FIT5145 Introduction to data science Assessment task 4: Business and data case study (Rubric) FIT5145 Introduction to data science 1 2 Criteria High distinction (100% to 80%) Distinction (70% to 79% of available mark) Credit (60% to 69% of available mark) Pass (50% to 59% of available mark) Fail (<50% of available mark) Analyse the role of data in different styles of business Provides a sophisticated critical analysis. Provides some critical analysis. Provides limited critical analysis. Provides minimal analysis. Provides description rather than analysis. Analyse different Provides critical analysis of different parts of a data science project. Provide distinct classification of data scientist roles. Provides some analysis of different parts of a data science project. Provide some classification of data scientist roles. Provides limited analysis of different parts of a data science project. Provide limited classification of data scientist roles. Provides minimal analysis of different parts of a data science project. Provide minimal classification of data scientist roles. No analysis of different parts of a data science project. No clear classification of data scientist roles. parts of data science project from the perspective of the data science process and from the perspective of the roles such as statistician, archivist, analyst and systems architect Demonstrate the Clearly demonstrates the size and scope of data storage and data processing and classification of the basic technologies in use. Provides some demonstration of the size and scope of data storage and data processing and classification of the basic technologies in use. Provides limited demonstration of the size and scope of data storage and data processing and classification of the basic technologies in use. Provides minimal demonstration of the size and scope of data storage and data processing and classification of the basic technologies in use. No clear demonstration of the size and scope of data storage and data processing and classification of the basic technologies. size and scope of data storage and data processing and classify the basic technologies in use Assessment task 4: Business data case study (Rubric) FIT5145 Introduction to data science FIT5145 Introduction to data science 3 Criteria High distinction (100% to 80%) Distinction (70% to 79% of available mark) Credit (60% to 69% of available mark) Pass (50% to 59% of available mark) Fail (<50% of available mark) Classify the kinds Provides distinct classification of the kinds of data analysis and statistical methods that are available. Provides some classification of the kinds of data analysis and statistical methods that are available. Provides limited classification of the kinds of data analysis and statistical methods that are available. Provides minimal classification of the kinds of data analysis and statistical methods that are available. No clear classification of the kinds of data analysis and statistical methods. of data analysis and statistical methods available for a data science project Locate and assess resources, standards, software and tools for a data science project Provides clear and succinct assessment of standards, software and tools for a data science Provides some assessment of tasks required for standards, software and tools for a data science Provides limited assessment of standards, software and tools for a data science project. Provides minimal assessment of standards, software and tools for a data science project. No clear assessment of tasks required for standards, software and tools for a data science project.. project in an organisation. project in an organisation. Creative and critical thinking Thinks out of the box, creates or Collect ideas, solutions and other Reformulates a collection of Mostly repeats existing information. Just repeats existing information. extends to a novel information in good available Provide limited Do not provide any or unique idea. ways. information. justification and justification or analysis. Provides a Provides detailed Provide some analysis. sophisticated justification and justification and critical analysis. analysis analysis. Assessment task 4: Business and data case study (Rubric) FIT5145 Introduction to data science 4 Criteria High distinction (100% to 80%) Distinction (70% to 79% of available mark) Credit (60% to 69% of available mark) Pass (50% to 59% of available mark) Fail (<50% of available mark) Presentation, structure, expression, grammar and spelling Well structured, with impressive fluency and flow. Appropriate use of sub-headings and Well-structured and generally good links and flow. Adheres to specifications (word limit, Satisfactory structure, mostly satisfactory links and flow. Adheres to specifications Overall basic structure is adequate, but lacks links and flow. Adheres to Poorly structured, lacking linkages and flow. Does not adhere to specifications (word limit, duration, file format). relevant content duration, file (word limit, specifications (word sections. Adheres format). duration, file limit, duration, file to specifications format). format). (word limit, duration, file format) Supporting the Data Science proposal with realistic data, authentic models and output Project well- constructed and explained using real (or a realistic) dataset with impressive suggestions or mockups of authentic models and output/ visualizations for various stakeholders. Supports the project sufficiently by identifying realistic datasets and their descriptions. Demonstrates some modelling were performed with output generated. Satisfactory explanation with data. Report demonstrates good understating of data sources and datatypes. Limited demonstration of modelling and output. Limited results/mockup on how the results will be presented to stakeholders. Provides basic understanding of data required. Provides links and descriptors of few realistic datasets/sources. Lacks evidence of using the dataset for modeling but provides some discussion on the nature of the output. No evidence of using any real or realistic dataset to support the proposal. Assessment task 4: Business and data case study (Rubric)