程序代写案例-SCI 4760

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CMP SCI 4760 Operating Systems
Project # 1 Due Date: September 13, 2021
Important: Please do all projects on opsys
Linux System Calls and Library Fu
This is your warm up project building on your knowledge from CMPSCI 2750. The goal of this project is to become familiar
with the environment in opsys while practicing system calls. You will also demonstrate your proficiency in the use of
perror and getopt in this submission. Additionally, you should understand the different steps of compilation and linking,
and creating your executable. The project is a slight modification of Exercise 2.13 Message Logging (p. 55-56) in your text
by Robbins/Robbins. The modification is that each message will also issue a classification as to whether the message is
informational (INFO), warning (WARN), error (ERROR), or fatal (FATAL).
The logging utility to be developed by you allows the caller to save a message at the end of a list. The logger also records the
time that the message was logged. The sample log.h file (Program 2-11; p. 55) shows the data structures and prototypes of
the functions that will be needed. I’ll suggest modifying the data structure as follows:
typedef struct data_struct
time_t time; // Time stamp
char type; // Message type (I/W/E/F)
char * string; // Message string
} data_t;
int addmsg ( const char type, const char * msg );
void clearlog();
char * getlog();
int savelog ( char * filename );
The data_t structure holds a time_t value (time) and a pointer to a character string of undetermined length (string).
The function addmsg creates the data structure data_t by adding the time stamp to the supplied parameters message type
and message string, and inserts a copy of the data structure at the end of the list. It also verifies that the message type is a
valid message type and issues an error if it is invalid. The savelog function saves the logged message to a disk file. The
clearlog function releases all the storage that has been allocated for the logged message and empties the list of logged
messages. The getlog function allocates enough space for a string containing the entire log, copies the log into this string,
and returns a pointer to the string. It is the responsibility of the calling program to free this memory when necessary.
If successful, addmsg and savelog return 0; both of them return −1 if unsuccessful. A successful getlog call returns a
pointer to the log string; it returns a NULL upon unsuccessful invocation. The three functions also set errno on failure (part
of perror function).
Program 2.12 (p. 56) provides the template for the library that you will complete.
Write a program to test your logging utility. This program should give enough options to fully test the various functions in the
file. You should include an optional sleep time between different calls to test the time stamp.
Linux System Calls 2
Problem: Write source files and header files for your logging utility. Then write a program to use the library and test the library
by sending different log messages. You can name the source code for your program as driver.c and the executable can be
called driver.
1. When called with no arguments, driver sends messages to the logger and saves those messages in a file called
2. If driver is called with the argument -h, print the help (usage) message and terminate. Ignore any other options and
3. When driver is called with option -t sec, the messages are printed, on an average, every sec seconds. Use a
random number generator to generate a time in the range [0, 2*sec].
4. If driver is supplied with a command line argument, interpret the argument as the file name to save the messages.
5. When a fatal message is added, the log should be written to the file (savelog) and the program terminated by calling
Invoking the solution
Your solution will be invoked using the following command:
driver [-h] [-t sec] [logfile]
With the use of perror, I’ll like some meaningful error messages. The format for error messages should be:
driver: Error: Detailed error message
where driver is actually the name of the executable (argv[0]) and should be appropriately modified if the name of exe-
cutable is changed without a need to recompile the source.
It is required for this project that you use version control (git), a Makefile, and a README. Your README file should consist,
at a minimum, of a description of how I should compile and run your project, any outstanding problems that it still has, and
any problems you encountered. Your Makefile should use suffix-rules or pattern-rules and have an option to clean up object
Suggested implementation steps
1. Set up your git repository, if you have not already done so. You must periodically check your code into the git repository
(once a day, or whenever you make and test substantial changes). [Day 1]
2. Create your Makefile. Make sure to use suffix rules or pattern rules. [Day 2]
3. Write code to parse options and receive the command parameters. Study getopt(3), if you do not know how to do it.
The man page also has an example to guide you. [Day 3]
4. Create the library functions for the logger and test them. Make sure to add the time stamp in a readable way as hh:mm:ss
in 24-hour format when you add messages. You can use the functions time and localtime to get the time. An
example to create time in required format is presented in opsys:˜sanjiv/classes/4760/time.c. [Day 4-5]
5. Send messages to be logged. You can create the messages in a text file and read them from standard input (or hard-code
the file name in driver. Specify one message per line. [Day 6-7]
6. Create the README file. [Day 8]
Linux System Calls 3
Criteria for success
Please follow the guidelines. Pay attention to avoiding memory leaks, as suggested in the text.
1. Overall submission: 10 pts. Program compiles and upon reading, seems to be able to solve the assigned problem.
2. Code readability: 10 pts. The code must be readable, with appropriate comments. Author and date should be identified.
3. Command line parsing: 5 pts. Program is able to parse the command line appropriately, assigning defaults as needed;
issues help if needed.
4. Use of perror: 5 pts. Program outputs appropriate error messages, making use of perror(3).
5. Makefile: 5 pts. Must use suffix rules or pattern rules. You’ll receive only 2 points for Makefile without those rules. Also
ensure your Makefile can do a clean.
6. README: 5 pts. Must address any special things you did, or if you missed anything.
7. Properly implemented functions: 10 pts. Properly created and used functions.
8. Conformance to specifications: 50 pts. Each of the six specified subtasks accounts for 10 points.
Handin an electronic copy of all the sources, README, Makefile(s), and results. Create your programs in a directory called
username.1 where username is your login name on hoare. Once you are done with everything, remove the executables and
object files, and issue the following commands:
chmod 700 username.1
cp -p -r username.1 /home/hauschild/cs4760/assignment1
If you have to resubmit, add a .2 to the end of your directory name and copy that over.
Do not forget Makefile (with suffix or pattern rules), your versioning files (.git subdircetory), and README for the assign-
ment. If you do not use version control, you will lose 10 points. I want to see the log of how the program files are modified.
Therefore, you should use some logging mechanism, such as git, and let me know about it in your README. You must check
in the files at least once a day while you are working on them. I do not like to see any extensions on Makefile and README
Before the final submission, perform a make clean and keep the latest source checked out in your directory.
You do not have to hand in a hard copy of the project. Assignment is due by 11:59pm on the due date.




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