程序代写案例-ER2 1

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ER2 1
The Entity-Relationship Model 2:
Advanced concepts and Mapping ERDs
•The “High-level Database Models” chapter.
Subclasses in the ER Model
• An entity set includes some entities that have special attributes not
associated with all entities.
– Some employees are academics having the special attribute
• A special entity set, or subclass, is defined with its own attributes
and possibly relationships. The subclass has the “isa” (in other
words “is a”, or specialisation) relationship with the original entity
• An entity set can have several subclasses. But a subclass entity set
has only one direct superclass entity set.
• Data for entities of a subclass entity set comprise its own attributes
as well as all attributes from its superclass entity sets.
Subclasses in the ER model: Example
The subclass concept is about “specialisation”.
Subclasses in UML
UML is an object-oriented modelling language. The subclass
concept is based on “inheritance”, different from “specialisation” of
the ER model.
● A subclass inherits attributes and associations from its
● An object belongs to one class, and also conceptually “belongs”
to its superclass due to inheritance.
UML has four types of subclasses:
● Complete or Partial. If every object in a class is a member of
some subclass the subclasses are complete; otherwise partial.
● Disjoint or Overlapping. If an object can be in two or more
(sub)classes, the subclasses are overlapping; otherwise disjoint.
○ Typically the object-oriented modelling only allows disjoint
subclasses. 4
Subclasses in UML: Examples
Complete and disjoint subclasses Partial subclass
ER2 6
Weak Entity Sets
• Occasionally, entities of an entity set need
“help” to identify them uniquely.
• Entity set E is said to be weak if in order
to identify entities of E uniquely, we need
to follow relationships from E to some
other supporting entity sets and include
the key of entities of the connected entity
ER2 7
Weak Entity Set: Example
A TV-show like The Simpsons, South Park, or Neighbours
has many episodes.
• Some show episodes do not even have a title, and so title
can not, and usually is not used to uniquely identify a
show episode.
• Season number and Episode number are certainly not a
key, since two episodes from different shows can have the
same Season and Episode numbers.
• But season and episode numbers together with the show
name where the episode belongs to should be unique.
The UML representation for
weak entity sets
● A special “supporting” composition relationship
notation can be used to represent the “supporting”
relationship between the weak entity set and the
supporting entity set.
○ A “PK” box indicates “supporting” composition.
● The key for a weak entity set comprises of its own PK
attributes as well as PK attributes of its supporting
entity set(s).
The UML representation for
weak entity sets: Example
The Episode weak entity set is associated with the supporting
“Show” entity set via the supporting composition relationship.
● The “PK” box at the left end indicates that the complete
key for Episode comprises of PK attributes of Episode as
well as the PK attribute of “Show”.
● The solid diamond at the right end indicate “exactly one”.
Weak entity sets can have regular
relationships: Example
• Aggregation from the Episode weak entity set to
ER2 10
ER2 11
Multiway Relationships
• Multiway relationships connect more than two
entity sets.
• Example: “A customer service consultant often
books a delivery appointment with a delivery
company for a customer”, which is a ternary
relationship among entity sets Consultant,
Delivery-company and Customer:
– There do not exist any binary “booking”
relationships between any two entity sets.
Converting multiway
relationships to binary
• The ER model allows multiway
relationships conceptually, but UML only
has binary relationships.
• Converting multiway relationships to
binary: create a weak entity set and then
relationships from it to the entity sets in
the original multiway relationship.
ER2 13
Example: Converting a ternary
relationship to binary
The ternary relationship “A customer service consultant often books
with a delivery company for a customer”:
- A weak entity set “Booking” is created
- Binary relationships between Booking and entity sets
Consultant, Company and Customer.
Note that in this
example the weak
entity set “Booking”
does not have
attributes of its own.
However, in other
cases a weak entity
could for example also
have its own attributes
(key or non-key)
Map an ER diagram into a
relational database schema
• Entity sets and their relationships are
mapped to relations, under the relational
• The number of entity sets and
relationships decide the number of
relations and their attributes.
