程序代写案例-ER1 1

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ER1 1
The Entity Relationship Model 1
The “High level database models” chapter of the textbook.
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Purpose of the ER Model
• Database design often starts with a high level data
• The ER model is a high-level data model that
describes data objects and their relationships. It was
proposed by Peter Chen in 1976 in his seminal paper:
Chen, Peter Pin-Shan. "The entity-relationship model—toward a unified view
of data." ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 1(1) (1976): 9-36.
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The ER model: entity set
• An entity is an object with properties that
have information, or data. For example a
student with ID s1234 named John Citizen.
• A class of objects with the same properties
is an entity set, or entity type.
• So strictly speaking an entity is an entity
instance or entity occurrence. An entity set
is sometimes simply called an entity.
Entity: attribute and key
• Attribute: a property of an entity set.
– Student number, first name, last name of the
Student entity set.
• (Candidate) key: The minimal set of attributes that
can uniquely identify each entity.
• Primary key: The key that is selected to identify
each entity.
Entity ...
• An entity can be an object with physical
(or “real”) existence or objects with a
conceptual (or “abstract”) existence.
– But “object” is not defined. Different
database designers have different views.
• Each below is an entity?
– A student
– A course
– A transaction (at a supermarket)
The ER model: relationship
• Relationships describe associations
between two or more entities.
– For example, students ENROL-IN courses.
• A relationship is the association between
entities of the participating entity sets.
The degree of relationships
• The number of participating entity sets is
the degree of a relationship.
– Binary: Student enrols in a course.
– Ternary: Agent registers a client at a
– Quarternary: Solicitor signs a contract for a
client with a bank.
• Binary relationships are common in the
real world.
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Relationship constraints: multiplicity
Constraints specify real-world restrictions on
• A relationship has multiplicity, or cardinality:
for an entity from the other end, at maximum
how many entities of this end can relate to.
• Cardinality for can be one or many .
• There are one-one, one-many or many-many
binary relationships.
• Cardinality constraint can generalise to
relationships of higher degrees.
Relationship constraints:
referential integrity
- The referential integrity constraint for an M:1
relationship from E to F states that for each
entity of E there must exist a “referenced”
entity of F via this relationship.
- For an entity of E, there is maximal one and
minimal one, or exactly one, referenced entity of F.
- Generally, given a relationship from E to F, for
an entity of E, the minimal number of related
entities of F is ONE (The default is zero).
Example: many-many relationship - Student
Take Course
Given the Take relationship,
- Each entity of the Student entity set is related to minimal zero and maximal many
entities of the Course entity set.
- Each entity of the Course entity set is related to minimal zero and maximal many
entities of the Student entity set.
So Take is a many-many relationship.
Example: one-many relationship -
Department Has Staff
Given the Has relationship,
- Each entity of the Department entity set is related to minimal one and maximal
many entities of the Staff entity set.
- Each entity of the Staff entity set is related to a minimal one and maximal many
entities of the Department entity set.
So Has is a one-many relationship, and it as referential integrity constraint from Staff to
Department -- a department entity related to each given staff entity must exist.
Example: one-one relationship - Staff
Is-Manager Department
Given the Is-Manager relationship,
- Each entity of the Staff entity set is related to minimal zero and maximal one entity
of the Department entity set.
- Each entity of the Department entity set is related to minimal one and maximal
one, or exactly one, entity of the Staff entity set.
So Is-Manager is a one-one relationship, and it has referential integrity constraint
from Department to Staff – a Staff entity must exist for each given Department entity.
ERD: diagram for the ER model
● The concepts of ER modeling are expressed as
a diagram called the entity-relationship diagram
(ERD). There are many ERD notations:
○ Chen notation (basis for the textbook notation)
○ Crow’s foot notation
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ERD: Entity Set and Entity
The entity set is represented using a rectangle. Attributes are
ovals attached to the rectangle. Primary key attributes are
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ERD: Relationship
• A relationship connects two or more entity
– A binary relationship connects two entity
• A relationship is represented by a diamond,
with lines to each of the entity sets involved.
