程序代写案例-CSE 381

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CSE 381 Exam #1 Miami University

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CSE 381-- Systems 2: OS, Currency, Virtualization, and Security
Miami University
Exam 1

There are 11 questions for a total of 100 points.
Maximum Possible Score: 100 points

NAME (PRINT IN ALL CAPS): _______________________________________________

General Instructions

• Wait until you are instructed to start.
• First, ensure you have all the 13 pages of this exam booklet before starting.
• This exam is closed notes and closed books. No discussions are permitted.
• Even if your final answers are incorrect, you will get partial credit if intermediate
steps are clearly shown to highlight thought process. This applies to program
tracing questions as well.
• All work must be written on the exam pages in order to be graded. Any scrap
paper used, must be the extra sheets provided during the exam period.
• For programming questions: Be accurate with your C++ syntax. This includes
appropriate use of braces, semicolons, and the proper use of upper/lowercase
letters. Points will be deducted for syntax errors in programs and C++ statements
that you write in this exam.
• You are permitted to use a simple calculator. You calculator cannot be: a graphing
calculator, cannot have a QWERTY keyboard, or be integrated with other electronic
devices such as: iPods, PDAs, and cellular phones.
• You have about two hours (120 minutes) to complete the exam.

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Multiple Choice Questions [42 Points]

1. Clearly circle only the best response for each question below. If your choice is not
clearly indicated or if multiple choices seem to be selected then you will not earn any
points for that question. If you change your answer, ensure that your final answer is
clearly highlighted. Each question is worth 2 points.

i. A structured thought process is critical for developing good, maintainable
programs. A key indicator of lack of structured thinking is
A. Methods longer than 25-lines of code
B. Many methods in one program.
C. Many objects in one method
D. A method with many calls to other methods

ii. Most modern operating systems use 2-stage boot loading because
A. 1st stage cannot store a complex boot loader
B. 1st is to too large to store on disk
C. It is needed to fork a new process
D. Because a 3-stage boot loading is not allowed

iii. In the context of computer hardware, what is BIOS
A. First program that runs on a computer
B. A special user interface
C. Hardware on a computer
D. The Master Boot Record

iv. What is the convention that is used for the 1st command-line argument, in the list
of arguments passed to the execvp system call?

A. The 1st argument should be the command executed
B. The 1st argument should be nullptr
C. The first argument should be empty string
D. The first argument should be zero CPU

o not w
rite letters here. Instead, clearly circle one best response for each question

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v. The exit code from the child process is:

A. The return value from the main function of the child process
B. The PID of the child process
C. Zero in child and non-zero in parent
D. The PID of the parent process
vi. The exit code from the child process is obtained via:

A. Argument to the waitpid system call
B. Return value of fork system call
C. Return value of exitCode system call
D. Cannot be determined
vii. What is the expansion of the acronym, GNU?
A. GNU's Not Unix
B. GNU/Linux
C. Great Next Unix
D. This is not an acronym

viii. In order to write data to a file, the correct stream to use is

A. std::ofstream
B. std::ifstream
C. std::istringstream
D. std::cin

ix. The correct approach/method to check if a given value exists in an
unordered_map is to use

A. Use find() method
B. Use [] and check for zero/null
C. Use the insert method
D. Use the has() method
o not w
rite letters here. Instead, clearly circle one best response for each question

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x. Assume the forkNexec method below is a helper method that – runs a given
program in a child process while returning PID of the child in the parent process.
What would be the estimated runtime of the sleepy method?

A. 5 seconds
B. 2 seconds
C. 3 seconds
D. 4 seconds
xi. When listing files using the ls command on Linux, the correct combination of
permission flags that indicate read-&-execute for group members is:
A. rw- r-x r--
B. rwx –wx ---
C. r-x rw- r--
D. rwx --x r-w
xii. Which one of the following streams can be used for redirection or piping?
E. std::cin
F. std::ofstream
G. std::ostringstream
H. All of the above
xiii. Given the following bash command, how many child processing are being
$ ls -lh | tr -s " "

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1

// Helper method
int forkNexec(std::vector argList);

void sleepy() {
int pid1 = forkNexec({"sleep", "3"});
waitpid(pid1, nullptr, 0);
int pid2 = forkNexec({"sleep", "2"});
waitpid(pid2, nullptr, 0);
o not w
rite letters here. Instead, clearly circle one best response for each question

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xiv. Assume the following method is being run by a process. Excluding this parent
process (i.e., the process that is initially running the method below), the total
number of additional child processes created would be:

