程序代写案例-COMP3170-Assignment 3

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COMP3170 Assignment 3
Moonlit forest
This assignment covers the following topics:
• 3D modelling with triangular meshes
• 3D Transformations
• Perspective cameras
• Fragment shaders
• Illumination and shading
• Texturing

Your task is to build a simple 3D scene of a snowy forest in the moonlight, like this:

A basic framework for the assignment is available via GitHub classroom:

Scene features
Your mark will be based on the features you implement, from the list below. Each feature
has a mark value attached. Completing more than 100% worth of features will not earn
additional marks. Details below. The more challenging elements are marked with an

Feature Marks
Forest meshes
• Ground plane
• Tree trunk
• Tree canopy
• 40 random trees

• Snow on the ground plane
• Tree trunks
• Tree canopy
• Colour
• Cone UVs calculated in shader*

• Perspective camera with appropriate view volume
• Aspect matches window
• Movement with keyboard controls

• Mesh
• Constant offset from camera position
• Rising & falling
• Always at back of scene (implemented in shader)*

• Low level ambient light
• Directional light based on moon position
• Moon light fades to zero as it drops below the horizon

• Ambient and diffuse lighting on ground
• Specular lighting on ground
• Ambient and diffuse light on trunk and canopy
• Canopy fragment normals calculated in shader*
• Rim lighting on trunk and canopy**

Total 100%

General requirements
Your scene should be implemented using:
1) Anti-aliasing using 2x2 supersampling.
2) Backface culling
3) Mipmaps for all textures (with trilinear filtering)
4) Gamma correction (with a default gamma of 2.2)
Correctness marks will be deducted if these not implemented correctly.

Forest meshes
• The forest should consist of a 40x40m ground plane, as a flat square.
• 40 trees should be randomly distributed on the ground plane
• Each tree is made of two parts:
o A cylindrical trunk
o A conical canopy of leaves
• Each tree should be between 5m and 10m tall, with random variations in both trunk
and canopy heights and radii.

The ground plane should be textured using the snow.png texture provided.
• The texture should repeat 20 times across the square in each direction.

The tree trunk and canopy should be textured using the tree.png texture provided.
• The texture should repeat two times horizontally and vertically around the trunk.
• The texture should repeat four times horizontally and three times vertically around
the canopy.
• This texture provided is greyscale. Colouring should be implemented in the shader,
so the canopy is green and the trunk is brown.
• Note: Calculating texture coordinates for a cone is more difficult than usual. The
standard technique of setting vertex UVs and interpolating them doesn’t give good
results. So, you will need to write a purpose shader to calculate UVs for the canopy.
The method involved will be discussed in tutorials.

• The camera should have a perspective projection with an appropriate vertical field of
• The view volume of the camera should be set so the player can see the full extent of
the landscape from any position, without any obvious culling. However, the view
volume should also not be excessively large.
• The aspect ratio of the camera should match the aspect ratio of the window, so the
view does not distort when the window is resized.
• The camera should sit 1.5m above the terrain.
• The camera should move with the keys:
o W/S moves forwards and backwards
o Q/E strafes left and right
o A/D turns left and right
• There is no need to handle colliding with trees or walking beyond the extent of the

The Moon
• The moon is a white sphere.
• The moon’s position should be at a constant offset from the camera position (in
world coordinates), to give the appearance that the moon is a very large distance
• The moon should rise and fall, rotates around the world once every 2 minutes.
• The moon should always render behind other objects in the scene. This should be
implemented in the fragment shader by adjusting the depth values for fragments.

• There should be a very low level of ambient lighting.
• The Moon should be a source of directional lighting, based on its position in the sky.
• When the moon is below the horizon, its intensity should fade to zero.

• All lighting should be implemented as fragment lighting (i.e. based on fragment
• The ground should implement ambient, diffuse and specular lighting (with a low
specularity) so the snow appears brighter when facing toward the moon.
• The tree canopy and trunk should implement ambient and diffuse lighting, with
appropriate normals.
• Note: computing normals for a cone by interpolating vertex normals will not yield
accurate results. To shade the tree canopy, you will need to calculate normals
directly in the fragment shader, based on the model coordinates of the fragment.
• The tree canopy and trunk should exhibit rim lighting, as shown below. Rim lighting
occurs when an object sits between the light source and the camera. The edges of
the object catch the light and the object appears to have a bright outline.

Figure 1: The bright lines on the outer edge of the trunk and canopy are rim lighting.

This can be achieved in a fragment shader by:
1. Compute the dot product of the normal vector and the view vector. For
fragments on the rim, this value will be close to zero (i.e. the normal vector is
perpendicular to the view vector).
2. Compute the dot product of the view vector and the source vector. When the
light is behind the object, the view vector and source vector will point in
opposite directions, so the dot product will be close to -1.
3. Combine these two values (with appropriate thresholds) to calculate the
amount of rim light on the fragment (taking the light source intensity into
4. Add the rim light intensity to the lighting equation for the fragment.

The assignment framework includes a report template. Complete the table at the front of
the report indicating which of the components above you are attempting. For each
component, give an indication of where in the project it is implemented. Failure to submit a
complete report carries a 20% penalty.
Assignment code and reports will be submitted through GitHub Classroom. We will mark
your last commit before the assignment deadline.
Marking Rubric
Total mark = SQRT((components completed) * (50% * code correctness + 50% * clarity of code))
So, for example, if you completed components worth 80%, with a correctness mark of 70% and
clarity mark of 100%, your final mark would be:
Total mark = SQRT(80 * (50% * 70 + 50% * 100))
= SQRT(80 * 85)
= 82.5
Alternatively, if you only completed components worth 40%, with the same correctness and
completeness your final mark would be:
Total mark = SQRT(40 * (50% * 70 + 50% * 100))
= SQRT(40 * 85)
= 58.3
Each component that you implement will be marked for completeness of the implementation
against the specification. The overall program will be marked for correctness and clarity according to
the following rubric.
Grade Correctness Clarity
Excellent work. Code is free from any
apparent errors. Problems are solved in a
suitable fashion. Contains no irrelevant
Good consistent style. Well structured &
commented code. Appropriate division
into classes and methods, to make
implementation clear.
Very good work. Code has minor errors
which do not significantly affect
performance. Contains no irrelevant code.
Code is readable with no significant
code-smell. Code architecture is
adequate but could be improved.
Good work. Code has one or two minor
errors that affect performance. Problems
may be solved in ways that are convoluted
or otherwise show lack of understanding.
Contains some copied code that is not
relevant to the problem.
Code is readable but has some code-
smell that needs to be addressed. Code
architecture is adequate but could be
Poor. Code is functional but contains
major flaws. Contains large passages of
copied code that are not relevant to the
Significant issues with code quality.
Inconsistent application of style. Poor
readability with code-smell issues. Code
architecture could be improved.
Code compiles and runs, but major
elements are not functional.
Significant issues with code quality.
Inconsistent application of style. Poor
readability with code-smell issues. Messy
code architecture with significant
encapsulation violations.
0% Code does not compile.
Major issues with code quality. Major
readability problems and code smell
throughout. Messy code architecture
with significant encapsulation violations.




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