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The Universit\ of Nottingham
Suggested time to complete: TWO Hours THIRTY Minutes
Paper set: 21/05/2020 - 10:00
Paper due: 28/05/2020 - 10:00
e[SOaQaWiRQV aQd aOO iQWeUPediaWe deUiYaWiRQV. YRXU VROXWiRQV VhRXOd be baVed RQ Whe PaWeUiaO
cRYeUed iQ Whe PRdXOe aQd iWV SUeUeTXiViWeV RQO\. AQ\ QRWaWiRQ XVed VhRXOd be cRQViVWeQW ZiWh
WhaW iQ Whe LecWXUe NRWeV.
GXidaQce RQ Whe AOWeUQaWiYe AVVeVVPeQW AUUaQgePeQWV caQ be fRXQd RQ Whe FacXOW\ Rf ScieQce
MRRdOe Sage: ?iiTb,ffKQQ/H2XMQiiBM;?KX+XmFf+Qm`b2fpB2rXT?T\B/4NNR89Ob2+iBQM@k
SXbmiW \RXU aQVZeUV aV a ViQgle PDF ZiWh each Sage iQ Whe cRUUecW RUieQWaWiRQ, WR Whe
aSSURSUiaWe dURSbR[ RQ Whe mRdXle¶V MRRdle Sage. UVe Whe VWaQdaUd QamiQg
cRQYeQWiRQ fRU \RXU dRcXmeQW: [SWXdeQWID]_[MRdXleCRde].Sdf. PleaVe check Whe
bR[ iQdicaWed RQ MRRdle WR cRQfiUm WhaW \RX haYe Uead aQd XQdeUVWRRd Whe VWaWemeQW
RQ academic iQWegUiW\: ?iiTb,ffKQQ/H2XMQiiBM;?KX+XmFfTHm;BM7BH2XT?Tfek33N9jfKQ/n
A VcaQ Rf haQdZUiWWeQ QRWeV iV cRPSOeWeO\ acceSWabOe. MaNe VXUe \RXU PDF iV eaViO\ UeadabOe
aQd dReV QRW UeTXiUe PagQificaWiRQ. Te[W Zhich iV QRW iQ fRcXV RU iV QRW OegibOe fRU aQ\ RWheU
UeaVRQ ZiOO be igQRUed. If \RXU VcaQ iV OaUgeU WhaQ 20Mb, SOeaVe Vee if iW caQ eaViO\ be UedXced
iQ Vi]e (e.g. VcaQ iQ bOacN & ZhiWe, XVe a ORZeU dSi ² bXW QRW VR ORZ WhaW UeadabiOiW\ iV
SWaff aUe QRW SeUPiWWed WR aQVZeU aVVeVVPeQW RU WeachiQg TXeUieV dXUiQg Whe aVVeVVPeQW
SeUiRd. If \RX VSRW ZhaW \RX WhiQN Pa\ be aQ eUURU RQ Whe e[aP SaSeU, QRWe WhiV iQ \RXU
geQeUaO gXidaQce Pa\ be SRVWed RQ MRRdOe fRU aOO VWXdeQWV WR acceVV.
SWXdeQWV ZiWh aSSURYed accRPPRdaWiRQV aUe SeUPiWWed aQ e[WeQViRQ Rf 3 da\V.
The VWaQdaUd UQiYeUViW\ Rf NRWWiQgham SeQalW\ Rf 5% dedXcWiRQ SeU ZRUkiQg da\ Zill
aSSl\ WR aQ\ laWe VXbmiVViRQ.
Academic Integrit\ in AlternatiYe Assessments
The alternative assessment tasks for summer 2020 are to replace e[ams that Zould have
assessed \our individual performance. You Zill Zork remotel\ on \our alternative assessment
tasks and the\ Zill all be undertaken in ³open book´ conditions. Work submitted for
assessment should be entirel\ \our oZn Zork. You must not collude Zith others or emplo\ the
services of others to Zork on \our assessment. As Zith all assessments, \ou also need to avoid
plagiarism. Plagiarism, collusion and false authorship are all e[amples of academic misconduct.
The\ are defined in the Universit\ Academic Misconduct Polic\ at: ?iiTb,ffrrrXMQiiBM;?KX+X
Plagiarism: representing another person¶s Zork or ideas as \our oZn. You could do this b\
failing to correctl\ acknoZledge others¶ ideas and Zork as sources of information in an
assignment or neglecting to use quotation marks. This also applies to the use of graphical
material, calculations etc. in that plagiarism is not limited to te[t-based sources. There is
further guidance about avoiding plagiarism on the Universit\ of Nottingham Zebsite.
