程序代写案例-CSE 30

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ARM Reference Card for CSE 30 Winter 2021 v3
Arithmetic Instructions
ADD ADD R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] + R[3]
SUB SUB R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] - R[3]
RSB RSB R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[3] - R[2]
MUL MUL R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] * R[3]
R1 gets only bottom 32 bits
[U/S]MULL [U/S]MULL R0, R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2]*R[3][b’63-32]
R[0] = R[2]*R[3][b’31-0]
MOV MOV R0, R1 R[0] = R[1]
MVN MOVN R0, R1 R[0] = !R[1]
! is the 1s complement
Bitwise and Shift Instructions
AND AND R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] & R[3]
ORR ORR R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] | R[3]
EOR EOR R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] ^ R[3]
BIC BIC R1, R2, R3 R[1] = R[2] & !R[3]
ASR ASR R1, R2, #5 R[1] = R[2] >> 5 (sign extend)
LSR LSR R1, R2, #5 R[1] = R[2] >> 5 (zero extend)
LSL LSL R1, R2, #5 R[1] = R[2] << 5
Control Flow Instructions
CMP CMP R1, R2 Set Cond. Flags using R[1] - R[2]
B B Label Unconditionally goto Label
BL BL Label Unconditionally goto Label
R[14] = PC+4
BX BX R14 PC = R[14]
BEQ BEQ Label Branch to Label if Equal
BNE BNE Label Branch to Label if Not Equal
BLE BLE Label Branch to Label if Less Than or Equal
BLT BLT Label Branch to Label if Less Than
BGE BGE Label Branch to Label if Greater Than or Equal
BGT BGT Label Branch to Label if Greater Than

Data Transfer Instructions
LDR/LDRH/LDRB LDR R1, [R0] R[1] = Mem[ R[0] ];
LDRSH/LDRSB LDRSH R1, [R0] R[1] = Mem[ R[0] ]; sign extend value
STR/STRH/STRB STR R1, [R0] Mem[ R[0] ] = R[1]
PUSH PUSH {R4-R6, LR, FP} Store the contents of registers R4 through R6, LR and FP on
the stack. Update the stack pointer.
POP POP {R4-R6, LR, FP} Load from the stack into registers R4 through R6, LR and FP.
Update the stack pointer.
Base + Displacement
LDR/LDRH/LDRB LDR R1, [R0, #4] R[1] = Mem[ R[0] + 4 ];
LDRSH/LDRSB LDR R1, [R0, #4] R[1] = Mem[ R[0] + 4 ]; sign extend value
STR/STRH/STRB STR R1, [R0, #4] Mem[ R[0] + 4 ] = R[1]
Name Use Preserved
R0 General Purpose, Argument, and Return Value No
R1-R3 General Purpose No
R4-R10 General Purpose Yes
R11 (FP) Frame Pointer Yes
R12 Intra Proc. Call No
R13(SP) Stack Pointer Yes
R14(LR) Link Register Yes
R15(PC) Program Counter No
CPSR Flags No
v1 changed sdr to str
v2 list link register as




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