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COMP3308/3608 Introduction to Artificial Intelligenece
(regular and advanced)

semester 1, 2021

Information about the

• The exam will be online, via Canvas, un-proctored. It is set as an Assignment.
• The Canvas site for the exam is different that the Canvas site we use during the
semester. There are 2 exam sites: one for COMP3308 called “Final Exam for:
COMP3308” and another one for COMP3608 - “Final Exam for: COMP3608”. The
Exams Office will give you access to your exam site.
• The duration of the exam is standard: 2 hours + 10 minutes reading time. In addition,
there are 15 minutes for upload, hence the total duration of the exam is 145 minutes.
The exam site will open at the scheduled time (as per your exam timetable) and close
after 145 mins.
• The exam is worth 60 marks ( =60% of your final mark). To pass the course you need
at least 40% on the exam (i.e. 24 marks), regardless of what your mark during the
semester is.
• All material is examinable except week 1, week 13a (recommender systems), historical
context, Matlab and Weka.
• The next page is the actual cover page of the exam - please read it carefully
• The exam is a restricted open book.
o You are allowed to use: 1) the teaching materials from this course - lecture slides
and tutorial notes, 2) 1 page of your own notes - double-sided A4 size,
handwritten or typed which must be uploaded before the exam to the Canvas
COMP3308/COMP3608 website, 3) calculator - non-programmable.
o No other materials or devices are allowed. No internet browsing is allowed. You
can’t consult other people during the exam.
o All exam papers will go through TurnItIn for plagiarism checking.
• The exam paper is confidential. You must not circulate it in any way during or after
the exam. You must not show it to other people, discuss it with other people, post it or
distribute it in any way, during or after the exam.
• What to submit - instructions:
o Type your answers in your text editor (Word, Latex, etc), convert the file into a
pdf file and submit it to Canvas. No other file format will be accepted.
o Hand-written responses will not be accepted, you need to type your answers.
o Start by typing your student ID number on the first page. Do not type your name
as the marking is anonymous.
o Submit only your answers to the questions, do not copy the questions.
• There are 2 types of questions: 1) questions requiring short answers, and 2) problem-
solving / calculation questions.




Sample exam questions

In addition to these questions please also see on Canvas:
Search: Weeks_2-3_Practice.pdf (prepared by Jessica)
Bayesian networks: BN_practice_questions.pdf (prepared by Jessica)

Question 1. (Type 2 – problem solving/calculation)
In the tree below the step costs are shown along the edges and the h values are shown next to
each node. The goal nodes are double-circled: F and D.

Write down the order in which nodes are expanded using:
a) Breadth-first search
b) Depth-first search
c) Uniform cost search
d) Iterative deepening search
e) Greedy search
f) A*
In case of ties, expand the nodes in alphabetical order.


a) Breadth-first search: ABCD
b) Depth-first search: ABEF
c) Uniform cost search: ABEF
d) Iterative deepening search:AABCD
e) Greedy search: AD
f) A*: ABEF

• BFS: Expands the shallowest unexpanded node
• DFS: Expands the deepest unexpanded node

• UCS: Expands the node with the smallest path cost g(n)
• IDS: DFS at levels l = 0, 1, 2, etc. Expands the deepest unexpanded node within level l
• Greedy: Expands the node with the smallest heuristic value h(n)
• A*: Expands the node with the smallest f(n)=g(n)+h(n)

Question 2. (Type 1 – short answers)

Answer briefly and concisely:

a) A* uses admissible heuristics. What happens if we use a non-admissible one? Is it still
useful to use A* with a non-admissible heuristic?

b) What is the advantage of choosing a dominant heuristic in A* search?

c) What is the main advantage of hill climbing search over A* search?


a) Not optimal anymore. But it could still find a reasonably good solution in acceptable
time, depending on how good the heuristic is.
b) Fewer nodes expanded. As a result, the optimal solution will be found quicker.
c) Space complexity – keeps only the current node in memory.

