程序代写案例-CSC 503/SENG-Assignment 3

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CSC 503/SENG 474: Assignment 3
Due on: July 22nd at 23:59 PST
Where: Brightspace (https://bright.uvic.ca/d2l/home/136102)
• You m
ust complete this assignment entirely on your own. In other words, you should come up
with the solution yourself, write the code yourself, conduct the experiments yourself, analyze the
results yourself, and finally, write it all solely by yourself. The university policies on academic
dishonesty (a.k.a. cheating) will be taken very seriously.
• This does not mean that you need to go to a cave and self-isolate while preparing the assignment.
You are allowed to have high-level discussions with your classmates about the course material.
You are also more than welcome to use Piazza or come to office hours and ask questions. If in
doubt, ask!— we are here to help.
• If you are still stuck, you can use books and published online material (i.e., material that has a
fixed URL). However, you must explicitly credit all sources. You are also not allowed
to copy-paste online materials. Woe to you if we catch you copy-pasting the uncredited
– Why “if stuck”? Assignments are designed to develop your practical ML skills and make
you strong. If you do the assignments well, the project will feel like a piece of cake. So,
give your best. But, on the other hand, do not waste a whole week on a single question:
if you are stuck on a question for a few days, ask (us) for help!
• If you cannot make it until the deadline, you can use a maximum of two grace days per
assignment. They are not free, though: each grace day comes with the 15% mark penalty
(so submitting on Monday evening would reduce your score by 15%; submitting on Tuesday
would further reduce it by 30%). No other accommodations will be provided unless explicitly
approved by the instructor at least 7 days before the deadline.
• These assignments are supposed to be really hard! Start early! You will need at least
two weeks to complete them!
– If you do not feel challenged enough, please let me know, and I’ll think of something.
• Remember: you will need to gather at least one-third of all points during the assign-
ments to pass the course. If you don’t, you will get an F!
• Make sure to follow the technical requirements outlined below. TAs have the full power to take
50% off your grade if you disregard some of them.
• Be sure that your answers are clear and easy for TAs to understand. They can penalize you if
your solutions lack clarity or are convoluted (in a non-algebraic way), even if they are nominally
• We will try to grade your assignments within seven (7) days of the initial submission deadline.
• If you think there is a problem with your grade, you have one week to raise concerns after the
grades go public. Grading TAs will be holding office hours during those seven days to address
any such problems. After that, your grade is set in stone.
Technical matters:
• You must type up your analysis and solutions electronically and submit them as a self-containing
Jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebooks can contain code, its output, and images. They can also
be used to type math and proofs in LATEX mode.
– You must use LATEX mode to type formulas. Typing aˆ2=sqrt(3)+b1 is a pretty good
way to lose 50% of your grade for no good reason.
• Each problem should be submitted as a separate file.
• Each file should be named SurnameInitial N.ipynb, where N is two digit-padded problem
number. Correct: SmithJ 05.ipynb. Incorrect: JohnSmith V12345 Problem 1.ipynb,
prob1.pdf etc.
• Zip all ipynb files and submit them as assignment3.zip to the Brightspace. Do not submit
RAR, TAR, 7zip, SHAR and whatnot; just use good ol’ ZIP. Do not include other files.
• The first cell of each Jupyter notebook must start with your name and V number. See the
attached notebook for the details.
• Your notebook should be organized sequentially according to the problem statement. Use
sections (with the appropriate numbers and labels) within the notebook. Figures and relevant
code should be placed in the proper location in the document.
• Notebook code must be runnable! Ideally, all answers will be the output of a code cell.
• You must use Python 3 to complete the assignments. Feel free to use NumPy and pandas as
you find it fit. Use SciPy, scikit-learn, and other non-standard libraries only when explicitly
allowed to do so.
• Your first executable cell should set the random seed to 1337 to ensure the reproducibility of
your results. For Numpy/SciPy and pandas, use numpy.random.seed(1337); otherwise, use
• Document your code! Use either Markdown cells or Python comments to let us know what you
have done!
• Finally, be concise! We do not appreciate long essays that amount to basically nothing.
This assignment consists of 3 problems. Some problems are purposefully open-ended. Whatever
you think the correct answer is, make sure to support it with code and data.
Problem 1. Multi-dimensional coat [30 points]
The good ol’ MNIST dataset is nowadays deemed too boring and too easy. Thus a replacement was
born—the Fashion-MNIST. This dataset throws away the digits and instead uses shirts, sandals and
other fashion items. Let’s play with it.
