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CS220 Fall 2020 - Final Exam Solutions

2. Write the most general (possibly parametric) type signature for the following function:
let h = f => g => x => f(f(g))(g(x))
Solution: Let T be the type of x. Then g: T => R. Since f(g) is argument of f, but also has its result
type, f has the same argument and result type, that of g, T => R. In turn, since g(x) is of type R and
argument to f(f(g)), of type T => R, we have T = R. Thus, h has type
((T => T) => T => T) => (T => T) => T => T, with => being right-associative.

3. Write a function that takes a list whose elements are lists and produces a “flattened” list
with the elements of list 1, followed by those of list 2, etc.

function flatten(lls) {
function append(l1, l2) {
return l1.isEmpty() ? l2 : node(l1.head(),append(l1.tail(),l2));
return lls.isEmpty() ? lls : append(lls.head(),flatten(lls.tail()));
Comment: this is not tail-recursive. One could tail-recursively build the reverse, and reverse it.

4. 1. Write a function that takes an array `[a1, a2, …, an]`, a function `f`, and a thunk `st` for a
memoized stream, and returns the stream of values `f(a1), f(a2), …, f(an)`, followed by all
elements produced by `st`. The thunk `st` is of type `Memo>`, which would be
produced by a call like `memo0(() => somestream)`. Use `reduceRight()`, no loops.

let prepend = (a, f, st) => a.reduceRight((acc, e) =>
memo0(() => snode(f(e), acc)), st).get();

2. Write a function that takes an array of infinite streams, and returns a stream that
interleaves their values (all first values of all streams, then all second values, etc.)
You may use the function you wrote above, and `map()` for arrays. Use no loops.

let interall = a => prepend(a, s => s.head(),
memo0(() => interall(a.map(s => s.tail()))));

3. Write a function that takes an array of letters (one-character strings), and returns the
stream of all strings that can be formed with these letters, starting with the empty string
`""`. It should be possible to obtain any string with a finite number of `tail()` operations on
the produced stream.
Hint: Generate the strings ordered by length, and alphabetically for the same length.
Produce longer strings by appending a letter to each string of the stream. Use the
interleaving function you wrote above, and `map()` for streams. Use no loops.

let allstr = a => snode("", memo0(() =>
interall(a.map(sym => smap(allstr(a), str => str + sym)))));
5. Write a function that evaluates an expression, as given by parser.parseExpression(...).value.
Return Success(true) or Success(false) if the expression can be evaluated to a Boolean, using
short-circuit evaluation, and the only expression nodes accessed in this process are the
constants true and false, and the operators && and ||. Return Failure with an informative
message in any other case.
function booleval(e) {
switch(e.kind) {
case 'boolean': return new Success(e.value);
case 'operator': switch(e.op) {
case '&&': return booleval(e.e1).then(v =>
v ? booleval(e.e2) : new Success(false));
case '||': return booleval(e.e1).then(v =>
v ? new Success(true) : booleval(e.e2));
default: return new Failure('unknown operator ' + e.op);
default: return new Failure('unknown node ' + e.kind);
6. Write a class that supports both memoized evaluation of a function and communication of
newly computed values to subscribed observers. The constructor of this class should have two
arguments, `f` and `n`, where `f` is a function that takes a natural number as argument, and `n`
is the number of values to memoize, from `f(0)` to `f(n-1)`.
The class should have a method `get(k: number)`, returning `f(k)`, and a `subscribe` method
with the semantics seen for the Observables design pattern.
class MemoFun {
constructor(f, n) {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { arr.push({ eval: false }); }
let observers = [];
this.get = function(i) {
if (0 <= i && i < n) {
if (!arr[i].eval) {
arr[i] = { eval: true, v: f(i) }
return arr[i].v;
} else {
let v = f(i);
return v;
this.subscribe = func => observers.push(func);
this.update = val => observers.forEach(func => func(val));

7. Write a function that performs multiplication of two natural numbers, working on their
binary representations.
Fill in the code skeleton given below, and argue correctness based on writing invariants and

function bitmul(a, b) {
let x = a;
let y = b;
let r = 0;
// invariant: r + x * y = a * b
// initially: 0 + a*b = a*b
while (y > 0) { // y is the loop variant for termination
// y = 2*(y/2) + y % 2, or y = 2 * (y >> 1) + (y & 1)
// r + x * (2*(y/2) + y % 2) = a * b
if ((y & 1) > 0) { r += x; }
// r + x * (2*(y/2)) = a * b
y = y >> 1; // y strictly decreases, so loop terminates
x = x << 1;
// r + x * y = a * b (invariant reestablished)
// r + x * y = a * b && y = 0 => r = a * b
return r;




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