Question 3. (Type 2 – problem solving/calculation)
Consider the following game in which the evaluation function values for player MAX are
shown at the leaf nodes. MAX is the maximizing player and MIN is the minimizing player.
The first player is MAX.

a) What will be the backed-up value of the root node computed by the minimax
b) Which move should MAX choose based on the minimax algorithm – to node B, C or

c) Assume that we now use the alpha-beta algorithm. List all branches that will be
pruned, e.g. AB etc. Assume that the children are visited left-to-right (as usual).


a) The value of A is 4:

b) To node C

c) LD and MD will be pruned:

Question 4. (Type 1 – short answers)

Answer briefly and concisely:
a) The 1R algorithm generates a set of rules. What do these rules test?

b) Gain ratio is a modification of Gain used in decision trees. What is its advantage?

c) Propose two strategies for dealing with missing attribute values in learning algorithms.


d) Why do we need to normalize the attribute values in the k-nearest-neighbor algorithm?

e) What is the main limitation of the perceptrons?

f) Describe an early stopping method used in the backpropagation algorithm to prevent

g) The problem of finding a decision boundary in support vector machine can be
formulated as an optimisation problem using Lagrange multipliers. What are we

h) In linear support vector machines, we use dot products both during training and
during classification of a new example. What vectors are these products of?
During training:
During classification of a new example:

a) They test the values of a single attribute.
b) It penalizes highly-branching attributes by taking into account the number and the size
of branches.
c) Strategy 1: Use the attribute mean to fill in the missing value.
Strategy 2: Use the attribute mean for all examples belonging to the same class.
d) As different attributes are measured on different scales, without normalization the effect
of the attributes with smaller scale of measurement will be less significant than those
with larger.
e) Can separate only linearly separable data.
f) Available data is divided into 3 subsets:
Training set – used for updating the weights.
Validation set – used for early stopping.
Training is stopped when the error on the validation set increases for a pre-specified
number of iterations.
g) The margin of the hyperplane.
h) During training: Pairs of training examples.
During classification of a new example: The new example and the support vectors.


Question 5. (Type 2 – problem solving/calculation)
Consider the task of learning to classify mushrooms as safe or poisonous based on the
following four features: stem = {short, long}, bell = {rounded, flat}, texture = {plain, spots,
bumpy, ruffles} and number = {single, multiple}.

The training data consists of the following 10 examples:



These examples are also shown in the table below:

n stem bell texture number class
1 short rounded spots single safe
2 long flat ruffles single safe
3 long flat ruffles multiple safe
4 long rounded plain single safe
5 long flat plain single safe
6 short rounded plain single poisonous
7 short flat plain single poisonous
8 short rounded bumpy single poisonous
9 long rounded spots single poisonous
10 long rounded bumpy single poisonous

a) Use Naïve Bayes to predict the class of the following new example:
stem=long, bell=flat, texture=spots, number=single. Show your

a) How would 3-Nearest Neighbor using the Hamming distance classify the same example
as above? Explain your answer. (Hint: The Hamming distance is the number of different
feature values).

b) Consider building a decision tree. Calculate the information gain for texture and
number and briefly show your calculations Which one of these two features will be
selected and why?


You may use this table:
x y -(x/y)*log2(x/y) x y -(x/y)*log2(x/y x y -(x/y)*log2(x/y x y -(x/y)*log2(x/y
1 2 0.50 4 5 0.26 6 7 0.19 5 9 0.47
1 3 0.53 1 6 0.43 1 8 0.38 7 9 0.28
2 3 0.39 5 6 0.22 3 8 0.53 8 9 0.15
1 4 0.5 1 7 0.40 5 8 0.42 1 10 0.33
3 4 0.31 2 7 0.52 7 8 0.17 3 10 0.52
1 5 0.46 3 7 0.52 1 9 0.35 7 10 0.36
2 5 0.53 4 7 0.46 2 9 0.48 9 10 0.14
3 5 0.44 5 7 0.35 4 9 0.52

d) Consider a single perceptron for this task. What is the number of inputs? What is the
dimensionality of the weight space? Briefly explain your answer.


a) Naïve Bayes:
The new example is the evidence E.
E1=stem=long, E2=bell=flat, E3=texture=spots, E4=number=single

We need to compute P(safe|E) and P(poisonous|E) and compare them.