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Example: Relationships
• Entity set Director has a composite key of two
attributes: firstname and last name.
• Directors direct movies. Actors cast in movies.
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Be Precise: The Multiplicity of Relationships
• Many-One relationship: arrow entering “one” side.
• Many-Many relationship.
• One-One relationship: arrow entering both sides.
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Multiplicity of relationships: examples
Member MovieLike
● Two different relationships connect the same entity sets.
● “Like” is a many-to-many relationship: a member can
like many movies and a movie can be liked by many
● “Favourite” is a many-to-one relationship: a member can
have one favourite movie but a movie can be the
favourite of many members.
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Reflexive relationship and roles
• Sometimes an entity set appears more than once in a
• Label the edges between the relationship and the entity
set with names called roles.
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Attributes on Relationships
• Sometimes it is useful to attach an attribute to a
• Think of this attribute as a property of tuples in the
Relationships: referential integrity
The referential integrity constraint for an M:1 relationship
from E to F states that for an E entity that must exist an
“referenced” F entity via this relationship.
Course StaffCoordinate
ERD: summary
• The ERD aims at a high level view of
enterprise data objects in the real world.
• Entities and relationships are explicitly
• The ERD is a high-level data model at the
conceptual level independent of the
database system implementation.
The UML data model
• Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an
object-oriented modeling language for
software design.
• UML has many modeling diagrams.
– Class, sequence, use case, deployment
• For data modeling, UML is popular for
modelling application data.
The UML data model
● UML offers the same capabilities as the ER
model, except the multiway relationship.
○ UML allows only binary relationships.
○ Multiway relationships have to be
converted into multiple binary
relationships (to discuss later).
● UML has Class for the entity type, and
Association for the binary relationship.
The UML Data Modelling: five concepts
• Class
• Association
• Association class
• Composition and aggregation
• Subclass
UML vs ER model
UML ER Model
Class Entity set
Association Class Binary relationship
Association Class Attributes on a relationship
Subclass ISA relationship
Aggregation Many-one relationship
Composition Many-one relationship with referential integrity
UML: Class
• A UML class is similar to an ER entity set.
It has three sections: class name, attributes
and methods.
• Primary key attributes are denoted by {PK}.
UML: Association
• Association between classes represents a binary relationship.
• Multiplicity and referential integrity constraints are represented
as minimum..maximum, which can be 0, 1, or * (many).
• Short form notations: 1 for 1..1 and * for 0..*.
Self-association for the same class is similar to
the reflexive relationship for the same entity set.
Association class
The association class with attributes is like a relationship
with attributes. An association class has no PK attributes.
Aggregation and Composition: elaboration on the
M:1 and 1:1 relationships
The M:1 (including 1:1) relationships can be elaborated using special notations to
stipulate on how the model should be mapped to relations in the relational
database schema (discussed later).
● The Aggregation is a M:1 association with a diamond on the “one” end,
indicating that the class has zero or one multiplicity.
● A Composition is a M:1 association with a solid diamond on the “one” end,
indicating that the class has an exact one multiplicity.
Both Aggregation and Composition associations do not need to have a name, as it
will never be mapped into a separate relation in the relational database schema
(discussed later).
Aggregation: Example
The production M:1 relationship models that a movie has one production studio
and it is possible that such information is not available.
The Production relationship is elaborated as an aggregation relationship. The
open diamond indicates 0..1. The name “Production” is not needed.
Composition: Example
The Coordination relationship models that a course has exactly one coordinator.
The Coordination relationship is elaborated as a composition. The solid diamond
Database design and diagramming tools
• There are many database design tools that may
automatically generate SQL DDL scripts to define the
relational database schema.
– fabForce DBDesigner 4 (open source), Oracle's
Designer, IBM's Rational Rose, Computer Associates'
ERwin and ER/Studio Data Architect.
• There are diagramming tools for data modelling, software
design and other purposes.
– UML, Visio, omnigraffle
• UML is widely used and will be used for tute exercises and
– Lucidchart.com (free EDU account) for UML
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