程序代写案例-STAT 441 /-Assignment 4

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Statistical Learning-Classification
STAT 441 / 841, CM 763
Assignment 4
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
University of Waterloo <
/br>Policy on Lateness: Late assignments are NOT accepted.
1. In a binary classification problem where y ∈ {0, 1}
a) Assume x = (x1, . . . , xd)
T , and xj ∈ {0, 1}, for j = 1 . . . d. Define P (y = 1) = p,
P (xj = 1|y = 1) = pj1, and P (xj = 1|y = 0) = pj0. Show that the Naive Bayes
classifier is equivalent to a linear classification rule in the form of
yˆ = sign(w.x− b). Write w and b in terms of p, pi1, and pi0.
b) Now suppose xj ∈ R. Assume P (y = 1) = p, xj|y = 1 ∼ N(µj1, σ2j ), and
xj|y = 0 ∼ N(µj0, σ2j ). Show that the Naive Bayes classifier is equivalent to a
linear classification rule in the form of yˆ = sign(w.x− b). Write w and b in term
of p, µj1, µj0, and σj.
2. Suppose X1:, . . . X10: are standard independent Gaussian, and the target y is defined
y =
1 if
j X
j: > 9.34
−1 otherwise
Sample 2000 training cases, with approximately 1000 points in each class, and 10,000
test observations.
a) Write a program implementing AdaBoost with stumps.
b) Plot the training error as well as test error, and discuss its behavior.
c) Investigate the number of iterations needed to make the test error finally start to
3. In the maximum-margin hyperplane problem, let’s τ denotes the value of the margin.
Show that
τ 2
= 2
αi −
where k(xi,xj) is a valid kernel.
Only for Grad Students
4. Kernel functions can be defined over objects as diverse as graphs, sets, and text docu-
ments. For instance consider the space of all possible subsets A of a given fixed set D.
Show that the kernel function k(A1, A2) = 2
|A1∩A2| corresponds to an inner product in
a feature space of dimensionality 2|D| defined by the mapping φ(A). Here A is a subset
of D , A1 ∩A2 denotes the intersection of sets A1 and A2, and |A| denotes the number
of elements in A. Find mapping φ(A) such that k(A1, A2) = φ(A1)




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