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1 Software development: Programming and algorithms
University of Bristol
MSc in Data Science
EMATM0048: Software Development: Programming
and Algorithms (SDPA)

Coursework Assessment (100%)

This unit assessment asks you to apply the skills and tools that you’ve learned throughout the
unit, on a selection of different tasks. General guidelines are as follows:
• Deadline: 13:00 (UK time) on Wednesday 12th January 2022.
• Rules: Don't share your code with anybody. You are welcome to discuss questions with
other students, but don't share the answers. The experience of solving the problems in this
project will prepare you for real problems in data science (and life).
• Support: You are not alone! Book drop-in sessions, office hours, participate in the forum
and talk to your classmates. If you're ever feeling overwhelmed or don't know how to
make progress, email me or one of our TAs for help.
• Plagiarism: Your work must not be plagiarized. More information is available
here: https://www.bristol.ac.uk/students/support/academic-advice/plagiarism/
• Advice: Develop your answers incrementally. To perform a complicated task, break it up
into steps, perform each step on a different line, give a new name to each result, and
check that each intermediate result is what you expect.

Part 1: Software Development (45%)
This part will require you to design, implement, test, and debug a text-based Tron board game
using an object-oriented approach with appropriate relationships between classes (considering
concepts of inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism).

The Tron game is inspired by the famous 1982 movie Tron (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tron).
It is designed based on the motorbike game in the movie. This game can be seen as another
version of the Atari game Snake.

The basic version of Tron is based on two players/bikers with two colours/ids, say players 1 and
2 for instance. The two players are moving in turns on a grid board that is surrounded by walls.
A player can move in four directions (up, down, left, right). As a player moves, it leaves a trail
on the spaces it has traversed, which acts as a wall. The game ends if at least one player crashes
into the wall, another player or previously visited cell. The player who survives the longest win.

Task description:
In this assignment, you are required to write a text-based Python program using object-oriented
programming to simulate the Tron game. Your program should do the following:
A. Create a game board of size m*m (m >3)

2 Software development: Programming and algorithms
B. Ask players for their move each turn
C. Display game board after each legal move
D. End the game if the move is illegal and announce the winner

An example game board is below:
#1 #
# #
# #
# #
# 2#

This game board is empty and is an example of a default game board that you will get to start
with. In the initial version of the game, assume player 1 will play their turn before player 2.
Example of expected text-based interaction with the user:

>> Enter the board size
>> Board of size (4x4) created with default locations
# 1| | | #
# | | | #
# | | | #
# | | | 2 #

>> Entre the move of player 1
>> Enter the move of player 2
#X| 1 | | #
# | | | #
# | | | #
# | |2 |X #

This part of the assignment must be text-based; hence it is not allowed to use turtle,
pygame or any other API or external library for implementation.

Step 1: Create your classes
Your program should have at least two classes as follows:

3 Software development: Programming and algorithms
• Board class contains attributes to store games states (in two-dimension array) and
players information. The Board class should also contain methods to manage the game
and print the board.
• Player class contains all information related to a player such as position, colour/ID, etc.
Your program must contain appropriate methods to check whether each move is legal (not
out of borders, colliding with another biker or previously visited cells). Other functionalities
such as changing the default layout for players can be set through any of the classes too.

Step 2: Run your code
Create the main script (main.py) to run the classes you implemented. Import your classes into
your main script. When run, main.py should output a series of prompts to the console, which
allows the users to interact with your game. If the move is illegal the game ends and the winner
is announced. Your program should display the board after every legal move. Your final
submission of main.py works as a demo of your program with different scenarios.

Step 3: Extend your program
A. Modify the program to allow players to move simultaneously, so games can end in a tie if
they are on a collision path.

B. Extend your program so the user has an option to play against a computer program
instead of entering the move for each of the two players. The computer player must
inherit from the player class. Hence, you will have a parent player class and two
children’s classes: human and computer player. The computer player can choose the next
move randomly from the 4 directions.

C. Implement a smart computer player when the computer finds the best non-suicidal move.
The following are examples of smart strategies to implement:
o Exploring directions that have fewer trails.
o Check ahead for dead ends.
o You might think of implementing a search strategy.

Step 4: Errors and exceptions handling
Initially, you may wish to assume that all user input is error-free. In this step, you will need to
change your code to handle possible errors. Most errors occur in Null values, negative values,
and non-integer inputs. Make sure you handle these errors with the right exceptions. Examples of
errors to be handled:
• Move that is not listed as one of the 4 directions.
• Repeated player ID/colour.
• A negative value of the initial location of a player

Step 5: Documentation

Create a Part1.md text file in your ~/project folder that explains your game project. This file should
include your Project Title and a description of your project design, classes, methods and other important

4 Software development: Programming and algorithms
details. If unfamiliar with Markdown syntax, you might find GitHub’s Basic Writing and Formatting
Syntax helpful.

Your Part1.md file should be at least several paragraphs in length and should explain what your project
is, what each of the files you wrote for the project contains and does, and if you debated certain design
choices, explaining why you made them. Ensure you allocate sufficient time and energy to writing
a README.md that documents your project thoroughly.

Bonus question (5pts)
Build another version of the game to be played on a hexagonal grid, instead of a square.

Part 2: Algorithm Analysis (15%)
The city council is developing a new area and wanted to sort the house numbers in a specific street
such that houses with odd numbers are on one side and with even numbers on the other side of the
road. The layout should be as illustrated in the below picture.

The council want to sort given random numbers of houses to produce such a layout. Given a subset
of the list of house numbers as an array of integers (both odd and even), sort them in such a way
that the first part of the array contains odd numbers sorted in descending order, and the remaining
portion contains even numbers sorted in ascending order.