ER2 15
Mapping ER Diagrams to Relational
Database Schemas: Basics
• Entity sets to Relations:
– attributes → attributes.
– PK: PK attributes of classes
• M:N Relationships to Relations:
– Foreign keys pointing to relevant entity sets.
– If an association class, add the attributes.
– PK: foreign key attributes combined
Mapping M:N relationships: example
Movie(mvID, title, rating, rel_date, length)
Director(directorID, firstname, lastname, DOB)
Actor(actorID, firstname, lastname, DOB)
Cast(mvID*, actorID*)
Direct(mvid*, directorID*) 16
Mapping M:N relationships: example
Student(studentNo, firstname, lastname)
Course(cno, title)
Take(studentNo*, cno*, grade)
Mapping M:1 relationships with
M:1 relationships with attributes are mapped to relations
(1:1 is a special M:1 relationship):
– Foreign keys pointing to relevant entity sets.
– Include the relationship attributes.
– PK: foreign key attributes to the entity set on the “many” end
Mapping M:1 relationships with
attributes: example
Academic(empID, givename, surname)
Group(title, description)
MemberOf (empID*, title*, joinDate, position)
ER2 20
Mapping Compositions and Aggregations
(M:1 relationships without attributes)
• Compositions or Aggregations are NOT mapped
to relations. Instead, add the PK attributes of the
diamond-end class as foreign keys to the
relation for the class at the other end.
• The added foreign key attributes can be null for
ER2 21
Mapping Compositions and Aggregations:
Movie(mvID, title, rel_date, length, studio_name*)
Studio(name, address)
Mapping subclass hierarchies
• The relation for entities of a subclass comprises
attributes of its superclass as well as and its
own attributes.
• Each subclass is mapped to a relation,
including a foreign key referencing PK of the
superclass as well as its own attributes.
• PK: PK attributes of the root class
Mapping the subclass hierarchies: an example
Employee(empID, givename, surname, deptID*)
Professional(empID*, level)
Academic(empID*, specialty)
Department(deptID, name, address)
Field(fieldID, title, desc)
Research(empID*, fieldID*) 23
Note: the subclass
hierarchy is complete.
Mapping weak entity sets
A weak entity class is mapped to a relation, including
– foreign key pointing to the supporting class entity
– any attributes of the weak entity set itself
– PK: foreign key attributes to the supporting entity
set(s) and any PK attributes of the weak entity set
Mapping weak entity sets: example
Show(title, plot)
Studio(name, address)
Episode(show-title*, seasonNo, episodeNo, storyline, studio-name*)
ER2 26
ER Diagram Design Principles
• An ER diagram is a database schema and should
only include entities and relationships for which
data will be kept.
– Entities keep data.
– Relationships also keep data.
• Avoid redundancy.
– One piece of information is modelled only once.
• Simpler is better.
– Don’t use an entity set when an attribute will do.
A bad design
The below ER diagram has redundancy and is
unnecessarily complex.
A good design and its mapping
Student(studentNo, givename, surname)
Course(cno, title, lect_givename, lect_surname)
Result(studentNo*, cno*, grade)
ER2 29
Example ERD: The Employee database
- The subclass hierarchy is
ER2 30
Mapping into a relational database schema
Client(cNo, cName, streetAddr, suburb, postcode)
Project(pNo, pTitle, type, costingtype)
Department(deptName, location)
Employee(eNo, givename, famname, deptName*)
Contract_Emp(eNo*, renew, contractNo*)
Contract(contractNo, sign_date)
WorkOn(cNo*, pNo*, eNo*)
• Principle for ERD design: simpler is better.
• ERD is the first step for designing a database.
ERD is mapped to a relational database
• How to examine the ”goodness” of a relational
database schema will be discussed in
“Relational database design” and




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