A. 7
B. 5
C. 3
D. This program is wrong (as return value of fork is not used)
xv. The correct bash command to write the output of the ps command to a file named
output.txt is:
A. ps > output.txt
B. ps < output.txt
C. ps | output.txt
D. ps output.txt

xvi. The return value of the fork (system call) is:
E. Zero in the child process
F. Zero in the parent process
G. Fork never returns on success
H. The return value depends on the program being run

xvii. The following for-loop that iterates over a string. It works just fine. However, the
compiler generates a warning – “warning: comparison between signed and
unsigned integer expressions”. The correct solution to fix this issue would be:

A. Change int to size_t
B. Change the string to const
C. It is incorrect to modify the string
D. Use a suitable type cast for comparison

void forkyMon() {
std::string str = "some data";
for (int i = 0; (i < str.size()); i++) {
str[i] = '*';
o not w
rite letters here. Instead, clearly circle one best response for each question

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xviii. All of us get only one chance to make a good "first impression". When your
prospective employer looks at an example source code (or program) you have
developed, the first thing that people see is:

A. Style and formatting
B. If the program runs correctly
C. If the source code is available on the internet
D. If the source code compiles.

xix. The value stored in variable s shown below is (Note: sub-string in C++ has
different parameters than Java)
A. “234”
B. “23”
C. “123”
D. This is an invalid method call

xx. Given the following declaration, which of the following is a valid method call?

A. callMe();
B. callMe(os, str, i);
C. callMe(std::cin, “***”, 10);
D. callMe(os = std::cout, str = "", i = 5);

std::string str = "123456789";
std::string s = str.substr(1, 3);
void callMe(std::ostream& os = std::cout,
const std::string& str = "",
int i = 5);
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Short Answer Questions [12 points]
2. Briefly (1 sentence each) the key steps involved in Booting an operating system?
[4 points]
• First the BIOS runs and initializes the hardware
• BIOS loads the 1st stage boot loader from the primary boost device
• The 1st stage boot loader runs and loads 2nd stage boot loader
• The 2nd stage boot loader loads the OS kernel
• The kernel loads device drivers that initialize all the hardware
• The kernel then starts up system programs
• The user is prompted to login

3. What does the const at the end of members methods in C++ indicate – as in
what can/cannot such methods do? [4 points]

Constant methods are methods can be called on both constant and non-constant
objects. A constant method guarantees that it will never directly or indirectly (by
calling other non-const methods) modify instance variables in the object, thereby
ensuring the object is not mutated (i.e., changed/modified).

No, other languages like Java, Python, C# etc. do not have such a robust const
methods – thereby preventing programmers from developing good APIs and
robust solutions.

4. What is a system call and how does it operate to permit the execution of
privileged operations on behalf of a user (maximum 2-to-3 sentences)? [4 points]

The operation through which an user-application interacts with an OS is called a
system call. When a process makes a system call (aka syscall) there is switch from
user-space (ring 3) to kernel-space (ring 0) and the system call actually runs in kernel
space (ring 0). Once the OS has completed the system call it switches back to user-

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Linux questions [10 points]

5. A GNU/Linux server has three users alice, bob, and eve. Only alice and
bob are part of a group named friends. Show the permissions (in the form
rwxrwxrwx) for the following 2 files such that: [5 points]
a. All three can read and execute file1.txt, but none can write to it
b. alice can only read and bob can only write to file2.txt, while eve
has no permissions

r-x r-x r-x alice friends 280 Mar 3 18:00 file1.txt

r-- -w- --- alice friends 1120 Mar 3 18:00 file2.txt

6. Assume you are given a text file named
courses.txt in CSV (comma separated
values) format. The columns are in the
order --
lege. Using Linux commands, show 1
software pipeline to print names (2nd column) of all CSE courses (i.e., the 1st
column starts with "cse") taught in college “cec” (last
column). For example, given adjacent data, the expected output
is shown. [5 points]

$ cut -d”,” -f1,2,5 | grep “,cec” | grep “cse” | cut -d”,” -f2

$ cut -d”,” -f1,2,5 | grep “,cec$” | grep “^cse” | cut -d”,” -f2

cse278,Systems 1,054,Rao,cec
cse381,Systems 2,054,Johnson,cec
Systems 1
Systems 2
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Programming questions [38 points]
7. Assume the main method below is begin run in the grandparent
process labeled ①. Complete the main method below, to create
the process hierarchy shown in the adjacent figure. You don't
need to show the associated waitpid calls. Note: This is an
advanced course. Hence, full points are assigned only for correct
and concise solutions. [6 points]