1. [Dataset; 5 points] Get the Fashion-MNIST dataset from https://github.com/zalandore
search/fashion-mnist. For this assignment, you can get either the training or the test data.
As either dataset is quite large, downsample it to 5,000 elements. Make sure that each class
contains 500 items.
2. [Dimensionality; 10 points] Run PCA on this dataset. Plot the top 5 components. What
are they standing for, if anything? How many components do you need to explain 80% of
the variance? Let this number be d. Pick some examples (say, 3 of then) randomly from
the dataset, and show the difference between their projection to d-dimensional space and the
original image.
3. [Plot; 5 points] Now select the two topmost principal components. Use them to plot your
dataset as a 2D scatterplot. Use the label vectors to colour different classes on the plot as well.
Would you be able to distinguish classes without knowing the colours in advance?
4. [SNE; 10 points] Now run t-SNE with parameters of your choice on this dataset. Again, plot
the result of t-SNE as a scatterplot, and use the label vectors to colour different classes. Can
you distinguish classes now? Is this plot more informative than the PCA-based one?
You are free to use any library of your choice (e.g. sklearn) to complete this problem. Discuss
the results of all steps, and use plots to support your findings.
Problem 2. Bundles [40 points]
In this problem, we will use the d-dimensional PCA projections of Fashion-MNIST images obtained
in the previous problem. Implement the following clustering algorithms on this projected dataset:
1. [Lloyd; 25 points] Implement Lloyd’s algorithm from scratch. Use the Euclidean distance,
and use the following two initialization techniques:
• random initialization [10 points]: the centers are initialized to a set of k distinct exam-
ples from the dataset drawn uniformly at random; and
• k-means++ initialization [15 points]: check the slides for details. You must implement
this step yourself as well.
For each version of Lloyd’s algorithm, try different values of k (from 2 to 15). For each value
of k, you can run the clustering multiple times and pick the best result. Make a plot of the
cost (sum of the squared errors from each point to its cluster center) as k increases. Using the
plot, decide how many clusters to use, and explain your choice (hint: the lecture slides might
be helpful!). How well does the best clustering correspond to the true labels? Do classes always
entirely fall within a single cluster (if k ≤ 10) or not? What happens if k = 10?
2. [Hierarchical; 15 points] Run hierarchical agglomerative clustering on this dataset. You
should use Euclidean distance for the dissimilarity measure between the two examples. For the
dissimilarity measure between clusters, you should use both single linkage and average linkage.
You do not need to implement this yourself: feel free to use sklearn. What is happening here?
Do clusters correspond to the true labels or not? Plot the dendrogram, somehow decide what
the final clustering is (by making a cut in the dendrogram), and explain your reasoning behind
this decision.
Discuss the results of all steps, and use plots to support your discussion.
Problem 3. Associations [30 points]
• [Manual; 15 points] Consider the following data set describing the courses taken by UVic
students during the Fall 2025:
Student ID Courses
V001 { algorithms, machine learning, statistics, systems }
V002 { machine learning, bioinformatics, statistics }
V003 { algorithms, machine learning, statistics, systems }
V004 { algorithms, bioinformatics, statistics, systems }
V005 { machine learning, bioinformatics, statistics, systems }
V006 { machine learning, statistics, systems }
V007 { bioinformatics, statistics }
V008 { algorithms, machine learning, bioinformatics }
V009 { algorithms, statistics, systems }
V010 { machine learning, statistics }
Suppose the Apriori algorithm is applied to the data set shown in the table with minsup=30%.
1. (5 points) Draw an itemset lattice for this data set, and label each node in the lattice with:
– N if the itemset is not considered to be a candidate by the Apriori algorithm;
– F if the candidate itemset is found to be frequent by the Apriori algorithm; and
– I if the candidate itemset is found to be infrequent after support counting.
2. (1 point) What is the percentage of frequent itemsets (with respect to all itemsets in the
3. (1 point) What is the pruning ratio of the Apriori algorithm on this data set? Pruning
ratio is defined as the percentage of itemsets not considered a candidate because they
are either not generated during candidate generation or are pruned during the candidate
pruning step.
4. (1 point) What is the false alarm rate (i.e., percentage of candidate itemsets that are found
to be infrequent after performing support counting)?
5. (7 points) Build an FP-Tree on this dataset and then mine the frequent itemsets via
FP-Growth algorithm with minsup=30%.
• [Retail; 15 points] Now, get the online retail dataset from http://archive.ics.uci.edu/
ml/datasets/Online+Retail, and use the Apriori algorithm implemented in apyori package
to mine the top 5 associations for each country in the dataset. What are your findings?




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