False AXthorship: Zhere \ou are not the author of the Zork \ou submit. This ma\ include
submitting the Zork of another student or submitting Zork that has been produced (in Zhole
or in part) b\ a third part\ such as through an essa\ mill Zebsite. As it is the authorship of an
assignment that is contested, there is no requirement to prove that the assignment has been
purchased for this to be classed as false authorship.
CollXsion: cooperation in order to gain an unpermitted advantage. This ma\ occur Zhere \ou
have consciousl\ collaborated on a piece of Zork, in part or Zhole, and passed it off as \our
oZn individual effort or Zhere \ou authorise another student to use \our Zork, in part or
Zhole, and to submit it as their oZn. Note that Zorking Zith one or more other students to
plan \our assignment Zould be classed as collusion, even if \ou go on to complete \our
assignment independentl\ after this preparator\ Zork. AlloZing someone else to cop\ \our
Zork and submit it as their oZn is also a form of collusion.
Statement of Academic Integrit\
B\ submitting a piece of Zork for assessment \ou are agreeing to the folloZing statements:
1. I confirm that I have read and understood the definitions of plagiarism, false authorship
and collusion.
2. I confirm that this assessment is m\ oZn Zork and is not copied from an\ other person¶s
Zork (published or unpublished).
3. I confirm that I have not Zorked Zith others to complete this Zork.
4. I understand that plagiarism, false authorship, and collusion are academic offences and I
ma\ be referred to the Academic Misconduct Committee if plagiarism, false authorship or
collusion is suspected.
1 MATH3030-E1
1. (a) i) Briefl\ describe the method of principal components anal\sis and e[plain its main
ii) Describe the situations Zhen it is most suitable to use principal components anal\sis
of the sample correlation matri[৬ rather than the sample covariance matri[ ৭, and
Zhen it is preferable to use ৭ rather than ৬.
[10 marks]
(b) The profits (in ƒ঩৉ৌৌ৉৏ৎ) of five banks ন-঩- প-ফ-ব from the United Kingdom Zere
recorded as vectors of length 5 over 40 quarter \ear periods. A principal components
anal\sis Zas performed on the sample covariance matri[ Zith eigenvectors given b\
PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5ন 0.421 -0.526 0.541 -0.176 0.472঩ 0.457 0.509 0.178 0.676 0.206প 0.421 ি -0.435 0.385 -0.382ফ 0.470 0.260 0.335 -0.400 -0.662ব 0.464 0.240 -0.612 -0.451 0.387
Zith corresponding eigenvalues 3/613- 2/384- 1/43:- 1/312- 1/247.
i) Calculate the value of ি (to tZo decimal places).
ii) DraZ a scree plot and suggest the number of components ো that are needed to
describe the data adequatel\.
iii) Provide an interpretation of these ো components.
iv) Calculate the total percentage of variabilit\ e[plained b\ these ো components.
[10 marks]
(c) Data are available for another 7 banks from the United States over the same period.
State Zhat method could be used to investigate the linear combinations of the bank
profits that are most highl\ correlated in the tZo datasets of UK and US banks, and
give brief details of the technique.
[10 marks]
(d) In the table beloZ, Euclidean distances are given in a matri[ ֠ betZeen four pension
funds based on measurements of 23 financial variables.
Fund A Fund B Fund C Fund D
Fund A 1 3/2 3/1 3/5
Fund B 3/2 1 2/9 1/3
Fund C 3/1 2/9 1 3/6
Fund D 3/5 1/3 3/6 1
i) Appl\ the single linkagemethod to the matri[֠. Summarise \our results graphicall\
using a dendrogram.
ii) Appl\ the complete linkage method to the matri[ ֠. Summarise \our results
graphicall\ using a dendrogram.
iii) Suppose e[actl\ tZo clusters are required. What Zould be \our clusters based on
(I) single linkage and (II) complete linkage?
iv) If tZo clusters are required then state Zhich of these tZo linkage methods \ou
prefer, and briefl\ give \our reasons.
[10 marks]
2 MATH3030-E1
2. (a) Let ਌2-Ϳ - ਌ৎ be independent identicall\ distributed঵৐)ಛ-ಈ* random variables. Denote
the sample mean b\ Ȣ਌ > 2ৎ
ৎา৉>2 ਌৉
and the sample covariance matri[ b\
৭ > 2ৎ
ৎา৉>2)਌৉ ѿ Ȣ਌*)਌৉ ѿ Ȣ਌*ԑ/
i) Using the result ৎ) Ȣ਌ ѿ ಛ*঻ಈѿ2) Ȣ਌ ѿ ಛ* ҩ ౬3৐ /
describe hoZ to obtain a confidence region for ಛ Zhen ಈ is knoZn.
ii) State, Zithout proof, the distribution of౩3 > )ৎ ѿ 2*) Ȣ਌ ѿ ಛ*঻৭ѿ2) Ȣ਌ ѿ ಛ*/
iii) E[plain hoZ the result in ii) can be used to test য1 ң ಛ > ಛ1 versus য2 ң ಛ Ӎ ಛ1.