Input: {1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 7, 10}
Output: {7, 5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 10}

Input: {0, 4, 5, 3, 7, 2, 1}
Output: {7, 5, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4}

Write a script to implement this sorting method. Discuss clearly what is the complexity of your
sorting algorithm with clear reference to your code blocks? ? Make sure your sorting algorithm
handles all possible cases.
Hint: you may choose to utilize the sort() built-in function in your program.

X street

5 Software development: Programming and algorithms
Part 3: Data Analytics (40%)

Step 1: Crawl a real-world dataset
Find an interesting external (remotely-hosted) dataset to extract and analyze. Your dataset can be
either extracted from APIs and/or via web scraping. Reading data from non-external (i.e., local)
files is not accepted for this task. Extracted data must contain at least 5 columns and 150
rows. Save your extracted data in a CSV format.
Examples of data sources include:
• Twitter data
• RSS feeds
• NewsAPIs
• YouTube API
• https://www.gapminder.org/: world progress
• Wikipedia pages
• Nasa website
• Foursquare API
• Space Weather live https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/top-50-
• Echo Nest API
A well-maintained list of APIs can be found here https://github.com/discdiver/list-of-python-api-
Explain in markdown cells: Where does the data come from? What are the variables of
interest? How was the data scraped/collected?

Step 2: Perform data preparation & cleaning
• Load the dataset into a data frame using Pandas
• Explore the number of rows & columns, ranges of values, etc.
• Handle missing data, if any.
• Perform any additional steps (parsing dates, creating additional columns, etc.)

Explain in markdown cells: steps to prepare, clean your data

Step 3: Perform exploratory analysis and ask questions
• Explore your data, examples are as follows:
• Compute the mean, sum, range, and other interesting statistics for numeric
• Explore distributions of numeric columns using histograms etc.
• Explore the relationship between columns using scatter plots, bar charts, etc.
• Ask at least three interesting questions about your dataset. Your questions may have sub-
questions. The quality of your questions is assessed based on the complexity and
interestingness. Trivial and basic questions will not give you full marks.
• Answer the questions either by computing the results using Numpy/Pandas or by plotting
graphs using Matplotlib. Perform grouping/aggregation wherever necessary. You can use

6 Software development: Programming and algorithms
hypothesis testing and basic modelling (such as regression models) to answer the
proposed questions.

Explain in markdown cells Outline in detail your entire analysis. Explain your insights
clearly. You should include a short description of what the intent /interpretation of each plot is.

Step 4: Summarize and write a conclusion using markdown cells
• Write a summary of what you've learned from the analysis
• Share ideas for future work on the same topic using other relevant datasets/sources

Example Projects
Refer to these projects for inspiration:
Analyzing your browser history using Pandas & Seaborn by Kartik Godawat
Understanding the Gender Divide in Data Science Roles by Aakanksha N S
Practical Business Python https://pbpython.com/
Examples from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/eliasdabbas/youtube-data-api
Analyzing Worldwide Cuisines https://towardsdatascience.com/analyzing-worldwide-cuisines-with-
Code commenting and documentation
Your code must be documented appropriately using docstring comments. Document as you go,
not all at the end. One strategy is to write a brief comment about the “one thing” that the function
is supposed to do when you declare it, then refer to that comment while implementing it: this
helps maintain focus when implementing the function and helps stop yourself from making it do
more than the ‘one’ thing it is supposed to do.

Each class and each method should have at least one docstring which can be brief.

Version Control
You must use version control to keep track of your progress during implementation, using Git.
You should perform regular commits as you implement features and fix errors. Your commit
comments should reflect the context of the changes that were made in each commit—a fellow
developer can always diff the contents to see exactly what changed but that does not provide the
context. You should try to ensure each commit comment contains a short subject line. Ensure
that the assignment is private, i.e., cannot be seen by people other than yourself. Failure to do
that will be considered plagiarism.

Submitting your coursework
Your submission will comprise your entire version control repository for the three parts. Your
repository must contain all source files required to run your program.

7 Software development: Programming and algorithms
Your submission must include your code for each part: part 1, part 2, part 3.
• Part 1: Includes different Python files for implemented classes, in addition to part1.md
file explained in part 1.
• Part 2: Jupyter Notebook file to implement and run the sorting algorithm. Answer the
questions in the markdown cells.
• Part 3: Jupyter Notebook file that includes code and explanation in the markdown for
each step. The collected data saved in Step 1 must be submitted too.
• GitHub markdown (.md file): to explain any required instructions for running your
• If you have used any additional code, beyond standard Python packages, then you will
need to include an additional subdirectory containing additional code required to run your
scripts. The authorship of any such code should be clearly stated in GitHub markdown.

For submitting your work on Blackboard, you will need to submit a zip file with the name
(“UOBusername_EMATM0048). Your zip file should contain the latest version of your GitHub
repository along with a text file of your GitHub repository link. You will need to add "SDPA-
UoB" as a collaborator to your repository. Please note you must NOT change your remote
repository once you added SDPA-UoB as a collaborator.
Your grade will be assessed on both correctness and style.
• Correctness: How well the program works according to specifications. How good is the
quality of your analysis.
• Style: The quality of the code and documentation.
Your code should be well-written and well-commented. You are encouraged to format your code
per Python style guidelines. It should be clear enough for another programmer, such as the
course staff, to understand and modify if needed. Quality code is expected to meet our style
• Every function written is commented, in your own words, using a docstring format that
describes its behaviour, parameters, returns, and highlights any special cases.
• There is a comment at the top of each code file you write with your name, section, and a
brief description of what that program does.
• All requirements for each of the parts are met.
• If version control is not submitted/not maintained regularly or made public, 10 pts will be




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