P(safe)=5/10=1/2 P(poisonous)=5/10=1/2
P(E1|safe)=P(stem=long|safe)=4/5 P(E1|poisonous)=P(stem=long|poisonous)=2/5
P(E2|safe)=P(bell=flat|safe)=3/5 P(E2|poisonous)=P(bell=flat|poisonous)=1/5
P(E3|safe)=P(texture=spots|safe)=1/5 P(E3|poisonous)=P(texture=spots|poisonous)=1/5
P(E4|safe)=P(number=single|safe)=4/5 P(E4|poisonous)=P(number=single|poisonous)=5/5

=> Naïve Bayes predicts safe.

b) The three nearest neighbors have a distance of 1 and are examples 2 (safe), 5 (safe) and 9
(poisonous). The majority vote is safe, hence the new example will be classifed as safe.

c) Decision tree

H(S)=I(5/10,5/10)= 1 bit

Split on texture:
H(Sspots)=I(1/2,1/2)=1 bit
H(Sruffles)=I(2/2,0/2)=0 bits
H(Splain)=I(2/4,2/4)=1 bit
EsafeP =
EpoisonousP ==
EsafeP ==

H(Sbumpy)=I(0/2,2/2)=0 bits
H(S|texture)=2/10*1 + 2/10*0 + 4/10*1 + 2/10*0=6/10=0.6 bits
gain(texture)=1-0.6=0.4 bits

Split on number:
H(Ssingle)=I(4/9,5/9)=-4/9log4/9-5/9log5/9=0.52+0.47=0.99 bits
H(Smultiple)=I(1/1,0/1)=0 bits
H(S|number)=9/10*0.99 + 1/10*0=0.891 bits
gain(number)=1-0.891=0.109 bits

gain(texture) > gain(number) => texture will be selected as it has a higher information gain

d) There should be 10 inputs, 1 for each attribute value. This means using binary encoding of
the attributes and their values (e.g. 10 for stem=short and 01 for stem=long). Binary encoding
is the most popular encoding for nominal attributes.

Hence, the weight space will have a dimensionality of 11 (10 weights +1 bias weight).

Question 6. Given the training data in the table below where credit history, debt, collateral
and income are attributes and risk is the class, predict the class of the following new example
using the 1R algorithm: credit history=unknown, debt=low, collateral=none, income=15-35K.
Show your calculations.

debt collateral income risk
bad high none 0-15k high
unknown high none 15-35k high
unknown low none 15-35k moderate
unknown low none 0-15k high
unknown low none over 35k low
unknown low adequate over 35k low
bad low none 0-15k high
bad low adequate over 35k moderate
good low none over 35k low
good high adequate over 35k low
good high none 0-15k high
good high none 15-35k moderate
good high none over 35k low
bad high none 15-35k high

1. Attribute credit history
bad:0 low, 1 moderate, 3 high => risk=high, errors: 1/4
unknown: 2 low, 1 moderate, 2 high => risk=low, errors: 3/5
good: 3 low, 1 moderate, 1 high => risk=low, errors: 2/5
total errors: 6/14

2. Attribute debt

high: 2 low, 1 moderate, 4 high => risk=high, errors: 3/7
low: 3 low, 2 moderate, 2 high => risk=low, errors: 4/7
total errors: 7/14

3. Attribute collateral
none: 3 low, 2 moderate, 6 high => risk=high, errors: 5/11
adequate: 2 low, 1 moderate, 0 high => risk=low, errors: 1/3
total errors: 6/14

4. Attribute income
0-15K: 0 low, 0 moderate, 4 high => risk=high, errors: 0/6
15-35K: 0 low, 2 moderate, 2 high => risk=moderate, errors: 2/4
over 35K: 5 low, 1 moderate, 0 high => risk=low, errors: 1/6
total errors: 3/14

The rule based on the attribute income has the minimum number of errors =>1R produces the
following rule:

if income=0-15K then risk=high
else if income=15-35K then risk=moderate
else if income=over 35K then risk=low

The new example has income=15-35K and will be classified as risk=moderate.

