their order
your answer is correct

An example would be [1,5] for N of 5, here we currently have selected 1 first and then 5
and the number represents which item it is

b) Show how you could use backtracking to solve this problem, when N = 3.

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Question 17 [4 + 3 + 3 = 10 marks]

(a) Explain why if a NP-complete problem could be solved in polynomial time, then P =

Given any NP problem can be converted to an NP-Complete problem in P time (and this includes
all NP-Complete problems too) then all we need to do is find a way to solve any NP-Complete
problem in P time and we can use a P algorithm to convert every other NP problem into that NP-
Complete problem and also solve it in P time

(b) Give 3 examples of NP problems given in lectures and state their certificates.

Any three with their certificates are valid (such as vertex cover)

Vertex cover – set of vertices
Traveling salesperson – ordered set of vertices
3 colouring problem – a set of colours for each vertex
+ various others

(c) Describe the Halting problem.

The halting problem (see lectures in week 12 on unsolvable problems) is a question of whether it is
possible to determine if a process is an algorithm. If we try to produce code to give an answer to
whether a process is an algorithm we can end up with inconsistencies by plugging any possible
solution to this into a function that inverts the answers and running halting on that. See ‘devious’ in
the lectures. Given we can prove that any solution to this can be put in a situation where the
results are wrong, no such solution can exist therefore we cannot create code to tell us whether
another function will terminate or not.

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Question 18 [1 + 1 = 2 Marks]

(a) Give an example of a sorting method that has linear time complexity is the best

Insertion sort is linear for a sorted list, counting sort / bin sort is linear for bounded data sets (ex.
Data in the range of 1 to 100).

(b) Give an example of a sorting method that uses divide and conquer and has
quadratic time complexity in the worst case.

We only showed you merge and quicksort. Merge sort is always nlogn, whereas quicksort can be
quadratic with a poor choice of pivot

Question 19 [5 Marks]

Write a Python function, isVertexCover, that checks whether a list of vertices, vertexList,
is a vertex cover in a given graph.

The graph is represented as an adjacency matrix, graphTable, where graphTable[j][k] =
1 if vertex j is adjacent to vertex k. The function, isVertexCover, takes vertexList and
graphTable as input and returns True if the vertices in vertexList form a vertex cover of
the graph represented by graphTable, and returns False otherwise.

Possible implementation:
def isVertexCover(graph,cover):
for source in range(len(graph)):
for dest in range(len(graph[source])):
#graph[source][dest] is an edge if is 1
if graph[source][dest]==1:
found = false
for vertex in cover:
if source==vertex or dest==vertex:
found = true
if found==false:
return false
return true

• considers every vertex in the graph (0.5)
• considers every other vertex in the graph (0.5)
• using this it finds each edge in the graph (0.5)
• considers every vertex in the vertex set (1)
• these vertices are compared against the chosen edge to determine if at least one
end of the edge is in the vertex set (1)
• if neither end is it returns false (1)
• if ALL edges have at least one end in the vertex cover it returns true (0.5)

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