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ANLY 555: Data Science Python Toolbox
Deliverable #1: Design

Technical Resources:
• Commenting Standards: <
/br>o https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#what-is-a-docstring
o https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/
• Documentation using Doxygen
o http://www.doxygen.nl/
▪ http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/
▪ http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/docblocks.html#pythonblocks

Throughout this course you will be designing and implementing a Data Science Toolbox using Python. There will be
4 (or 5) major deliverables and required, supporting discussion posts. The first deliverable will be focused on
designing the class hierarchy, building the basic coding infrastructure, and beginning the documentation process.
Overview of Deliverables
1. Design
2. Implement DataSet Class and subclasses
3. Implement ClassifierAlgorithm Class, simpleKNNClassifier, and Experiment Class
4. Implement ROC and kdTreeKNNClassifier
5. ARM (greedy tree search ARM) OR hmmClassifier (dynamic programming) and final package
Software Design Requirements Overview
The toolbox will be implemented using OOP practices and will take advantage of inheritance and polymorphism.
Specifically, the toolbox will consist of 3 main classes some of which have subclasses and member methods as
noted below. You will also submit a demo script for each submission that tests the capabilities of your newly
created toolbox.
1. Class Hierarchy
a. DataSet
i. TimeSeriesDataSet
ii. TextDataSet
iii. QuantDataSet
iv. QualDataSet
b. ClassifierAlgorithm
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i. simplekNNClassifier
ii. kdTreeKNNClassifier
c. Experiment

2. Member Methods for each Super and Sub Class (subclasses will have more specified members as well to
be added later). Each subclass will inherit superclass constructor. All other member methods will be
overridden unless design deviation is well-justified.
a. DataSet
i. __init__(self, filename)
ii. __readFromCSV(self, filename)
iii. __load(self, filename)
iv. clean(self)
v. explore(self)
b. ClassifierAlgorithm
i. __init__(self)
ii. train(self)
iii. test(self)
c. Experiment
i. runCrossVal(self, k)
ii. score(self)
iii. __confusionMatrix(self)

Details for Deliverable #1. Design
There are 3 main components for your deliverable this week.
1. Using Python, you will implement the “framework” and “stubs” for the above classes, subclass, and
member methods. In this context, “framework” refers to the class declarations, method declarations
(along with parameter lists), and associated syntactic necessities, but otherwise the structures will be
vacuous (there will be no substantial code that performs any task). The goal is simply to implement
scaffolding / blueprints for the Toolbox. We will fill in the “substance” in future deliverables. The methods
will be implemented as “stubs” meaning that they will also be largely vacuous with the exception of a
print statement which simply prints a message confirming that the method was invoked. This is for testing
2. Using python you will implement a test script, test.py, that tests the functionality of your code. You will
test to ensure that the following capabilities behave as desired: object instantiation, method invocation,
inheritance, and polymorphism. You will test all constructors and methods. An example will be provided
or discussed.
3. Using Doxygen (or another UML-like documentation tool), create documentation which illustratively
describes the class hierarchy, member attributes, and member methods. The description should be VERY
comprehensive and include structural and functional details. Take full advantage of DocString comments!

All coding must be done by you. You many not import any libraries / modules, and you cannot repurpose any other
code for this submission.

Academic Integrity
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Refer to the guidelines specified in the Academic Honesty section of this course syllabus or contact me if you have
any questions.
Include the following comments at the start of your source code files:

#* .
#* ANLY 555
#* Project <>
#* Due on:
#* Author(s):
#* In accordance with the class policies and Georgetown's
#* Honor Code, I certify that, with the exception of the
#* class resources and those items noted below, I have neither
#* given nor received any assistance on this project other than
#* the TAs, professor, textbook and teammates.

These comments must appear exactly as shown above.

Submission Details
Upload (as instructed by your professor) a zip folder containing ALL files (.py, .pdf, and/or .html
files). Use the following folder name: P1. For example, I would
create a folder named jeremyBoltonP2 which contained all files. I would then
zip this folder creating file jeremyBoltonP1.zip . I would then submit this
zip file. Late submissions will be penalized heavily. If you are late you may turn in the project to receive
feedback but the grade may be zero. In general, requests for extensions will not be considered.

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Programming Skills
The programming skills required to complete this assignment include:
• Multiple File Organization
• UML Design
• OOP Design
• Inheritance
• Polymorphism

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Grade Rubric (Knowing what constitutes each category is part of the assignment.)
Correct Design: 25
Correct Functionality: 25
Good Documentation: 25
Comprehensive Testing: 25
TOTAL: 100




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