Question 7. (Type 2 – problem solving/calculation)

Use the k-means algorithm to cluster the following one dimensional examples into 2 clusters:
2, 5, 10, 12, 3, 20, 31, 11, 24. Suppose that the initial seeds are 2 and 5. The convergence
criterion is met when either there is no change between the clusters in two successive epochs
or when the number of epochs has reached 5.

Show the final clusters. How many epochs were needed for convergence? There is no need to
show your calculations.

For simplicity let’s sort the data first:
2 3 5 10 11 12 20 24 31
K1={2}, K2={5}

end of epoch 1:
K1={2, 3}, mean_K1=2.5
K2={5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 24, 31}, mean_K2=16.1
Stopping criterion not met

End of epoch 2:
K1={2, 3, 5}, mean_K1=3.3
K2={10, 11, 12, 20, 24, 31}, mean_K2=18
Stopping criterion not met


End of epoch 3:
K1={2, 3, 5, 10}, mean_K1=5
K2={11, 12, 20, 24, 31}, mean_K2=19.6
Stopping criterion not met

End of epoch 4:
K1={2, 3, 5, 10, 11,12}, mean_K1=7.2
K2={20, 24, 31}, mean_K2=25
Stopping criterion not met

End of epoch 5:
K1={2, 3, 5, 10, 11,12}, mean_K1=7.2
K2={20, 24, 31}, mean_K2=25
Stopping criterion is met – no change in clusters

Note: The question asks you only to show the final clusters and number of epochs, so the
answer is:

Clusters: K1={2, 3, 5, 10, 11,12}, K2={20, 24, 31}
5 epochs were needed.

Question 8. (Type 1 – short answers)

You task is to develop a computer program to rate chess board positions. You got an expert
chess player to rate 100 different chessboards and then use this data to train a backpropagation
neural network, using board features as the ones shown in the figure below.

Select the correct answer (“Yes” or “No”) in the questions below. Select “Yes” for all issues
that could, in principle, limit your ability to develop the best possible chess program using
this method. Select “No” for all issues that could not. Briefly explain your answer.

a) The backpropagation network may be susceptible to overfitting, since you tested its
performance on the training data instead of using cross validation.

Yes No

b) The backpropagation neural network can only distinguish between boards that are
completely good or completely bad.

Yes No

c) The backpropagation network will converge to the global minimum.

Yes No

d) You should have used higher learning rate and momentum to guarantee convergence to the
global minimum.

Yes No

e) The topology of your neural net might not be adequate to capture the expertise of the human

Yes No

Note: This is not a multiple-choice question. You need to provide an explanation, otherwise
you will receive 0 marks.

a) Yes. Testing the performance on the training data is an over-optimistic measure and it does
not guard against overfitting. Cross-validation is a more reliable procedure.
b) No. Backpropagation neural networks can be applied for both classification and regression
c) No. The backprogarion algorithm implements gradient descent and is not guaranteed to
converge to the global minimum – it finds the closest local minimum.
d) No. The use of momentum reduces the oscillations when using a higher learning rate but it
doesn’t guarantee convergence to the global minimum.

e) Yes. Too few neurons – underfitting; too many – overfitting.


Question 9. (Type 2 – problem solving/calculation)
In the figure below, the circles are training examples and the squares are test examples, i.e. we
are using the circles to predict the squares. Two algorithms are used: 1-Nearest Neighbour and
3-Nearest Neighbour.

We are given the following results about the squares:

Square Using 1-Nearest Neighbors Using 3-Nearest Neighbors
1 - +
2 -
3 +
4 + -
5 -

What will be the class of the following examples? Write +, - or U for cannot be determined.

1) Circle L:
2) Circle I:
3) Circle H:
4) Circle E:
5) Circle K:
6) Circle C:
7) Square 6 using 1-Nearest Neighbour:
8) Square 6 using 3-Nearest Neighbour:
9) Square 3 using 1-Nearest Neighbour?
10) Square 5 using 1-Nearest Neighbour?


Circle L: -
Circle I: +
Circle H: -
Circle E: +

Circle K: U
Circle C: +
Square 6 using 1-Nearest Neighbour: U
Square 6 using 3-Nearest Neighbour: -
Square 3 using 1-Nearest Neighbour: +
Square 5 using 1-Nearest Neighbour: U




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