程序代写案例-ICS 51

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ICS 51: Introduction to Computer Organization
Sample problems #5 Solutions on Spring 2021
1. [MIPS Processor Architecture] What is the range of addr
esses to which beq
instruction can branch in MIPS?
(Note: when you say 2Kbytes, remember that “K” = 210= 1024).

The instruction word for beq instruction is:

Fill up the following statement:
beq can branch to instructions (1)________bytes before the branch to instructions
(2)________bytes after the branch instruction.

2. [MIPS Microarchitecture] Based on the MIPS architecture and control tables
below, answer the following questions:

a. Fill the control bits for each instruction in the table below. If a control bit is not
important, put x in its field. The MemWrite control bit for memory is set to 1 when
the memory is in the write mode and it is set to 0 when the memory is in the read

b. Suppose that the following control signals are not working correctly:
 ALUControl[0] is always 1.
 ALUSrc is always 1.
Which of these instructions are affected and will malfunction by these faulty control
signals? Briefly explain why.
add, slt, beq, addi, lw, sw

add, slt, beq, addi, lw, sw

For add, slt, beq: since the ALU src is always 1, we can't compare RD1 and RD2 from
the register file to ALU.

For addi, lw, sw, we cannot add because ALU control[0] is always one.

3. [ALU Design]
a. Design a 4-bit ALU using multiplexers, logic gates, and AT MOST ONE 4-bit
adder to determine the value out in the following table.

b. Add overflow detection to a 4-bit adder.

c. Add overflow detection to the ALU by using ALU function inputs F[2:0] and
the adder’s overflow signal.
Assume your 4-bit adder has a 1-bit output signal, OV_add, for overflow detection
already, like Q3-b.
1. Provide the truth table for ALU overflow. (Input: OV_add, F[2:0]. Output:
2. Add the OV_alu circuit for ALU overflow using logic gates. (You can draw
the used/related circuit only.)




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