In practice Zhich null distribution is used for carr\ing out the test?
[10 marks]
(b) The length and Zidth measurements in ্্ for a particular species of fish Zith sample
si]e ৎ > 41 have mean vector Ȣ਌2 > )92/61- 79/:1*঻ and covariance matri[
৭2 > ຒ41/1 21/121/1 31/1ຓ /
It has been conjectured that the mean of the length and Zidth of this species of fish
should equal 91 and 7: ্্ respectivel\, i.e. ౡ1 > )91- 7:*ԑ.
E[amine this claim b\ carr\ing out a suitable test, and carefull\ state \our assumptions.
[10 marks]
(c) The length and Zidth measurements for a second species of fish Zith sample si]e্ > 46
have mean vector Ȣ׍3 > )95/ ҄ ҄- 81/71*ԑ and covariance matri[
֯3 > ຒ39/7 :/::/: 32/2ຓ -
Zhere ҄҄ are the final tZo digits of \our Student ID number. For e[ample if \our
Student ID is 64367289 then ҄҄ is 89 and the sample mean length of the second species
of fish is 95/89.
Carr\ out a tZo sample test using test statistic
ౙ3 > )ৎ , ্ ѿ ৐ ѿ 2*)ৎ , ্ ѿ 3*৐ ৎ্ৎ , ্) Ȣ׍2 ѿ Ȣ׍3*ԑ֯ѿ2৕ ) Ȣ׍2 ѿ Ȣ׍3*-
to investigate Zhether the tZo population means are the same or not, carefull\ stating
\our assumptions. Note that ֯৕ is the pooled unbiased covariance matri[ estimator.
[10 marks]
3 MATH3030-E1
(d) i) Comment on Zhether or not the assumptions for the test in (c) are reasonable.
ii) Briefl\ discuss an alternative procedure for testing the h\pothesis in (c) Zhich is
based on the multivariate linear modelֵ > ִ֞ , ֡-
Zhere the terms in the model should be specified. There is no need to carr\ out
this alternative test.
[10 marks]
4 MATH3030-E1
3. (a) Consider the folloZing road distances betZeen some cities in Europe (in km):
Athens Barcelona Brussels Calais Cherbourg Cologne
Athens 0 3313 2963 3175 3339 2762
Barcelona 3313 0 1318 1326 1294 1498
Brussels 2963 1318 0 204 583 206
Calais 3175 1326 204 0 460 409
Cherbourg 3339 1294 583 460 0 785
Cologne 2762 1498 206 409 785 0
i) Briefl\ describe hoZ to obtain the principal co-ordinates using the method of classical
multidimensional scaling, making reference to hoZ the centering matri[ ֤ is used
in the calculation.
ii) The eigenvalues calculated from using classical multidimensional scaling for these
data are (·217): )9/126- 2/534- 1/268- 1- ѿ1/113- ѿ1/12:*
State Zhether or not the resulting estimated tZo dimensional map frommultidimensional
scaling is a good appro[imation to the spatial arrangement of the cities, giving \our
iii) Is the distance matri[ betZeen the cities a Euclidean distance matri[? Give \our
[15 marks]
(b) For ৉ > 2-Ϳ - ৈ let ో৉ denote a population described b\ a probabilit\ densit\ functionে)਌}ಗ৉*. Provide a brief e[planation of the sample ML discriminant rule in this situation.
[5 marks]
(c) i) Measurements of cranial length (৘2) and cranial breadth (৘3), both measured in
millimetres, on samples of 51male and 51 female frogs led to the folloZing statistics
for the sample mean vector ( Ȣ਌ো) and sample covariance matri[ (৭ো), Zith ো > 2
for male frogs and ো > 3 for female frogs.Ȣ׍2 > ຏ35/235/9ຐ Ȣ׍3 > ຏ33/934/6ຐ
֯2 > ຏ7/6 44 7/6ຐ ֯3 > ຏ6/6 44 6/6ຐ /
Assuming the data are multivariate normal and stating an\ additional assumptions
that \oumake, derive a sample ML discriminant rule for allocating a neZ observation׏ to ో2 or ో3 for this e[ample.
ii) Provide a suitable diagram and plot the straight line Zhich separates the tZo
allocation regions and label each region.
iii) Would \ou classif\ a neZ observation ׏ > )34- 35* as male or female? Give \our
iv) If the multivariate normal assumption looks suspect, e.g. the distributions have
thicker tails than the multivariate normal distribution, briefl\ describe a possible
strateg\ for obtaining an appropriate classification rule.
[20 marks]




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