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SEMESTER 2 2020-21
ECON6008 Industrial Economics
Duration: long take-home assignment
This paper contains 3 questions
Answer ALL three questions.
Question 1 carries 40 marks and each other question carries 30 marks for this
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1. Consider a Cournot oligopoly with three …rms i = 1; 2; 3. All …rms
have the same constant marginal cost c = 1. The inverse demand
function of the market is given by P = 9Q, where P is the market
price, and Q =
i=1 qi is the aggregate output.
(a) Solve for the Nash equilibrium of the game including …rm out-
puts, market price, aggregate output, and …rm pro…ts (Hint: the
NE is symmetric). [20]
(b) Now suppose these three …rms play a 2-stage game. In stage
1, they produce capacities q1, q2 and q3, which are equal to the
Nash equilibrium quantities of the Cournot game characterised
by part (a). In stage 2, they simultaneously decide on their
prices p1, p2 and p3. The marginal cost for each …rm to sell up
to capacity is 0. It is impossible to sell more than capacity. The
residual demand for …rm i is
Di (pi; pi) =
9 pi
j 6=i qj if pi > pj for all j 6= i
3 if pi = pj for all j 6= i
9 pi if pi < pj for all j 6= i
(Note, here we assume that the e¢ cient/parallel rationing ap-
plies). Prove that it is a Nash equilibrium of the second stage
subgame that each …rm charges the market clearing price p =
9 q1 q2 q3. [20]
2. Consider an in…nitely repeated Bertrand oligopoly game with dis-
count factor < 1. The unit cost of production is a constant
c = 0:2 and the same for all n > 2 …rms. There are no …xed costs.
Describe a form of “trigger”strategies that can facilitate tacit collu-
sion in pricing. Determine the condition under which such strategies
can sustain the monopoly price in each of the following cases:
(a) The market demand in each period is D (p) = 1p. (Calculate [15]
the monopoly price and pro…t explicitly in your answer.)
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(b) At the end of each period, the market ceases to exist with prob- [15]
ability .
3. Consider a duopoly market, where two …rms sell di¤erentiated prod-
ucts, which are imperfect substitutes. The market can be modelled
as a static price competition game, similar to a linear city model.
The two …rms choose prices p1 and p2 simultaneously. The derived
demand functions for the two …rms are: D1 (p1; p2) = S2 +
and D2 (p1; p2) = S2 +
2t , where S > 0 and the parameter t > 0
measures the degree of product di¤erentiation. Both …rms have
constant marginal cost c > 0 for production.
(a) Derive the Nash equilibrium of this game, including the prices,
outputs and pro…ts of the two …rms. [10]
(b) From the demand functions, qi = Di (pi; pj) = S2 +
2t , derive
the residual inverse demand functions: pi = Pi(qi; pj) (work out
Pi(qi; pj)). Show that for t > 0, Pi(qi; pj) is downward-sloping,
i.e., @Pi(qi;pj)@qi < 0. Argue that, taking pj 0 as given, …rm i
is like a monopolist facing a residual inverse demand, and the
optimal qi (which equates marginal revenue and marginal cost)
or pi makes Pi(qi; pj) = pi > c, i.e., …rm i has market power. [10]
(c) Calculate the limits of the equilibrium prices and pro…ts as t!
0. What is Pi(qi; pj) as t ! 0? Is it downward sloping? Ar-
gue that the Bertrand Paradox (i.e., the prediction of the static
Bertrand duopoly model, where p1 = p

2 = c) holds only in the
extreme case of t = 0. [10]
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