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2020/12/1 Quiz: SOFT2412_COMP9412 Exam
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SOFT2412_COMP9412 Exam
Started: Dec 1 at
Quiz Instructions
1.5 ptsQuestion 1
What aspect of empirical process control theory involves frequently examining the
different Scrum artifacts and making sure the team is still on track to meet the
current goal?
1.5 ptsQuestion 2
Larger Agile teams perform better than small ones
Agile teams work with the best developers; about 4-5 senior developers per team
Agile teams that work harmoniously together perform better than those with lots of
Members of Agile teams have mutual respect and mutual responsibility toward the work
needs to be done.
Which of the following is true about Agile teams?
1.5 ptsQuestion 3
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Semantic versioning can help to manage dependencies between system packages,
libraries and plugins.
Patents grant inventor(s) the right to exclude others from making, using or selling and
importing an invention for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the
Codeline specifies the component versions that are included in the system plus a
specification of the libraries used and configuration files.
In multi-version systems, there is never just one working version of a system.
Which of the following statements is not correct?
1.5 ptsQuestion 4
Development happens in very short cycles in which requirements are turned into specific
test cases which must fail before implementing the requirements
Test-driven development is used exclusively by XP teams.
Unit tests are written immediately after writing the code that they test
Writing unit tests causes the whole project to take longer because the team spends more
time writing code, but it’s worth it for the extra quality.
Which of the following is true about test-driven development?
1.5 ptsQuestion 5
It contains the final version of all features
It is delivered frequently
It is an effective way to get feedback
Which of the following is not part of an agile team’s mindset toward working
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It is the primary measure of progress
1.5 ptsQuestion 6
Jenkins stores files generated during the execution of the pipeline.
Unit tests can usually be run without starting the whole application.
The goal of Continuous Integration is to keep the software in a working state all the time.
Continuous delivery is a software development practice where members of a team
integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily.
Which of the following is not correct?
1.5 ptsQuestion 7
Open source software does not always imply that the software is free of charge.
Gradle performs incremental builds in which parts of the build tree are always re-
executed with every Gradle build command
Unlike traditional software development models, planning and documentation are not
required in Agile software development
Git stores data as a stream of snapshots; it does store changed files
Which of the following statement is correct?
1.5 ptsQuestion 8
Which of the following is correct? Choose all that apply.
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It is not possible to add actions to a Gradle task.
The order in which tasks can run is determined using a directed acyclic graph.
If a task in the build script fails during execution, Gradle will still run the whole build.
A "dry run" is a run where Gradle does not actually execute all the tasks you tell it to
Gradle build files are XML scripts
One of the feature of Gradle is incremental builds.
1.5 ptsQuestion 9
When a certain event is triggered from GitHub.com, a HTTP GET payload is sent to the
webhook's configured URL.
When a certain event is triggered from GitHub.com, an XML payload is sent to the
webhook's configured URL.
When a certain event is triggered from GitHub.com, a HTTP POST payload is sent to the
webhook's configured URL.
When a certain event is triggered from GitHub.com, a secured payload is sent to the
webhook's configured URL.
Which of the following is correct. Choose all that apply.
1.5 ptsQuestion 10
If you don't have write access to the repository there is no way you can contribute.
If you don't have write access to the repository where you'd like to create a pull request,
you must create a fork, or copy, of the repository first.
If you don't have write access to the repository where you'd like to create a pull request,
you must create a fork, or copy, of the repository first.
Which of the following statements is correct. Choose all that apply.
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You cannot specify which branch you'd like to merge your changes into when you create
your pull request.
6 pts
HTML Editor
Question 11
A computer company was working on an experimental fighter. A
quality control software engineer suspected that the flight control
software was not sufficiently tested, although it had (finally) passed all
its contracted test suites. She was being pressured by her employers
to sign off on the software. Her employers said they will go out of
business if they did not deliver the software on time. She did sign off.

Is this an acceptable practice? Discuss your answer.
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         12pt Parag
0 words
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6 pts
HTML Editor
Question 12
You are managing a development team that is building a software for
global online bidding company called iBid. The company’s executive
asked you to use an open-source software called BidOptimize1.1.3
which is released under the MIT license. The company's management
plans to open source their new iBid software with a license. The
company's executive wants to preserve its trademark and own

(a) Is the use of BidOptimize1.1.3 MIT license suitable for use of iBid?
Explain your answer.
(b) What advice would you make for the management regarding open
sourcing iBid? Explain your answer

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0 words
9 ptsQuestion 13
Consider the following scenario.
Feature: Movie should appear in alphabetical order, not added order
Scenario: view movie list after adding 2 movies
GIVEN: I am on the MovieFan home page
WHEN: I follow “Add new movie”
THEN: I should be at the “Create New Movie” page
WHEN: I fill in “Title” with “Zero”
AND: I select “PG-15” from “Rating”
AND: I press “Save Changes”
THEN: I should be on the MovieFan home page
WHEN: I follow “Add new movie”
THEN: I should be at the “Create New Movie” page
WHEN: I fill in “Title” with “Apple Games”
AND: I select “R” from “Rating”
AND: I press “Save Changes”
THEN: I should be on the MovieFan home page
THEN: I should see “Apple Games” before “Zero” on the home page
sorted by Title