// Assume all #include s are here!
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (fork() != 0) {
// Created 2, and in 1 to create 3 & 4
if (fork() == 0) {
// Running on 3
if (fork() != 0) { // Create 4
wait(nullptr); // Wait for 4 in 3
} else {
wait(nullptr); // wait for 3 in 1
wait(nullptr); // wait for 2 in 1
return 0;

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8. A standard GNU/Linux groups file is being obtained
from a standard HTTP web-server as shown in the
starter code below. Complete the main method to
process the groups' data and print group-names in
which two given users, specified as 2-command line
arguments, are both members. For example, given
the following response from the web-server, the expected output is shown further
below. [10 points]

Content-Type: text/plain
... (many HTTP response headers removed for brevity)
Content-Length: 282
Server: Apache

Expected output:

Note: This is an advanced course and hence, full points are reserved for a concise

// Assume all #include s are here!
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
const std::string host = "www.users.miamioh.edu";
tcp::iostream is(host, "80");
is << "GET /raodm/groups.txt HTTP/1.1\r\n"
<< "Host: " << host << "\r\n"
<< "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

const std::string user1 = std::string(argv[1]) + ",";
const std::string user2 = std::string(argv[2]) + ",";
// Skip over the HTTP-response headers
for (std::string hdr; std::getline(is, hdr) && !hdr.empty() &&
hdr != "\r";) {}
// Process each group line
for (std::string line; std::getline(is, line);) {
line += ','; // Ease correct matching
if ((line.find(user1) != std::string::npos) &&
(line.find(user2) != std::string::npos)) {
std::cout << line.substr(0, line.find(':')) << '\n';

return 0;

Example output:
$ ./ex1 23 5741 18 3347
23: terminated
5741: not terminated
18: not terminated
3347: terminated
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9. Assume process hierarchy information has been
stored in a simple text file with 3 columns, in
the order process id (pid), parent-process id
(ppid), and command (cmd) as shown in the
adjacent example. Implement the load and
printHierarchy methods in the Proc
a. Concisely implement the load method [6
points]. An example of data loaded in the
above two unordered maps by the load
method is shown in the figure below.

b. Concisely implement the printHierarchy method to print (to
std::cout) the complete process
hierarchy for a given pid [6 points]. For
example, given the above example unordered
maps, and pid = 5 (the process hierarchy is 1 → 7 → 5), the method should
print (note the parent-to-child order for printing) as shown in the adjacent
figure. Note: Thinking recursively makes the printHierarchy method very
concise. Do not hard code to given values. They are just examples. Your
solution must work with any given valid data — yes, for this method you may
assume the 2 unordered maps will always contain valid values.

void Proc::load(const std::string& fileName) {
std::ifstream is(fileName);
int pid, ppid;
std::string cmd;
while (is >> pid >> ppid >> cmd) {
pid2ppid[pid] = ppid;
pid2cmd[pid] = cmd;

void Proc::printHierarchy(int pid) const {
// Implement this method to print the full process heirearchy
// in a parent-to-child order.
if (pid2ppid.find(pid) != pid2ppid.end()) {
// First print parent information.
// Print information about this process
std::cout << pid << " " << pid2cmd.at(pid) << std::endl;
7 1 /usr/lib/logind
1235 2000 chorme
... (many removed for brevity)
5 7 /bin/bash
... (many removed for brevity)
1 0 /sbin/init
... (many removed brevity)
class Proc {
void load(const std::string&
fileName =

void printHierarchy(int pid)

/** Maps a process ID
(pid) to its parent-process ID
(ppid) */
std::unordered_mapint> pid2ppid;

/** Maps a pid to the
command it is running */
std::unordered_mapstd::string> pid2cmd;
1 /sbin/init
7 /usr/lib/logind
5 /bin/bash
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10. On GNU/Linux each process is assigned a unique process ID
(pid) in the range 1 to 65,535. The ps -er -p
command can be used to check if a given process is running – e.g.,
ps -er -p 123 yields an exit code of 0 (zero) if the process
with pid 123 is in running state or a non-zero exit code if the
process 123 is not in running state. Using the above information, complete the
program below to print the PIDs (one per line) of all running processes, as shown
in the adjacent sample output.

Note: This is an advanced course. Hence full points are assigned only to concise

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

for (int i = 1; (i < 65'535); i++) {
std::string checkPid = std::to_string(i);
int childPid = fork();
if (childPid == 0) {
execlp("ps", "ps", "-er", "-p", &checkPid[0], nullptr);
int exitCode = -1;
waitpid(childPid, &exitCode, 0);
if (exitCode == 0) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;

return 0;

$ ./exam1

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