程序代写案例-DIT 632

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DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16


DIT 632
Written exam


Miroslaw Staron
[email protected]
031 772 1081
DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
General rules

This is an online exam, which means that the room opens at the exam time, you receive the
questions, and you need to submit your answers before the exam ends. Answers cannot be
submitted after the exam ends.
You are allowed to use the resources in the course and even from the internet, according to the
following rules:
1. It is NOT allowed to collaborate on a solution with anyone  your answers must be
2. Using materials from external source (internet, course web-page) requires reference to the
source and description how you used the source (what you added/removed/modified) 
your answers should be original, not copied from the internet. Failure to do so will be
considered as plagiarism.
3. Copying more than 5 lines of code from an external source without modification and
comments (see point #2 above), will be considered as plagiarism. If you copy part of the
solution from your exercise, please provide the name of the group and the reference to
which file for EVERY copied line.
4. Posting the question and/or receiving an answer at/from an internet forum or social
media/collaboration platforms will be considered as unsolicited help  violate point #1
above; will be considered as cheating on the exam.
You should submit your answer by pasting your solution to this word document. This includes
pictures of the solution (e.g. Arduino board), screenshots (e.g. TinkerCad, PowerPoint) or source
code. If you want to attach a source code file, please .zip it with the exam and submit.
Using external links will not be accepted. For example, if you draw a diagram in TinkerCad, I expect
either the picture of the board + source code and a downloaded project from TinkerCad; if you
attach the link to TinkerCad project, I will not check it. This rule exist as there is no way to prevent
modifications of the external links after the exam closes.
You are allowed to use the following tools when preparing the solution:
• C compiler, linker, programming environment  you submit .h/.c file(s), not the entire
• TinkerCad  you submit the code and the screenshot
• Arduino board  you submit the code and the picture of your board (as a .jpg or .png, or
pasted into the document
• PowerPoint, dia, Visio  you submit the code and the .png/.jpg figure of the board
Please remember that it’s your responsibility to make sure that your solution is readable and
Please remember that I will use the same grading as in the exercises – in particular, the comments in
the code (all lines must be commented).
Good luck!
Total number of points: 35, for G (Pass) -> min. 17 points, for VG -> min. 30 points.
DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Question 1: Measuring light and temperature – 8 points
Create a system based on Arduino Uno or Arduino Yun, which measures the light intensity and
temperature at the same time. The systems should monitor the dependency between these two
measurements and warn about the deviations.
Normal dependencies, all other variables are treated as deviating values:
Temperature Light intensity
< -12 °C 0 %
-12 °C - 0 °C 1% - 20%
0 °C - 20 °C 21% - 60%
>= 21 °C 61% - 100%

The system should use Interrupt Service Routine for periodically reading the temperature and light
intensity (periodicity, in seconds, should be provided as a variable in the program).
The system should use two color LEDs to indicate the normal dependency (GREEN), deviation when
the temperature is higher than it should be, given the Light intensity (RED), and the deviation when
the temperature is lower than it should be (YELLOW or BLUE).
Your solution should include:
• Screenshot/picture of the board
• Source code (in C)

DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Question 2: Sending a list over sockets – 8 points
Create one client and one server programs that can send/receive a register of persons over the
internet. The person register is a linked list of the records below.
Structure to use as a person:
#define MAX 10
typedef struct {
char sName[MAX]; // Person’s given name
char sSurname[MAX]; // Person’s surname
char sPnr[MAX]; // Person’s social security number
char sAddress[MAX]; // Person’s city of residence
} Person;

Your program should contain the code for both the client and the server. Both programs should use
the same .h file with the definition of the structure and the function for creating a linked list. The
code for the function for creating the list should be in a separate .c file (separate from the file which
contains main()) that is compiled together with the code for the server and the client.
The server should create a linked list with different persons defined by you. The linked list should be
created dynamically, i.e. each record should be a separate instance of the Person structure with the
pointer to the next record. Using static arrays is not allowed.
The server program should print the list on the console once the list is created.
When the client connects to the server, it should send the number of persons in the register and
then send each person separately.
You should test the program with 1 and 5 persons in the register. The server program should create
these persons.
The client should connect to the server, receive the number of persons in the register from the
server and then receive a linked list with each person. The printed list should contain all parameters
in the structure and the age of the person. The age should be calculated by the client based on the
current date and the person’s social security number. Then the client should print the linked list on
the console.

DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Question 3: Multithreaded elevator – 8 points
Create a multithreaded elevator program. The main thread should be responsible for the interaction
between the user and the elevator. The child thread should control the elevator’s movement.
The elevator should move between 0 and MAX floors (MAX is defined by you, should be between 10
and 20). The travel time between each floor is 1 second. When the elevator reaches the desired
floor, a message is printed on the console. When the elevator moves between the floors, a message
with the elevator’s position should be printed to the console when passing a floor and once in-
between every floor.
The user can choose the floor where he/she wants to travel only when the elevator is waiting at one
of the floors. When the user chooses a new floor while the elevator is in motion (moving to the
destination floor), an error message should be printed.
The user can always choose to print the status of the elevator. The output of the status should be:
waiting_for_user or moving.

DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Question 4: Binary trees and memory allocation – 8 points
Below you have a program which handles the creation of a simple binary tree.
* This program demonstrates the data structure of a binary tree
* Your task is specified in the exam

// This is one node of the tree
typedef struct {
int data; // data which is stored in the node
void* left; // pointer to the left sub-tree
void* right; // pointer to the right sub-tree
} Node;

* This function creates an empty nde
Node * CreateNode(int val)
Node *p; // pointer to the new node

// create the node
p = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));

// store the value
p->data = val;

// Left and right child for node
// will be initialized to null
p->left = NULL;
p->right = NULL;

// return the new node
return p;

* Main - create a simple tree
int main()

/*create root*/
Node* root = CreateNode((int)'A');

// create two sub-trees
root->left = CreateNode('2');
root->right = CreateNode(0x41);

// and one more sub-tree
((Node *)root->left)->left = CreateNode(67);

return 0;

DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Your tasks:
A (2 points): Draw the tree for each step of its creation in the procedure main, starting with line
below /*create root*/.
B (2 points): There is a memory leak in this program. Please find it, describe why the memory leak
happens and suggest a solution.
C (2 points): This program is not fail-safe. For example, we can create a node that overwrites
another node. Please identify at least 3 different problems in this program and add the fail-safety
checks for these problems.
D (2 points): This program has a function to create a new node, but no function to delete a node.
Please write a function that deletes a node and all its sub-trees.
You should hand-in the solution to all tasks in a single .c file. Please use the comments to indicate
which code you have added for each task (or describe the memory leaks for task B).

DIT 632: Development of Embedded and Realtime systems
Main exam, Spring 2021, 2021-03-16
Question 5: Multiprocessing – 3 points
Which of the following statements are true and which of them are false? Please motivate your
• After reducing the sequential part of her code to 20% and using 4 cores instead of 1 for the
rest of the code, Maria’s program ran 3 times faster compared to the original code.
• After reducing the sequential part of her code to 20% and using 8 cores instead of 1 for the
rest of the code, Maria’s program ran 3 times faster.
• After reducing the sequential part of her code to 40% and using 4 cores instead of 1 for the
rest of the code, Maria’s program ran 2 times faster.




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