1. Briefly explain the problem with the way the scenario is written. [3
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2. Briefly explain how the way the scenario is written could be
improved. [2 points]
3. Re-write the scenario to make the suggested improvement(s). [4
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20 ptsQuestion 14
You are working in a development team that follows CI/CD practices.
The team uses the following code snippet in their CI/CD server.
Examine the code snippet and answer the following questions.
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'jacoco'
repositories {
dependencies {
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-
2020/12/1 Quiz: SOFT2412_COMP9412 Exam
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test {
test.finalizedBy jacocoTestReport
1. One of your team members build the project by running “gradle
clean build test jacocoTestReport”. Explain why it is not best
recommended to run this command in this way. [3 points]

2. How the command in the previous question should be re-written?
[3 points]

3. When you try “gradle run” command in your local workspace, an
error triggers with the message “Task 'run' not found in root project”.
Explain what caused the error from running "gradle run" command and
how to fix it. [5 points]

4. Explain a CI practice that has been violated from the issue resulted
in question part 3. [3 points]

5. What changes should be made in build.gradle to fix the violation of
the CI practice identified in question part 4. [3 points]

6. In Jenkins, explain the important actions that should be included in
the "Post-build Actions" to monitor the quality of your code. [3 points]

Write your answer for the above questions on a paper with your
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Choose a File
14 ptsQuestion 15
package calc;
public class Calculator {
public int add (int a, int b) {
return a + b;
public int div (int a, int b) {
if (b == 0) {
throw new
ArithmeticException("Division by
} else {
return a / b;
public int isPositiveNumber (int
a) {
Consider the code snippet Calculator.java below which saved under
“src/main/java/calc” directory: “Calculator.java”. Also, consider the
code snippet “CalculatorTest.java” which is saved under

import static
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class CalculatorTest {
private static Calculator
void testAdd() {
calcObj.add(1, 2));
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if (a > 0) {
return 1;
} else if (a < 0) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
public static void
calcObj = new

1. When the unit test is run using
Gradle, it shows an error . Explain
why the error is triggered and how to fix it. [4 points]

2. Assuming that the error explained in previous question is fixed.
Explain in detail the “calcCreation” method. [4 points]

3. Extend the CalculatorTest.java to write a quality unit test code for
the“isPositiveNumber” method. Your code must compile and run
successfully. [6 points]

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15 ptsQuestion 16
C id il t th t i ki d l i “F t
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Consider an agile team that is working on developing a “Frequent
Flyer” software application. The product backlog has 20 user stories
which worth 128 SP. After 2 weeks of work, the team has reached the
end of the first sprint. The user stories in the task board are ordered
from the highest priority (at the top) to the lowest priority (at the
bottom) as shown in the following table. The team is about to prepare
for the sprint demo. The status of the task board is shown in the table
User Story To Do In Progress Done
1. Book selected flight
(8 SP)
P1, P2
2. Load most recent flight
(5 SP)
P1 P2, P3
3. Enter flight date for a flight
(3 SP)
P4 P1, P2
4. Delete stored frequent flight
(5 SP)
P1, P2, P3 P4
5. Show my frequent flight list
(3 SP)
P1, P2
6.Load selected previous flight
(3 SP)
P1, P2
The Team’s Task board (Px refers to the task of the corresponding user story)

1. Which user stories are you going to demonstrate in the Sprint
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Demo? Why? [3 points]
2. What are the team’s estimated and actual velocity for that sprint?
Illustrate how is it calculated. [4 points]
3. What is the estimated project duration? Illustrate how is it
calculated. [3 points]
4. Suppose that an important feature support task was identified in the
middle of the sprint. The team and the product owner agree that the
task must be added to the sprint, but they do not know the effort
estimate needed to complete it. Based on Scrum, discuss what should
be done to deal with this scenario? [5 points]

Write your answer for the above questions on a paper with your
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15 ptsQuestion 17
Assume you have created a project folder (MyDev) which contains 3
files ReadMe.md, doc.txt, and .gitignore. Assume that you are inside
MyDev and then you run the following git commands from the
command line.

git init
git remote add origin My_Web_Dev_Link
git add .
git commit -m “Project initialization ”
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Not saved
git push origin master

(a) Assume that you want to work on another branch called “Feature1”
and you have created another file called “ProductList.java” inside
MyDev. You want to make a commit and put the file and the branch in
My_Web_Dev_Link repository. Write all git commands required to
perform the above. Git commands should run successfully. [5 points]

(b) Afterwards, assume you made some changes in the
“ProductList.java”, but you found that there are bugs in the changes
you made. You reviewed the changes, and then you decided to
remove all these changes you made on the file. Write git commands to
review the changes made in “ProductList.java” and remove all the
current changes. Git commands should run successfully. [4 points]

(c) You want to apply all commits in the “Fearture1” branch to master
branch in the Github remote repository. Write git commands required
to perform this. Git commands should run successfully. [5 points]

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